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Old 31st March 2019, 19:10   #16
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re: Can new cars have their odometer reset by the dealer?

Well, this is news for me. And I find this lack of knowledge of mine rather amusing. Blame it on never having bought a new car. The entire garage of 6 cars are bought used!

That said, I don't think its a big issue and looks like its commonly being used by the service centre, and looks like the 'reset odo' has to be used so that the owner can log each of the odo kms on his own. Also, if you look at it deeply, even though not much, I'd not want to miss my warranty for ~150kms of someone else's use.

Cmon, I think we've got to cut them at least a 150 kms worth slack, out of the lacs of kms we use the car!
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Old 31st March 2019, 19:20   #17
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re: Can new cars have their odometer reset by the dealer?

Originally Posted by girish.purswani View Post
Some of the major questions I have are
1. How can a dealer reset the odometer of the car and try and fool the customer
2. Why would a car have a “feature” of this sort? (Is this a common feature cause I honestly had no clue that it’s so simple to reset the odometer)
3. What is the guarantee that dealers of M&M will not sell their old stock or demo vehicles to unsuspecting customers who don’t really check VIN numbers etc.
4. A big big question on the trust factor for the brand
5. How do I know that my car had actually done 81kms/20kms or xyz kms.
Wow!! The information on this thread has taken a lot of us by surprise! I hadn't imagined that car companies had such a "feature" on their cars.

To answer the questions in bold - No & No!

As far as I know, removing a simple fuse will kill the speedometer and odometer. A lot of car dealerships resort to this method for offering certain models for test drive. I myself was offered a Petrol Creta Automatic like this because the dealership didn't have a test drive car with that engine + gearbox combo! Same happened when I wanted a test ride of the Bajaj Dominar! When dealerships resort to this method, the customer has absolutely no way of coming to know how their brand new car/motorcycle was treated before coming to their possession.
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Old 31st March 2019, 20:08   #18
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Originally Posted by girish.purswani View Post
Hi Folks,
So here’s the entire piece on what happened pertaining to my xuv 300 booking.

I received an email from them on 28th stating that the technician intentionally resettled the odometer. Here is the exact excerpt from the email:
“One of our technicians ... explained to us now that the only intention he had was to create delight to you as you were very specific about taking delivery of vehicle with least possible odo reading. “

Happy to get some expert views, opinions and suggestions so that I can decide my next course of action

Lol, they blame it on you? Because you wanted a less run vehicle, the only logical response from them is to reset the odometer, and not providing a lesser run car?!

Thanks for posting this thread. This will be helpful for resale buyers of this car as well, when the vehicle will be run unreasonably low kms.

As stated in a post above, I too have seen many taxi cars such as Hyundai xcent with speedometer and odometer disabled. Surely this will help them in reselling, by offloading a heavily used vehicle on an unsuspecting buyer. I agree with you, there is no reason for such a feature to exist, except malpractice.
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Old 31st March 2019, 22:01   #19
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re: Can new cars have their odometer reset by the dealer?

Originally Posted by vagabond128 View Post
When I took delivery of my Marazzo, I saw that Trip metre A reading was higher than the Odometer reading (by just 200 metres). However, is it possible?
Same case with my Nexon there is 500 mtr difference between ODO and Trip
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Old 1st April 2019, 11:50   #20
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re: Can new cars have their odometer reset by the dealer?

Originally Posted by vagabond128 View Post
When I took delivery of my Marazzo, I saw that Trip metre A reading was higher than the Odometer reading (by just 200 metres). However, is it possible?
Originally Posted by aniyo View Post
Same case with my Nexon there is 500 mtr difference between ODO and Trip
This should not be a issue at all, as trip meter can count to precision of every 100 meters and ODO meter will count to precision of every kilometer.

Example : Trip meter reading will be 0.9 KM and ODO meter reading will still be 0 KM.

So, the ODO meter will remain 0 KM till Trip meter clocks 1 KM.

This is as per my observation from different cars that I have used, correct me if I'm wrong.

But if the Trip meter is more than 1 KM and ODO meter is still 0 KM then it has been reset or there must be something wrong with the ODO meter.

So unless there is a big difference between Trip meter and ODO meter, there is nothing to worry. Just drive and own your car tension free
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Old 1st April 2019, 13:27   #21
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Re: Can new cars have their odometer reset by the dealer?

Originally Posted by girish.purswani View Post
Hi Folks,
Some of the major questions I have are
As the mods mentioned earlier, this was probably the equivalent of the transport mode. Having said that, these companies would do well to have a refresher in communications. It seems like either their tone, language or qualities of explaining their version of things ends up aggravating the customer more than the original issue.
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Old 1st April 2019, 15:35   #22
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Re: Can new cars have their odometer reset by the dealer?

My Punto had 16 KMs on odo on first day with a H appended to the KM reading. When asked showroom folks said, you can reset odo and the H disappears. Otherwise it disappears automatically after 200 kms after which you cannot manually reset odo.

I used the reset option to reset the KM and H disappeared. That option just stopped showing up after that.
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Old 1st April 2019, 16:13   #23
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Re: Can new cars have their odometer reset by the dealer?

I don't think there is anything wrong with this 'feature'. As been mentioned earlier in this thread, cars when they are out of the assembly line, will go through some kind of testing. And if faults are to be rectified, then even more testing. After all this I think 150 is a good enough buffer to have before which the odometer can be reset.

Well and good that this 'feature' becomes defunct after the figure is crossed. It is an issue if this continues to be available !.

Now for many reasons like passion, emotion, technical, warranty etc many buyers might want to see their reading at maybe 10, 20 or thereabouts or maybe even 0 when the delivery is taken!. So reset it and proceed .
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Old 1st April 2019, 18:43   #24
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Re: Can new cars have their odometer reset by the dealer?

Originally Posted by neoonwheels View Post
My Punto had 16 KMs on odo on first day with a H appended to the KM reading. When asked showroom folks said, you can reset odo and the H disappears. Otherwise it disappears automatically after 200 kms after which you cannot manually reset odo.

I used the reset option to reset the KM and H disappeared. That option just stopped showing up after that.
Ya thats what i could find out off the internet when i purchased my car. Service center can reset the ODO for first 150 kms, till those kms H is displayed in the odo meter. I found the same when i did PDI for my car, you can see the same in below image. IIRC H disappeared after completing 150kms. After that i dont think service center can reset the odo. I think technically service centers are supposed to do a odo reset after finishing all the PDI/registration work, so the customer gets the car with 0 odo reading.

Can new cars have their odometer reset by the dealer?-img_2045.jpg
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Old 1st April 2019, 19:36   #25
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Re: Can new cars have their odometer reset by the dealer?

The question is not whether 150 km on the odo is a big deal. This has more to do with business ethics - there is a very thin line between odometer fraud and changing the odo to make the customer 'feel good'. If a few kilometers doesn't matter, the manufacturers could very well make odometers that show increments only in 1000 kilometers (rather than incrementing for every kilometer like the way it is now).

I think the odo should be assembly-line-sealed (govt regulated) and show the correct kilometers even if it has been used for verification inside the factory testing yard. As long as proper documentation exists on why and how the car was used for those low number of kilometers, I am fine. Any other tampering, even if for good intentions, is fraud IMO, and should be prevented by law.
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Old 2nd April 2019, 15:53   #26
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Re: Can new cars have their odometer reset by the dealer?

Originally Posted by avdhesh15 View Post
You have got to tweet this to Mr Anand Mahindra for sure. An official response would be great in this case!
I have dropped him an email. Have received no response. Will be tweeting soon

Originally Posted by Vid6639 View Post
This is really not a big deal. VW has this on their cars for years. IT's called transport mode and it allows you to reset the odometer if you haven't crossed 150kms. After 150 it is locked.

It's for pre delivery transportation and is indeed now common to many manufacturers.
I am okay with the manufacturer resetting it before it reaches the dealer yard (Post whatever tests they are performing on the car in the plant). But any modification in kms once the car is with the dealer is ODO fraud in my opinion.

Also, I don't think it is that easy to reset a VW odo? I believe it needs a VCDS as well as a laptop. Here we are talking about pressing some buttons that's all. (Correct me if im wrong !)

Originally Posted by SuhasManjunath View Post
Okay, now with what has happened in this case, when the customer himself was prepared and ready to accept the new car at around 145 km, why did the improperly trained employee go ahead and reset the ODO without taking approvals from either the manufacturer or the customer ?
Once the ODO was reset, is there a document to prove at what range/reading was it reset and is that updated on the M&M database and a copy of it is handed-over to the owner of the car ?
There is no such document. There is no record on the exact kms when the ODO was reset.

Originally Posted by libranof1987 View Post
Interesting stuff to know. Personally, I'd be okay with the manufacturer resetting the odo after the initial testing that the car goes through once off the assembly line. But I wouldn't want the dealers to be able to do so. Even if it is just 150kms, who is to say whether those have been clocked during transit or TDs.
Originally Posted by SuhasManjunath View Post
Ok, even assuming that all of this was done with a good intention, then why is M&M sending cars to dealerships after it has clocked 81 km or say XY kms ? Why can't they reset the ODO at the manufacturing facility itself ? that will actually delight the customer (when he/she sees the car in a single digit reading) and not this !

The dealership could have also been transparent by informing the customer that the ODO was reset rather than the customer finding it by himself.
This is exactly the issue I have. When I have accepted the car at "81+kms" ODO reading upon visiting the dealer stockyard and I know that by the time it reaches the showroom for delivery post fitting of accessories it would be somewhere around the 130km mark, what was the need of having tampered with my ODO?
What was the point of me travelling all the way to Mumbra to inspect the car and note down its ODO reading. I might as well wouldn't have gone and been happy upon seeing 20kms as my ODO reading !!

Originally Posted by ani_meher View Post
Lol, they blame it on you? Because you wanted a less run vehicle, the only logical response from them is to reset the odometer, and not providing a lesser run car?!
Yeah they did it to see "delight" on my face it seems.

Originally Posted by Iyencar View Post
As the mods mentioned earlier, this was probably the equivalent of the transport mode. Having said that, these companies would do well to have a refresher in communications. It seems like either their tone, language or qualities of explaining their version of things ends up aggravating the customer more than the original issue.
Originally Posted by Nalin1 View Post
I don't think there is anything wrong with this 'feature'. As been mentioned earlier in this thread, cars when they are out of the assembly line, will go through some kind of testing. And if faults are to be rectified, then even more testing. After all this I think 150 is a good enough buffer to have before which the odometer can be reset.

In my understanding- transport mode would be a feature to be used when the car is being tested by the manufacturer in the plant and not once the car has been delivered to the dealer.

Originally Posted by jinojohnt View Post
The question is not whether 150 km on the odo is a big deal. This has more to do with business ethics - there is a very thin line between odometer fraud and changing the odo to make the customer 'feel good'. If a few kilometers doesn't matter, the manufacturers could very well make odometers that show increments only in 1000 kilometers (rather than incrementing for every kilometer like the way it is now).

I think the odo should be assembly-line-sealed (govt regulated) and show the correct kilometers even if it has been used for verification inside the factory testing yard. As long as proper documentation exists on why and how the car was used for those low number of kilometers, I am fine. Any other tampering, even if for good intentions, is fraud IMO, and should be prevented by law.
I couldn't agree more with you @jinojohnt. This is exactly my thought process.

Also one big question that we still don't know of is - Whether indeed this "feature" ceases to exist once we cross 250kms. Because I remember the dealer clearly mentioning "twice in the car's lifetime" to me. Not sure if they are not aware of this technicality.
In-fact I don't mind being a guinea pig and trying this out once the car hits 1000. I am sure most of you will change your opinion in-case this "feature" does wipe out 1000kms from the odo

Lastly, Thank you guys for all your responses. I am sending an email to their customer care as well as tweeting to Mr Anand Mahindra on the same. Will keep you guys updated!
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Old 8th May 2021, 19:29   #27
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Re: Can new cars have their odometer reset by the dealer?

Read the thread to find that Mahindra, Honda, VW has the feature to reset the odo before it reaches a certain km.

Does anybody know if Ford has a similar setup or anything else?
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Old 11th May 2021, 12:32   #28
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Re: Can new cars have their odometer reset by the dealer?

Originally Posted by thoma View Post
Read the thread to find that Mahindra, Honda, VW has the feature to reset the odo before it reaches a certain km.

Does anybody know if Ford has a similar setup or anything else?
Afaik, almost all cars have this feature.
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Old 11th May 2021, 13:46   #29
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Re: Can new cars have their odometer reset by the dealer?

I will narrate an experience from Jan 2021. I had been trying to get a test drive of Creta Diesel Automatic and inquired about the same in almost all major dealerships in Pune. All of them said they don't have a TD vehicle. After a few days, one of the dealers called me and said they have a Creta Diesel AT available for TD if I reach the showroom in next 45 minutes. Since the dealership was close to my home, I said yes. Upon reaching, I saw the car was brand new. I was impressed that the dealer is offering me a brand new car for TD. When I tried to start the car the, MID was OFF. Like completely blank. Speedometer was OFF. When I pointed this out to the SA, he said they have removed the fuse and it will remain OFF. They plan to use that car as a "show" car and offer TD within the dealer campus. But since the MID was OFF without fuse, the kilometer reading would always be 0. I was shocked to hear this and also at the casual attitude with which the SA mentioned this. He added, "Creta is selling like hot cakes. We don't want to block our money in TD cars. Many customers book without TD. You are lucky you are getting a TD within the dealer campus." No mention of the wrongdoing. I left the showroom immediately.
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Old 12th August 2021, 15:23   #30
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Re: Can new cars have their odometer reset by the dealer?

Just now saw a video that Indus Motors, one of the leading dealer of Maruti Suzuki caught by Kerala MVD for transporting cars by road from Calicut to Kerala that is around 400km by disconnecting odometer and without valid documents. The company is fined Rs 1 lakh for the mischievous activity. The incident enlightens that we can't trust any dealers, whether it's best seller or new comer. Not opening a thread as I'm not able to find proper links online, if someone reading this with solid information, please forward it to Teambhp.
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