Team-BHP - What happened with your Mahindra Scorpio-N Booking?

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Originally Posted by rooster.ram (Post 5391091)
IMO, Vehicle manufacturers do not check vendor supplied parts in order to avoid rejection/delay/ manpower requirements at their own plant. Instead they get the QC checked product from supplier. Hence there are failures of some batches of vehicles. This can and keeps happening in old established vehicles globally. I am just hoping, seeing at the testing Scorpio N has gone for, there should be minimum mechanical niggles.

This is coming from personal experience or working in an Indian auto giant:
While the process varies for each manufacturer, almost all OEMs have extensive QC checks on supplier parts.
Note that apart from the engine and the body, there is literally no part that the OEM manufactures themselves. Even the engine contains lots of outsourced parts.
So there has to be stringent quality check processes in place.

What's missing is the adherence to these standards as the passing criteria is not always measurable or quantifiable..
On top of that, possibility of manual error is very high. Why? Because most of the manpower on assembly lines are temporary workers or young people currently in their apprenticeship.
For 10-12k per month, the tedious high pressure job is not very satisfying and hence, the lack of devotion/attention..

The most important part however, is the fact that New Models are prone to issues because though parts have been tested independently, they have not been tested thoroughly in a fully assembled car.
In IT terminology, consider it like Unit tests have been done, but Integration tests are not thorough. It will only improve with time.


Originally Posted by acquillew (Post 5390822)
One more thing to note is that members who are getting their deliveries in 2023 may not be able to benefit from the 6.99% interest rate from Mahindra Finance. In my conversation with Mahindra Finance, the executive had mentioned that the scheme is valid for deliveries that will happen on or before December 31, 2022.

Any idea at what CIBIL are they offering this 6.99 ROI?


Originally Posted by saurabh041086 (Post 5391238)
Any idea at what CIBIL are they offering this 6.99 ROI?

I believe 780+. I read it somewhere. Can't recall though


Originally Posted by mnautss (Post 5391223)
This is coming from personal experience or working in an Indian auto giant:
While the process varies for each manufacturer, almost all OEMs have extensive QC checks on supplier parts.
Note that apart from the engine and the body, there is literally no part that the OEM manufactures themselves. Even the engine contains lots of outsourced parts.
So there has to be stringent quality check processes in place.

Yes, I am not saying that there are no QC checks. Only thing I want to highlight, many manufacturers are nowadays optimizing rejections, streamlining processes using concepts like just in time etc, there are chances of failure or aesthetic issues. I have attended some trainings where in it was a case study of Japanese car makers, they got more stringent QC implemented at supplier level at supplier's cost and in turn removed the rejections on reaching the plant and hence the penalties. However as you have correctly pointed out manual errors in QC and pressure of production may result in some faulty batch.
Sharing some insight from Toyota...

Yes, Indian manufacturers are good in QC nowadays, but still sometimes they are not upto the expectations of customers and leave us wanting more.

Sorry for the off topic discussion.


Originally Posted by mnautss (Post 5391243)
I believe 780+. I read it somewhere. Can't recall though

Yes. It is 780+. I checked with Mahindra finance folks. Good thing is he mentioned that after 12 months, there is no foreclosure charges. Got to read the fine print though; otherwise, a very good deal. I will go with them.

Here is what I could collate from the information on this thread

What happened with your Mahindra Scorpio-N Booking?-297b9fbfe66a4107a6ef3714607f4c4f.png

My booking shows up this way despite booking on the first day itself via dealership. What could be the reason?


Originally Posted by TheARUN (Post 5391297)
Here is what I could collate from the information on this thread

Thank you Arun. Very interesting perspective. From this sample size, it is clear that Z8 (not luxury variants) were amongst the highest numbers booked - we have 12 so far. Next is Z8L at 7 and then Z4s.

Also, Z8Ls have undisputed absolute priority in deliveries is very evident. If Mahindra has decided the priority based on the margins they make per variant, does it mean they make more money on Z4s than the Z8 non-luxury variants?


Originally Posted by Cresterk (Post 5391304)
My booking shows up this way despite booking on the first day itself via dealership. What could be the reason?

You are not in the first 25000 bookings Sir. From what Mahindra announced, I guess you had to be in the first minute of bookings rather than the first day to get into the 25000 price protected bookings.


Originally Posted by TheARUN (Post 5391297)
Here is what I could collate from the information on this thread

Thank you, Arun. Amazing insights are available, when the data is glanced upon in this way. Clearly, Z8 is discriminated upon. :thumbsdown


Originally Posted by TheARUN (Post 5391297)
Here is what I could collate from the information on this thread

Thanks Arun! As one of the famous quote goes, "In god we trust, everyone else shall come with data". Your analysis just proved that once again.

Z8L priority is very clear and mentioned by Mahindra as well in all their communications. I think Z4 has more to do with less chips required than any other. Another reason while a bit far fetched could be that Z4 actually competes with many other brands in 15-16 L (OTR) bracket and Mahindra may want to eat up that pie as well.

Asking a noob question but how do I check the delivery date for my Scorpio N ?
I've booked a Z8 P AT in White color with price protection n would really like to know the expected delivery date .


Originally Posted by TheARUN (Post 5391297)
Here is what I could collate from the information on this thread

Just add for your collated information, I have expected delivery slot with introductory price applied on Z8 Diesel Manual 4X4 is 28Feb-31March 2023.



Originally Posted by aditya_911 (Post 5391396)
Asking a noob question but how do I check the delivery date for my Scorpio N ?
I've booked a Z8 P AT in White color with price protection n would really like to know the expected delivery date .

It is now available on

Login and check the booking in the account details page, tracking is live.


Originally Posted by aditya_911 (Post 5391396)
Asking a noob question but how do I check the delivery date for my Scorpio N ?
I've booked a Z8 P AT in White color with price protection n would really like to know the expected delivery date .

Login to
Click on the user icon and login with your phone number
Add the OTP received
Go to booking
You will see your Scorpio N booking there, select “track booking”

All are spot-on.

The first batch is Z8L and those are the vehicles that are parked outside Chakan in the yard waiting for dispatch.

Atleast amongst TBhpians, the most preferred colour is Black with White coming in second. That was on expected lines. Diesel is the preferred fuel. I was surprised myself, what with all the rumours on a Pan-India Diesel ban. Again, it's automatics that are ruling the roost. Once we have the outside 25,000 bookings coming in, we should get a clearer picture.

Also, the timelines seem to be approximate. Mahindra wanted to err on the side of caution here, so after the cancel button in enabled, we can expect deliveries sooner than the promised date I am sure.

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