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Old 2nd October 2013, 23:07   #586
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Re: VIP Car numbers

Originally Posted by Warwithwheels View Post
Is it possible to get a car registered under a RTO, which does not belong to your jurisdiction.

For Example, If the RTO according to my residential address is TN01 but I want my car to be registered in TN09 RTO, is it possible?

Any work around possible? My favourite series is not available in the RTO to which my residence belongs :(
Registering in TN09 is possible by submitting an affidavit to the concerned RTO (TN09), also note that the RTO(TN09) will anyway take your current Ration Card, Voter ID, DL, Passport along with the affidavit. However this TN09 registered car will not have your home address as per your residential proof. (It is suppose to have an address in TN09 jurisdiction and hence the Affidavit)

Originally Posted by Sahil View Post
Nope. You address proof will determine which series you get. I do not think there is any work around this unless you have an address in TN09 or take an illegal route which is highly unrecommended.
This is not an illegal route, it is just a by-pass, please read above.
Originally Posted by Warwithwheels View Post
I get that, Sahil!

Any idea if it is possible to jump like 8 or 9 series ahead of the current running series?

If TN XX E 0001 is the current series, is it possible to get a number in the TN XX AA XXXX series?

Any restrictions on the maximum number of series one can jump?
There are restrictions in the number of series you can jump, please go through Page-2 of PDF below
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Old 4th October 2013, 11:06   #587
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Re: VIP Car numbers

Thanks so much for the detailed post!

Originally Posted by narchennai View Post
All single digits from 1-20, all 1111 3333 4444 5555 - 9999, all 1000 2000 3000-9000 and 666 333 999 and specially 4777 now can be booked only by obtaining a GO from the government. The process and time for obtaining the GO now is irritating rather than the RTO process or fees for it.
I just went thru' the PDF. If I have understood it right, all the numbers quoted in the above post have the same fee, as in Reg No. 1 doesn't carry a higher amount when compared to 5555 or 9000 etc. Just that the availability of the number in the series decides the price tag.

For instance, if TN 11 - E XXXX is the current series and Reg No. 0001 is available in F or H (Does G also count?), all I need to pay is only 40K (since it falls within the first four series). Could you please tell me if my understanding its right?
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Old 4th October 2013, 14:33   #588
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Re: VIP Car numbers

Originally Posted by Warwithwheels View Post
If I have understood it right, all the numbers quoted in the above post have the same fee, as in Reg No. 1 doesn't carry a higher amount when compared to 5555 or 9000 etc. Just that the availability of the number in the series decides the price tag.

For instance, if TN 11 - E XXXX is the current series and Reg No. 0001 is available in F or H (Does G also count?), all I need to pay is only 40K (since it falls within the first four series). Could you please tell me if my understanding its right?
Please visit this link

Click ALL and it will update the present status in all Tamilnadu RTOs.

For understanding of series you can jump, if current series is TN11 C4444 and you want to block a number more than 1000no.s from this, example anything greater than registration no. 5443 you fall in the 40k slot.
Similarly TN11 D, E, F will fall in Rs.40k slot
TN11 H, J, K, L - Rs.60k slot (G belongs to Government and I is not used by any RTO in TN)
TN11 M & P - Rs.1lakh slot (N belongs to Transport corporation and O is not used in TN)
TN11 Q & R - Rs.2lakh slot

Please understand that this fees is for general public alone, If you are a MLA, MP, Minister from TN, you can take two numbers in any of the above series free of cost for your entire tenure (5years)

(Please note the registration no. TN11 C4444 cited above as an example belongs to me for my Chevrolet Beat Tdci)

Normally single digit numbers will be blocked instantly when available, hence No.1-9 & 9999 will normally be available only in the Rs.1lakh or more range

The list of Government numbers in TN is below
Attached Files
File Type: pdf Govt_Numbers.pdf (25.3 KB, 717 views)

Last edited by narchennai : 4th October 2013 at 14:36. Reason: Adding info
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Old 6th October 2013, 22:37   #589
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Re: VIP Car numbers

Originally Posted by narchennai View Post
...The list of Government numbers in TN is below
Thanks for making it abundantly clear.

But looking at the List of Government numbers, one more query has cropped up.

Can we jump the series or numbers for Non Government numbers too?

If the last registration number of the current series on Monday is 1200, going by the rules for Non Govt numbers, I'll be free to choose any number from the next thousand numbers i.e between 1200 & 1300 on tuesday by paying just Rs. 16K

For example 9966 is not in the list of Government numbers. But I wanna get that number on Tuesday (which is more than 1000 numbers away from the current registration i.e 1200). Is it possible? or should I wait till the registrations near the 8000 mark and then pick it from the next thousand numbers?

Last edited by Warwithwheels : 6th October 2013 at 22:54.
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Old 7th October 2013, 21:28   #590
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Re: VIP Car numbers

Originally Posted by Warwithwheels View Post
If the last registration number of the current series on Monday is 1200, going by the rules for Non Govt numbers, I'll be free to choose any number from the next thousand numbers i.e between 1200 & 1300 on tuesday by paying just Rs. 16K
If current number is 1200 then anything till 2199 can be had with Rs.16K RTO Charges. This can be booked at the RTO Office concerned by paying this fees, however any Government numbers that fall inside this range (1200-2199) cannot be blocked by either the RTO or you.

Originally Posted by Warwithwheels View Post
For example 9966 is not in the list of Government numbers. But I wanna get that number on Tuesday (which is more than 1000 numbers away from the current registration i.e 1200). Is it possible? or should I wait till the registrations near the 8000 mark and then pick it from the next thousand numbers?
You have only two options
1. Wait till the concerned RTO finishes or registers vehicles till the registration number 8967 and then block your required no. 9966 through the Rs.16K RTO charges as I have informed above.
2. Get a G.O. from Transport Ministry-Tamil Nadu in your name, for the registration no.9966 and register the vehicle with Rs.40K RTO charges. This cannot happen overnight and you have to wait at least ten days, nowadays to get a G.O. for your required registration number.
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Old 8th October 2013, 19:22   #591
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Re: VIP Car numbers

@narchennai: Thank You so much for the clarification!

BTW: Here's something interesting I found on the net. The non allotment of Reg. No. 8 or numbers totaling to 8 has been mentioned in the TN MV rules itself!

VIP Car numbers-capture.png

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Old 8th October 2013, 21:56   #592
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Re: VIP Car numbers

I would buy one more Car than paying 4.7lakh :-)
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Old 7th January 2014, 18:27   #593
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Re: VIP Car numbers

A businessman pays Rs. 12 lacs for Car Registration Number - 1.


The fixed price for VIP Number 1 is Rs. 4 lacs if available in current series. But if RTO issues VIP Number 1 from future series, triple price is applicable. In this case since the number is being allotted from a different series State Transport Commissioner's approval is required.

Frankly speaking I would rather buy a high end sedan for Rs. 12 lacs.


Last edited by Jignesh : 7th January 2014 at 18:28. Reason: Info added
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Old 7th April 2014, 20:19   #594
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Re: VIP Car numbers

For Karnataka following is the fee structure & procedure.

An application on plain paper has to be made before the Regional Transport Officer/Transport Commissioner for allotment of a Fancy Registration Number / Advance Registration Number. After the allotment letter is issued prescribed fee has to be paid and submitted before the concerned Regional Transport Officer.

Fees (to be paid at R.T.O. Counter):

Vehicle Type Running Series Advance Series
2-Wlr 6000 25000
LMV 20000 75000
Other Vehicles 30000 75000
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Old 19th May 2014, 13:09   #595
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Re: VIP Car numbers

The list of vanity numbers issued my Madhya Pradesh RTO and their fee :
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Old 20th May 2014, 18:10   #596
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Re: VIP Car numbers

In Kerala, some fancy numbers command a rate of 5k, 10k, 25k, 50k and 1 lakh. If you have no preference and leave it to the dealer a number is randomly generated by the computer and is free.

In case you prefer any particular number apart from the pre-fixed fancy numbers, a fee of Rs.3000 is levied and the list displayed on their website from Monday to Saturday and allotted to you on the next Monday if no one books it in the same period. If someone else also books it, then it goes for auction in front of the RTO/Joint RTO. This auction is pretty much common in Kerala and happens with some of the fancy numbers too. The Rs. 3000 fee is refundable too if one participates in the auction.

One way to avoid double booking in the system using a loophole is to book the number on Saturday between 12.30pm and 1 pm so that it will be allotted to you on the coming Monday!

Usually I prefer the random system where random numbers are quite useful for passwords until recently where I paid 10k for the number 1001.
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Old 13th October 2014, 09:09   #597
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Re: VIP Car numbers

Read Hindustan times that fancy numbers have been sold at exorbitantly high prices in Delhi in its first e-auction.
It seems '0001' was sold at 12.5L and '0009' was sold at 8.25L

Quoting from the news item:
NEW DELHI: Delhi’s first e-auction of fancy or VIP registration numbers for cars concluded on Friday with 29 bidders walking away with numbers of their choice after participating in a fierce online auctioning process.

With a base price of ` 5 lakh, ‘0001’ — the number considered as a status symbol and generally found on cars driven by either politicians or big industrialists — was sold for ` 12.5 lakh in the three-day long online auction.

The number was bid by UP-based sugar manufacturing company Dwarikesh Sugar Industries Limited and is likely to be used by company’s managing director Gautam R Morarka.

Another number that generated a lot of interest among bidders was ‘0009’, which was bought by one Karun Arora for ` 8.25 lakh. The number had a base price of ` 3 lakh.

Brys Hotels Private Limited was also bidding for 0009 but let it go after the auctioning cross ` 7 lakh mark. The company later settled for 0007 for ` 5.5 lakh.

“Nine is my husband’s numerological number and seven is our lucky number. We have cars with the digits of the registration number totalling up to seven. We personally didn’t want to go beyond a particular amount and hence decided to focus on 0007,” said Neetu Gaur, director, Brys Hotels Private Limited.
Shahbad-Mohammadpur based civil construction company Swami Contractors managed to get 0006 for ` 3 lakh, its base price.

“Six is my lucky number. I am lucky that I managed to get the single digit six this time,” said Ajit Singh Gaur, company’s managing director, who will use the number on Audi Q5.

Of the 140 numbers up for grabs, the transport department could manage to auction only 29 numbers — including 0777, 0786, 0111, 7777, 8888, 9999 — in its first-ever auctioning of fancy registration numbers. The department managed to earn ` 72.4 lakh from the auctioning. Till last year, the transport department used to allot these numbers to general public on the recommendation of politicians and bureaucrats.

“Only a handful of people participated in the auction this time. We expect better response to our subsequent auctions,” said a senior transport department official. The next round is likely to take place in first week of November.

“For the next few days we will send letters to the successful bidders, receive payments and complete other formalities,” the official added.
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Old 13th October 2014, 17:21   #598
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Re: VIP Car numbers

I bought some fancy numbers for my cars, Started when i bought the Audi. Cheapest on on the Audi and the most expensive on the Innova xD . Audi is 0011, 0009 for both Fortuner and Innova. Got them between 50k and 1.25l
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Old 13th October 2014, 18:02   #599
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Re: VIP Car numbers

I booked 7111 for my polo today. Now after one week if there are no double bookings, i will get my vehicle registered with this number or else it will be auctioned.
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Old 14th October 2014, 11:12   #600
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Re: VIP Car numbers

Question on VIP numbers in Karnataka. The RTO says that you need to pay Rs. 75000 for a number from a future series for cars.

Now, given that all car registration numbers begin with M, N, P or Z, can I buy KA xx ZZ 9999?
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