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Old 20th August 2020, 23:28   #796
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How to transfer a car from MH to KL

Posting on behalf of a friend (let us call him Mr. M), who has recently acquired a 2013 HM Ambassador from Mumbai. This is an MH registered car, which has been now registered in the name of one of his relatives (let is call him Mr. R) with a Mumbai address.

Now starts the problems. The car needs to reach KL and needs to be transferred to Mr M's name. Mr. R does not have a KL adress proof & Mr. M does not have an MH address proof.

According to my friend, the local MH RTO is refusing to give an NOC, stating some 'test' which the car has to pass. I was under the impression that only cars which have completed 15 years need to go for fitness testing, but apparently MH needs fitness test to be done to give an NOC!

Could anyone please guide my friend as to how to get this whole thing done? He has been trying for the past 5-6 months without success. Thanks in advance!

PS: Mods - starting a new thread as I could not find a thread which dealt with such an issue.
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Old 21st August 2020, 05:43   #797
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re: How to transfer a car from MH to KL

Thread moved out from the Assembly Line. Thanks for sharing!
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Old 21st August 2020, 07:55   #798
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re: How to transfer a car from MH to KL

Dont know about the test part. You need to get an NOC. When I bought my Skoda, I got the NOC and first transferred my car locally and paid all taxes. I dont think the NOC really mattered until the re-registration process which happens after 40 days.
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Old 21st August 2020, 08:50   #799
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re: How to transfer a car from MH to KL

As far as I remember, when I transferred my Jeep from MH to KL:

- First get a good RTO agent in Mumbai. Mallus don't want to go directly and hustle with the authorities there.
- Once done, I think agent will get all clearance certificates like Police, Traffic etc..
- You have to take 5 copies (IIRC) of chassis imprint in a paper.
- If all clear, getting the NOC is just a days job and about a couple of thousand bucks.
- Also, i dont think there are any tests for 2013 cars, unless its a taxi, he might have to get the fitness?

Once you get the NOC, the process is pretty much straight forward here in Kerala.

Also, for getting NOC, Mr M dont need a Mumbai addresss and Mr R dont need a Kerala address.
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Old 21st August 2020, 09:05   #800
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re: How to transfer a car from MH to KL

Originally Posted by dhanushs View Post
Once you get the NOC, the process is pretty much straight forward here in Kerala.
I was thinking the process is straight forward only if the name of the person is same in NOC/Old RC and new application. Always wondered how cars24 and similar vendors manage it.
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Old 21st August 2020, 09:39   #801
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re: How to transfer a car from MH to KL

Originally Posted by Geo_Ipe View Post

According to my friend, the local MH RTO is refusing to give an NOC, stating some 'test' which the car has to pass.
You could also ask your friend to file a RTI to the concerned department. That way the official rule / procedures for such transfer can be found out, once this is available, the RTO doesn't have much choice. In addition to this, approach them through a local agent and not directly for paper work.

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Old 22nd August 2020, 11:29   #802
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re: How to transfer a car from MH to KL

Originally Posted by SPIKE ARRESTOR View Post
You could also ask your friend to file a RTI to the concerned department. That way the official rule / procedures for such transfer can be found out, once this is available, the RTO doesn't have much choice. In addition to this, approach them through a local agent and not directly for paper work.

Whatever tests there are will be clearly documented on the Vahan website and they typically give it to you in writing.

Read this thread carefully.
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Old 22nd August 2020, 20:22   #803
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re: How to transfer a car from MH to KL

Originally Posted by Geo_Ipe View Post
...2013 HM Ambassador from Mumbai. This is an MH registered car, which has been now registered in the name of one of his relatives (let is call him Mr. R) with a Mumbai address.

Now starts the problems. The car needs to reach KL and needs to be transferred to Mr M's name. Mr. R does not have a KL adress proof & Mr. M does not have an MH address proof.

According to my friend, the local MH RTO is refusing to give an NOC, stating some 'test' which the car has to pass. I was under the impression that only cars which have completed 15 years need to go for fitness testing, but apparently MH needs fitness test to be done to give an NOC!
This thread ( is a treasure trove of the kind of information you are looking for. In fact, I would suggest that moderators merge this with the main thread.

The owner (transferor, Mr.R) of the car is in MH, and has his MH address proof. The transferee (Mr.M) wants the car to be KL reg, and has his address proof in KL. Simply apply online for the NOC with the necessary documents! Or take the car to KL, pay the road tax there, and continue driving on the MH plate in Mr.R's name.
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Old 7th September 2020, 00:13   #804
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Re: Moving a car between States - Transfer, road tax, refund etc.

Hello guys, I am planning to buy a car from Noida and bring it to Nagaland. What will be the procedure to get a NOC and transfer the registration to my state? How long does it usually take for the RTO to issue the NOC? Suppose if the RTO takes a week or two to issue the NOC, can I take the car to Nagaland before the RTO issues the NOC and later ask some one to send the NOC through courier? Will it be better to go the agent route ?

Edit: Pre owned Fortuner, 2010 November Manufactured.


Last edited by Tulok : 7th September 2020 at 00:22. Reason: Forgot to mention the car.
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Old 7th September 2020, 00:16   #805
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Re: Moving a car between States - Transfer, road tax, refund etc.

Originally Posted by Tulok View Post
Hello guys, I am planning to buy a car from Noida and bring it to Nagaland. What will be the procedure to get a NOC and transfer the registration to my state? How long does it usually take for the RTO to issue the NOC? Suppose if the RTO takes a week or two to issue the NOC, can I take the car to Nagaland before the RTO issues the NOC and later ask some one to send the NOC through courier? Will it be better to go the agent route ?

Why not simply get a temporary registration if its a new car? Would also cost less as you would need to pay the lifetime road tax only in Nagaland when you apply for a number/permanent registration there.
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Old 7th September 2020, 00:20   #806
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Re: Moving a car between States - Transfer, road tax, refund etc.

Originally Posted by Dry Ice View Post
Why not simply get a temporary registration if its a new car?
Sorry sir, I am talking about a pre owned car. Fortuner 1st Generation to be precise. Registration date of the car November 2010.
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Old 7th September 2020, 00:28   #807
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Re: Moving a car between States - Transfer, road tax, refund etc.

Originally Posted by Tulok View Post
Sorry sir, I am talking about a pre owned car. Fortuner 1st Generation to be precise. Registration date of the car November 2010.
I think then you should initiate the NOC formalities soon, as the car is nearing the 10yr mark at which RTO might cancel the registration. It's practically impossible to get a NOC once the registration has been cancelled.

Bhpian iTNerd followed a similar route with buying a NCR Fortuner and registering in NE(Manipur, I guess) - (Review: 1st-gen Toyota Fortuner)

He might be able to give you some practical points on how to go about the scenario given the distance involved.
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Old 7th September 2020, 00:50   #808
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Re: Moving a car between States - Transfer, road tax, refund etc.

Originally Posted by Dry Ice View Post
Bhpian iTNerd followed a similar route with buying a NCR Fortuner and registering in NE(Manipur, I guess)
Have been following his purchase of the Fortuner and transferring it to his hometown, Imphal (Manipur). But he is based at Noida and he must had a lot of time to wait for the NOC to be issued after which he transferred the car. As for me I am planning to go up to Noida and finalise the deal and come back as soon as possible due to Corona, as I will not be comfortable in spending many days away from home.
Will it be okay if someone sends me the NOC through courier after I take the car to my state ? Because as far as I understand NOC will only be required when I re register the car in my state.

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Old 7th September 2020, 15:12   #809
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Re: Moving a car between States - Transfer, road tax, refund etc.


I am having an Activa which I purchased in TN (Tirupur North RTO). I'm currently living in Hosur and need to get the scooter sent to my hometown Chandigarh. I've applied for online NOC. I have a few doubts:

1. Is it mandatory to bring the vehicle to Tirupur for the NOC process?
2. If not, I'll need to send them original RC along with the application. What are the chances of my application being misplaced and hence original RC getting lost?
3. Will the RTO send NOC to my address or will they generate an online copy?
4. What is the expected time period for the NOC to be issued?
5. What other documents do I need to send along with application?
6. Any other things I need to look out for? Like road tax refund etc.
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Old 15th September 2020, 19:58   #810
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Re: Moving a car between States - Transfer, road tax, refund etc.

I am looking at a pre-used car registered in Gurgaon. Spoke with an agent about the potential transfer process and he mentioned it’s cumbersome because all my residence proofs bear a Delhi address. And rental agreements are not accepted by RTO office.

His idea was that he will get it done if I pay 7000 extra.

Any idea if his points are valid? And is there a way out of this without spending such a huge amount for an administrative process.
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