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Old 16th November 2021, 14:07   #331
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

Originally Posted by CeeBeeR View Post
Does anyone know how to procure the Form 60?
Scroll to the end of the notification PDF towards the end of the article.
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Old 16th November 2021, 19:23   #332
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

Originally Posted by Altocumulus View Post
This is very good actually in a way and exactly how it should be else people will take advantage of it due to the low upfront cost. The con being you may change your job to another city and a BH would have been handy but wont be.
Sorry for going off-topic. But I have a different view.

Suppose, my team member opts for BH series after getting a letter from our organization, and later decides to change job (whatever the reason may be). How am I or my organization impacted by this ? What is the con on his/her part (unless he/ she resigned within, say, 6months) ?

Or are we to assume that the employee won't change the job if Form 60 is denied ? Infact, this will add to the reasons of resignation.

Originally Posted by varkey View Post
Regarding getting the form 60 from thee employer, it again depends on the employer. I read in some discussion channel that an employer even denied giving a form 60 citing that for the employee's role, the employer had no intention of re-locating him/her to another state.
Originally Posted by manish84 View Post
Oops, maybe I got over excited on saving the upfront cost. Have sent an email to my HR to know how to get Form 60. My job is definitely not transferrable and would be in head office forever. Awaiting a response from HR but I suspect they would reject the request given their conservatism in being on the right side of law.
The Form 60 - "Working Certificate" merely asks for presence of offices in four or more states/ UTs ; not that whether the job role of an employee is transferable or not.

We hereby declare that ………………………… …………………………… S/o/ D/o ………………………… is working in our company/organization since ……………………………. It is further to certify that we have offices in four States/UTs or more.

Last edited by AutoNoob : 16th November 2021 at 19:27.
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Old 16th November 2021, 19:52   #333
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

Originally Posted by AutoNoob View Post
The Form 60 - "Working Certificate" merely asks for presence of offices in four or more states/ UTs ; not that whether the job role of an employee is transferable or not.
Exactly, but there would always be some employer who would go one step further and try to be extra cautious incase of an inquiry from the RTO. As mentioned earlier, even though the gazette guidelines came from the central government, the state government is tweaking the implementation as per their wish (for example tax calculation based on ex-showroom price incl GST instead of GST excluded price). End of the day its upto the RTO officers' discretion to approve the registration and he/she is entitled to ask questions or request for additional details to verify the authenticity of the information submitted.
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Old 16th November 2021, 20:03   #334
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

Originally Posted by varkey View Post
Exactly, but there would always be some employer who would go one step further and try to be extra cautious incase of an inquiry from the RTO... End of the day its upto the RTO officers' discretion to approve the registration and he/she is entitled to ask questions or request for additional details to verify the authenticity of the information submitted.
Till the time there are written rule, asking for a declaration about job role, it is just excuse by the employer / RTO to illegally deny the BH registration.

In such a case, I would have loved a online grievance portal by MoRTH, but till that time its upto individuals how they handle this. If it was me, I would have taken it as far as possible. I have done in past, succeeded on many occasions and failed on some.

Moreover, in time to come, I think this requirement itself will be removed.
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Old 16th November 2021, 21:48   #335
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

Originally Posted by SILVERWOOD View Post
The states that have commenced BH registrations are

Delhi, Rajasthan, Orissa, Mizoram, Maharashtra & Goa.

UT:Chandigarh & Pondichery.

I spoke to the Joint Commissioner & Principal Secretary of Transport on Sunday.
I am given to understand that the proposal is being discussed and a decision will soon be taken on the Implementation part but they are non committal on the timelines. I have also spoken to our legal counsel to seek legal recourse and while I type this, they are working on the PIL Draft. We will file a PIL in the Karnataka High Court if the Karnataka Govt does not roll out BH registrations in the next 15 days.

I have identified lawyers in Chandigarh (for Punjab & Haryana), Allahabad, Madras, Hyderabad, Amravati and Cochin as well. We will approach High Courts in these cities if the respective state governments fail to roll out BH registrations in the next 2 weeks.

I will keep you guys updated.

Waseem - any further updates on BH registration in KA?
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Old 17th November 2021, 10:58   #336
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

Thanks for this information Abhishek. Can you please also shed some light on where to find the Car Value excluding GST.
I am trying for Jeep Compass Longitude (ESR - 20.79 lac) and the salesperson told me that I can get my car booked under BH series and I would have to pay just 50K for two years. Is it right? Can you help me with the calculations?
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Old 17th November 2021, 12:09   #337
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

Originally Posted by AutoNoob View Post
Sorry for going off-topic. But I have a different view.

Suppose, my team member opts for BH series after getting a letter from our organization, and later decides to change job (whatever the reason may be). How am I or my organization impacted by this ? What is the con on his/her part (unless he/ she resigned within, say, 6months) ?

Or are we to assume that the employee won't change the job if Form 60 is denied ? Infact, this will add to the reasons of resignation.
That's exactly what I mentioned as the con. But look at it this way.
If changing jobs/job role is the criteria then everyone should have that option. Why only people who works in a company which has offices in 4 states ?

This option should be available only to people who genuinely need it and it becomes the company's responsibility to issue it to someone who has the chance to get relocated. Else everyone will use it for saving upfront cost.

Last edited by Altocumulus : 17th November 2021 at 12:10.
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Old 17th November 2021, 13:00   #338
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

Originally Posted by Altocumulus View Post
That's exactly what I mentioned as the con. But look at it this way.
If changing jobs/job role is the criteria then everyone should have that option. Why only people who works in a company which has offices in 4 states ?

This option should be available only to people who genuinely need it and it becomes the company's responsibility to issue it to someone who has the chance to get relocated. Else everyone will use it for saving upfront cost.
This is going off-topic, still.

Sir, you may consider the following points and then share your opinion.

1. How to define genuine need of a customer ? Or shall a person plan his/ her professional life around the purchase of vehicle or vice-versa ?

2. I bought a vehicle into 1st year with an organization. 3 years later, I decided to change the job. Transferred vehicle to other state after paying fresh Road Tax for that state. Tried to get refund from original state, but gave up after couple of attempts. It involved travel over 2,000km.

3. Currently, my job role is not transferable, even though my organization has offices in more than 4 states. So, if I am to buy a new vehicle today and 'may' change job after few years, what you suggest to me ? How should my need be defined as genuine as of today ? Or shall I pay a 'penalty' to existing system which makes refund as painful as possible.

4. From what I read, the reason for defining the 4 state requirement is far from the con you mentioned. 'Genuine need of customers' was never a consideration factor. It was to alleviate state's concerns of immediate revenue loss (by restricting the number of people who can opt for the facility).

5. What's the harm if everyone saves upfront cost (assuming that the customers will timely pay for subsequent years). If doubt is cast on 'non-genuine' customers, what's the guarantee that 'genuine' people will diligently make payments ?

6. If a vehicle remains in that state for full 15 years even after opting for 'BH' series, state won't lose revenue.

7. As mentioned earlier, as I see it, this restriction will be removed. Though, it may happen step by step.
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Old 17th November 2021, 13:47   #339
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

Originally Posted by AutoNoob View Post
This is going off-topic, still.

Sir, you may consider the following points and then share your opinion.
What you are saying absolutely valid. But till the time the restrictions are there, it is the company's prerogative to give it to people who needs it.

Look at it this way from a company's point of view. Company ABC has office in 4 states or more. They endorse the Form 60. You leave job joining another company DEF in another state which doesn't have offices in 4 states. Will you give back your registration and take a number of that state because you are not eligible anymore ?

What you are saying is a general issue. Agree to that. That is 35000 feet view. That I was discussing is the part where you said someone was denied by the HR because they didn't see that the person needed it while being a part of that company. 5000 feet view. Why will the company endorse your future aspirations outside their organization ? They may get pulled up for signing Form 60s to applicants who don't need it while being a part of that company.

Ideal will be opening it to everyone. However if they do that 90% people will opt for it especially states like KA. Roadtax revenue will crash to 2/15th of their current collection for the next 2 years. How will they sustain for these 2 years ?

I think this is a good first step to solve this issue.

Last edited by Aditya : 17th November 2021 at 17:33. Reason: Quoted text trimmed
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Old 17th November 2021, 14:34   #340
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

I think central government is hoping to make the BH the default registration in the future for all the citizens.

That said, there should be no discussion as to why a citizen is opting for BH registration ( savings/convenience). It's a service being provided and the person buying the vehicle will definitely try and save money where possible.
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Old 17th November 2021, 14:36   #341
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

Originally Posted by Altocumulus View Post
But till the time the restrictions are there,
Restrictions are there. Correct

it is the company's prerogative to give it to people who needs it.
Prerogative. Yes.

They endorse the Form 60. You leave job joining another company DEF in another state which doesn't have offices in 4 states. Will you give back your registration and take a number of that state because you are not eligible anymore ?
They may get pulled up for signing Form 60s to applicants who don't need it while being a part of that company.
Why would HR be pulled up for doing something legally. As per the current rules, eligibility is on the day of application (not future happenings) and defined as :

Originally Posted by AutoNoob View Post
The Form 60 - "Working Certificate" merely asks for presence of offices in four or more states/ UTs ; not that whether the job role of an employee is transferable or not.
Why will the company endorse your future aspirations outside their organization ?
Now, this is far far off-topic of this forum, let alone this thread. Since you touched upon this, I am sharing my thoughts on this.

Normally, when I hear such statements from HR guys, I usually ask, "has our country legalized forced/ bonded labour ?" No wonder, haven't made too many friends there over past decade and half.

Ideal will be opening it to everyone. However if they do that 90% people will opt for it especially states like KA. Roadtax revenue will crash to 2/15th of their current collection for the next 2 years. How will they sustain for these 2 years ?
This new rule wasn't required if states had made easy for 'genuine' people to get refund once they move out of the state. IMHO, they have been illegally hoarding money of such customer by making refunds extremely painful. Some states/ RTOs may be exception.

Slowly states have to agree and prepare for citizen friendly initiatives. May be it's called coming clean for past deeds.

Last edited by AutoNoob : 17th November 2021 at 14:47.
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Old 17th November 2021, 16:00   #342
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

Off topic, I saw a BH plate for the first time yesterday. I think it looks super cool, has a very premium and "international-ish" feel to it, but could be only because it was attached to a silver XUV700 with the hazards on
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Old 17th November 2021, 16:07   #343
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

If they are really serious about this, the Centre should set up a fund to make up for the revenue and cash flow shortfall that states will be hit with to adopt the BH series registrations. The state gets the road tax amount from this fund in full from the central fund the moment a BH series car is registered in that state. The moment a BH car is transferred into the state, the user updates a simple easy one-step in a portal and the road tax corresponding to the remaining life of the vehicle is credited to the receiving state and debited from the sending state. Only BH cars actively registered in the Portal are allowed to ply in each state. The Center can then make profit from this fund eventually when all the BH payment streams are complete. This way, we do not cripple the states by stopping the much needed road tax revenue and yet make it very easy for people to move around the country.
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Old 17th November 2021, 16:57   #344
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

Originally Posted by Blacklisted View Post
Thanks for this information Abhishek. Can you please also shed some light on where to find the Car Value excluding GST.
I am trying for Jeep Compass Longitude (ESR - 20.79 lac) and the salesperson told me that I can get my car booked under BH series and I would have to pay just 50K for two years. Is it right? Can you help me with the calculations?
Your answers appear to be a phone call away. Call/message the salesperson and ask for a detailed quote. If you already have their default quote, mention the details that are missing.
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Old 23rd November 2021, 12:19   #345
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

Hi folks, there is no update for many days now. Any chance of BH getting implemented in Karnataka this year. Seems to be a very long wait.
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