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View Poll Results: Keep or sell?
Keep 48 60.00%
Sell 32 40.00%
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Old 22nd October 2021, 08:54   #16
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Re: Keep or sell my Maruti Ritz VDi?

If parking space is not an issue for you or you do not have any plans from the money you would get by selling, it is advisable to keep the vehicle.

A beater car gives incredible peace of mind. You might be hesitant to use your new City in certain situations. But you can be more tolerant with a few scratches here and there with a beater. Also, only spend minimum amount on its maintenance and use it strictly for urban duties. Use your City for the highway duties.
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Old 22nd October 2021, 10:53   #17
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Re: Keep or sell my Maruti Ritz VDi?

I would suggest you to sell it off, primarily because it is a diesel which will require constant attention and running in the long run. Selling it off when the car is in good shape will fetch you a good price now.

Parking space is an issue, add to that you will have additional cost of maintenance of two cars. If there is a diesel in the garage, believe me you will not be taking your city out often

Enjoy your city and focus on it now, in pure economics you will not be utilizing the product for the price you have paid (City). Ritz will need more of your focus as it ages. My opinion would have changed if there was a petrol instead of a diesel though. I sold my Figo diesel when I got Xylo for this fuel reason mainly, the running would not have justified having two diesels.

I understand the emotion, but it is better to let it go when the time/car is good. You will be doing the new car a disservice by not giving it the attention it requires :P
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Old 22nd October 2021, 11:26   #18
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Re: Keep or sell my Maruti Ritz VDi?

My vote -- Keep

1. That engine is a beauty, it will serve you another 1L kms easily as long as you do the bare minimum diligently

2. You are clearly a two car household (wife's office and kids school, added to your work scenario). No point is selling something that is serving you well

3. The current maintenance cost for 80K service is less than 10% of the value of the car, so better get it serviced. If it was abnormally high like 25% or more, then it would have been a cause for concern

4. Perfect Bangalore City car. Doesn't make any sense selling this when you dont have a solid case for ditching it. The Ritz is no white elephant for sure.

I genuinely feel you are just a little bored of the car, as you had it this long, which is causing you to think like this. Just spruce up your car and get some TLC in place.

Get some T bhp stickers, a good wax treatment and sort out the mechanicals. I am sure you will appreciate it more and might enjoy it a little longer

This is one of my fav articles on t-bhp. Makes a lot of sense, just tagging for your reference. (ARTICLE: YOUR 5 year old car : Keep, Upgrade or Swap?)
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Old 22nd October 2021, 11:49   #19
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Re: Keep or sell my Maruti Ritz VDi?

If you don't see the car being driven along with other constraints like parking etc., SELL IT.

3L is a decent return you are getting for the car. The car has played its part and you have upgraded to a sedan which should be driven more instead of worrying about its wear and tear.

Unless you see a definite need for a second car, just let it go to a fellow Bhpian, if possible. You and your daughter can still see the car occasionally as well then.

EDIT: I see that you have retained your car for a few months. Good luck with the bull. The good part is that it doesn't cost a fortune to get it back to shape.

Last edited by headbanger : 22nd October 2021 at 11:55.
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Old 22nd October 2021, 12:14   #20
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Re: Keep or sell my Maruti Ritz VDi?

Buddy, have you heard a saying called "Penny wise, Pound foolish"?

Let me list out the points for why you should keep the car:
  • Having 2 people working in the household and owning only 1 car that too after getting used to drive their own cars, is a recipe for disaster. If you sell this car, one person becomes handicapped and the other person will be under lot of stress to chauffeur around. You might not find time for this with your own job and that might create issues in your personal life.
  • With the above situation, Immediately you'll be in the market to buy another car and in these times, a good car costs you a minimum of 6-8 lakhs on road. That too petrol. Lets not start counting the mileage or you'll miss your Ritz badly.
  • Your parking situation: You are parking in someones parking place. Say that tomorrow they need their parking space and you won't have parking for Ritz. So what happens? NOTHING!!!. The 10 year old Ritz will be happily on roadside parking. Nobody will bother it to steal. You'll have mental peace than keeping a new second car outside.
  • New battery & tyres will be good for another 5 Years at least. It is a Maruti and the 1.3 MJD engine is still being used by lakhs of Maruti cars (Taxis and personal) so there will be no scarcity of parts at least for next 15 years and also there would be mechanics, garages everywhere to repair/maintain.
  • 80K KMs on 1.3 MJD if driven single handedly, I would say you just completed the run-in period. As other BHPians said, there would be at least 1Lakh KMs of niggle free run in that engine, provided it is well maintained and taken care.
  • I'm ready to pay 10 Lakhs on today for a new car that has the 1.3 MJD engine from factory. Will I get one?. In these times that are marred by DPF issues, driving a BS4 1.3 MJD is pure joy.
  • It is always good to have a beater car to drive around for odd jobs.
Now let's see why you should sell the car:
  • You are a financial guru and can wisely invest the 3 lakh rupees from the sale and turn that into 6-8 Lakhs so that you can buy a new car by mid of next year.
  • You are in dire requirement of 3 lakhs. Then no questions asked/thought, please sell the car.
Please mark my words, by mid of next year you'll be running both cars like pre-covid times.

Cheers & Happy touring.

Last edited by G V Krishna : 22nd October 2021 at 12:16. Reason: Deleting non-relavant part
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Old 22nd October 2021, 12:25   #21
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Re: Keep or sell my Maruti Ritz VDi?

You took the right decision by not selling it.
I was in a similar situation in 2018 when i was planning to sell my 120k km run Ritz VDI as i was going abroad for 2 years. I thought i can come back in 2020 and buy a better diesel car. I happily sold it for a good price.
I came back in Feb 2020 and started searching for a Ritz replacement. And Oh My God !! Things had changed so badly.
1. New diesels had got the biggest jugaad treatment called BS6
2. Hatchbacks had got all gimmiky features with the same old boring engines
3. Used car prices were un-reasonable.

I had to struggle to find a tall boy-diesel-manual-under 5lac used car. I regretted selling it so much that I settled for my dad's old Wagon R during the brutal lock down.
I hated myself so much for selling it.
For a tallboy-diesel-small car lover, Ritz is unbeatable.

PS: I could not live with the Wagon R for more than 3 weeks. Immediately after the lockdown was lifted, I exchanged it for a TUV300. Another underrated VFM machine!
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Old 22nd October 2021, 12:51   #22
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Re: Keep or sell my Maruti Ritz VDi?

Sell, both the ritz and the motorcycle.

Your usage is too low to have a secondary car, atleast now that you are certain that your missus will WFH for the foreseeable future.

Moreover, the ritz is one boring car, in this day and age, and will have a worse resale in the future.

I am reflecting my own decision on you when it comes to motorcycle. I owned a KTM RC390 for 4 years and did not even clock 10000 km. I sold it as it pained me to see it being a garage queen, without any use. Moreover, it will cause extra expenses in the form of new tyres
(tyres dont last more than 3-4 years irrespective of mileage), battery and fuel pump if you continue to use it so sparingly.

Last edited by PrasannaDhana : 22nd October 2021 at 12:54.
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Old 22nd October 2021, 14:43   #23
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Re: Keep or sell my Maruti Ritz VDi?

Keep it!
I'd say you are lucky that you are getting a chance to ask this question, ever since my Honda City Diesel reached the 6 years mark i have been in a constant dilemma and frustration that on one side it has become a great beater car, or even a great car in general as it is not that worn and torn and is in a decent shape mechanically.

On the other side there is that NGT's 10 year rule sword hanging over our heads and i really don't want to part away with a well functioning, properly useable car which till today doesn't emit black smoke even under hard acceleration and has done only around 65k KMs but i also worry about the resale value as the longer i keep it, the resale value will drop as the car today is 7.5 years old, at 9-9.5 years i'll be getting pennies for the car and it will still be frustrating because of this absurd 10 years rule.
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Old 22nd October 2021, 19:17   #24
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Re: Keep or sell my Maruti Ritz VDi?

I've Ritz Diesel (2011 model) and looking for lateral upgrade. Believe me or not no car gives the comfort it does (atleast for the driver) in this segment.

It's a perfect beater car for traffic and pothole filled Bengaluru roads. I used to take it on ORR when I was going to office and it's boon to slot in 2nd gear and manage the bumper to bumper traffic. The perfect 1.2L you will miss but certain things you've to let go.

Given the probability of Bengaluru following Delhi's rules it's ain't wise to hold on to a Diesel after 10 years here in the garden city.

Make hay while the sun shines by selling now as the market is pretty hot.
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Old 22nd October 2021, 19:43   #25
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Re: Keep or sell my Maruti Ritz VDi?

Unless your wife has a short commute, she'll probably appreciate an AT hatchback for commute.

Sell it and buy a used Activa for errands.
Originally Posted by nTorq View Post
2. If at some point in the near future, we feel the need for a second car (if my wife’s WFH scenario changes), then we may not get anything decent for the same price as I’m giving away the Ritz (3L).
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Old 23rd October 2021, 07:17   #26
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Re: Keep or sell my Maruti Ritz VDi?

Welcome your decision to retain. Most points have already been said. In my simple words:
1. Don't be bothered about lesser resale value in future (within next 3~5 years) as you have already used it for good and extracted value out of it.
2. If you were to again buy a beater car / 2nd car next year after normalcy resumes, you may either shell out extra for a good car or buy a car with lot of uncertainties.
3. 1.3L MJD (India's engine they call) runs and runs with basic maintenance (I have seen couple of Dzire Tours run for 3L+ kms in good running conditions and only rattles were from mud flaps, ac belt noise etc).
Just ensure that car is not idled near to residential places for the reason mentioned by @Clevermax
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Old 23rd October 2021, 09:24   #27
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Re: Keep or sell my Maruti Ritz VDi?

Consciously do not use the Ritz for a month and see how it impacts you. If zero impact or cab solvable, sell it.

The what if and just in case scenarios are generally so infrequent, it doesn't help to have a backup for everything.
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Old 23rd October 2021, 09:55   #28
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Re: Keep or sell my Maruti Ritz VDi?

Looks like this Thread is bringing all Ritz Owners to chime in with their thoughts. Me Included. As stated by others already, i agree Ritz D is a very underrated Car and checks most boxes.

I am also in a similar Dilemma as the OP, the main difference being, my Ritz D is my primary and the only Car i own. It is the refreshed 2012 VDi Model and 1.05L Kms run. Decent space, No major Maintenance so far, no rattles and running on stock Clutch. Safety being the Con as it has No Airbags / ABS. I was contemplating replacing my Ritz with a C-SUV next year, once my Ritz completes 10 Yrs. My Head says Replace it, as it has done its Job and served me faithfully. But, Heart says No, as it has not given me any trouble so far and suffices for my 2+1 Family. My mind was set on getting the Ecosport, but that is out of the window now. Nexon, Altroz and S-Cross are my Options at this point.

One thing i agree is I am getting slightly bored of the Ritz now and feel like i need a Change. But is it a good enough reason to spend 10+ Lakhs on a new Car? Another option in my mind to delay my new car purchase is to pep up my Ritz D by getting a Wolf Remap done. But, is it advisable on a 1L+ Kms run car? I am confused for sure. What do you guys suggest for my use-case?

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Old 23rd October 2021, 20:46   #29
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Re: Keep or sell my Maruti Ritz VDi?

Voted No.

Ritz is an amazing all rounder and having owned one, I can understand as to why parting it away is a difficult decision. Finding a worthy replacement/upgrade option is equally difficult.


1. It's an 8 years old vehicle. Matter of time, battery, engine mounts, bushes etc will be due for replacement and add to the maintenance bill.

2. The model is discontinued and the demand in the used market may not hold up for a very long time.

3. Market is ripe for used + diesel vehicles today. May not be same 6-8 months from today.

4. You have a fairly steep maintenance bill coming up for your daily/monthly use case. The cost you spend on its maintenance + insurance renewals etc will out weigh the savings of using it over your Honda City.

My suggestion : Sell the car for anything above 3 Lacs and use the money either to pay off any loan on the City (if any and if running @ > 7.5-8%) or keep the money invested - the principal and the accrued interests can then be used as a seed money for a new small car if you need one for your wife in future.

Last edited by R_Gowardhan : 23rd October 2021 at 20:53.
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Old 26th October 2021, 17:26   #30
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Re: Keep or sell my Maruti Ritz VDi?


If parking is not an issue, you should keep Ritz as a beater car.
I have benefitted by keeping my Nano as second car. There would be trips , there would be destinations where you woudnt like to take out your premier car. Its here that Ritz will give you peace of mind.

It also helps in times when a relative/friend needs your car.
Above all if your daughter is emotionally attached to that car, that itself is a big reason not to let it go.
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