Team-BHP - What happened with your Mahindra Scorpio-N Booking?

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Originally Posted by kushgandhi (Post 5374999)

This further shows the impatience of the marketing team and create unnecessary hype of a product. In legal terms that can be considered as misleading the shareholders.

The responsible thing for M&M to do would be to disclose the actual number of genuine bookings now that the date to make payment for vehicles added to cart, but bookings not completed due to glitches, has passed.

There are two main reasons for the miscount. One, people who tried to book but could not complete payment were all counted as valid bookings. Many of these folks may have tried from multiple devices and clicked the book button more than once, but were intending to pay only for one of the bookings. Even if they had only tried once, they may not now want to book, knowing the wait till me etc.

Secondly, we very well know dealers punched in multiple fake bookings, sometimes using the mobile number of customers who had only made an enquiry.

Once all these cases are weeded out, I expect the number of bookings for ScorpioN will be quite a bit less than those for the XUV700. The latter had 50K bookings in the first 2 days, I expect the ScorpioN to have got 30-35K actual bookings in the first few days.


Originally Posted by MetalClank (Post 5373875)
Has anyone with a confirmed booking been able to change the dealer online?

I also saw this in fine print at! This is not mentioned in the confirmation email at all! . I am sure if we don't do this within 3 days, the dealers may use this against us. Most got confirmation email on 3rd Aug, so it will be 3 days tomorrow!

"Post the receipt of an email acknowledging the online order, the Customer needs to visit the Selected Dealership within three (3) business days with the KYC proof as advised by the dealership, wherein he/she will be required to provide website Online Reference number or Order Number and Mobile no. used for registering on ("Registered Mobile no.") to complete the necessary formalities as mentioned herein."

Vow, This is a important aspect that i was not aware until now. I visited VVC motors on 3rd August, the day i received the confirmation over email. I interacted with the salesperson and mentioned about the introductory price. He just asked for the confirmatory email / SMS screenshot. He did not bother to ask about KYC or any other details.

I just emailed to customer care now.

Any one else had similar experience at VVC Motors Kothaguda, Hyderabad?

I am not allowed to vote hence I am just sharing the experience here.
I had booked through the dealer on 30th of July. I got the confirmation sms around 11:05 hrs. In the received email it is mentioned that price at delivery time is applicable. One goof up the dealer has done is that he has gone ahead and booked a different variant from my choice. I have already brought this to the SA’s notice. He has been assuring me that he will get the variant corrected within the edit window time frame.

One question which I am having is that going forward if there are cancellations(which will be there) in the bookings which qualify in the first 25K number, will the next in line bookings be placed within the bracket of Introductory pricing? How will Mahindra proceed in this case?
If anybody amongst us has any information in this regard from the XUV7OO booking experience it would really help us to understand how things will be dealt this time.


Originally Posted by PhoenixInRising (Post 5376768)

One question which I am having is that going forward if there are cancellations(which will be there) in the bookings which qualify in the first 25K number, will the next in line bookings be placed within the bracket of Introductory pricing? How will Mahindra proceed in this case?
If anybody amongst us has any information in this regard from the XUV7OO booking experience it would really help us to understand how things will be dealt this time.

As far as I remember, extending price protection benefits based on cancellations did not happen for XUV700. Almost all who got price protection were communicated so within few days of the start of the booking. Nevertheless, you can escalate the matter to M&M and if the dealer has made an error, they will definitely consider your case.


Originally Posted by krinpit (Post 5376665)
Any one else had similar experience at VVC Motors Kothaguda, Hyderabad?

I have visited >3 showrooms of Automative Mahindra and found them very friendly. I am not sure about VVC but their T-Junction showroom is in shambles (it maybe because they want to renovate it after the flyover construction completes).

Does "Edit Variant" allow changing dealership. I read somewhere that allotment of units is dealer and city sensitive, so i have stayed away from editing variant or clicking that button lol:


Originally Posted by MetalClank (Post 5377165)
Does "Edit Variant" allow changing dealership. I read somewhere that allotment of units is dealer and city sensitive, so i have stayed away from editing variant or clicking that button lol:

No, I tried that but the only change we can make is the vehicle details.


Originally Posted by MetalClank (Post 5373875)

"Post the receipt of an email acknowledging the online order, the Customer needs to visit the Selected Dealership within three (3) business days with the KYC proof as advised by the dealership, wherein he/she will be required to provide website Online Reference number or Order Number and Mobile no. used for registering on ("Registered Mobile no.") to complete the necessary formalities as mentioned herein."

I highly doubt this is actually enforced. The terms were pretty much same during XUV700 as well and the only time I gave them any KYC related documents was at time of delivery.


Originally Posted by PhoenixInRising (Post 5376768)
One question which I am having is that going forward if there are cancellations(which will be there) in the bookings which qualify in the first 25K number, will the next in line bookings be placed within the bracket of Introductory pricing?

If next peron in line doesn’t have price protection, he/she will pay price at time of delivery. Price protections are tied to a person not vehicle.

As the deadline for 15th Aug is approaching, I checked with my SA today if any variants other than the top end Z8L have been arriving at the showroom as a test drive car or display car. I got the answer as no.

Has anyone who booked have been able to see the non-top end variant in flesh?

I would like to see quality of non-leathered dashboard and look that the steel rims offer before I finalize. If you can post some pics (not from Internet) it would be immensely helpful.

A little late to the party, but my booking experience in a nutshell:


* Asked a dealership to do a booking
* Dealership booking went through successfully at 11:08:00 and received the confirmation SMS.
* I was satisfied that at least one booking went through via the dealership, even though I failed to book myself.


** Was ready at 11:00:00 AM on 30-07-2022 to get a booking done myself, logged in at 10:53 AM
** Couldn't book myself even by 11:15:00 AM due to the payment server crash, so I gave up.
** Later during the day, a TBHP post highlighted the twitter post by Anant Mahindra confirming that "Book Now" clicking timestamps would be honored and prioritized appropriately.
** Was glad, amazed, excited and shocked - all at the same time. Completed the payment for my self-booking at around 8PM (after apparently, an insane amount of bookings with amount paid were already done), but still got the INTRODUCTORY PRICING!



Originally Posted by StarVector (Post 5377161)
Nevertheless, you can escalate the matter to M&M and if the dealer has made an error, they will definitely consider your case.

I have sent an email to customer care of M&M explaining my predicament sharing the booking ID and other details. I am not counting much but if something turns out in positive then that will be an icing on the cake.

Once again thanks for your suggestion.

Dealerships have been super quiet on the Scorpio N bookings, specially the ones which were in the first 25K and done online. Are they really waiting for Mahindra's allotment?

Has anyone got their hands on e-copy of the ScorpioN instruction manual?


Originally Posted by MetalClank (Post 5379795)
Dealerships have been super quiet on the Scorpio N bookings, specially the ones which were in the first 25K and done online. Are they really waiting for Mahindra's allotment?

As per one SA told when I first visited the showroom, he said the details are with Mahindra central repository only and they will allocate respective SAs to customers AFTER the modification period is over i.e. 15-Aug-2022. Then the SA will call each individual to confirm their booking with KYC documents, either through phone or by visiting the showroom.
But yeah, this utmost silence does throws ripples of anxiousness among customers.


I received an email from the Dealership today evening confirming introductory prices and asking for phone number ? Though, no mention of variant.

VVC Motors, Kondapur, Hyderabad

Did anybody get information about delivery timelines for their specific booking? Have been following up with the SA, but nothing except radio silence.

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