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Old 24th October 2018, 22:05   #196
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re: The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs

Turbopetrols without a slick shifting automatic may not work well in Indian traffic conditions. We all know what happened to the Ecoboost. I'd really like to know how much of Baleno RS MSIL sells. The only turbopetrols doing well are from VAG with their slick shifitng DSG's. It's a pain to drive in traffic given the lag.
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Old 24th October 2018, 22:13   #197
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re: The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs

Originally Posted by Nissan1180 View Post
Finally affordable cars that enthusiasts can consider adding to their wishlist! I might sound out of place here, but will CNG work on these? With Petrol touching Rs. 90 a liter, any CNG car with a good engine will win the market. I know that there's a lot of debate about CNG affecting engine durability, but material science has progressed far beyond making metals with desirable properties affordable- the IC engine will likely be a museum artefact within the next 15 years. I wish Tata made a truly breakthrough attempt at disrupting the sector. A CNG/LPG with similar characteristics, lowest running costs and engine warranty for 100,000 kilometers would have made even the die hard Maruti and Hyundai fans shelling out 11 + lakhs for a Dzire take notice.
I was looking at cars in Thailand, and Tata sells Pickups with a CNG there. CNG personal cars are still a rarity in India. I don't get why. They reduce emissions by 30% directly and we see so many Accords, Corollas at the pumps.

While it might be silly to discuss about CNG on a performance variant's thread, let us just quickly finish this off.

- CNG is more corrosive in nature, as the fuel does not have as much lubricity as gasoline, so the first and also the most affected part inside the engine is the intake valves and valve seats - but that can be overcome by hardening them through nitriding process.
- CNG requires higher compression ratio to burn efficiently, so in a gasoline engine which can also run on CNG, the CNG mode is never running to the best of its efficiency. But we cannot increase the compression ratio without jeopardizing the gasoline engine's performance. So CNG runs slower that Gasoline.
- CNG adds about 60-70k over a regular gasoline car
- CNG vehicles are looked down upon - as a cost conscious customer compared to conventional fuel powered cars.
- CNG availability and infrastructure is limited (especially in South India)
- CNG eats up lots of boot space

Considering all these, the diesel car is almost as efficient, much faster and can haul much more loads comfortably (torque!!) so that makes the Diesel cars a far better option.

PS: I worked on a CNG adaptation program for a global OEM recently, and did the program's business case as well.

Sorry for hijacking the JTP thread

Originally Posted by Durango Dude View Post
Turbopetrols without a slick shifting automatic may not work well in Indian traffic conditions. We all know what happened to the Ecoboost. I'd really like to know how much of Baleno RS MSIL sells. The only turbo-petrols doing well are from VAG with their slick shifting DSG's. It's a pain to drive in traffic given the lag.
Ford's Ecoboost is very different, and it hauls a very heavy car too - which affects its efficiency. Believe it or not, the company that has lot of turbo petrol cars with manual gearboxes in this side of 12L is TATA !! They have the Zest, Bolt and the Nexon with Turbo petrol powertrains, and the latter is quite famous too!

Last edited by aravind.anand : 24th October 2018 at 22:40.
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Old 24th October 2018, 22:19   #198
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re: The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs

Originally Posted by Durango Dude View Post
Turbopetrols without a slick shifting automatic may not work well in Indian traffic conditions. We all know what happened to the Ecoboost. I'd really like to know how much of Baleno RS MSIL sells. The only turbopetrols doing well are from VAG with their slick shifitng DSG's. It's a pain to drive in traffic given the lag.
Considering this is a "hot" hatch, I'd say, a manual will be preferred. Anything other than a DSG can't give any driving pleasure on a fast car is what I think (from an automatic perspective). If the turbo is tuned well, driving wouldn't be an issue. I am really thankful they didn't try and mate an AMT for the sake of an automatic.

For the Baleno RS, I think the reviews were not favorable and I don't think anyone could see it worthy of the additional price tag compared to the regular version.

PS : Awaiting the interior pics of the Tiago. I suspect there is no touchscreen and Auto AC compared to the Tigor, just like the regular version - sad if they went with the same feature list.

Last edited by swiftnfurious : 24th October 2018 at 22:30.
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Old 24th October 2018, 22:31   #199
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re: The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs

Originally Posted by Durango Dude View Post
Turbopetrols without a slick shifting automatic may not work well in Indian traffic conditions. We all know what happened to the Ecoboost. I'd really like to know how much of Baleno RS MSIL sells. The only turbopetrols doing well are from VAG with their slick shifitng DSG's. It's a pain to drive in traffic given the lag.
I have an EcoBoost at home, and no issues driving with the manual gearbox. For a performance oriented engine, give me a simple and good manual gearbox instead of giving me a Quick shifting unreliable box that is almost sure to fail sometime and leave me stranded. For somebody that has a lot of running, these aren't the cars anyway given the petrol engine.
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Old 24th October 2018, 22:50   #200
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re: The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs

Originally Posted by aravind.anand View Post

While it might be silly to discuss about CNG on a performance variant's thread, let us just quickly finish this off.
And that's the perception that worries me, although most don't care. A 30% reduction in emissions, less than half the cost of running per kilometer, and we deem it to be an alternative for "budget conscious buyers"? Who else buys a Tiago or Tigor? And how many can ignore being budget conscious?

I guess that's why India will continue to see diesel car bans and the like, because people don't see the potential of what an optimal use of the technology offers 🙂

Your comments about the effects on the engine are true, but not unsurmountable. That's why I said that technical constraints are not the limiting factor. 🙂

Please delete if deemed inappropriate. I just felt that a Turbo Petrol car in a budget segement might sell a lot less than what an equivalent CNG model would. As I said, even fast pickups run on CNG in our more value conscious neghboring countries, so what's being suggested is not without any reference.
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Old 24th October 2018, 23:26   #201
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re: The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs

What race track is featured on the engine cover? Kari Motor Speedway?

The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs-whatsappimage20181024at17.31.161000x600.jpeg

Specs look killer. Man, how has Tata evolved over the years from the Indica days!
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Old 24th October 2018, 23:31   #202
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re: The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs

I've never been a fan of sedans when they have a hatchback equivalent, and I always admire the clean hatchback look, in comparison to the sedan.

But when it comes to the Tigor, especially in this JTP incarnation, it's the opposite. It looks beautiful - especially with that notchback appearance of boot.

Interesting specs, and will be worth seeing the test drive reports.

"Only" 150 Nm torque out of a 1.2L turbo-petrol might not look impressive, but I'm actually cautiously optimistic that this means it has been tuned for urban drivability.

I eagerly await the 27th, and at some point in the future - TBHPs report.

Last edited by moralfibre : 25th October 2018 at 08:37. Reason: Small typo
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Old 24th October 2018, 23:35   #203
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re: The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs

Originally Posted by swiftnfurious View Post
PS : Awaiting the interior pics of the Tiago. I suspect there is no touchscreen and Auto AC compared to the Tigor, just like the regular version - sad if they went with the same feature list.
AutocarIndia says that the Tiago gets the touchscreen too.
Additionally, both cars get a Harman 5-inch touchscreen infotainment system with Bluetooth and voice command recognition. Also standard are dual airbags and ABS with corner stability control.
Source -

Last edited by manson : 25th October 2018 at 15:08.
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Old 25th October 2018, 02:06   #204
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re: The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs

Originally Posted by agambhandari View Post
Healthy performance numbers. And an interesting heading(looks like inspired from a certain bhpian handle)
Assuming the S2 to be Baleno RS, Tiago JTP closely matches and betters it by 0.25 sec (0-100 kph),
0.4 sec (20-80),
0.7 (40-100).
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Old 25th October 2018, 02:47   #205
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re: The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs

Found some basic spec and feature list for the JTP twins. There are some obvious errors like the Rear wiper mentioned for the Tigor. But its useful to see the dimensions and weights of both cars.
From a feature stand point, the only feature difference I found from the info online is the tiago doesn't get a reversing cam but is otherwise equal.Possibly it also loses out on Auto AC but not sure.
Attached Thumbnails
The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs-44708880_2018606881519400_3203057433920405504_o.jpg  

The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs-44777331_2018606761519412_3351885150307745792_n.jpg  

The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs-44751435_2018606584852763_1580024623162982400_n.jpg  

The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs-44734006_2018606528186102_72094075490140160_o.jpg  

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Old 25th October 2018, 05:31   #206
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Video showing few information from their media presentation. 1 Lakh over equivalent stock variant is going to be a tempting option.
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Old 25th October 2018, 05:52   #207
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re: The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs

Originally Posted by Gannu_1 View Post
What race track is featured on the engine cover? Kari Motor Speedway?
Yes, it is. Kari Motor Speedway is the shrine for racers from down south, named after S. Karivardan, the legend who designed and built entry-level race cars and power gliders.

It's firmly believed that Indian Racing would have reached far greater heights, if he had been around. He died in a trainer aircraft crash in 1995.

Last edited by discoverwild : 25th October 2018 at 06:03.
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Old 25th October 2018, 06:26   #208
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re: The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs

The Tata twins look sporty and aggressive but in a very subtle classy way. I am glad they havent overdone it like in the past with their "sporty looking" models. At 1 lakh above the asking price for the normal model, this one should be on top of every enthusiasts list of car to buy. I hope it drives as well as it looks. Well done Tata!
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Old 25th October 2018, 07:05   #209
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re: The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs

Whoa! Mahindra may have gone for Inferno but it's Tata who is literally on fire .

The cars (especially the Tigor) look great and hope they drive as well as they look. I won't mind the touchscreen or any other features (the lack of it) but strongly feel both the cars should have got all round discs.
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Old 25th October 2018, 08:30   #210
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re: The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs

Media Drive flagged off and a few other random pics

Route map for the drive.
The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs-img_20181025_085345.jpg

Source :Twitter
Attached Thumbnails
The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs-img_20181025_082608.jpg  

The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs-img_20181025_082559.jpg  

The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs-img_20181025_082611.jpg  

The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs-img_20181025_082556.jpg  

The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs-img_20181025_082632.jpg  

The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs-img_20181025_082657.jpg  

The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs-img_20181025_082655.jpg  

The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs-img_20181025_082653.jpg  

The Tata Tigor JTP & Tiago JTP. EDIT: Launched at Rs 6.39 - 7.49 lakhs-img_20181025_082659.jpg  

Last edited by uday.ere : 25th October 2018 at 08:55.
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