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Old 11th February 2013, 18:11   #526
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Re: VIP Car numbers

Laura 8989 - Rs. 20,000 official receipt.
Aria 9919 - Rs. 6000. Wanted a number totalling to 1 and with 19 in it. Did not want 9000 or 9999 which I could get in same cost.
But for me my 1956 fiats MAM 285 and earlier GJY 63 are more dear.

Last edited by ACM : 11th February 2013 at 18:12.
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Old 11th February 2013, 18:14   #527
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Re: VIP Car numbers

Originally Posted by ACM View Post

Aria 9919 - Rs. 6000. Wanted a number totalling to 1 and with 19 in it. Did not want 9000 or 9999 which I could get in same cost.
9999 in the same cost? Which RTO is this?
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Old 11th February 2013, 22:15   #528
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Re: VIP Car numbers

^^^ MH03
Was myself surprised how this was lesser than for 8989 for MH43.

Was told that I would have to wait 2-3 months for just 19. Once 9xxx series starts numbers in 9xxx become reasonably priced though say a 2222 if wanted right then would be expensive till say the 2xxx series starts. So settled for 9919 in place of 19 which happens to be my sons birth date.
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Old 11th February 2013, 22:27   #529
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Re: VIP Car numbers

Originally Posted by drsingh View Post
I don't know if its been discussed elsewhere but is there an official procedure to transfer old no. To your vehicle....
There is a provision to transfer your old number to your new vehicle. I think you have to surrender your old number and apply for the same number at the RTO for your new vehicle. AFAIK Punjab government has banned the transfer of special numbers (read "old" like PBS, PUP etc) to new vehicles now. And also since you don't possess the papers of your old scooter now, how will you even prove it that the said vehicle was yours?
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Old 11th February 2013, 23:25   #530
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Originally Posted by cataclysm View Post
There is a provision to transfer your old number to your new vehicle. I think you have to surrender your old number and apply for the same number at the RTO for your new vehicle. AFAIK Punjab government has banned the transfer of special numbers (read "old" like PBS, PUP etc) to new vehicles now. And also since you don't possess the papers of your old scooter now, how will you even prove it that the said vehicle was yours?
I intend to apply for a damaged RC/lost RC procedure . They should have old records somewhere.

From your reply I gather its a grey area and depends on the RTO s discretion. I see new vehicles popping up with these numbers all the time, hence my query.
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Old 18th April 2013, 16:09   #531
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Cost for choosing registration number in Bangalore?

Hi All,
I am getting delivery of my new vehicle on Saturday. Today, while discussing with the dealer, I asked if it is possible to get a registration number with some specifics- I want a 9 or 1 in the number. The dealer suggested that I can opt for a number ending in 1 or 9. This will cost 4K at the RTO.
Now, I can't find any information on about either this option or the charges for it. Can anyone help with any information in this regard? Couldn't find much relevant (current) information in previous posts as well.
FYI, the deler will send it for registration tomorrow.

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Old 18th April 2013, 19:41   #532
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Re: Cost for choosing registration number in Bangalore?

Congrats on your purchase!

4K/- is a good price to pay (I paid up 6K/-, nearly 5 years ago). But ensure that an entry/acknowledgement of the same is made in your RC book, so you know the money has been deposited with the RTO. Are only plastic cards being issued now? No idea if that is the case.
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Old 18th April 2013, 19:54   #533
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Re: Cost for choosing registration number in Bangalore?

I have paid 10K for my Electra 350 for the number 5533. All of my vehicles are of with the same number 5533

Originally Posted by dkamath View Post
Congrats on your purchase!

4K/- is a good price to pay (I paid up 6K/-, nearly 5 years ago). But ensure that an entry/acknowledgement of the same is made in your RC book, so you know the money has been deposited with the RTO. Are only plastic cards being issued now? No idea if that is the case.
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Old 18th April 2013, 21:51   #534
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Re: Cost for choosing registration number in Bangalore?

I too had paid 10K for my bike (for number 2248) in 2010.

When I checked for car on same number, they asked about 30k. I did not go for it.
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Old 18th April 2013, 22:10   #535
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Originally Posted by abhieagle View Post
Hi All,
I am getting delivery of my new vehicle on Saturday. Today, while discussing with the dealer, I asked if it is possible to get a registration number with some specifics- I want a 9 or 1 in the number. The dealer suggested that I can opt for a number ending in 1 or 9. This will cost 4K at the RTO.
Now, I can't find any information on about either this option or the charges for it. Can anyone help with any information in this regard? Couldn't find much relevant (current) information in previous posts as well.
FYI, the deler will send it for registration tomorrow.

Here in gurgaon,i paid 8k for the number 6868 in 2010 for my i20.

My friend recently got the number 3188 free of cost. All he did, visited the RTO himself rather than relying on the dealer. They have a book with the list of numbers, the premium ones are marked and rest are available.You can choose any number of your choice from the available non premium. Getting a 1 or 9 is a cakewalk. I would suggest if you can visit the rto yourself.
RTO's are generally flexible enough in giving non premium numbers. I have seen the same in Delhi as well.

For bangalore i can't confirm though.

Also ask the dealer if he would giving the 4k RTO receipt.
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Old 18th April 2013, 22:41   #536
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Re: Cost for choosing registration number in Bangalore?

Originally Posted by abhieagle View Post
Hi All,
I am getting delivery of my new vehicle on Saturday. Today, while discussing with the dealer, I asked if it is possible to get a registration number with some specifics- I want a 9 or 1 in the number. The dealer suggested that I can opt for a number ending in 1 or 9. This will cost 4K at the RTO.
Now, I can't find any information on about either this option or the charges for it. Can anyone help with any information in this regard? Couldn't find much relevant (current) information in previous posts as well.
FYI, the deler will send it for registration tomorrow.

Starting from year 2010, RTO KA has three number allocation schemes (unless the rules have changed off late):

1. No fee, you get the default next number. No preference.
2. 20,000: you get a preferred number in the current series
3. 75,000: you get a preferred number in the advanced series

You get a receipt for the 20,000/75,000 amount you pay. I don't know how they classify the numbers into these special categories.

If you are paying any other amount like 4k, 6k 10K, it is basically for a number that is not classified in the 20K, 75K category above and without any receipt (err... bribe). The approx rates for such a favour might be something like:

3-4K - Number ending with X. This should be even cheaper but these days no one wants to do anything for 1000 rupees anymore
6K - Number with XX (two repeating digits)
10K - for more fancier numbers?

Last edited by androdev : 18th April 2013 at 22:44.
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Old 18th April 2013, 23:22   #537
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Re: Cost for choosing registration number in Bangalore?

As rightly mentioned by androdev, 20k is to be paid for registering for the required number. Anything less quoted by the dealer is purely bribe. I really don't understand why the government set the base fee as 20k. It is very steep and the whole process is not at all transparent.

BTW, compared to this, Kerala RTO is very transparent. Any number can be requested for registration by paying fixed amount starting from 2k (based on the 'fanciness') and the details (number and name of the applicant) will be published in the RTO website. If two or more applicants opt for the same number, there would be a bidding process. Most of the time the required number can be legally acquired for 3k.

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Old 18th April 2013, 23:33   #538
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Re: Cost for choosing registration number in Bangalore?

As stated by @androdev, the amount the dealer is asking you to pay is an "unofficial" payment.

When I bought my car in 2010, I asked if I could get a number divisible by 3. I spoke to the RTO agent attached to the dealer, and he said that he could easily do it, but made it clear that I need to pay 5K to him in cash. A majority of the amount goes to the RTO employee(s), a small cut will be taken by the agent.
My wife convinced me to drop the idea.
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Old 13th May 2013, 10:23   #539
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Re: VIP Car numbers


VIP Car Registration number's to cost more from Wednesday - source:

The above article highlights some little known facts, e.g.:

- Out of series no. 1 will be available for Rs. 12 lacs (current price were Rs. 3 lacs).
- If more than one person demands the same number, RTO's shall aution it to et even higher price.
- The Car registration number AK - 47 is sold for approx Rs. 3 - 5 lacs in Punjab
- Official price of number 786 is hiked from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 1.5 lacs in Mumbai.


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Old 13th May 2013, 10:51   #540
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Re: VIP Car numbers

We did not pay anything extra for a VIP registration! Our old car, bought used by a lady Minister (ex) had a great Registration- 101. Also, something ending with 1 like 101, 501, 1001, 5001 etc is considered a good omen according to people, hence they give cash presents as such.

We paid only for the car and not anything extra for the VIP number it was bearing.

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