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Old 12th May 2010, 11:02   #2206
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Hariya(Scorpio SLX CRDe) has given me a best figure of 15.05kmpl using BP normal fuel and speeds of around 80-90 kmph without the ac. The worst I have got is 11.42kmpl with BP normal fuel, speeds of 100-120 kmph and the ac on. I have not and do not intend to measure the urban figures. Should be around 11 I guess.

Don (RE Bullet Electra 5 speed) on the other hand gives me exactly 30kmpl at 80kmph on the highways using any normal fuel. I have not measured the urban fuel consumption figures since I dont ride much in the city.
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Old 13th May 2010, 09:52   #2207
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Originally Posted by suprateep View Post
Purchase 18th March 2010

kms (till 11 April 2010) = 1651
litres consumed (from empty tank on delivery) = 116.51
FE: 14.17 km/l

First Service Completed (2500 kms till date)
(tank to tank menthod calculated twice in April & May)
Kms = 662
litres consumed = 45.42
FE = 14.58 km/l

Driving style = custom as per road conditions (never aggresive though)
Driving Mix = 70% city driving 30% high way driving with 50% AC (on manual mode though not ACC).

I intend to get close to the magic mark of 15 km/l
- difficult with the Pune traffic at office hours in mind and the numerous small trips to Big Bazaar.
okay like I promised - I tried and tried and eventually Helios (i call my SX4 by that name) delivered.

Tyre Pressure = 32 psi (from BP petrol pump only) - it was low at a measely 24 psi (filled earlier from roadside tyrewallas)
Kilometers travelled = 713.9
Litres consumed = 46.23 (tank up every time filled to brim each time - morning only)
FE= 15.44 kms/liter (beat that Honda City)

Driving style = custom as per road conditions - max speed reached 90km/hr (never had decent roads on the old mumbai pune highway to go beyond that)
Driving Mix = 65% city driving 35% high way driving with 50% AC (on manual mode though not ACC). One trip to Lonavala and back from Pune. Weekly trips to big Bazaar etc

Now who was saying that the SX4 guzzles fuel - the VVT engine delivers bigtime - only if the ride were a little soft too though. Absolutely VFM
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Old 23rd May 2010, 00:51   #2208
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I have done 16773 km in 16 months. Almost all in Delhi in traffic with AC on at least 8-9 months of the year. Avg FE - 14.5 km/l. Max 16 w/o AC and min 13.7 with aggressive driving.

Normal style - mix of efficient driving with occasional loss of head. Keep to speed limit of 50 kmph or 60.
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Old 23rd May 2010, 04:23   #2209
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My i10 sportz gives around ~12kmpl in city
and ~14.3kmpl in highway, 100% A/C.
the car has clocked 7500kms.

once it gave 16.5kmpl for a trip, that was the only time the car ran without a/c.
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Old 23rd May 2010, 07:12   #2210
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Originally Posted by vigneshA View Post
I do keep my tyre at 30 psi. Is 32 recommended?
Originally Posted by gpa View Post
Increasing the tyre pressure a few notches does help on a long drive.
Originally Posted by Gansan View Post
Recommended presssure is only 30 PSI, keeping it slightly above helps.
A small caveat here. Check pressure every week if you are maintaining 30 PSI. I keep mine at 32 and check every 2 weeks. I keep the stepney at 34 PSI and check it only once every 45 days. It is a big bother to remove all the mats/pads and access it during every air check.
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Old 24th May 2010, 10:28   #2211
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My Bajaj Pulsar 180 :

45 (+/- 5%) kmpl consistently.

Dzire Petrol Vxi :

City : 12 With AC
14 without AC

Highway : 17-18 With AC
19-20 Without AC
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Old 24th May 2010, 10:37   #2212
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update on my Linea Diesel Emotion pack

Before the one year 15k service.

800km round trip to Mumbai-Mahableshwar Ac on all the time, total 4 people on board, the speeds on the highways 13kmph. Total return trip FE 17.1 kmpl

1300 km round trip to Mumbai-Nanded , speeds on highway 140 kmph, total 3 people on board, AC on all the time. Total return trip FE 16.5 kmpl

After the first 1 year service done at 13500 kms
150 kms, numerous trips to office in about 2 weeks, crawling traffic, ac on full time, single person, average FE 12.5 kmpl.

I have now started to drive in less conservative manner, I mean I stay in higher revs of around 2.5k and thus the FE have dropped. If I drive in the rev range of 2k, the FE shots up to 15kmpl +
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Old 24th May 2010, 12:10   #2213
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Fiat Linea MJD :

100% A/C in Pune traffic : 15 kmpl
100% A/C on Highway and 4 people on board : 18 kmpl

These figures are 1 week after delivery (took the delivery on 16/5) and about 1000 kms running. Hope the figures improve after 1st service.

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Old 28th May 2010, 20:22   #2214
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My Swift VXI gives a mileage of 12-14kmpl in bangalore city traffic with 70% AC ON.
And gives a mileage of 19-21 in Highways (driving at 40-60 Kmph) with AC OFF.

My Esteem use to give a Mileage of 9-11 in city

and my 800 gives a mileage of 15.5 - 16 in City with NO AC

b/w does premium fuel increase FE ?
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Old 28th May 2010, 23:36   #2215
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WagonR LXi (2005)
city average 13-14 kmpl with 90% A/C
highway average 16-17 kmpl with 75% A/C
I usually rip it. Even if I plan not to, I get bored and rip it after a while

I have used HP Power (upto 3 yrs back) and IndianOil XtraPremium (now) petrols. FE remains similar to normal, but the car accelerates much better - it is noticeable.
I had to switch because I relocated and there was no HP pump in the vicinity.

Last edited by echo77 : 28th May 2010 at 23:52.
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Old 28th May 2010, 23:42   #2216
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New readings noticed for last 4 months

1) 1997 M-800 (Petrol) with 2.4 lacs kms on ODO and an engine overhaul at 1.3 lac kms = 16-17 kmpl with A/C always

2) 2000 Matiz(Petrol) at 60 K Kms and stock engine = 15 kmpl with A/C always

3) 2006 Safari Dicor 3L (Diesel) with 27k kms and stock engine = 11 kmpl with A/C Always

4) 1983 Bajaj Priya(Petrol) with 60k kms and stock engine = 35 kmpl

5) 1983 Kine Luna (Petrol) with 50 k kms and overhauled engine = 40 kmpl

6) 1967 VW Beetle (Petrol) (ODO cant say) engine overhauled 30k kms back = 14 kmpl

7) 1971 VW Bus (Petrol) 35k on odo and stock engine =11 kmpl
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Old 29th May 2010, 11:49   #2217
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Today morning while refilling I calculated the FE, Figure came out something like this

155 Kms in 200 Rs (9.14Kg) of CNG = 1.29 Rs/Km or 16.95Km/Kg (100% AC @ thanks to Delhi Heat)

I am simply in-love with my decision of being on CNG, Actually I am loving it !!
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Old 30th May 2010, 13:12   #2218
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Latest FE figures for my Alto LXi:
Filled 17.99 litres of Shell Super this morning, after a gap of 21 days. The trip meter read 271.2 KM, FE 15.07 KMPL. Entirely city driving, though not bumper to bumper, with mostly 2 pax, sometimes 3. Full AC. Not bad, I thought, as I don't drive daily and considering the car is parked in the open, there must be evaporation loss as well.

Then just for fun, I set the trip meter to zero and went for a highway drive on the Chennai bye-pass road. Comfortable drive at 60 - 70 KPH and switched on the AC only for the last 12 KM as it had become very warm. Arrived back at Shell and filled the tank again. She took in 1.520 litres till the brim. Distance covered 45.8 KM, so the indicated FE was 30.13 KMPL! My heart simply refused to accept this figure! So I went in to pay the bill, then told them to clean my windshield. All this took about ten minutes, so I opened the petrol lid to check. The level had gone down slightly, so told the attendant to top her off and she did. This time car took another 0.24 litres, and the recalculated FE was 26.02 KMPL. Finally satisfied, I went home!

I suspected that my front wheels were binding after the recent wheel alignment job, but the SA was telling me everything was fine. Today's test was to check for this as well, and the SA proved to be right, after all!

Last edited by Gansan : 30th May 2010 at 13:15.
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Old 31st May 2010, 17:12   #2219
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Hey gandhi,
Your Ritz's FE figure are very impressive. Mine Vxi is giving only 12.5 (average of last 3 tank fulls) for city driving with 50-60% AC on.
It has clocked colose to 4000Km.
Mine started with a bang of 19kmpl on fist long trip when it had only clocked 250 kms. But eventually the FE has dropped in the city driving. I am really worried about the FE figure. Please siggent.
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Old 3rd June 2010, 01:57   #2220
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My Safari TCIC gives 10 km/l on the highway and about 8 km/l in the city.
Mahindra classic is 11 km/l and Bullet machismo is 30 km/l.
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