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Old 5th December 2022, 10:44   #316
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Re: License Renewal

Need help with information and advice here.

Status of my application is in the screen-grab here (TN-22, Meenambakkam RTO). I am awaiting the renewed license for more than a month now.

My license is expired and I cannot ride / drive. Actually, it had expired when I applied and it was within 45 days of expiry, I applied for the renewal.

My questions:

1. How long normally does it take to get the renewed license?

2. The RTO has also not rejected / put under hold, my application as of now. There is no message in the webpage. Do they ever update the webpage?

3. Do I now visit the RTO and chase my application?

Any information will be helpful.
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Old 5th December 2022, 14:16   #317
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Re: License Renewal

Originally Posted by Srikanthan View Post
Need help with information and advice here.

Status of my application is in the screen-grab here (TN-22, Meenambakkam RTO). I am awaiting the renewed license for more than a month now.

My license is expired and I cannot ride / drive. Actually, it had expired when I applied and it was within 45 days of expiry, I applied for the renewal.

My questions:

1. How long normally does it take to get the renewed license?

2. The RTO has also not rejected / put under hold, my application as of now. There is no message in the webpage. Do they ever update the webpage?

3. Do I now visit the RTO and chase my application?

Any information will be helpful.
1. It took me about a month as the portal mentioned I didnt have to visit the RTO but things moved only when I did as in my case, there was a change in the licensing authority. My original DL was from Rajasthan which I renewed in Bangalore.
2. It looks like (as in my case), they need some document where it is stuck.
3. While the portal might say it is a contactless service, you may have to. In my case, they needed an NOC from the original licensing authority (Rajasthan). Thankfully, one of my cousins is with RTO Rajasthan and i could fast track it. My cousin also told me that ideally, there is no need for the applicant to go as all the local RTO data is online for others to verify but some RTOs prefer such NOCs. So, if your application doesnt move in a couple of weeks, I say it is better to chase it. Once I submitted the NOC, it took only about a week to get the DL delivered.
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Old 27th December 2022, 17:33   #318
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Re: License Renewal

Originally Posted by Srikanthan View Post
Need help with information and advice here.

Status of my application is in the screen-grab here (TN-22, Meenambakkam RTO). I am awaiting the renewed license for more than a month now.

My license is expired and I cannot ride / drive. Actually, it had expired when I applied and it was within 45 days of expiry, I applied for the renewal.
I visited the RTO yesterday. I was told that random online applications are withheld for production of original license. Which means, applicant has to visit the RTO.

The reason the section superintendent said was, some of the applicants apply online and renew their license, while their license has been impounded by traffic police for any offence. The applicant hide this fact and apply online for renewal. Hard to believe what he said!

Anyhow, coming to my issue, he asked me the original and was sent to a next window. There a clerk verified my application online and asked me to come the next day to collect the license.

I went there this afternoon and collected my license, showing Aadhar as proof.

If my online application has been remarked "produce original license" and withheld, I would've happily done that much earlier and obtained my renewed license!

Govt departments do a good job these days, but still scope for improvement.
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Old 14th February 2023, 17:15   #319
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Re: License Renewal


Need help in understanding the current status of my DL renewal application.

I made a DL renewal request with KA04 RTO and below is the status.

What I need to know is whether I need to visit the concerned RTO office for them to take my photo? For your information, I have already uploaded my photo and signature while uploading the required documents.

Can anyone please help?
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Old 22nd May 2023, 12:00   #320
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Re: License Renewal

Looking for some advice please if possible.

My wife and I now live in Pune, however my wife's KA01 DL (card format without chip) is still with her old Bangalore address. I tried to update this online to Pune, however it says backlog entry is not done. There is a provision to fill a form online to do this but after selecting issuing RTO as Karnataka it says Karnataka backlog entry form is not available to the public!

So we are kind of stuck on what to do next. Does anyone know how I can get the backlog entry done in KA01 RTO without actually going there?

Also, I would just like to confirm the correct format for the licence number.

The DL was issued in 2007 and the number on the card is: 1234/2007-08

So would the correct format be: KA01 2007 0001234? Or something else? What happens to the "2007-08" part of the DL number?

Why is RTO work never straightforward and simple!!??
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Old 16th June 2023, 12:31   #321
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Re: License Renewal

I applied online on the 2nd June for my DL renewal at Jayanagar RTO. The current state shows as "PRINTING OF DL IN FORM 7" at BIO2 counter. Want to know how long would it take for them to actually print the DL and dispatch it? Is there a way to find the actual status apart from physically visiting the RTO?
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Old 5th July 2023, 22:37   #322
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Re: License Renewal

Driving License renewal in Hyderabad (and generally in Telangana)
I recently got this done, and thought it might be useful to members since Telangana does not use the parivahan system, and instead has its own system (T app folio and RTA m-wallet)

1. Download form 1a (if you are over 40), fill out and get it signed by authorized medical doctor. (usually the xerox shops near any RTO can guide you to the concerned doctor for a small fee ~ rs. 100)
2. using the T app folio on your smartphone- choose the license renewal function, and follow the steps. - fairly self explanatory. the app is extremely well designed, allows you to upload a selfie, scan of form 1a, and to sign digitally on the phone screen. (it even auto compresses the attachment to less than 300kb).
3. pay fees and submit your application (Rs. 788)
4. on the day after submission I got a digital copy of the renewed license (over email) with a 10 year validity (as opposed to 20y in my old license)
5. license renewal window opens one year before expiry, and closes one year after expiry. (later than this means having to retake the test.)

No need for any agents, apart from getting the form 1a signed by doctor (medical certificate), the whole process is online. No need to even visit the RTO. those of us in telangana not included in the parivahan system may find this useful.
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Old 6th July 2023, 10:20   #323
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Re: Renewing KL license online

Converting DL to a SMARTCARD in Kerala

Originally Posted by swiftnfurious View Post
How to renew a Kerala License Online...

Finished the payment at 7.15 PM or so on 01 Jun (Wednesday), the process kick started (at RTO) on 02 Jun (Thursday)11 AM, all processes completed by 4 PM; you regularly get SMS notification as stages progress.

By 6 PM, I see my details are updated on Parivahan website and mParivahan app - Am so happy that I got this done by byepassing the middle agents and saved close to 1500/- in the process.
I had renewed my DL last year and then Kerala MVD came up with a SMARTCARD option recently. For now, they charge a nominal amount to convert DL to Smart one and it's supposed to increase over 1000/- after a certain period.

So took the plunge and applied for it. The process is largely the same, one need to choose DL replacement as an option in Parivaahan website. This time, the whole process upto delivery took almost a month for me (applied on Jun 06 and DL delivered on Jul 03) - may be because of the AI camera installation and the RTOs getting busy with streamlining challans etc.

Last edited by swiftnfurious : 6th July 2023 at 10:21.
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Old 18th July 2023, 07:29   #324
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Re: License Renewal

Originally Posted by grazd View Post
Driving License renewal in Hyderabad (and generally in Telangana)
Just a quick update. I received the physical license in the mail via speed post (signature required to accept delivery) after 10 days of submitting the online application. This link is very useful to check the status of the document dispatch.
Interestingly the new License does not have a visible chip or magnetic stripe. ( I am not sure if it has any hidden RFID or chip feature). The previous version had a chip on it. the new one only has QR code on the back.

Last edited by grazd : 18th July 2023 at 07:32. Reason: added quote
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Old 14th August 2023, 10:43   #325
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Re: License Renewal

All - I am trying to avail contactless DL renewal in TN. However my Aadhar has expanded initials and my driving license has only the initial and hence the Aadhar authentication is failing. Is there any name correction request possible in DL or will I be able to follow the non Aadhar process and have to visit the RTO to request accepting Physical Aadhar or Passport as proof of name?
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Old 14th August 2023, 11:07   #326
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Re: License Renewal

Originally Posted by thanixravindran View Post
All - I am trying to avail contactless DL renewal in TN. However my Aadhar has expanded initials and my driving license has only the initial and hence the Aadhar authentication is failing. Is there any name correction request possible in DL or will I be able to follow the non Aadhar process and have to visit the RTO to request accepting Physical Aadhar or Passport as proof of name?
I recently renewed a family member's DL at Chennai, TN. RTOs in the city do not allow contactless process. One has to visit the RTO to surrender the existing DL (I'm told this is because there have been cases of police impounding a DL, and the offender just goes to the RTO and gets a new DL). I also faced the issue of initials (name) mismatch with the Aadhaar for online verification. So I went with the form flow on the website and the officer at the RTO did a verification with the originals. Also it is required to visit the RTO for photographing. They will try to upsell a laminated duplicate copies of DL for ~100 bucks. You can refuse it. I got it and it was of very mediocre quality.
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Old 14th August 2023, 11:27   #327
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Re: License Renewal

Originally Posted by tud View Post
I recently renewed a family member's DL at Chennai, TN. RTOs in the city do not allow contactless process. One has to visit the RTO to surrender the existing DL (I'm told this is because there have been cases of police impounding a DL, and the offender just goes to the RTO and gets a new DL). I also faced the issue of initials (name) mismatch with the Aadhaar for online verification. So I went with the form flow on the website and the officer at the RTO did a verification with the originals. Also it is required to visit the RTO for photographing. They will try to upsell a laminated duplicate copies of DL for ~100 bucks. You can refuse it. I got it and it was of very mediocre quality.
Thank you very much. I just selected the normal workflow and submitted the application. For uploading the documents, it asks the existing DL and Form 1A. I uploaded the DL photocopy. For Form 1A, do you know whether any Govt medical practitioner can sign it or it is only those within the RTO list to do it? The RTO lists blank for my selection, TN10 anyhow.
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Old 14th August 2023, 11:39   #328
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Re: License Renewal

Originally Posted by thanixravindran View Post
Thank you very much. I just selected the normal workflow and submitted the application. For uploading the documents, it asks the existing DL and Form 1A. I uploaded the DL photocopy. For Form 1A, do you know whether any Govt medical practitioner can sign it or it is only those within the RTO list to do it? The RTO lists blank for my selection, TN10 anyhow.
On completing the form, I was provided with a pre-filled Form 1 (CMV FORM 1) with my application number and barcode as well. This one had to be self attested and submitted.

I did this for someone < 40 years of age. So Form 1 was sufficient. For the other side of 40, Form 1A is required. You will have a doctor available outside the RTO for this purpose. Regarding government doctor or not - there is no binary answer to this. Safer to go with the doctor available outside the RTO.
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Old 14th August 2023, 11:44   #329
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Re: License Renewal

Originally Posted by tud View Post
(I'm told this is because there have been cases of police impounding a DL, and the offender just goes to the RTO and gets a new DL).
I always show the digilocker DL/RC these days to the cops. How will they impound the DL in that case?
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Old 14th August 2023, 12:01   #330
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Re: License Renewal

Originally Posted by Samurai View Post
I always show the digilocker DL/RC these days to the cops. How will they impound the DL in that case?
They can add a blacklist tag/challan to the DL using the DL number.

But the instance I mentioned about impounding the DL is for late night revellers, drunk driving where impounding is mainly to make them come back with the fine amount or with the parents in case of young revellers and transport drivers who cannot get the next job unless they show an original DL to their prospective employer.

Also this impound is temporary until a fine or a parent is brought in. In case of digilocker chaps, the fine amount is added to the vehicle's records and it can't be sold until cleared. In case of drunk driving, the DL can also be suspended and they may be asked to stay back until someone from the family comes to bail them.

In many ways, going digital is very beneficial.
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