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View Poll Results: What is the top influencer in choice of car color?
Ease of maintenance 123 19.46%
Based on model to color suitability 340 53.80%
Superstition 7 1.11%
Family decides. No personal choice 49 7.75%
Has to be a specific color. No compromise. 69 10.92%
Depends on availability. Most colors work 27 4.27%
Any Other (Please Specify) 17 2.69%
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Old 28th December 2015, 19:16   #91
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Re: What influences your choice of car colour?

I chose 'easy to maintain' option. I am very particular about the appearance of my car. Like everyone else, a dirty car is a strict no-no. Driving a dirty or dusty car feels like sleeping on a dusty bed-sheet that has not been cleaned for quite a while.

I choose color that is easy to maintain, and can hide dust too. So, 'Silver' is my preferred choice. India is a dusty place, and keeping a car spick-and-span is always difficult.
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Old 28th December 2015, 19:27   #92
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Re: What influences your choice of car colour?

There are specific shades that define a car or variant. I personally, do not make a huge fuss of the colour, but I do check out most shades and advice on the best 2-3 shades for the car. Then its over to ladies in the household. Its a simple process, I decide on the car and they decide the shade it wears.

However, I do get my way with subtle persuasions.
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Old 28th December 2015, 19:30   #93
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Re: What influences your choice of car colour?

I prefer black color, if I have a facility for daily washing.
In current scenario my favorite is White 'easy to maintain'.
Last month repainted my Black Corolla to white.
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Old 28th December 2015, 20:57   #94
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Re: What influences your choice of car colour?

I voted option 2 - based on model suitability, but ease of maintenance follows a close second - a hairline's difference to me.

My first 2 motorcycles were both silver (evident from my profile picture). I prefer grey/silver, it suits most shapes and sizes well, hides minor scratches, doesn't show dust prominently and generally is elegant, doesn't fade either.

My first car, ( Linea TJet) was bought used, and had limited choice of color for this reason, but it's light metallic blue, fairly close to silver again. If I had a choice, or was buying new, I'd have chosed Bronzo Scuro (medium-dark metallic brown), or deep grey/magnesio grey, with silver being 3rd. Generally, I prefer metallic shades that accentuate the shape/curves/edges and are easily maintained.

Now coming to imaginary circumstances, like if I won the jackpot and had enough to buy an exotic Italian or such.
Even then, I'd eschew the red/yellow eyeball magnet colours in favour of more sober shades. It's not often you see a dark blue Ferrari Maranello 575 , or a dark bottle green Aston Martin. Lamborghini is more varied in their colour options, with orange , purple, green being offered aside from the common blood red and canary yellow, but give me one in titanium grey please, or a Porsche 911 Turbo S in silver.

Last edited by Ricci : 28th December 2015 at 21:03.
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Old 29th December 2015, 01:08   #95
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Re: What influences your choice of car colour?

Most Preferred - Dark and Rare colors. Same taste while selecting models. I rarely select model which is common around as much as possible

Least Preferred - White and Silver (Pearl white for SUV is an exception, but not for Sedan)

I never had a white/light colored car till now
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Old 30th December 2015, 13:01   #96
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Re: What influences your choice of car colour?

Grey it is for me. The first thing I do whenever there is a new launch is to find out how the car looks in grey. Rest all colours do not exist for me in an automobile.

However the few car purchases I have influenced among my friends/family have always been silver. Primary reason being ease of maintenance and secondary being, a grey one, would make their car look better than mine.(in my eyes)

Red is the colour which I despise the most. Some cars look horrible in red.
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Old 30th December 2015, 14:11   #97
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Re: What influences your choice of car colour?

Silver. makes the best sense in terms of ease of maintenance and unobtrusive elegance.
Love Dark Green or Military Green too but the right shade is difficult to get here in India.
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Old 26th November 2017, 20:21   #98
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Re: What influences your choice of car colour?

Color choices depends on the family members and secondary thought goes into the looks of specific color on the vehicle.Our family members choose color according to their likes, we are fortunate to drive a few vehicles and each color had a reason of choice by a member.
Father liked Red and Maroon so his old bullet was repainted Maroon from original Black, similarly our Scorpio sported Wine Red Gold color, my sister chose Black for her Honda Aviator, for my Honda CB Unicorn my mom chose Red and it surely looked very geat. I like earth colors so when time came for purchasing a Royal Enfield my obvious choice was Desert Storm.
While getting Chevrolet Spark white color seemed obvious because it had a simple design and for a change we chose the White and it always looks simple and decent which was the basic idea while selecting the color.
Now the honors of choosing color for our new sweetheart car which is most likely be going to be Hyundai Creta, heart is leaning towards Pearl Beige. Everyone in family is on deck for this color.
So all in all in my family Color of vehicles depends upon the choice of family members.

Last entry for this thread was quite old but the thought behind starting it is as original as it was back then. I'm going through the threads and unsurprisingly, given this is team bhp I find quite a lot of interesting threads, so offered my bit of insight, hopefully no one is offended.
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Old 26th November 2017, 21:21   #99
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Originally Posted by shankar.balan View Post
Silver. makes the best sense in terms of ease of maintenance and unobtrusive elegance.
Love Dark Green or Military Green too but the right shade is difficult to get here in India.
Absolutely agree. Apart from what you mentioned, silver also makes a lot of sense considering our tropical hot climate. Silver and white actually are the best colors in that sense maximising passenger comfort in hot climates.
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Old 26th November 2017, 22:30   #100
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Re: What influences your choice of car colour?

My colour preference is usually white, (all our previous cars in India are white - since it looks so pristine and good maintenance shows on it), but it wasn't suiting the Nexon when I was considering it at launch. Was blown away by Glasgow Grey and am happy I stuck to this shade which suits the model, to the T.
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Old 30th November 2017, 13:37   #101
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Re: What influences your choice of car colour?

In my house its is combined family decision.

1. I shortlist available options.
2. Wifey conducts elimination round to retain final few.
3. I pick a couple of cars from remaining list and inform its pros and cons.
4. Wifey finalizes the Car.
5. Children and wifey finalize the Colour
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Old 30th November 2017, 14:00   #102
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Re: What influences your choice of car colour?

Family decides the color. I am not particular though I like silver for its ease to maintain
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Old 30th November 2017, 15:05   #103
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Re: What influences your choice of car colour?

Voted for Option 4. Family decides. No personal choice.

They are against almost all colors Black is a big no and so is the blue. Red as per them is color of blood so I guess car will suck my blood and will retain it shine. Dark colors again need to be avoided due to poor visibility in night drives.

So every time we are left with just 2 options White or Silver.

History of Car colors by date of purchase:
1. Blue Maruti 800 - Guess this was the culprit for avoiding blue as it gave lot of trouble at some point of time.
2. Silver Santro
3. White Safari Dicor
4. White Toyota Etios
5. Silver Honda Accord
6. White Ford Endeavour
7. Silver Honda Amaze
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Old 30th November 2017, 16:10   #104
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Re: What influences your choice of car colour?

Voted for Availability since that is what drove my decision this time. A Diamond White EcoBoost was the only colour still available with the dealer here after the facelift got launched. I was very keen to get the 6 airbags EcoSport with MT. Inquired with a few other dealers and found only Dark Grey (mfd. in April). So rejected that for the White car with the newer mfg. date (August).

My previous ride - a Colorado Red Figo was chosen for its vibrant shade. Maintaining it was a bit of work, but satisfying . Here's how it looked after 6 years with me.

What influences your choice of car colour?-figo_ayudhpooje_17.jpg
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Old 30th November 2017, 16:33   #105
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Re: What influences your choice of car colour?

The color matters only when buying new. Color choice depends on the design & model. Tend to avoid white as much as I can. My choice turns out mostly dark shades of blue.

When buying pre-owned/worshipped cars, the condition of the car, year & mileage on odo matters first. Never faced a situation where I can choose them based on color.
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