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Old 8th October 2011, 16:01   #1396
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Re: Shell fuel price discussion thread. Update: Going down cheaper than PSU's.

Any recent updates on Shell regular price in Bangalore ?
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Old 8th October 2011, 23:35   #1397
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Re: Shell fuel price discussion thread. Update: Going down cheaper than PSU's.

No reply yet, anyways filled at shell outlet myself
Shell regular is now at 74.78.
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Old 9th October 2011, 01:40   #1398
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Re: Shell fuel price discussion thread. Update: Going down cheaper than PSU's.

I think shell petrol stations are just great. They sell useful things in their shops, including food and chocolate, and they are always clean with polite and efficient staff.

Also have you noticed that non-shell petrol bunks often have no paved section between the road and the concrete where their pumps are? In other words you have to go across some bumpy pot-hole and mud filled section before you get to their pumps. This to me sums up the attitude of non-shell pumps - they don't give a toss about their customers.

I fill up with shell wherever possible and go (a bit) out of my way to do so, in my appreciation both of their attitude and the quality of their products. I vote with my cash.

Off topic - I think 2 stroke autos should be banned - their pollution contributes for most (> 70%) of all urban pollution, and can be eradicated simply by replacing with 4 strokes. Would like to see Karnataka have the guts to do that :-)
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Old 10th October 2011, 16:02   #1399
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Re: Shell fuel price discussion thread. Update: Going down cheaper than PSU's.

@achtung. Your wish read as my wish too that The 2 stroke autos are banned. Our wishes gonna come true. But on The other side i got to know that along with banning of 2 stroke autos they're giving 40000 fresh licenses to The 4 stroke autos. One way or The other The pain never seems to ease with respect to autos.
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Old 10th October 2011, 16:19   #1400
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Re: Shell fuel price discussion thread. Update: Going down cheaper than PSU's.

Full tank of Fuel in Shell whitefield, too my ANHC from BLR to Goa over the weekend. Not only did I get better mileage I also managed to pay less! (all of us are entitled to some little moments on happiness at times :-) )

I got it at 74.48 /- BLR, Shell whitefield.

But then on the way back GOA was a shocker to me Petrol at 66.74 ? That is 11 less than BLR. What ever is be the justification from the Govt. for such rates in Karnataka, its CRIMINAL, this price in BLR!

But Shell it is now!
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Old 10th October 2011, 16:35   #1401
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Re: Shell fuel price discussion thread. Update: Going down cheaper than PSU's.

Recently, I got my Punto's tank filled at the Shell pump on Varthur Road. The cost was 74.48 per litre and I filled around 35 litres. After my visit to Shivanasamudra, Talakkad and Somanathpura, it was reaching the empty mark but there was still some gap to the red line on the fuel gauge.

I was going to Belur the next day and filled fuel near Nelamangala Indian Oil pump. The cost was around 74.33. But it took 39 litres to fill the tank. I was pretty sure that the car had atleast 10 litres in it ( and the tank capacity is 45 litres ) . So I'm pretty sure there was a difference of atleast 4 litres while filling up at this particular pump.

On the next day, I again went to Shell and this time, my car was already in the red zone for around 15 kms and again, only 36 litres of fuel went in. So, inspite of being a little bit costly per litre, Shell still works out cheaper when you consider the quantity and quality.
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Old 10th October 2011, 16:43   #1402
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Re: Shell fuel price discussion thread. Update: Going down cheaper than PSU's.

Originally Posted by man_and_machine View Post
I got it at 74.48 /- BLR, Shell whitefield.

But then on the way back GOA was a shocker to me Petrol at 66.74 ? That is 11 less than BLR.
Err!! it is 7.74/- difference and not 11/-.
I have never filled shell because I pay with Citibank IOCL card at IOC pump and till now have redeemed more than Rs. 5000/- of points for petrol.
But I think Shell is worth the try once. I am due to fill my tank in 2-3 days time, will try Shell this time.
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Old 10th October 2011, 17:04   #1403
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Re: Shell fuel price discussion thread. Update: Going down cheaper than PSU's.

@Newpunter- I have had a similar experience. My Vento takes in about 42-45 litres when I refuel (almost exclusively at Shell). Once I was in the city and the low fuel indicator started flashing (distance to empty <40km). I decided not to risk it and tanked up at a BP pump and o my shock 53 litres went in! Even assuming I was at the lowermost level I had ever been it seemed excessive. I waited for that load to get used up, then refuelled at almost the same point at Shell and only about 47 litres went in!
Sorry to say but a lot of the PSU pumps rip customers off with their tampered meters. Not to mention that cheap "filling from 100/200/500" trick they pull off very often here in Pune, which was what drove me to Shell in the first place!
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Old 10th October 2011, 17:07   #1404
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Re: Shell fuel price discussion thread. Update: Going down cheaper than PSU's.

I don't see anyone not praising Shell. Despite the popularity, any idea why Shell hasn't spread across India?

I think it's there only in a handful of cities.

Originally Posted by noopster View Post
tanked up at a BP pump and o my shock 53 litres went in! Even assuming I was at the lowermost level I had ever been it seemed excessive. I waited for that load to get used up, then refuelled at almost the same point at Shell and only about 47 litres went in!
There is no doubt that PSUs rip customers off.

But, can there a difference in the "auto cut-off" point caliberation in the fuel dispensers at PSUs and Shell? Of course, there's no way there'll be a difference of 6l.
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Old 10th October 2011, 17:11   #1405
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Re: Shell fuel price discussion thread. Update: Going down cheaper than PSU's.

^^ Good point libran but I have filled at "trusted" PSU pumps and never have 53 litres gone in!

Fair to say that particular pump is run by a crook. COCO outlets are in general less untrustworthy than your average PSU pump.

The point is- I have *never* experienced anything of this sort at Shell. Even when they were charging a premium of 6/- over PSUs, their customers (self included) did not migrate their business elsewhere. What does that say about the brand?

As for not expanding, someone told me the reason is that Shell is prohibited from setting up outlets within city limits, thanks to protectionist policies adopted by the Government. Shameful.

Last edited by noopster : 10th October 2011 at 17:14.
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Old 10th October 2011, 17:19   #1406
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Re: Shell fuel price discussion thread. Update: Going down cheaper than PSU's.

Just a question to Noopster. Why do you wait till using up 47litres. No scientific evidence here to make this statement, but dont you think you think the fuel pump runs far less stressed when the fuel load is a little high.

Specially on Diesel engines i ensure i have atleast 30-35% of fuel left when i hit the fuel station.

Most of the time i refill after running 400kms which is like half a tank in my Car. All this is my personal thought and nothing scientific to proove here or showoff. Just my thought that the natural load helps the fuel pump function better.
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Old 10th October 2011, 20:17   #1407
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Re: Shell fuel price discussion thread. Update: Going down cheaper than PSU's.

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post
Just a question to Noopster. Why do you wait till using up 47litres. No scientific evidence here to make this statement, but dont you think you think the fuel pump runs far less stressed when the fuel load is a little high.

All this is my personal thought and nothing scientific to proove here or showoff. Just my thought that the natural load helps the fuel pump function better.
Actually, you'd probably get better fuel efficiency by filling up as late as possible, as this causes the car to have less weight.

Natural load has no effect on the fuel pump.
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Old 10th October 2011, 20:34   #1408
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Re: Shell fuel price discussion thread. Update: Going down cheaper than PSU's.

I think it is most certainly true that the COCO(Company Owned Company Operated) pumps are trustworthy versus privates. I make sure that I refill only with them when Shell is not available.
The fact that there is a presumption among general public that Shell is expensive than others(which is true most times) will drive them away. Only very few people(like us in the forum) who can rationalize the various factors through our observation will be able to realize the truth and stay with Shell. Most public do not care the cleanliness or the facilities available at pumps but just are keen on the cost. What this means is that Shells do not get the volumes like the PSUs. I think Shell have been trying hard to break this for some time now. I've seen banners put up outside Varthur Road Shell about the price!
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Old 10th October 2011, 22:34   #1409
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Re: Shell fuel price discussion thread. Update: Going down cheaper than PSU's.

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post
Just a question to Noopster. Why do you wait till using up 47litres. No scientific evidence here to make this statement, but dont you think you think the fuel pump runs far less stressed when the fuel load is a little high.

Specially on Diesel engines i ensure i have atleast 30-35% of fuel left when i hit the fuel station.

Most of the time i refill after running 400kms which is like half a tank in my Car. All this is my personal thought and nothing scientific to proove here or showoff. Just my thought that the natural load helps the fuel pump function better.
There are some benefits filling up near empty.

1. Every time you fill the car there is vapour loss, so less refilling means less vapor loss
2. Filling up during low ambient temp also helps less vapor loss, hence early morning or late evenings is suggested
3. The Pump station calibration is not accurate so lesser refills means lesser calibration errors
4. Small but significant over a period of time is, if you pay by cash then the paises in exchange is never returned and you tend to lose the less than 1 Rupee and more of this more over a period of time significant loss

And for most of the time, lesser waiting time at the pump :-)
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Old 10th October 2011, 23:13   #1410
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Re: Shell fuel price discussion thread. Update: Going down cheaper than PSU's.

Filled up @ Shell Bellary Road @ 74.78/litre. only 25 paise difference than PSU outlets...
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