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Old 6th October 2021, 20:21   #226
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

Heard my brother saying that Karnataka is likely to put on a hold on the BH registration scheme and this was mentioned in some local media. Apparently the RTO is opposing the move as this could hamper their revenue.

Question is what were these sarkari babus doing before the implementation. As far as I know, a notification seeking objections or pleas was sent before the implementation to all the states in the past. Why is it that the states are refraining to introduce it now?

Looks like both Kerala & Karnataka are trying to back out. Any idea if Tamil Nadu will implement it? The road tax in TN is much lesser than Kerala/Karnataka and there shouldn't be much reason for them to back out.
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Old 6th October 2021, 20:54   #227
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

Saw this as a response to an RTI request on Twitter, would be at the mercy of the respective states for implementation.

New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another-rtibh.jpeg


BH registration appears to have started in Chandigarh. Karnataka is again in the news for delaying implementation
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Old 7th October 2021, 11:37   #228
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

Originally Posted by varkey View Post
Saw this as a response to an RTI request on Twitter, would be at the mercy of the respective states for implementation.
I don't think that this notification implies that the implementation of BH Series is at the choice of the state. It's just that they are the responsible party.
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Old 7th October 2021, 12:03   #229
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

I am looking to buy a new car and I have been actively following this topic on twitter. It appears that RTO Maharashtra is ready to roll this out but there is some delay from NIC's end.

Refer to the tweet:

May be we can do a flash trend on Twitter to put some pressure on authorities.
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Old 7th October 2021, 20:21   #230
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another


I understand that the implementation is still in a nascent phase but wanted to pick your brain on a couple of things.

1. If a state doesn't want to implement BH series (Kerala?), does that mean that they don't even recognize BH registrations from other states i.e. is there a possibility of getting harassed by cops in KA if I get my BH registration from Orissa and KA doesnt implement BH?

2. With the 10-year rule in Delhi, can we continue to run a 10+ year BH registered vehicle from another state (Orissa?) in Delhi?

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Old 7th October 2021, 21:46   #231
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

Originally Posted by ramradcliff View Post

1. If a state doesn't want to implement BH series (Kerala?), does that mean that they don't even recognize BH registrations from other states i.e. is there a possibility of getting harassed by cops in KA if I get my BH registration from Orissa and KA doesnt implement BH?
I don't think any state has the option of not implementing it, it's just a matter of when and not if, as road is in concurrent list and central government laws will over ride state laws without Presidents nod. The states ask for road tax from other state vehicles through a clause in Motor Vehicle Act, 1989. That clause itself has been nullified by the present circular for BH series vehicles. However, the onus is on the vehicle owner to inform the RTO if he stays outside the state where registered for more than 30 days. I don't understand the full implication - whether non information will create road tax liability in the new state. Notification also says that this information has to be provided through Form 33 electronically, I don't see that option as of yet anywhere.

Last edited by abhishek_hch : 7th October 2021 at 21:48.
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Old 8th October 2021, 04:00   #232
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

Was at the showroom for the TD of the 700, post this popped up the question to the SA, his answer was BH registration in KA will be introduced only in Jan'22, but the way he answered my question was to give a reply, Hope fully, it will not take that longer for the RTO to get this implemented.
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Old 8th October 2021, 10:58   #233
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

Originally Posted by maverick88 View Post
May be we can do a flash trend on Twitter to put some pressure on authorities.
Tweeted multiple times @tdkarnataka, I don’t expect them to provide any timeline. At least to make them aware that people are waiting for this.
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Old 8th October 2021, 11:28   #234
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

So someone in Goa has managed to get his vehicle registered with BH series. The following series of tweets show his experience on the same:

New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another-screenshot_20211008112205.jpg
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Old 8th October 2021, 11:30   #235
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

Originally Posted by hemanthbs View Post
Was at the showroom for the TD of the 700, post this popped up the question to the SA, his answer was BH registration in KA will be introduced only in Jan'22, but the way he answered my question was to give a reply, Hope fully, it will not take that longer for the RTO to get this implemented.
Most people especially dealers are only guessing and are actively discouraging people to wait for BH registrations. Their interest is to sell now and not future dates. The only official work from KA is to wait for an notification with no specified timeline.

If you can wait for 2-3 months, it will be worth it - meanwhile enjoy all the test drives and options available in the market
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Old 8th October 2021, 11:38   #236
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

I am trying to understand why people are waiting in KA for BH registration. KA has the highest road taxes and taking BH from another state where they have a residential address makes more sense. Unless they don't have an address in another state and keep shifting states. Even in this case do any other states harrass motorists of out of state vehicles like KA?
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Old 8th October 2021, 14:20   #237
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

Thanks for sharing the good news dZired.

ssateesh a friend of mine shifted to Bangalore last month. He asked a traffic cop about how much time does he have for transfer of registration. Cop replied, one India one registration. I informed my friend that he should be getting it transferred anyways because he'll not find the same cop next time.

I also came across
Hope that the "new" software will be ready for the entire country.

Some of us have to suffer and push the folks at RTO for BH registration so that everyone else can avoid the suffering. It will be the new normal soon (I just don't know when).
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Old 9th October 2021, 08:23   #238
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

Came across this telegram group on BH series discussion and continuous updates.
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Old 9th October 2021, 14:32   #239
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

Originally Posted by mAndArk View Post
I am in the process of getting a new vehicle myself and have been interacting with multiple dealerships in Bangalore (my current location), Ranchi/Jamshedpur (my home location) and Bhubaneswar (simply because Orissa was the first state to implement it) on this subject.

While none of them have any clue on the exact process/timeline or vehicle pricing with BH registration, the SA at MPS Jeep Bangalore mentioned he has heard that couple of luxury cars have applied for it in Karnataka but they are yet to be allocated numbers. He said he is closely following up on this topic with his RTO folks and will replicate the process followed by them once those cars get a final number.

Just curious, can we do an RTI on the respective state transport departments to disclose the exact progress and timelines for implementation?
Quick updates:
1. Orissa dealer is now aware of BH process, but still clueless on pricing details. But since I don't have an address proof there, this exploration ends here.

2. Jharkhand dealer says it is still not live there. But is aware of BH now since others have started asking for it as well. Will keep in touch and purchase it there if it goes live before Karnataka

3. Karnataka dealers are the most clueless and adamant it will not happen this year. They are pushing for KA registration with festive discounts instead.

PS: Have also filed an RTI on this subject just now and hoping to get some clarity with go-live dates for Karnataka. My new purchase has been put on hold until then
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Old 9th October 2021, 18:29   #240
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Re: New "BH" series registration | For cars getting transferred from one state to another

Friends, I have decided to go ahead and take delivery of the car. I connected to an RTO official via a relative who sheepishly admitted their lethargy in implementing this. The person said that implementation was nowhere in sight as of now. I have a strong feeling they will drag this as much as possible to squeeze out the maximum from the current daylight robbery taxes at least till January for sure to cash in on the peak purchase season.
BUT I strongly suggest folks who can hold on or postpone their purchases to please do it. I booked my car almost 2 months ago. I decided to go ahead and take the delivery as not having a car ready at your service was starting to pinch during these times esp in my state where the number of new cases have not flat-lined yet. I sold my previous car in such a way that the new car would be home in maximum a week's time after the sale. It was just before the BH scheme was announced. Else I would have definitely held on to my car knowing the pathetic state of the RTOs and the delay they have would surely caused in implementing this.(The tweets' screenshot shared by @dZired here shows that the plight is similar across the country).
The awareness among people regarding the benefits of this is apparently low. A drop in numbers is the only way the dealers and the babus at RTOs will take notice. The dealers will discourage you from waiting for BH but they too don't have a clue and neither are they interested as long as the numbers keep coming in. I too experienced the same from my dealer who pushed for normal registration right from day 1 after booking. No major media house has taken up this yet which leaves forums like ours to create the awareness and push for it via social media.
As a consolation, waiting for 2 months saved me 20K in offers. I could have waited a little more to get some more offers since we are approaching Diwali + Year end but I also stand the risk of getting a divorce notice if I wait any further for this. Delivery it is, this week. Peace.
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