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View Poll Results: Which Indian Classic would you own today?
Hindustan Ambassador 47 10.56%
Hindustan Contessa 162 36.40%
Maruti 800 31 6.97%
Maruti Gypsy 140 31.46%
Premier Padmini 24 5.39%
Premier 118NE 16 3.60%
Sipani Dolphin 4 0.90%
Standard 2000 13 2.92%
Other (please specify in your post) 8 1.80%
Voters: 445. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 29th October 2020, 11:07   #31
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Re: Which modern-classic Indian car from the '80s would you own today?

This is going to be an unpopular opinion here. I am not sure if any of these cars would have passed team-bhp reviews even in the context of their time periods. A 1980s car with a 1960s engine? Sure, why not resurrect it in 2020. :-)

FWIW, I would vote for the 118NE.

There are plenty of GAZ/Trabant jokes from former socialist countries. We on the other hand seem to yearn for these cars!
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Old 29th October 2020, 11:13   #32
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Re: Which modern-classic Indian car from the '80s would you own today?

Voted for Gypsy.

I believe a decision to own a vehicle from the 80s would have to be driven by heart & not the head. There has to be strong emotional engagement with the vehicle in order for you to like it enough to actually go ahead and own it.

My Dad was an Indian Forest Service officer and he had different official vehicles over the years; right from a petrol CJ 3-B, Mark II/III/IV Ambassadors, MM 540, Gypsy (both MG 410 & 413), and a Tata Estate. I learned to drive on a Petrol CJ3-B (those days Diesels were unheard of in Himachal besides those antiquated diesel engines would not start easily in cold weather conditions, High altitude diesel was not available for public consumption back then). I always use to befriend Dad’s chauffeurs and got the opportunity to drive all of these cars however one vehicle forever stayed in mind rather in my heart. After completing my Engineering I started working and when the time came to buy my first car, it of course was the ubiquitous Maruti 800. The Gypsy though always stayed somewhere in deep recesses of my heart.

I left India in 2006 and had the opportunity to own a number of vehicles (some boring, a few exciting) over the last 14 years but somewhere in my heart the itch to own a Gypsy never really went away. Finally, in January of 2016, I became a proud owner of a brand new Gypsy against the sane counsel provided by one and all (barring my brother who is equally fond of it).

My wife strongly believes that the reason that I’m so eager to visit India twice a year is to actually drive the Gypsy and although I vehemently deny that claim with her however I can admit on this august forum that it remains one of the top two reasons.

Gypsy is a simple vehicle that provides such a visceral driving experience of the old school type without any amenities that I absolutely do not notice the absence of the power steering, air conditioning, or some of the worldly comforts that come standard even on the basic Alto. It is such a refreshing change from the insulated driving experience provided by the vehicles that I drive over here.

I get to drive it once or twice a year; usually take it into the mountains mostly driving alone and try to relive those days, long gone…..Gypsy still tugs at my heartstrings like no other vehicle. I like to think of it as an old friend who never lets me down and always reminds me; what it was like to drive back in the years gone by.....

Which modern-classic Indian car from the '80s would you own today?-dsc00282.jpg
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Old 29th October 2020, 11:34   #33
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Re: Which modern-classic Indian car from the '80s would you own today?

Man this was the toughest ever tbhp poll for me!

But I went with Gypsy at the end of the day. Followed by Conty and Amby.

We had Gypsy, Conty, Amby, 118 NE, Estate etc. in those days within our family. Went with Gypsy now as that will be the easiest car to live with considering the part availability of it.

Which modern-classic Indian car from the '80s would you own today?-3ffe2d06044fe804c56dc2458b90ad86.jpg
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Old 29th October 2020, 11:41   #34
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Re: Which modern-classic Indian car from the '80s would you own today?

I would go for the Ambassador, then the Gypsy and then for the Premier Padmini. The Ambassador always had the "sarkari" feel to it apart from it being spacious with a humongous boot and built to last feel. On the contrary we even considered buying an Ambassador back in 2008 but the inconsistent after sales and the future of Hindustan Motors made us to turn our backs on the Ambassador. The Gypsy always gave a rugged and an adventurous feel. A nice set of alloy wheels with fat tires would definitely turn heads. While on the Premier Padmini it had the nice cozy family car feel to it.
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Old 29th October 2020, 11:54   #35
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Re: Which modern-classic Indian car from the '80s would you own today?

Honestly, I first thought about the Ambassador as I have very fond memories with our Mark IV petrol, the first car in which I learned to drive.

But I voted for the 118NE. It is an ageless beauty, one of the most graceful cars in India.

Would love to own one in either red or the rich cream colour it used to come in.
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Old 29th October 2020, 11:59   #36
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Re: Which modern-classic Indian car from the '80s would you own today?

I would vote for the Standard 2000 any day.
We had one and we loved it, yes the fuel mileage was poor but it had the space and the creature comforts way above every other car available in India at the time.
The AC was fantastic and it was smooth and stable on the highways. We had made several trips from Hyderabad to Bangalore and beyond on it and we kept it till it was very hard to service anymore.
I have also owned or driven at some time all the other cars listed except the Sipani and the Std 2000 was above and beyond all the others.
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Old 29th October 2020, 12:11   #37
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Re: Which modern-classic Indian car from the '80s would you own today?

Wow, I thought I'd be able to submit the vote for it immediately when I saw the thread title. Surprisingly - I spent about 5 minutes to submit it finally. Was really torn between the 118NE and the Contessa. Both dream cars when growing up.

Finally voted for the good old British design and icon of luxury - the Contessa.
Interestingly I think - off late I see more of the Contessas on the road compared to the 118NEs. Seems the NE didn't have a lot of committed buyers / owners who retained/restored them. Of course there are plenty very good examples of it still - but statistically for the age from birth and the moderate-good sales it used to enjoy - surviving specimens are quite rare.

Last edited by Reinhard : 29th October 2020 at 12:13.
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Old 29th October 2020, 12:13   #38
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Re: Which modern-classic Indian car from the '80s would you own today?

As a kid, I was in love with Standard 2000. Even today, time to time I dream about owing one in red and when I am dreaming about it, I would be plonking in a 1.6 Crdi from Hyundai or a 2.0 TCDi from GM. But it all stops with the dream. I don’t think I would get into owning one considering the feasibility and the odds.

If I decide to own one of these classics it would be Ambassador with the 1.8 ISZ and the tried and tested mods like wheels from Gypsy and some clean interiors.

I would also consider owning a Tata Sierra even though it’s from a different timeline.
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Old 29th October 2020, 12:19   #39
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Re: Which modern-classic Indian car from the '80s would you own today?

If wishes were horses, I would own one for each day of the week for the rest of my life. The charm of old school trumps all wordly pleasures of the gadgetary cars we have today.

Voted for the Contessa though. Second vote would have been Gypsy.

The long bonnet and the American muscle car look of the contessa can be and is still drool worthy. Would love to have mine in the dark edition. Plain interiors and that thin steering wheel and a black golf ball top chrome stick gear lever. All that I need to make the best of what I have.
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Old 29th October 2020, 12:29   #40
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Re: Which modern-classic Indian car from the '80s would you own today?

I’d vote none. Unpopular as my opinion might be, these cars are being called “classics” only because we were starved of options in the eighties. Even for the time, they were incompetent and far inferior to what the rest of the world had. Unless they hold some sentimental value, none of these cars are particularly worth the effort and money they’d cost for restoration and upkeep now. They were sub-par cars even in the 80s and and that’s probably why nearly all have been scrapped.
I was born in October 88, and can remember the time when cars were still considered a luxury. These were just legacies of a dark period in our nation’s history. I think of them as just a reminder of how much and how quickly we’ve progressed post opening up our economy.
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Old 29th October 2020, 12:39   #41
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Re: Which modern-classic Indian car from the '80s would you own today?

One of the toughest choices to make. Gave it a long thought and opted for the Contessa. It is a strange coincidence that only a couple of days back I was day dreaming of getting a Contessa and restore it to its full glory, one with the 1.8 Isuzu engine. If I have the option I will get an Amby and a Gypsy as well. But I voted for the Contessa because we have had Ambassadors and Gypsies in our family and extended family for many years, while Contessa has eluded us. Once I remember my dad was extremely excited and wanted to get a used Contessa, but unfortunately his friends dissuaded him. I have hated those uncles since that day. I have had the opportunity to drive the Contessa only once and was bowled over by the ride quality, specially over those tram lines in Calcutta!
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Old 29th October 2020, 12:54   #42
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Re: Which modern-classic Indian car from the '80s would you own today?

I personally believe that we are missing the Mahindra Jeep in this list.

All the contestants in this poll are long dead. Whereas, the spirit of the Erstwhile Mahindra Jeep, still lives on in the New Thar.
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Old 29th October 2020, 13:09   #43
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Re: Which modern-classic Indian car from the '80s would you own today?

Voted for Premier Padmini. I almost bought a black 1990 model diesel in perfect condition after i had a test drive. The owner drove it with so much conviction that we were flying over the potholes. Really have to appreciate the ride quality.

This Compact Classic if restored tastefully ,would have street cred in both city and villages, where width of the road and parking space comes at a premium. I dream of owning one, pimping it up and turning it electric - Making it a Compact Modern Classic and a daily driver.
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Old 29th October 2020, 13:13   #44
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Re: Which modern-classic Indian car from the '80s would you own today?

Beautiful thread. Really appreciate everyone for sharing their experiences. My cousin sold his Father's Ambassador (mated to a Matador engine,) behind my back. Sad.
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Old 29th October 2020, 13:29   #45
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Re: Which modern-classic Indian car from the '80s would you own today?

Voted for Gypsy. Have spent a long time with these adorable little beasts since dad was in the army. Would own one for sure at a point when I can keep two vehicles (or a new Jimny).

If I had infinite budget, I'd buy one right now, slap in a 7 speed torque converter from the Alturas and a nice 1.5 Honda diesel remapped to about 120hp/300Nm. Add a 4x4 selector (need 4x2 because travel range), bigger fuel tank and rework high speed stability and handling. Two airbags, LED lights and 360 camera system. Voila, a Jimny we deserve. Besides, some cool people already have Gypsys with Isuzu engines and Toyota 6-speed torque converters in Punjab.
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