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Old 1st May 2015, 11:50   #4756
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Re: The Official Fuel Prices Thread

It's so easy to see why petrol price gets reduced by a pittance, but goes up enormously each time there is a price change (compared to diesel). The official policy, which remains exactly the same irrespective of the government of the day, is to screw petrol users as much as possible, over and over again. After all, petrol car users or moped/scooter/commuter motorcycle riders are never going to say a word in protest (let alone go on strike, throw rocks, damage property, act like thugs etc.) So yeah, go ahead and screw them for eternity!

If the following is anything to go by, the government and PSU oil cabal (hand-in-hand, as always) are all set to squeeze petrol users even further, possibly much harder in the future:

In the article, the writer wonders:

Jaitley had budgeted fuel subsidy at Rs 30,000 crore for this financial year. The official said it could now go up to as much as Rs 40,000 crore but did not elaborate on how the government planned to fund or free up fiscal space for the additional sum.
Did not elaborate on how the government planned to fund the additional subsidy on LPG and kerosene?

Ha! That's easy - let petrol users pick up the tab, however big it turns out to be! Ain't that the driving force behind the tried-and-tested license raj filth, which has surely & steadily morphed into the lobby raj crap?

Reward the freeloaders, murderous adulteration mafia and assorted racketeers with cheap subsidised stuff (so they can loot, cheat and adulterate even more) and let the those who already pay full price pick up the resulting tab!

Not a single mainstream media outlet is highlighting this gross injustice to petrol users. Shameless stooges that've sold out their souls, every single one of them!

Last edited by RSR : 1st May 2015 at 12:12.
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Old 1st May 2015, 12:38   #4757
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Re: The Official Fuel Prices Thread

Originally Posted by RSR View Post
.....screw petrol users as much as possible, over and over again....
You are 100 % right. But what these moron politicians do not realise is that the members of the 'aam junta", read voter class, can only afford 2-wheelers which run on petrol only. If these political jokers have any foresight, they should crash prices of petrol. I don't care how they do it. They can, if they wish to. After all, since independence we have been witnessing financial jugglery and manipulations. Commonman doesn't feel the pinch of diesel price hike as it is absorbed into price of goods whereas cost of petrol comes straight out of aam admi's pocket so it hurts him more. Can someone enlighten our moronic politicians.
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Old 1st May 2015, 14:25   #4758
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Re: The Official Fuel Prices Thread

And the deregulation farce continues!

What intrigues me is this -
I can understand why the Govt. and the oil PSU mafia is acting in such clandestine manner but what about our ever vigilant media? These people track every sneeze and cough from some insignificant politician but how such a big sham in the name of fuel price deregulation continues under their noses without ever getting reported?
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Old 1st May 2015, 15:42   #4759
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Re: The Official Fuel Prices Thread

I hear some rumours that an Excise reduction may be on the cards. Let us see. No rumours on the VAT yet. VAT is a state subject.
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Old 2nd May 2015, 09:27   #4760
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Re: The Official Fuel Prices Thread

This is actually not at all surprising. It's almost like a trend , reduce in Paisa's and increase multiple times more in Rupees ( Some even predicted this as soon as the price was reduced the last time ).

This government ( or all governments for that matter ) pretends to care for us but in reality they only care about themselves and the oil mafia. Why else would you not encourage electric car manufacturers from entering the country by providing them heavy tax discounts or any other subsidies.

The media also is to be blamed for this. If Sharukh Khan sneezes it's a news. But if common man struggles due to this absurd price increase , it's never spoken or debated about. Few months back Excise and VAT was increased too but no one made any fuzz about that ( most probably everyone has forgotten about it already ), but media should have brought that up.
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Old 2nd May 2015, 09:41   #4761
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Re: The Official Fuel Prices Thread

@stanjohn1234; Can you please elaborate on the term oil mafia. I frankly do not understand this stereotype.
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Old 2nd May 2015, 13:15   #4762
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Re: The Official Fuel Prices Thread

Originally Posted by adimicra View Post
And the deregulation farce continues!

What intrigues me is this -
I can understand why the Govt. and the oil PSU mafia is acting in such clandestine manner but what about our ever vigilant media? These people track every sneeze and cough from some insignificant politician but how such a big sham in the name of fuel price deregulation continues under their noses without ever getting reported?
Ambani pays out everybody in one way or another if they affect him. If not him then the oil corporations and marketing companies know exactly which media houses and journalists to buy out to nip any negative publicity. This can be through expensive gifts/jewellery/cars during diwali or birthday gifts to wives and children of those concerned. There are many ways to bell the cat.
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Old 14th May 2015, 20:31   #4763
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Re: The Official Fuel Prices Thread

Is there any increase in the fuel prices again either today or tomorrow? Read this on and not sure if this is a rumor.
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Old 14th May 2015, 20:36   #4764
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Re: The Official Fuel Prices Thread

Friends, there is an increase of both petrol and diesel either by tonight or tomorrow. Grapevine is that it could be around Rs. 2.00.

On the hindsight, please think is it really worth queuing up and creating pandemonium which could actually delay those in real need to fill up. Our tanks can't hold so much to make a big difference to our wallet, and we can avoid all the extra traffic snarls around the retail outlets. IMHO our time and energy is worth more
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Old 15th May 2015, 09:57   #4765
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Re: The Official Fuel Prices Thread

@sumzup; I will be not be surprised by another hike, whether is is ₹2 or more we will have to see. Queuing up is a panic reaction, dating back to old days when every budget had hikes on everything. Markets would go empty. Work out even with a hike, how much money you save - insignificant in my view. 30 litres at ₹2 works out to ₹60!
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Old 15th May 2015, 13:58   #4766
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Re: The Official Fuel Prices Thread

Originally Posted by sgiitk View Post
@sumzup; I will be not be surprised by another hike, whether is is ₹2 or more we will have to see. Queuing up is a panic reaction, dating back to old days when every budget had hikes on everything. Markets would go empty. Work out even with a hike, how much money you save - insignificant in my view. 30 litres at ₹2 works out to ₹60!
Very True Sgiitk, it is sad that we don't look at plugging other forms of leaks which could save us far more than what we would by wasting our time queuing. Those days, every penny mattered and our philosophy of saving was far more profound than today's diluted ways which makes me remember the old English saying "penny wise pound foolish" or rather rupee foolish
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Old 15th May 2015, 18:25   #4767
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Re: The Official Fuel Prices Thread

Petrol price hiked by Rs. 3.13 a litre, diesel by Rs. 2.71 per litre, with effect from midnight tonight: PTI (Source: NDTV.COM)

Another hike.

Last edited by napster1311 : 15th May 2015 at 18:26.
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Old 15th May 2015, 18:31   #4768
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Re: The Official Fuel Prices Thread

Originally Posted by napster1311 View Post
Petrol price hiked by Rs. 3.13 a litre, diesel by Rs. 2.71 per litre, with effect from midnight tonight: PTI (Source: NDTV.COM)

Another hike.
Seems that the UPA left two instalments of the IMF in arrears, and the NDA has paid a third in advance. hence there may be not much scope in the excise.
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Old 15th May 2015, 18:41   #4769
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Re: The Official Fuel Prices Thread

Fuel prices hiked once again after April, 2015. Petrol price hiked by Rs. 3.13 per liter and Diesel by Rs. 2.71 per liter effective midnight of 15th May, 2015.

Petrol and diesel prices were raised for the second time in a row on Friday, after two rounds of cuts prior to that. While petrol prices were hiked by 3.13 per litre, diesel prices were raised by Rs 2.71 Per litre, tracking global cues.

The increase in petrol and diesel prices will be effective from Friday/Saturday midnight.
Fuel prices were on last revised on April 30 by Rs 3.96 per litre and diesel by Rs 2.37 a litre, tracking global cues.

Oil companies review global crude prices every fortnight and revise fuel prices accordingly.
Source -
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Old 15th May 2015, 18:53   #4770
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Re: The Official Fuel Prices Thread

Petrol up yet again by Rs 3.13/Ltr

Diesel up yet again by 2.71/Ltr

New prices effective from midnight tonight.

EDIT : Between my logging in and reaching this thread, two posts already up on the price rise. Bad news surely travels fast

Last edited by khoj : 15th May 2015 at 18:55.
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