Team-BHP - VIP Car numbers

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Originally Posted by HighRevving (Post 5467666)
However the screen is stuck here when I try to find a particular number.

Rather than going through 'Search by Number' try 'User Other Services' and selecting 'All Available Numbers'. Then select State>RTO>Ongoing series, then you'll be able to see all the available numbers.

In Bangalore, Karnataka, how to get the fee details. Transport officials say for running numbers, it is ₹ 25,000. And for advanced numbers, it is ₹ 75,000. But nobody is clear on what is running number.

For instance, Parivahan says, for KA-03, both NP and NQ series as "Open". NQ is is open just 2 weeks back. Does that mean NQ series cost ₹ 75,000? Or is there any range?

Can anybody provide some information here?

Thanks so much

World's Most Expensive Car Number Plate Sells For ₹ 123 Crore.

The new Rolls Royce Cullinan seems like a bargain now.

Got VIP number via online portal auction, luckily I was the sole bidder.

VIP Car numbers-img_8725.jpeg

What happens to the fancy/ vip numbers that remain unsold? Most smaller districts will not have demand for VIP numbers and should have a pool of such numbers.


Originally Posted by hegdesaspect (Post 5503566)
In Bangalore, Karnataka, how to get the fee details. Transport officials say for running numbers, it is ₹ 25,000. And for advanced numbers, it is ₹ 75,000. But nobody is clear on what is running number.

For instance, Parivahan says, for KA-03, both NP and NQ series as "Open". NQ is is open just 2 weeks back. Does that mean NQ series cost ₹ 75,000? Or is there any range?

Can anybody provide some information here?

Thanks so much

In the same boat here. We were looking for a particular number for a new car in the family and KA-05 shows “NG” and “NH“ as open. NH series opened 5 days back. The number we are looking for has already been crossed in “NG” series. The dealer says “NH” is advance series and will cost ₹75000/-. But parivahan already shows it’s “open”.

Nobody to provide concrete information.


Originally Posted by drhoneycake (Post 5527977)
In the same boat here. We were looking for a particular number for a new car in the family and KA-05 shows “NG” and “NH“ as open. NH series opened 5 days back. The number we are looking for has already been crossed in “NG” series. The dealer says “NH” is advance series and will cost ₹75000/-. But parivahan already shows it’s “open”.

Nobody to provide concrete information.

I paid ₹ 75,000/- after speaking to the RTO Head Office. They clarified that ₹ 25,000/- is only if the open series has less than 1000 numbers left. So, in your case, if you want "NH", then you have to pay ₹ 75,000/- as Demand Draft in the registered name of RTO (forgot the exact name). You will receive official SMS from the RTO department at every stage of the process.

The process for booking vanity numbers is very simple and transparent in Telangana. The entire booking process can be completed online in a single day. I've recently booked 2 choice numbers for 2 new cars and everything went smoothly.

The initial bid amount is 5,000/- for most numbers and goes up to 50,000/- for the most coveted numbers (0001, 0009, 9999, etc). Once you make the initial payment in the morning hours, if there are no other bids, the number is allotted to you immediately. If there are other bids for the same number, there is (just) one additional bidding in the afternoon and whoever bids the highest amount gets allotted the contested number by the evening.

I think other states in the country should take note and implement something similar.

The number KL 7 DA 9999 was auctioned at the Ernakulam RTO for 13 lakhs. The number was purchased by a businessman for his new Porsche.


Originally Posted by ashwinikalantri (Post 5527897)

What happens to the fancy/ vip numbers that remain unsold? Most smaller districts will not have demand for VIP numbers and should have a pool of such numbers.

In Chandigarh they will keep rolling them over for auction. Nothing gets wasted here.


Originally Posted by Gupts007 (Post 5529307)
In Chandigarh they will keep rolling them over for auction. Nothing gets wasted here.

Well, Chandigarh is fancy! ;)


Originally Posted by hegdesaspect (Post 5527997)
They clarified that ₹ 25,000/- is only if the open series has less than 1000 numbers left.

Finally some clarity. Thank you. Guess we’ll wait it out since “NG” series is at 8800 as off today. Thank you for the information.

Folks from Bangalore, it looks like the dealers are no longer allowed to deliver vehicles with temp registration. What if someone wants to get a special/fancy number? Earlier, one could take the delivery with temp registration and apply for a fancy number. What is the recommended process now?

Forum members, any idea what these two Chandigarh VIP/Fancy numbers should be worth:


Both of these numbers are from a very old (2003/04) series.


Originally Posted by Denali (Post 5604986)
Forum members, any idea what these two Chandigarh VIP/Fancy numbers should be worth:


Both of these numbers are from a very old (2003/04) series.

Both numbers have a base rate of 20000 and readily available right now. If current auction didn't have any good numbers available, max I would expect is 25-40000. You should contact some local car dealers to get an idea and leads maybe.

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