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Old 25th April 2016, 17:37   #16
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re: Wrong registration number for the last five years!

All done. Changed the plates, PUC with the new number and updated both my insurance policies.
Getting into the Reliance office in Santacruz was a pain. Security wouldnt send me up because I didnt have the name of the contact person who has to approve entry, the helpline didnt have any names in its database because the Santacruz office is new. The security couldnt find the book with the extension numbers. Once they found it there was no answer because by then it had become lunch time. Finally after about 2 hours I was let in. Met the executive and explained the situation.
Lazy bugger was trying to tell me that he can only update one policy. By then after waiting so long I lost my cool and he received a few curses from me. If I have an accident tomorrow then even though only a week is left on the old policy Reliance will simply put their hands up and walk away.
He agreed to process both and went to his desk. 45 minutes later I got 2 new policies with the updated details.
Came back home and changed the plates.

So now finally my car is street legal just shy of its 5 year anniversary !

I guess I got lucky that my VIN, chassis, engine number match the RC otherwise it would have required a visit to the RTO and what Im sure is a longer and more painful procedure.

Thanks TBHP and remember to check all your documents CAREFULLY when you buy a new (or used) car !
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Old 26th April 2016, 16:21   #17
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re: Wrong registration number for the last five years!

Originally Posted by GTO View Post
Clerical error at the dealership level. Well, better late than never.
@Mortis, Good to know that your ordeal is over.

I have come across 2 instances of wrong entries in RC book so far.

1st: During late 80's, I noticed the stamp of 'Duplicate' in the RC book of my Dad's scooter. When I asked him, why the stamping was there, he informed me that he noticed the discrepancy between the actual Chassis number and the one indicated in the RC book. When it was brought to the notice of the officials concerned, they got the original RC book, replacing it with a new one with the stamp 'Duplicate'. after rectifying the error.

2nd: When I bought a bike (Suzuki) in 2009, there was a delay in receipt of RC, Dealer informed that there was some correction needed to be done in that, and that is why it was getting delayed. When I received it. I found some correction was made in the Chassis number of the vehicle.

Later when I reached home and checked it, the dealer name was mentioned as 'Tata Motors'; Also I noticed that my name was also not typed completely, leaving my last name.

These were again taken up with the dealer and it was corrected. The 'Dealer name' was literally scrapped by blade or similar thing for making the correction.

After few years, when I tried to get the Chassis number of my bike from the Reg. number through some website, I noticed it was still without the correction in their database.
Attached Thumbnails
Wrong registration number for the last five years!-img_21791.jpg  

Wrong registration number for the last five years!-img_21812.jpg  

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Old 26th April 2016, 17:16   #18
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re: Wrong registration number for the last five years!

1. Insurance details can be easily corrected, as per my experience (just need to apply with copy of RC). If you have been buying insurance from an agent, he would do the paperwork for free. (It's just a matter of getting a new printout with corrected details, plus a revenue stamp)
2. User manual needs to be corrected. If your free services are over, the regn. number needs to be corrected at their database level, other wise you risk forfeiting warranty.
3. Buy new number plates and Just take a new PUC with the new number.

Last edited by jinojohnt : 26th April 2016 at 17:18.
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Old 27th July 2016, 14:37   #19
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Worst buying experience with Himgiri Hyundai, Gurgaon

Hi Guys,
Recently I purchased a new Hyundai Creta, SX+ Petrol, Automatic from Himgiri Hyundai, Global Foyer, Gurgaon, Haryana and I'm sad to say that its been the worst car buying experience of my life. This is my 4th Hyundai car and just because this dealership was close to my residence, I made the biggest mistake of thinking that they would be providing me the same level of sales experience that I'm used to with my other Hyundai cars.

There has been a list of harassments that I have faced and honestly I'm contemplating to take them to consumer court.

It all started when I refused the insurance being offered by Himgiri Hyundai as my father works in RSA and I was able to procure a better deal from elsewhere. Firstly the salesperson, Mr. Akhilesh Goswami, raised a huge hue and cry about the whole insure matter and then, he gave me the wrong chassis number, which was to be written on my cars insurance. Needless to say, I had to delay the delivery of my car for another two days so as to get the chassis number corrected in my insurance papers. This just ruined my whole buying experience of a car, something which we all relish as it comes only once in 4-5 years. Anyways I put this episode back and then and took my car and drove away. Soon after I received a call from them, stating that the permanent number of my car had arrived and I can get my number plate replaced by them now. Believing that they are professionals, I got my number plate changed and once again drove away. Owing to curiosity, I had my number plate checked and to my shock and horror the number was registered under someone else name at the RTO and had a loan from a leading bank, while I had made a complete down payment for my vehicle.

Now this was extremely disturbing from me to imagine that someone else was driving a similar model car but with a number plate registered in my name and what if he/she is involved in an accident and god forbid there is some casualty? Obviously police will trace this number to me and arrest me for a crime and impound my car, because some extremely callous person at Himgiri Hyundai, just like my chassis number, mixed up my car registration number!!!!

I got in touch with the branch manager, Mr. Surender Yadav and I was assured that immediate action will be taken, but no one was willing to take blame for harassment which I would face at the hands of the cops and law, if god forbid, something outward were to happen. I consulted my lawyer and he suggested an indemnity bond being made by Himgiri Hyundai, stating that they had mixed up the registration numbers and that they take complete responsibility of any mishap that has taken place due this fault go theirs. I even mailed them language for the indemnity bond, but the manager and GM sales, refused to cooperate. What they suggested was a letter on their letterhead, which has no legal binding whatsoever.

I can't help but think that I'm being harassed by Himgiri Hyundai, because I refused to take an overpriced insurance policy from them.

I would be most grateful, If anyone can provide me with the number or email of Hyundai higher ups. I had never imagined that my car buying experience would be soured so badly by a dealer of Hyundai Motor India Limited.
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Old 4th February 2021, 10:48   #20
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re: Wrong registration number for the last five years!

Hello Folks,

It seems I do not have access to start a new thread, so posting on the one I found closest to my matter. In my case it is not the wrong registration number on RC but a wrong engine number (one last digit) on the new RC card.


Jan 2007 - Maruti Alto Lx bought with all paper work correct.

Jan 2012 - Submitted RC to Pune RTO for removal of hypothecation. A smart card is issued in place of paper RC. My bad I did not diligently verify all particulars.

Mid 2018 - I had to renew a lapsed insurance and then I realized that on new RC card the last digit of engine number is 3 instead of 2. Chasis number and all other particulars are correct. I kept this on back burner for some reason.

Feb 2021 - As next year car registration will have to be renewed, it gets me thinking if this will create an issue at RTO.

Guys, please advise what should be the best course of action for me.
I still have a photocopy of the original paper RC with correct engine number, so nothing difficult to prove.
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Old 4th February 2021, 11:12   #21
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re: Wrong registration number for the last five years!

Originally Posted by Rodie09 View Post
Guys, please advise what should be the best course of action for me.

I still have a photocopy of the original paper RC with correct engine number, so nothing difficult to prove.
Why not visit the RTO which the car is registered at and explain the issue to them?

Once you surrender the current RC along with the required forms filled for correction plus some RTO charges, a new RC should be available in 10-15 days depending on how fast the RTO works.
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