Originally Posted by itwasntme ...ALL that they are worried about is a higher gasoline price for their oversized lumbering vehicles. |
True, USA is worried !
Rising demand from India and China will drive up oil prices worldwide.
The 200 crore plus combined populations of India and China will dwarf the 30 crore US car buyers making them irrelevant.
With 30 lakh more vehicles in India and 1.7 crore more vehicles in China, China is expected to nearly 4x its fuel consumption for cars. In India it's expected to rise nearly 3x. By comparison, growth in the U.S. is only expected to be about 1.4x, although their bigger cars and SUVs drink more.
What makes it worse for the Americans is,
these small, super-cheap cars will be taken up by the Indian and Chinese multitudes who once-upon-a-time didn't compete with USA for petrol. Their effect on world petrol consumption will thus be extremely significant.
The speed at which customers in India and China will buy these cars, and the sheer size of the market poses a serious planning challenge. It will take decades to calm the traffic.
With the overall balance tilting towards India and China, the cost of owning a car in USA will go up.
They went from huge behemoths in the 1950s and 60s that got 4 km/litre, to compacts like the 1970s Chevelles, Darts and Falcons that got 5 km/litre, and on to Toyota Corollas and Accords that got 10 km/litre.
But even those cars will become unaffordable, driven into insignificance as they will be, by India and China with their limitless oceans of 20 km/litre micro cars, nano cars and pico cars.
They will have to unwillingly stuff themselves into smaller cars than their egos and overweight frames can put up with. And that just to maintain their old lifestyles, with costs spiralling out of reach.
It's about time that they worried, and with good reason too!