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View Poll Results: Would you buy a used Tata Hexa today?
Yes 565 67.34%
No 274 32.66%
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Old 10th July 2020, 21:00   #31
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Re: Pre-worshipped car of the week : Buying a Used Tata Hexa

Voted Yes. I drive a Nexon. If I had enough moolah I would've gone for the Hexa. Loved the stance and the ride comfort. But it did not make sense for a small nuclear family with in-laws who visit once a while.

While I did come here to vote for the Hexa, this below post is an excellent find for me!
Originally Posted by Ferruccio View Post
Connect that Aux through a Dragonfly Red to my phone, Spotify playlist and I am in music heaven.
Thank you Ferruccio! I read looked up the dragonfly after reading your post and I'm itching to get my hands on one!
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Old 10th July 2020, 21:30   #32
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Re: Pre-worshipped car of the week : Buying a Used Tata Hexa

Voted NO. That's because I want to buy a brand new one once the BS6 version is out. The ride quality of the Hexa is just fantastic and along with the superb AT, it's just what I need on my 10,000 km road trip, as and when it happens!
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Old 11th July 2020, 07:49   #33
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Re: Pre-worshipped car of the week : Buying a Used Tata Hexa

I have walked the talk on this one. Bought a pre-owned pristinely maintained 19K KM, March 2018, White XTA model 2 days before lock down. Test drove Hexa and XUV during Feb-March time and by the time I narrowed on Hexa, the entire BS4 crop was sold out. Did the next best thing and bought a pre-owned within a week.

When the need is to carry 6-7 people over long distance comfortably and with some panache, I don't think there are other options at this range. There are a few cons and but positives outweigh them. Planning to write a ownership report shortly, after completing Bangalore - Odisha trip within next week or so.
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Old 11th July 2020, 09:03   #34
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Re: Pre-worshipped car of the week : Buying a Used Tata Hexa

As a 2019 Hexa owner, I had to vote yes. I own an XT 4X4. I wish they sold an automatic 4X4. I would have paid the premium for it. I have taken the car on several long trips over some pretty horrible roads. Very comfortable


1. Ride quality
2. Engine + Drive modes
3. Somewhat quieter inside than the XUV (my previous car)
4. Audio
5. Seat comfort
6. Planted at high speeds (tried up to 150 kph)
7. Quality is pretty good. No rattles or niggles so far


1. Headlamp low beam throw
2. Steering reach
3. Storage up front
4. Manual gearbox is a tad annoying at times
5. City driving is a little painful
6. Third row doesn't fold flat. A bit irritating if you don't use the third row much
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Old 11th July 2020, 10:50   #35
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Re: Pre-worshipped car of the week : Buying a Used Tata Hexa

Hi, this post couldn't have come at a more appropriate time! I'm in the process of exploring some used Hexa options.
Can anybody phrase guide me how to go about finding a great technician in the corona times to thoroughly inspect the vehicle professionally?
Thanks in advance.

Last edited by pineapple_ameet : 11th July 2020 at 10:50. Reason: Spell error
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Old 11th July 2020, 17:02   #36
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Re: Pre-worshipped car of the week : Buying a Used Tata Hexa

Voted No. My friend owns Diesel Top End AT. I took it for a spin. It is a nice product but one thing that I felt immediately is that for me (I am 5,6'' and has athletlic build), its too big for a city and found the steering to be on heavier side at low speeds as mentioned in Team BHP review correctly. I would not be comfortable owning it and driving it city.
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Old 11th July 2020, 22:44   #37
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Re: Pre-worshipped car of the week : Buying a Used Tata Hexa

Originally Posted by pineapple_ameet View Post
Hi, this post couldn't have come at a more appropriate time! I'm in the process of exploring some used Hexa options.
Can anybody phrase guide me how to go about finding a great technician in the corona times to thoroughly inspect the vehicle professionally?
Thanks in advance.
One option is to talk to cars24 evaluators for inspection. They do this for a living and would have evaluated same model earlier. Else, going to service centre would be ideal.
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Old 12th July 2020, 08:46   #38
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Re: Pre-worshipped car of the week : Buying a Used Tata Hexa

Originally Posted by omzworld View Post
One option is to talk to cars24 evaluators for inspection. They do this for a living and would have evaluated same model earlier. Else, going to service centre would be ideal.
Thanks omzworld! Yes,did speak to cars 24, as I thought the same, thanks to my previous experience of selling my civic to them. They use a couple of tools to measure the colour density, consistency and uniformity in shock ups etc however they don't do that as a service and so the guy wasn't sure if he'd be able to do that for cars not listed on his portal.

An interesting thing happened in between. This ad was posted by the direct seller yesterday on another portal with an asking price of 12.5 non negotiable and I called him up to get to understand about the vehicle and why he's seeking etc. He said he's leaving Mumbai for good and hence wants to sell it. He requested to come and check the car today itself as he's leaving for Jaipur tomorrow. I then had setup a meeting to check the car at 3. In infact got in touch with devabhai of chembur, courtesy tbhp directory, and we all were to meet at 3.

Here's the interesting bit, I'm pretty sure the same car was listed in the buying deals section of cars24 (they cover the number plate, but one could make out from the colour, milage, and the stickering) at 1.5 L cheaper! Plus when I spoke to cars 24 guy, he said there is further negotiation possible in this.

Now, to add to this, the gentleman refused to pickup my call or reply to my message after agreeing to meet..I had to cancel the whole plan of meeting this person in Chembur with the mechanic because he simply didn't respond.

I'm now wondering if he's even a serious seller, but would give him a benefit of doubt during these times. Otherwise, even after adding up the commission of cars 24 it would have costed much lesser than his 'non negotiable' price.
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Old 12th July 2020, 10:00   #39
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Re: Pre-worshipped car of the week : Buying a Used Tata Hexa

The car is lying with one dealer and you're getting a quote from another sub dealer who is adding his own commission.

Originally Posted by pineapple_ameet View Post
An interesting thing happened in between. This ad was posted by the direct seller yesterday on another portal with an asking price of 12.5 non negotiable and I called him up to get to understand about the vehicle and why he's seeking etc. He said he's leaving Mumbai for good and hence wants to sell it. He requested to come and check the car today itself as he's leaving for Jaipur tomorrow. I then had setup a meeting to check the car at 3. In infact got in touch with devabhai of chembur, courtesy tbhp directory, and we all were to meet at 3.
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Old 12th July 2020, 10:07   #40
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Re: Pre-worshipped car of the week : Buying a Used Tata Hexa

Originally Posted by hserus View Post
The car is lying with one dealer and you're getting a quote from another sub dealer who is adding his own commission.
@hserus I checked the registration number at parivahan portal and the name of the person matches with the one whom I was coordinating with.
So not sure if there's a subdealer involved here, but then, anything's possible in dealership universe!
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Old 12th July 2020, 11:21   #41
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Re: Pre-worshipped car of the week : Buying a Used Tata Hexa

Voted Yes.

I would buy for these reasons:
  • Space for my big family (6 Adults + 3 Kids).
  • Ride and handling are best in class. Remember, I am coming from Duster. So I will pick which is best than Duster's ride and handling.
  • Best diesel AT in market. Will be boon in city and highways.
  • Powerful engine.
  • Features and that awesome sound system.
  • MPV package inside SUV design.
I wouldn’t buy for these reasons:
  • After sales and service still not up to the mark.
  • Big lengthy car means parking space issues in city.
  • If I am using more for city, then I would shop compact SUV’s.
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Old 12th July 2020, 12:17   #42
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Re: Pre-worshipped car of the week : Buying a Used Tata Hexa

Voted Yes. Got a new 4x4 MT 6 seater 9 months back. Had considered a used one before opting for the new.

1. It is the cross between mpv and suv just like crossovers are between hatches and SUVs. Looks and feels like SUV for most parts with the benefits of an MPV
2. Steering is perfectly fine. Those coming from hatch might find it heavy. I came from XUV and was absolutely comfortable with it. Needs extra effort for sure but not as dramatic as Autocar review shows. My wife drives it in the city now that we have only one car due to Covid crisis. Question to ask is that will the folks who find the steering heavy be comfortable with a fortuner 4x4 steering? I didn't find significant between the two in my test drives.
3. It is not sprightly to drive but now slow either. It was the only car in the category offering 4x4 capabilities and is tough enough to carry it off
4. Strengths of solid build, great looks, superb interiors, excellent paint quality, outstanding ride, above average motor, luxurious 6 seater option, excellent speakers etc are all there. It has Tata niggles but manageable. Service staff is very receptive. Challenge is with their engineering skills to fix the issues.

I put Michelin Ltd force tyres and ride is not compromised much. Overall, a happy owner.
Attached Thumbnails
Pre-worshipped car of the week : Buying a Used Tata Hexa-20191012_084136.jpg  

Pre-worshipped car of the week : Buying a Used Tata Hexa-20191012_084208.jpg  

Pre-worshipped car of the week : Buying a Used Tata Hexa-20191012_084151.jpg  

Pre-worshipped car of the week : Buying a Used Tata Hexa-20191012_084221.jpg  

Pre-worshipped car of the week : Buying a Used Tata Hexa-20191010_190128.jpg  

Last edited by 5kmiles : 12th July 2020 at 12:33.
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Old 12th July 2020, 15:39   #43
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Re: Pre-worshipped car of the week : Buying a Used Tata Hexa

My 2018 Hexa XTA has completed 53000k and man! What an awesome ride quality. Call me evil, but I travel alone most of the time. There is a reason for it. During my younger days I always wanted to pilot an empty Airbus A320 and enjoy the midsummer sun falling gently on the windshield, but now my wish is almost fulfilled because Hexa is as smooth an any airplane. What a ride quality, thanks Tata
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Old 12th July 2020, 15:53   #44
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Re: Pre-worshipped car of the week : Buying a Used Tata Hexa

Great Value for Money (after depreciation)
Powerful engine and 4wd Capabilitiy
A smooth TC box
Comfortable seating for 6 people
Ground clearance
Ride Quality and Features

Tata ASS is a hit or a miss
Fuel Economy
Maintenance by the previous owner

So clearly the Pros out weigh the Cons. I would definitely buy or recommend a well maintained Tata Hexa. A 4X4 Variant would be my choice over the 4X2.
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Old 12th July 2020, 21:57   #45
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Re: Pre-worshipped car of the week : Buying a Used Tata Hexa

The answer is an absolute YES.

I have a 2017 Hexa XTA and absolutely love the car. Most reasons that you should consider buying one second hand are already mentioned in the thread about, but according to me the greatest reason is the low re-sale value of the TATA brand makes the Hexa an ever sweeter deal.

I have toured all over in that car and it has been relatively niggle free and munching miles in one is a really wonderful experience. Tata service is better than what it used to be and plus visits to the service centre are mostly related to regular servicing, hence not much of an issue.

My car has done about 55k KM and the highway driving has been generally pretty spirited . The best part is that there are no irritating noises from loose trim or anything on those lines. I particularly mention that because every time i talk to my friends about how good the ownership experience has been, they have always commented along the following lines: wait till it does 20,000 km. Then it transformed to wait for 50,000km. And now its stands at 70,000km.
This is the impression that the brand and this car has to fight against and I'm happy to report that none of the doomsday stories have come true.

It would be difficult to find many cars in the market though, considering that it didn't particularly set the sales charts on fire and secondly, most owners would not want to sell a car which works well so soon.

Looking at it from another perspective, in the segment there are only 2 viable options, the Hexa and the TOYOTA Innova. In the second-hand market, I'm sure there are no arguments about which car would come at a better value for the buyer. Hence, it's a no brainer.

Some niggles that i did face are as below:
  • A weird sound when the auto box upshifts sometimes. It's very faint, but its there. And not easily reproduceable, hence untraceable. Performance has been exemplary though.
  • The '-' on the manual mode of the box just refuses to work sometimes. Generally not an issue because the 'sport' mode on the box is the best/at-par on any car south of 1cr that I've driven (and trust me, I've driven a LOT of cars hard). It is unbelievably well-tuned. It's almost as if the gearbox thinks the Hexa is a sports car and not a 2.4 tonne behemoth.

A Point to note:
The 19-inch tyre is a custom size made specifically for the Hexa by MRF. Availability could become an issue some years down the line.
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