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Old 15th February 2021, 18:31   #31
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Re: Vehicle scrappage policy - Impact on Delhi-NCR cars?

Well even I am in same boat.. Love my Ecosport Diesel.. Its a 2013 model. But still has that feel good factor every time I drive the same even with 1L on the ODO.. now, with this rule of 10years, I dont know the fate of the same. Would like to retain the same for a longer period though..
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Old 15th February 2021, 18:41   #32
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Re: Vehicle scrappage policy - Impact on Delhi-NCR cars?

I am sure, If the lifetime road tax is henceforth collected for 20yrs, Any increase in Road tax would be applicable to Delhi NCR as well while retaining the 10year rule.
They will hit us from both ends.
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Old 15th February 2021, 18:57   #33
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Re: Vehicle scrappage policy - Impact on Delhi-NCR cars?

Originally Posted by katochrishi View Post
I think everybody is confused, nothing is clear. I bought a Nexon D in April 19 DL no. It is Registered upto 2034 ie 15 years. A friend bought Creta D in 18 , registered for only 10years. Maybe this has to do with engine capacity. Anything over 1.5 and 10years rule applies, anything below 1.5 and then 15 years rule applies. Would like other Diesel owners to check there RC's.
It is because of the state of registration AFAIK.

Is your Nexon registered in Haryana or UP by any chance?
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Old 16th February 2021, 09:59   #34
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Re: Vehicle scrappage policy - Impact on Delhi-NCR cars?

Originally Posted by katochrishi View Post
I think everybody is confused, nothing is clear. I bought a Nexon D in April 19 DL no. It is Registered upto 2034 ie 15 years. A friend bought Creta D in 18 , registered for only 10years. Maybe this has to do with engine capacity. Anything over 1.5 and 10years rule applies, anything below 1.5 and then 15 years rule applies. Would like other Diesel owners to check there RC's.
My car is also registered for 15 years(but wont be of any help), nothing about the Engine size i believe, This could be the difference of different RTO's in same state, a friend's 1249 cc S cross was registered for 10 years.

Originally Posted by fine69 View Post
Delhi RTO is not giving NOC for any vehicle that's crossed 9.5 years. Officially they are not refusing but have come across a lot of folks who have been given a run around by the RTO.

For all practical purpose, best is to get NOC before the vehicle completes 9 years, else you'd be at the mercy of bureaucracy and may end up scrapping the vehicle.
Yes, before the car attains 9 years of age take the NOC and sell it, its crazy difficult to get in 10th years is what i have also heard. After 10 years you get NOC only for Jharkhand, Himachal Pradesh, the North Eastern states and Jammu & Kashmir among others, basically places where vehicle density is low.

Originally Posted by sid_deb View Post
Have a 2019 X1 with 2.0L D engine and the RC is registered till 2034
would not help, as per current rules, not allowed to ply in Delhi post 10 years age, also the resale goes for a toss because of this rule.

Originally Posted by Mickey1986 View Post
Well even I am in same boat.. Love my Ecosport Diesel.. Its a 2013 model. But still has that feel good factor every time I drive the same even with 1L on the ODO.. now, with this rule of 10years, I dont know the fate of the same. Would like to retain the same for a longer period though..
My uncle owns EcoSport 2013 and has clocked 1.4 Lakh happy Kms, its a workhorse and he would love to retain it too, last night we were discussing the same, he is someone who retains cars for 15 years, also owns a Honda City 2010 at 85k Kms and both the cars are immaculately maintained.

Originally Posted by car-dent View Post
I am sure, If the lifetime road tax is henceforth collected for 20yrs, Any increase in Road tax would be applicable to Delhi NCR as well while retaining the 10year rule.
They will hit us from both ends.
Higher road tax would come into question once we are allowed to retain the cars post 10 years, would make the ownership expensive but that is something I am ready for, as registering it in another city will also have costs involved.
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Old 16th February 2021, 10:17   #35
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Re: Vehicle scrappage policy - Impact on Delhi-NCR cars?

Originally Posted by vredesbyrd View Post
I don't understand that why there isn't an outcry from the public against this stupid rule? At least the 20 year scrappage policy has some logic behind it and I support it as well. However, the 10/15 banning hasn't even improved air quality or reduced pollution. NGT should feel great shame. I hope the cars of the members get stolen.
These policies don't get votes for the opposition, who will make a hue and cry about it? The priorities are clearly visible to junta as can be seen these days. You, I, team-bhp or other forums don't matter to the government or the opposition political parties.

I sold my supremely maintained Scorpio in 2019 ONLY because of this rule. Just 8.5 years old, it had a lot of life left in it. I still curse the policy makers.

P.S. I'm not trying to add any political flavor to this thread but just to point out that vehicle consumers are never cared for in spite of paying such high taxes on vehicles, services and fuel.

Last edited by desiaztec : 16th February 2021 at 10:23.
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Old 16th February 2021, 15:57   #36
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Re: Vehicle scrappage policy - Impact on Delhi-NCR cars?

Originally Posted by desiaztec View Post
These policies don't get votes for the opposition, who will make a hue and cry about it? The priorities are clearly visible to junta as can be seen these days. .
I agree. But still this rule should me more or so done in a phased manner - Like the PUC need to more stringent and check the emission levels especially for older vehicles and make sure that they are in controllable limits. Now ofcourse we know that with age cars are going emit more than normal but if they are maintained good, this can be controlled. As the overall Aim is to control the pollution and this can help in curtailing that not in order to buy a new one..

This could be a temporary arrangement till 20 years and then people can chose the scrappage policy or still try to maintain the car with more strict emission rules..

In my point of view this will reduce the burden and stress on people who love to retain their vehicles for long and want to get max out of the same..
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Old 16th February 2021, 16:44   #37
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Re: Vehicle scrappage policy - Impact on Delhi-NCR cars?

Originally Posted by fine69 View Post
Delhi RTO is not giving NOC for any vehicle that's crossed 9.5 years. Officially they are not refusing but have come across a lot of folks who have been given a run around by the RTO.

For all practical purpose, best is to get NOC before the vehicle completes 9 years, else you'd be at the mercy of bureaucracy and may end up scrapping the vehicle.
Reading this gives me the scaries My 525d is already in it's last year (Jan 2012 registered) and i had planned to take either replace it or take NOC to reregister it sometime around September(9.5 year mark)... seems i should get on it now itself?
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Old 16th February 2021, 17:58   #38
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Re: Vehicle scrappage policy - Impact on Delhi-NCR cars?

Here's the deal guys

If you have just one diesel car in the garage nearing its 10th year and you stay in Delhi then better to get the NOC at the earliest. Anything after the 9th year is a gamble for DL registered vehicles, better safe than sorry.

If you don't have a second car then even if you re-register your 10 yr old diesel elsewhere, plying on NCR roads is going to be very tough. Who knows when your vehicle gets impounded and you have to walk back home. I'm not exaggerating as it'll take only one traffic cop who's not in mood to take any bribe that day.

But lets say you have a large tourer SUV (or any other diesel which isn't your primary drive) which you primarily take out for driving holidays and want to be able to use it, albeit with some risk, then here are some considerations -

1. It obviously has to be the second car in your garage.
2. It helps if you aren't living in Delhi or Gurugram as the checks are far more stringent here.
3. If its Delhi registered then you still need to re-register it outside NCR because in absence of NOC and once 10 yr mark passes then its as good as a non-registered vehicle plying on NCR roads.
4. Eventually other NCR RTOs (outside Delhi) may also stop giving NOCs in the 9th year so even if its non-DL but within NCR registered then one should simply get it registered outside NCR.
5. Now with an out-of-state registered vehicle your efforts should be to bypass at least Delhi (even Gurugram if possible) when taking the vehicle out. It helps if you live in Noida/Ghaziabad/Faridabad as against Delhi/Gurugram.
6. If caught, you need to pull your most innocent face and convince them that you were merely passing through NCR to another destination.
7. Carry cash, mentally prepare yourself to part with a significant sum & liquidate when necessary.

Originally Posted by Mickey1986 View Post
Well even I am in same boat.. Love my Ecosport Diesel.. Its a 2013 model. But still has that feel good factor every time I drive the same even with 1L on the ODO.. now, with this rule of 10years, I dont know the fate of the same. Would like to retain the same for a longer period though..
Originally Posted by 991.2GT3 View Post
Reading this gives me the scaries My 525d is already in it's last year (Jan 2012 registered) and i had planned to take either replace it or take NOC to reregister it sometime around September(9.5 year mark)... seems i should get on it now itself?
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Old 16th February 2021, 19:54   #39
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Re: Vehicle scrappage policy - Impact on Delhi-NCR cars?

Originally Posted by fine69 View Post
Here's the deal guys

If you have just one diesel car in the garage nearing its 10th year and you stay in Delhi then better to get the NOC at the earliest.
Sad but True.. mine has done 7.5years.. planning to wait till 8.5years atleast to see if things change and if not, then probably may need to part ways with my car..
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Old 16th February 2021, 21:19   #40
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Re: Vehicle scrappage policy - Impact on Delhi-NCR cars?

No matter what we as enthusiasts feel should be done by the Govt or the authorities, the sad grim picture is the law for Delhi NcR will stay as is,and its really a sad thing! I had to part ways with my supremely well maintained Fortuner because of this stupid rule last year with a very heavy heart. Parting shot of my truck :(
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Old 18th February 2021, 12:38   #41
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Re: Vehicle scrappage policy - Impact on Delhi-NCR cars?

Originally Posted by Born 2 Be Wild View Post
I had to part ways with my supremely well maintained Fortuner because of this stupid rule last year with a very heavy heart. (
Totally Understand. we too had to let go of our Fortuner for peanuts and now have to spend unnecessarily on another SUV. The Fortuner would have served well for another few years at the least.
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Old 19th February 2021, 12:55   #42
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Re: Vehicle scrappage policy - Impact on Delhi-NCR cars?

In TOI - Delhi edition - 19 Feb 2021. Hope this makes things clear for Diesel vehicle owners in Delhi.
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Old 19th February 2021, 13:27   #43
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Re: Vehicle scrappage policy - Impact on Delhi-NCR cars?

When the diesel vehicle restrictions (wrt higher displacement diesel engines and 10 year old ones) was introduced towards the end of 2015, a lot of DL registered Innovas landed up at North Kerala districts (Kasaragod, Kannur and Malappuram).

The vehicle brokers were able to source Innova with 1.5 lac to 2 lac on the ODO at approx Rs 1.5lacs , complete the required paperwork and sell it in Kerala for 3.5 to 5 lacs based on the variant and accessories.

The ROI was approx 150% for the reused vehicle brokers who handled the process end to end

This trend will probably continue in 2021 also and nearby states like UP, Haryana and Punjab can expect more DL rejected vehicles at throwaway prices
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Old 19th February 2021, 14:41   #44
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Re: Vehicle scrappage policy - Impact on Delhi-NCR cars?

Finally some respite for Diesel car owners in NCR. We can still sell the car between 10 - 15 th year.
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Old 21st February 2021, 20:43   #45
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Re: Vehicle scrappage policy - Impact on Delhi-NCR cars?

Originally Posted by steadfast View Post
Finally some respite for Diesel car owners in NCR. We can still sell the car between 10 - 15 th year.
Can we ? How do you say so while all the blogs/
Links suggest no change in the policy post 10th year and the diesel vehicle has to be scrapped?
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