As temperatures have started rising in Delhi region, it's already getting quite difficult to drive in the afternoon. Don't know how things will be in real summer months which are not far away. Come April and temperatures will be hitting 40 degrees mark:Frustrati.
Another problem of driving under the sun is the driving fatigue along with A/C performance drop and high fuel expenses.
Looks like I need to buy a couple of pairs of sun shades for my car.
Originally Posted by amit
(Post 3057490)
There is a high chance of some woman getting molested, sexually assaulted because her car didn't have sun films. All of us have experienced how our female relatives are leered and stared at by road user's. There are many women that can't wear a sleeveless top while going out in a car fearing the lusty stares of people here. Has the government thought about the probability that the existence of a sun film may save a woman from getting assaulted or raped?
Secondly, this ruling has been in force since July or August with the cops in many cities enthusiastically enforcing it. Can the government agencies share any data on reduction in crime rates post this ruling?
What about people who suffer from sun allergies or problems? I, myself have Rosacea and have been advised by the doctor to avoid sun as far as possible.
Have the SC judges heard of skin cancer? Have they heard of depleting ozone layer and what the ozone layer does?
The problem of women's security is not going to get solved by removing sun films or better policing. It's a cultural problem and the solution has to start from the time kids are born. We have to teach our son's to respect women. Start from simple things like asking him to get a glass of water for his sister after they come home from school. It may sound silly but it's just one of the many subtle ways to make boy's / men understand that women are our equal partner's to be cherished and respected and not just to be used like some commodity. |
What percentage of Indians travel in private cars?
What is the percentage of transparency of tints on the glass that will prevent lusty eyes from staring at women inside?
Is tint the only way to prevent skin cancer?
The cultural change suggested is a good one but will take ages to happen, that too when the entire population starts implementing the change.
By saying that tints provide privacy and prevent rapes, are you not promoting the "purdah" system? Let the ladies go out in purdah (or veil) and the crime on women will reduce.
And by the way, wont the tint that would provides privacy to women also provide privacy to criminals? That is the whole logic behind the ban.
Originally Posted by anuragn
(Post 3060376)
And by the way, wont the tint that would provides privacy to women also provide privacy to criminals? That is the whole logic behind the ban. |
That is what I am trying to say. The ban does not have logic as it assumes that removal of sun films will stop rapes and sexual assaults. The flip side is it can result in someone getting assaulted as well. What then? Sun films are not the reason of rapes, they never were and never will be. Removal of them will also not stop rapes or assaults. Few days back a woman was kidnapped in an auto rickshaw and raped. Now what? Ban them too? Or ask them to have transparent roof's? Few months back a woman in Bandra was raped in her house by a robber. Should we make houses of glass now?
The logic and effectiveness of the ban will be proved when there is a fall in crime against women. Has that happened? Just a cursory look at newspaper's will give us the answer.
In most of the rape & assault cases, it's someone known to the woman that does it. Someone, many times from the family. Which sun film was involved here?
Lack of respect towards women is a cultural problem in our hypocritical country. There are no short cuts to this problem, start with your kids now and expect minor improvements in about 15 years from now. That is the fact.
Originally Posted by amit
(Post 3060972)
The logic and effectiveness of the ban will be proved when there is a fall in crime against women. Has that happened? Just a cursory look at newspaper's will give us the answer.
That is the fact. |
Tints are banned to prevent (or at least reduce) all types of crime. Crime against women is part of it.
Originally Posted by sourabhzen
(Post 3065100)
Tints are banned to prevent (or at least reduce) all types of crime. |
And do we have data to prove that is has been effective in doing so?
I dare say, NO.
Originally Posted by n.devdath
(Post 3065178)
And do we have data to prove that is has been effective in doing so?
I dare say, NO. |
May be not, but do we have data on how what percentage of cars were using legally permissible limit of transparency in films? We may do a poll in TBHP for members to see how many were adhering to rules.
The data may not be available but I have seen people for years misusing the tinted glass to dodge the law. One link posted by me a few post before confirms my stand.
Moreover, the effectiveness is irrelevant in our country where we leave an accident victim to die on road where he is visible to all. Any one being harassed in a car with all transparent glass will also go go unnoticed as we will like to look other way as we are common man not wanting to get into trouble. But at the same time, one in a million person might see something wrong going on inside a car ad raise alarm.
Also, it is lack of will power on part of police to stop crimes, otherwise there would not have been any reason for SC to pass such law.
Originally Posted by sourabhzen
(Post 3065253)
Also, it is lack of will power on part of police to stop crimes, otherwise there would not have been any reason for SC to pass such law. |
And you feel this law has been able to curb crime?:uncontrol
If the answer is yes, I rest my case and agree to
Originally Posted by n.devdath
(Post 3065268)
And you feel this law has been able to curb crime?:uncontrol
If the answer is yes, I rest my case and agree to |
Yes, as I mentioned in last post one in a million person might see something wrong going on inside a car/bus and raise alarm.
Sure, I know many more members disagree with me.
got Garware classic lite 70% vlt on all windows of my Dzire. From inside the car it looks like there is no film but it has 40% heat rejection and 99 % UV protection. However from the outside it reflects light (something like 3Ms RE series). It is a very light shade of grey. Hope I can evade the cops now and enjoy summer.
Originally Posted by sourabhzen
(Post 3065273)
Yes, as I mentioned in last post one in a million person might see something wrong going on inside a car/bus and raise alarm.
Sure, I know many more members disagree with me. |
Sourabh, it is one form of deterrence as all the vehicles used in a crime were found to have dark tint films, so it warrants a logical conclusion to ban it across the country, court decisions are always after going through all pros and cons and it is weighed in equal measure and judgements passed.
Originally Posted by goandude
(Post 3065293)
got Garware classic lite 70% vlt on all windows of my Dzire. From inside the car it looks like there is no film but it has 40% heat rejection and 99 % UV protection. However from the outside it reflects light (something like 3Ms RE series). It is a very light shade of grey. Hope I can evade the cops now and enjoy summer. |
How much did it cost you and for which car ?
Whats sad is that this law is only being followed or rather being forced upon citizens in only some parts of the country. While in delhi it will surely attract a quick challan and probably removal of films at the same time, in Vadodara there is no problems at all. But then one can argue that the incidence of crimes against women are also way less here compared to Delhi.
As far as 70% films go, I think the cops would be able to spot it. The problem is earlier they used to look as good as transparent when almost all other cars were seen sporting much darker shades of tints. But now with most of them having transparent glasses, a car sporting 70% films would stand out. Also the last time I checked, at the slightest suspicion the cops check your windows by palpating for the film since it ends a few cms below the top edge of the window glass.
With the cops in Mumbai going on overdrive against sun films, I have been noticing how many vehicles on the road's have sun films removed. Before that, I'd like to mention that it seems like for the cop's, all problems have been solved in Mumbai and only sun films are now left to tackle. Nowadays, they don't even ask for any documents of the car, no checking of PUC or even if you have insurance, just challan for sun films! Recently, I had a cop follow me from Sion to Dharavi on his bike just to stop me for having sun films!
Regarding, other vehicles on the road, I have noticed that the cops only stop car's completely ignoring the inter state luxury buses. Most of these buses have really dark sun films PLUS (some also have) curtain's and the cops just don't care? It's even more odd considering the bus gang rape, I thought, the way our authorities go into knee jerk reactions they would go after buses but that hasn't happened. Has it something to do with the fact that most of these luxury buses are owned by politicians and some even by cops themselves?
Originally Posted by drmohitg
(Post 3065467)
Also the last time I checked, at the slightest suspicion the cops check your windows by palpating for the film since it ends a few cms below the top edge of the window glass. |
I'm wondering why the sun-film guys can't do a perfect cutting at the top edge of the window so that you don't see any gap? Or any technique to avoid the gap? Or does that tend to peel off the film more than the other way? Sorry if this has been discussed earlier.
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