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View Poll Results: Which premium hatchback would you choose?
Honda Jazz 299 42.78%
Hyundai Elite i20 400 57.22%
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Old 9th July 2015, 16:02   #16
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

Looking at the reviews for the new Jazz, I'm glad I took my cousin's tip and purchased the 2nd gen Jazz (Jazz Select model) 2 years ago (The last piece available at that time with Magnum Honda, Bangalore!!!)..

The price I got it for, is a steal in hindsight. (Alloys ABS Airbags Music System et al) ..

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Old 9th July 2015, 16:06   #17
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

Voted for elite i20,

Hyundai has set the bar so high with the i20 that is very difficult to beat.
Having a hyundai in family (a modest Eon), I can vouch for the quality of hyundai products, their proven service and dealer approach.

I really liked the Jazz too. Looks funky and practical. Wish if honda had priced jazz very agressively atleast initially to grab more attention and give i20 a real head on!

Sure Jazz will not be a market dud as it was on its debut, But as of now i20 seems to be the undisputed king of premium hatchback in India.


Last edited by Asish_VK : 9th July 2015 at 16:09.
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Old 9th July 2015, 16:10   #18
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

Honda as overpriced the Jazz by quite a bit. The price would only go north in the future.
I think Honda tried to play the premium hatchback card thinking people would still pay a premium for the Jazz. Earlier the premium used to be couple of lacs, now its 60K so they might have tried their luck. Polo suddenly comes across as huge value for money package. It has shockingly become, from the most expensive premium hatch to the cheapest premium hatch (The ford fiesta story)

My vote goes for the i20 and the only reason is coz it cant go for the jazz.
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Old 9th July 2015, 16:20   #19
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

Solely from a 'Premium' point of view, i20 will with the battle, but if I have to choose between these two, my vote will be for Jazz.

For me, Jazz strikes a balance between premium and practicality. I have extensively used the previous gen Jazz (My dads bro have one) and the versatility offered by the magic seats are total 'paisa vasool' feature, and is something worth tipping the scales. Compare top specs, Jazz have almost all I 'need', and with the added practicality and a huge boot to boot, my vote is for Jazz.

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Old 9th July 2015, 16:34   #20
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

Originally Posted by GTO View Post
The 2nd-from-top variants of both are a mixed bag. The i20 Sportz (O) doesn't give you rear wash & wipe, passenger-side airbag or parking sensors.
Rear parking sensors & rear-view camera with display on the inner electro-chromic mirror (ECM) are present on the Sportz, Sportz(O) & Asta variants of the Elite i20, GTO.

Only the parking sensor display is absent from Sportz & Sportz(O), but present on the top Asta. Parking sensors (with audible warning) and ECM are present on all three, things the Jazz lacks even on its top VX variant.

Jazz gets the useful rear wash-wipe on the V variant, and also the important passenger airbag on the SV & V variants, which the i20's corresponding variants don't get.

I wish Hyundai provided a passenger airbag on at least the Sportz(O) variant.

Equally importantly, they should provide a driver airbag on the Era & Magna variants, or at least the Magna.

For a lower variant, the Magna would be very well-loaded if it got a driver airbag and front fog lamps. The latter can be added as a genuine accessory, but not the former.

Sadly, unless mandated by law, most mass-market manufacturers will not provide airbag(s) on the base variants.

Last edited by RSR : 9th July 2015 at 16:49.
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Old 9th July 2015, 16:38   #21
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

To me i20 shouts luxury, which at that segment it should. Jazz is utilitarian but without the magic seats, loses that edge. At that price segment Id look for road presence which i20 clearly has, and scores over Jazz.
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Old 9th July 2015, 16:40   #22
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

I was in the market for a Hatch, and looks like Honda has worked really hard at making me not make the plunge.

I have moved the decision date for sometime in future now.

I am siting on the fence about i20 vs Jazz.
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Old 9th July 2015, 16:56   #23
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

None of them are my kind of cars, but if i have to pick my Vote goes to i20 CRDi.

Mainly because of: Better Engine, more tasteful styling and it feels more premium inside out.

It might have been a tie if Honda had a better engine, i hate this loud unrefined engine, it is no fun to revv. Honda should atleast do better sound insulation. And the 1.2 Vtec is absolutely horrible low down, with no low end poke, i have not driven i20 Petrol.
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Old 9th July 2015, 16:59   #24
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

Originally Posted by vinair View Post
...its almost like a Salman Khan movie!! Hit after hit!!
Hyundai can't seem to put a foot wrong these days. It's great that they have realized they will never be able to compete with the Germans on ride/handling and Maruti on price, so they've adopted a route that works well for them: fully loaded cars in every segment that are, let's face it, eye-candy and quite desirable to own. Their service and reliability reputation isn't that bad either, compared to say the Europeans and the local players, so it's no surprise they are sitting pretty in 2nd place overall. The new i20 epitomizes everything good about Hyundai's current approach and gets my vote any day over the Jazz. Honda doesn't seem to learn from its mistakes (e.g. overpricing the old Jazz) and to be honest the strong equity that the upright H commanded in years gone by seems to be on the wane.

Originally Posted by lazy View Post
For some gizmos and lights are more important, and for some the space and practicality are more important.
Absolutely. The Jazz appeals to the head rather than the heart, which belongs to the i20!

Originally Posted by RSR View Post
Sadly, unless mandated by law, most mass-market manufacturers will not provide airbag(s) on the base variants.
Spot-on! A close friend was all set to book the i20 petrol one variant shy of the top end. It was rather shocking that it only had driver side airbag.
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Old 9th July 2015, 17:01   #25
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

The discussion and comments in this thread remind me of this old article . Surely the koreans have become a threat to the japanese.

We all know that older Jazz was overpriced by Honda and failure in its sales was an eye opener for them that the Honda badge alone wont be able to bring customers to its stable. We have all seen as to how market has evolved after that and how i20 became the new benchmark in the segment. People did not mind paying a premium for quality, features and reliability.

I had expected Jazz ( and Honda ) to bring a new car that would not only match the segment leader i20 but rather beat it in few departments both on price and feature fronts. Unfortunately that does not look to be the case. Even for engines which the Hondas are famous for, Jazz does not score an edge over i20 wrt drive reports. At the same time, it still is a very improved product with major shortcoming of older Jazz addressed. I think it is just that Hyundai is taking the bar higher at a faster rate than Honda now.

I will refrain from casting a vote without experiencing Jazz but on the sheer face value, Honda could have made Jazz a game changer and out smarted the competition. I don't get that feeling with Jazz. However, if one can overlook the finer details and look purely from interior space and boot perspective, Jazz is still a worthy competitor to i20. It will be very interesting to see sales figures 6 months from now and see where both of these stand.
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Old 9th July 2015, 17:09   #26
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

Voted for the Elite i20.

For me, the only thing going for Jazz are good rear seat comfort and an airy cabin. Everything else the i20 does better. In fact, even the Grand i10 trumps Jazz in many aspects. Pity that Honda could not equal or surpass the Hyundai, especially when they knew what the target was.
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Old 9th July 2015, 17:09   #27
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

Originally Posted by GTO View Post
Give me 5,000 - 7,000 rupees and I'll fix the Honda's rear seat under-thigh support in the after-market in 24 hours. More support than you'll ever need.
How would one get that done after-market(for that kind of pricing)? Could you please elaborate a bit more. Do they open the fabric covering and add bolstering to the back and the bottom before putting it back together?
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Old 9th July 2015, 17:18   #28
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

The Elite is a really up market product -- inside-out. Jazz doesn't have a selling point other than that noisy diesel that feels out of place on a premium car but gives good FE and the S-P-A-C-E. Well the top end has the Magic seats that all variants should have had. Would have given an edge and a USP.

Frankly, I believe they are both overpriced for what they offer -- Elite by some 30K and the Jazz by some 50K.
The Jazz should have been cheaper than the Elite.

And I'd really like to see Cruise Control in this category.

Although, I have to say they gave safety more consideration than the people at slant H providing ABS and Airbags in the mid SV variant.

Last edited by MaheshY1 : 9th July 2015 at 17:24.
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Old 9th July 2015, 17:27   #29
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

We were on the fence for a while when we were out to buy our 2nd car.

The i20 emerged as the obvious choice, after evaluating every other hatch in our budget.

I did consider waiting for the Jazz at one time, but after driving the i20, there was no confusion.

The i20 delivered pretty much everything we wanted in a hatch. And now, looking at the official review of the Jazz, I can happily say that we made the right call.

Sure the Jazz diesel might be better in terms of fuel economy & space, but it's not like the i20 is short on space or delivers poor economy!

So, the price difference between the top end Jazz & i20 doesn't really make much sense. Hence my vote goes to the i20, a true premium hatch.
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Old 9th July 2015, 18:31   #30
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

Circa February 2015 and I am in the market for buying a new car. I test drove the i20 at 3 different showrooms (no of times at each showroom is a secret!) & a few others before I settled into plonking my money on the Elite i20. Just around that time news started trickling in that Honda might be launching the Jazz around May - June'15 itself. I immediately started having 2 minds - Should I or Shouldn't I wait for the Jazz launch.

Today after the launch of the Jazz I have no qualms in admitting that I made a right decision for NOT waiting for the Jazz and went ahead and booked the i20. Have already done close to 2.5K km and I have enjoyed every km that I have clocked till date. The Honda fans might cringe & shake their heads in disbelief but I can vouch that Hyundai has come of age.

The statement "Honda is a Honda" might just not work in favour of the Jazz...again!
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