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View Poll Results: Do you want your next car to have a built-in Dashcam?
Yes 361 88.70%
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Old 5th August 2017, 18:54   #1
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Why don't cars come with dashcams as standard fitment?

Really - Why not?

We know how useful they can be during accidents and cases of road rage. Most BHPians have it in their cars. They come in various designs and sizes:
Why don't cars come with dashcams as standard fitment?-dashcam1.jpg

Why don't cars come with dashcams as standard fitment?-dashcam2.jpg

We have a whole thread dedicated to Dashcams and DVRs that runs well over 100 pages.

This thread gives enough information to choose and install a dashcam in any car. They cost anything from 1,000 to over 20,000 rupees. Their capabilities range from the basic function of recording video of the road ahead, to a host of additional features like reverse recording, GPS logging, G-force sensor, Impact sensor, motion detection, parking monitoring and more. Dashcams don't consume significant power from the car either.

Another thread also shows you how to "Hardwire" the dashcam to make it work like it was installed from the factory.

Most car companies offer it as an official accessory (by charging a bomb) and every car accessory guy worth his salt will have a few options in Dashcams.

So my question is that when it is so easy and inexpensive, why don't OEM's provide it as a feature in their cars straight from the factory.
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Old 5th August 2017, 19:09   #2
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re: Why don't cars come with dashcams as standard fitment?

It can be easily done by the car companies and integration would be far better than the accessories we install. Car companies are totally allergic to the idea of modern tech inside the car, innovation and adaptation is very slow. For example, simple data connection inside the car can open up a whole lot of features and convenience, but no car company apart from tesla is trying to do it. Latest Reva had some of the features, but again why cant mahindra adopt those in their popular cars. I dont think it will be that expensive.

IMO car companies sort of purposely slow down development because there is very less to nill competition from start ups and new companies in this industry.
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Old 5th August 2017, 19:18   #3
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re: Why don't cars come with dashcams as standard fitment?

Cost, I believe, would be the reason.

Why provide something, that is such an easy and profitable retrofit, as standard equipment and jack up the starting price of a car.

When entry level BMWs and other luxury cars come without something as significant as a reverse camera as standard, dashcams are still a supplementary feature.

Eg. Reverse cam is only stock on the highest trim of the EcoSport: Titanium+, so I got one fitted on mine for 12k. I'm sure it costs Ford a fraction of that amount.

So, hefty profits!

Originally Posted by samaspire View Post
So my question is that when it is so easy and inexpensive, why don't OEM's provide it as a feature in their cars straight from the factory.
A BHPian recently changed the stock wiper stalk in his car with one that has variable speed. Cost? Less than a thousand.

And yet, even some Nexa cars without this feature on even the highest trim.
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Old 5th August 2017, 19:19   #4
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re: Why don't cars come with dashcams as standard fitment?

How many of the general car buying populace will be looking for an inbuilt dashcam as a feature? Maybe around 1-2 %. Why would any manufacturer incur an expense which won't bring in extra sales? Will anyone buy X model just because it has a dashcam? But definitely someone can offer the same in the top model, but to have built in dashcam isn't easy I guess.

More than dashcam, I wish they provide Isofix child seats and other safety features as standard. I had to settle for a 2 airbag version of Aspire automatic, just because Ford thinks that people like me isn't a priority. If at all I want to upgrade to an Automatic with 6 airbags I have to look at City,Ecosport and then the Octavia.
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Old 5th August 2017, 20:03   #5
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Why not just give some features as an accessory and let the customer choose them if they want it. Simplest solution.

If a manufacturer does it and it proves popular they may consider finding a way to hard wire them into the car.
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Old 5th August 2017, 20:48   #6
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re: Why don't cars come with dashcams as standard fitment?

Well, when a manufacturer has to provide a feature, it should be legally compliant. I have a dashcam in my car, but if we see them from a broader point of view, it is not legal to record footage without the consent of the public whoever the dashcam is capturing. Neither is it allowed to capture footage from some sensitive and protected areas. Unless the law allows dashcams to be used as a protective equipment and as an evidence for any road incidents, manufacturers cannot provide such an accessory from the factory.

Only in countries like Russia etc where insurance companies do consider dashcam footage for claims, the use of dashcams can be considered legal. I guess the law makers there have recognised the use of dashcams and consider it legally allowable. And coming to another aspect, branded and reliable dashcams do cost a lot. If a manufacturer has to provide it, they cant provide a cheap chinese dashcam costing 20$. Hence, it is a considerable cost too, which many customers might not be willing to pay.
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Old 5th August 2017, 21:04   #7
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re: Why don't cars come with dashcams as standard fitment?

Originally Posted by samaspire View Post
So my question is that when it is so easy and inexpensive, why don't OEM's provide it as a feature in their cars straight from the factory.
Because they come at a cost and are not mandatory. Period.
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Old 5th August 2017, 21:16   #8
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re: Why don't cars come with dashcams as standard fitment?

Originally Posted by n.devdath View Post
Because they come at a cost and are not mandatory. Period.
Well, same for air conditioning.

I think it's only a matter of time before it catches on and becomes a factory option. It already is a dealer level option in many places.
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Old 5th August 2017, 21:57   #9
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re: Why don't cars come with dashcams as standard fitment?

Well, when people are not ready to buy a car with airbags until it's forced upon them by a legislation, I wonder how a dashcam or other important features like stop lamp on doors, vehicle tracker etc which will be available at a cost make the people buy a car?

We might need a legislation for everything when related to safety features.

Last edited by BoneCollector : 5th August 2017 at 22:16.
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Old 5th August 2017, 23:37   #10
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re: Why don't cars come with dashcams as standard fitment?

Some cars actually do come with them!! In many Peugeot Citroen cars, it is available as a factory fit option that is permanently fixed to the place above the centre IRVM.

It is such a hassle free thing and totally makes sense to be offered in all cars, but alas the car makers don't think so. At least for India, the cost would be a major reason. But even for the more expensive cars which come with 360 degree cameras, I don't think it would be difficult to put another 50 dollar camera somewhere on the car to record the footage. Just seems like the demand is too low.

Last edited by GTO : 6th August 2017 at 18:19. Reason: typo
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Old 5th August 2017, 23:56   #11
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re: Why don't cars come with dashcams as standard fitment?

Can dashcam footage be admitted as evidence in our courts? I think if CCTV footage can be admissible in court why not from dashcams?

Last edited by Gannu_1 : 6th August 2017 at 10:01. Reason: Grammar.
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Old 6th August 2017, 03:46   #12
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re: Why don't cars come with dashcams as standard fitment?

Nissan Juke has an integrated 4k 360 action camera.

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Old 6th August 2017, 08:17   #13
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re: Why don't cars come with dashcams as standard fitment?

One more issue other than the cost factor is the warranty issue.

The dash cam would be outsourced. Will it last for 3 years? Thats what the standard warranty on cars is right.
Now in case of failure, this can't be repaired by ASS. Hence replacement is an easier option at the ASS level. This would add to the companies cost.

For example, the ICE on my previous car was replaced twice in the warranty period because the dealer could not fix it. They suggested I give it to a nearby technician, but I didnt agree. They ended up replacing it.
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Old 6th August 2017, 09:44   #14
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re: Why don't cars come with dashcams as standard fitment?

Originally Posted by lamborghini View Post
Why not just give some features as an accessory and let the customer choose them if they want it. Simplest solution.
Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
If a manufacturer has to provide it, they cant provide a cheap chinese dashcam costing 20$. Hence, it is a considerable cost too, which many customers might not be willing to pay.
BMW India has it listed under accessories. Very expensive though!!
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Old 6th August 2017, 11:34   #15
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re: Why don't cars come with dashcams as standard fitment?

I do not want cars to come with it! Like many other tech gadgets specs and optics in a camera is fast evolving, I do not want to get stuck with a mounted fixture which is outdated and irreplaceable (like few car components, due to their placement)
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