Re: Premium / Luxury hatchbacks - The next trend? I'd drool to dehydration if the topic of this thread becomes a realisty. Premium powerful hatchbacks are one of the best "drivers'" car types. Its a bit of an overlap there between superminis and premium hatchbacks really. What I'd love is those powerful sporty handling superminis.
Think of the Golfs, Meganes, 308s, C4s, Focuses, Leons. Man! 
(With the right engine combinations of course!)
Alas - its a mathematical certainty really in India that it won't happen. The cars of this segment don't come cheap or with a "kitna deti hai" marketting campaign.
We live in an auto market where - - Cars are made by companies only if the sell in thoudands of units per month. Otherwise not.
- Majority customers buy a car thinking about others rather than how they feel while driving the car. We then convince ourselves that the car we bought to impress others indeed is the one that fits our needs / driving expectations.
- We make a direct relation between the money paid vis a vis the size and status value of the car. Especially taking comments from people who know less than nothing about cars and mechanical engineering.
This segment of cars comes fairly costly. India associates "hatchbacks" with low cost, high mileage etc. etc.
If one buys a Focus, he'd have extra task every day of answering this question to 15 people a day -
"You could have got a Creta or Hector for this price. Why did you buy a hatchback then mate? Weird!"
Again, no thought about whether these 2 car even compare with each other or not. And its not feasible to to take 15 people a day to the nearest ghats, throw the Focus around corners at high revvs, blow the living daylights out of them & shut them up forever.  |