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Old 18th January 2020, 17:32   #1
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Fastest car makers to sell 1 lakh units in a single FY since inception

Many Automobile OEMs started their journey in the Indian Market in late 90s but only few are able to crack the market Maruti would have done.

Fastest car makers to sell 1 lakh units in a single FY since inception-22.jpg

- Maruti’s initial data was not available (1984-1998) and hence has been excluded from the comparison.

Fastest car makers to sell 1 lakh units in a single FY since inception-16.jpg

- Hyundai, Tata & Renault being the fastest to reach 1L units milestone in a single FY since its entry in the Indian automobile market

-6 out of the above 7 OEMS started their Automobile journeys in late 90's

- Renault was able to reach this milestone after the launch of Kwid in 2015

-Honda is the slowest amongst these as it took 15 years to reach 1L units in a single FY and this was possible with the launch of Amaze in 2013


Last edited by volkman10 : 18th January 2020 at 17:33.
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Old 20th January 2020, 11:10   #2
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Re: Fastest car makers to sell 1 lakh units in a single FY since inception

The record is going to be shattered this year by Kia. Their 2019 sales average was 9100 / month, despite August being the first / low month of production, and slyly lowering dispatches in December by 50% to take advantage of the January price hike.

They'll do 1 lakh cars off a single model in the first year itself. However, in terms of FY, it'll be more like 1.5 (due to our financial year ending in March).
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