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View Poll Results: Which premium hatchback would you choose?
Honda Jazz 299 42.78%
Hyundai Elite i20 400 57.22%
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Old 13th July 2015, 10:25   #121
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

Yesterday I had the chance to take a test drive of both the Honda jazz and the Hyundai i20. I wanted to share my views with all of you in the forum. Before I elaborate on the test drives I’ll just lay down a few points.

- Both the vehicles were petrol as we are primarily looking at a petrol vehicle considering our less than average monthly running. Plus the Honda showroom did not have a demo car of the Honda jazz in the diesel avatar yet.

- The Hyundai was the top end asta version while the jazz was the middle of the rung SV variant which does get the 5” panel but misses out on the ACC. Though I did check out the top end VX version too.

- We also have a swift dzire petrol at home so any opinions of mine regarding the performance and drive will be relative to the dzire. Which I think still remains a very competent petrol engine.

- The test drives were with a full load of 5 healthy adults. I’m 6’5” and dad is 6’3” so space is the most important criteria for us. Rest all takes a back seat…

- I think the i20 is a better design. More mature, more proportionate with the larger wheels and those ‘to die for’ tail lights. That being said the jazz is in no way inferior. Strong eye catching design will surely turn heads, though I don’t know for how long or how will it age. The fesign does have freshness going for it.

- The jazz trumps hands down. With my driving position, dad could sit behind me with around an inch to spare. He could just about manage to fit inside the i20 with his knees digging into my backrest. (not comfortable at all)
- Add to it the small glass area and the rising window line makes the i20 more claustrophobic compared to the jazz which is nice and airy.
- The bootspace of the jazz is also humunguous compared to other hatchbacks. It is incredible how much space Honda has carved out inside this car.

Interior quality and features
- The i20 is the clear winner here. The interiors are of better quality, more cohesive and more feature laden compared to the jazz. You really get a feeling of being in a luxury car sitting inside the i20 and you know where all that money of yours has gone. A great place to be in after a hard day’s work at office to enjoy the commute back home.
- The jazz would have been great standalone but with the i20 in picture it seems a bit skimpily clad. That being said it does not compromise on safety with dual airbags from the sv variant onwards.

- Now this is a bit of a mixed bag. The i20 felt positively anemic. It has a weak bottom end and requires quite a lot of shove to get moving. Over speedbreakers and slow turns you always have to shift down to first to avoid clutch slippage and even then it takes its own sweet time to respond. I was not very happy with its performance. Though the gears have a short throw, slot in nicely and it’s a pleasure to use that gearbox. Thankfully considering it is used quite a fair bit.
- The jazz also did not excite me at all. I have driven the brio quite a lot and that car is a hoot to drive. The jazz again feels underpowered and like the i20 needs a bit of a shoe to get going. The mid range is better and there is a nice surge after 3000 rpm so it does respond better to a mild thrashing.
- I could not drive the vehicles at more than 50-60 kmph so cannot comment on high speed handling or cornering etc.
- That being said both the vehicles feel underwhelming to drive after the swift dzire which even after putting in a few kms in its odo responds with a briskness and alacrity belying its age.

Ride quality
- I really could not make out any perceptible difference between the two. Both felt reasonably comfortable. Though the i20 gets larger wheels and more ground clearance, we did not bottom out on the jazz also anywhere including large bumps and potholes.

Some other points
- The VX variant of the honda jazz has a prominent bump in the middle of the rear seat which makes it really uncomfortable for the third occupant. The same was quite negligible on the lower variants

That’s it. Those are my opinions on both the vehicles. If I had to choose then I would go in for the jazz over the i20 for the main reason that space is my primary requirement. In case I could clarify any other doubts please let me know.
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Old 13th July 2015, 10:40   #122
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

I voted for Jazz, purely because I have read at least 5-6 i20 members reporting serious problems related to brakes. I cannot accept a premium hatch with problems with very core functionalities, such as brakes, engine etc.

Honda has rarely made a car with such problems, so my vote is for Jazz.

Also, Jazz has that really unique profile that no hatchback in India has ever had.
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Old 13th July 2015, 10:59   #123
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

Originally Posted by ajay_satpute View Post
I voted for Jazz, purely because I have read at least 5-6 i20 members reporting serious problems related to brakes. I cannot accept a premium hatch with problems with very core functionalities, such as brakes, engine etc.

Honda has rarely made a car with such problems.
You sure?



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Old 13th July 2015, 11:00   #124
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

Originally Posted by CrAzY dRiVeR View Post
Guess you missed this part of the review-
Hey Crazy,
I know that
But is that actually a car panel which is visible?
Does it really bother us that much?

The I20 has some glaring misses/cost cutting measures - no FE/DTE . Cars from segment lower seem to have that. Plus, what about that tall and thin wire like antenna from 2 generations back!
But, people here seem to ignore those and finding issues with every small miss from Honda there.I am all for criticism but should be balanced. Yes, the jazz is hardly a perfect car and has its share of misses and the VFM aspect is questionable..agreed.
But, going through some of the posts here gives the impression that the I20 is an epitome of luxury whereas the Jazz is an example of cheapness and cost-cutting. I don't think the reality is so extreme, that's all!
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Old 13th July 2015, 13:31   #125
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

Originally Posted by CarNerd View Post
How can anyone vote for a car that claims to have everything and doesn't have a Push Start/Stop? This feature was first introduced by Nissan Micra - a lower segment car way back in 2010! Worse, the Jazz has a dummy space that tells the customers: "We have it but we are not giving it to you".
I checked the SV MT version yesterday and was surprised to find that the dummy space for start-stop button was just not on it.
There was just no place holder for a start-stop button.

I had taken a picture but don't have it right now to upload it.
If any one else has taken a picture of SV variant dashbord then he/she may confirm it. Else I wil try and upload it in evening.
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Old 13th July 2015, 13:58   #126
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

I am a previous generation i20 (petrol ASTA) owner and one thing I can say is the car is feature rich and very comfortable. But when it comes to the drive, its quite lethargic and un-inspiring. The car seriously lacks power and suspension is too soft for an enthusiast's liking.

When it comes to CRDI, i20 is a different animal (I regret not buying a diesel i20). The car is really a gem to drive.

I recently took test drive of the new Honda Jazz, The car seems comfortable and fit finish is nice (may not be i20 standards). It is quite similar to the new Honda City. It has loads of space. The petrol Jazz was rev happy and peppy and I feel its better than petrol i20. When it comes to diesel, I feel no one can beat the refinement for i20.

My vote:
1. For Petrol: Honda Jazz
2. For Diesel: Hyundai i20
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Old 13th July 2015, 14:20   #127
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

I think it might be a good idea to split the votes into petrol and diesel.
Reading some responses in this thread, it feels that the petrol battle is pretty close whereas the I20 has a comfortable lead for the diesel because of the bigger price premium Honda is asking for the diesel plus the poor refinement levels of the I-Dtec
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Old 13th July 2015, 14:39   #128
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

Originally Posted by adimicra View Post
Hey Crazy,
I know that

But, people here seem to ignore those and finding issues with every small miss from Honda there.I am all for criticism but should be balanced. Yes, the jazz is hardly a perfect car and has its share of misses and the VFM aspect is questionable..agreed.
But, going through some of the posts here gives the impression that the I20 is an epitome of luxury whereas the Jazz is an example of cheapness and cost-cutting. I don't think the reality is so extreme, that's all!
This is a big anomaly in TBHP. Going by the criticism of VW and Sokda cars in the forum one would feel these cars should have least ownership reviews. But the section is dominated by reviews of VWs and Skodas. Last year BHPians were praising Zest like no tomorrow which was also voted the car of the year. But turned out one of the biggest duds.
Again a check on the number i20 elite owners in the forum will be interesting.
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Old 13th July 2015, 15:05   #129
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

I chose i20. Proven product. Great quality. Ample Space. Features. However, I would chose:

i20 - If I am looking for a Diesel engine. Petrol one is a No-No.
Jazz - If I am in the market for a Petrol engine. Diesel heart is No-No.
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Old 13th July 2015, 16:17   #130
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

Originally Posted by adimicra View Post
Hey Crazy,
I know that
But is that actually a car panel which is visible?
Does it really bother us that much?

The I20 has some glaring misses/cost cutting measures - no FE/DTE . Cars from segment lower seem to have that. Plus, what about that tall and thin wire like antenna from 2 generations back!
But, people here seem to ignore those and finding issues with every small miss from Honda there.I am all for criticism but should be balanced. Yes, the jazz is hardly a perfect car and has its share of misses and the VFM aspect is questionable..agreed.
But, going through some of the posts here gives the impression that the I20 is an epitome of luxury whereas the Jazz is an example of cheapness and cost-cutting. I don't think the reality is so extreme, that's all!
For once - I actually do agree with you. I feel Honda Jazz is a decent product (Even though my pick out of the two for this poll is defenitely the Elite i20). There has been some solid thought process and engineering behind the making of the Jazz (Magic seats, overall space extracted from the small exterior dimensions etc) that I really appreciate.

Below are the problems faced by Jazz IMO, against the Elite i20 -

1. An increasing number of people in team-bhp consider Honda as a cheap car brand, as against the premium car maker image it once had. Thanks to products like the Amaze and Mobilio and even the new City to an extend.

2. Packaging - Its one thing not to provide features in India. Totally different thing to put dummy covers and partial finishing touches to save up costs. Take the i20 for example - it does not have DTE. But neither does it show up on the screen - "DTE is not present in your car, but is present on the international version. So this is just a dummy screen for you". I do agree with the antenna though, but its obvious that people are not as concerned with the antenna as a cost cutting measure.

Same goes with the primer painted parts. You ask if it bothers the user that much? The bigger question IMO - How much would have Honda saved? Rs 100 per car? For a car B segment hatchback that costs 10.7L OTR in cities like Bangalore, it was a stupid decision to go ahead such a cost cutting measure which takes away the premium feel from an otherwise good package.

Cost cutting is done at Hyundai as well, but they take care not to remind people about it everyday.

3. Lack of an USP this time around. Space is the biggest USP, but they compromised that by providing magic seats only on the top variant. The next big advantage was the Honda iVTec petrol, but then they stuck to the 1.2 only. Features was another big advantage - but then they messed up with the HU provided on the top variants.

4. Pricing. I have been expecting the threads to go reverse when the pricing was announced, and it happened. I think it shouldnt matter outside the forum though. There are still a lot of people who would pay a premium for a Honda, without even comparing other brands on offer.

That said and done - I think its still a decent product. Much better than the City in the value proposition, and currently the best product in the Honda stable from my perspective. (Other than Accord and CRV of course - I feel Jazz > Brio > City > Amaze > Mobilio). It might not be premium in the Elite i20 standards, but a decent product neverthless.

Last edited by CrAzY dRiVeR : 13th July 2015 at 16:18.
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Old 13th July 2015, 17:50   #131
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

Originally Posted by CrAzY dRiVeR View Post
For once - I actually do agree with you. I feel Honda Jazz is a decent product (Even though my pick out of the two for this poll is defenitely the Elite i20). There has been some solid thought process and engineering behind the making of the Jazz (Magic seats, overall space extracted from the small exterior dimensions etc) that I really appreciate.

Below are the problems faced by Jazz IMO, against the Elite i20 -

1. An increasing number of people in team-bhp consider Honda as a cheap car brand, as against the premium car maker image it once had. Thanks to products like the Amaze and Mobilio and even the new City to an extend.

2. Packaging - Its one thing not to provide features in India. Totally different thing to put dummy covers and partial finishing touches to save up costs. Take the i20 for example - it does not have DTE. But neither does it show up on the screen - "DTE is not present in your car, but is present on the international version. So this is just a dummy screen for you". I do agree with the antenna though, but its obvious that people are not as concerned with the antenna as a cost cutting measure.

Same goes with the primer painted parts. You ask if it bothers the user that much? The bigger question IMO - How much would have Honda saved? Rs 100 per car? For a car B segment hatchback that costs 10.7L OTR in cities like Bangalore, it was a stupid decision to go ahead such a cost cutting measure which takes away the premium feel from an otherwise good package.
I do agree with you mostly.
Regards to point #2 above, someone mentioned in this thread or the Jazz review thread that the plastic cap is not present in the SV model as seen in the showroom. Honda might actually rectify that in the actual production models, not sure though.
And about cost cutting, the antenna in the I20 will remind the owners everyday of cost cutting whereas they will not refuel everyday and some of them won't even check the fuel cap even when they refuel

I am not so sure about point #1..yes Honda has lost some of its reputation but not entirely. I think people differentiate City from Brio/Amaze just like they differentiate Innova/Fortunner from the Etios twins for Toytoa.

Last edited by adimicra : 13th July 2015 at 17:52.
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Old 13th July 2015, 21:25   #132
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

Originally Posted by adimicra View Post
And about cost cutting, the antenna in the I20 will remind the owners everyday of cost cutting whereas they will not refuel everyday and some of them won't even check the fuel cap even when they refuel
Even if the i20 has a long antenna for cost cutting, it is better for signal reception. Also, it can be replaced by a shorter one if you don't like the look. What about the fuel cap, dummy space for push start, dummy space on door switch, cheaply glued dead pedal in the Jazz? Are they all better in some way?
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Old 13th July 2015, 21:42   #133
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

Originally Posted by CarNerd View Post
Even if the i20 has a long antenna for cost cutting, it is better for signal reception.
CarNerd, unfortunately your statement above does not reflect well on your name Car"Nerd".

If we go by your logic of longer antenna = better signal then the shorter antenna in i20 Active should be bad, the shark-fin antenna in Creta should be worse and the glass antenna in high-end cars should be the worst. Correct?

Each car have its own share of cost cutting and there are factors where it trumps the opposition - this is a fact and let us agree to that. I agree Honda has done a little more of visible cost-cutting. But how does it help when you simply come and justify the cost-cutting in a car you like?

What about the fuel cap, dummy space for push start, dummy space on door switch, cheaply glued dead pedal in the Jazz?
I can also use a faux-carbon fiber sticker to cover the panel for Push-button start. Also get the fuel cap painted from Honda or outside. And use good quality glue to stick the fake dead pedal (We are not even sure if the delivery car will have this issue) - In fact all these combined will cost me less than a new stub antenna? What say??

But does that help?? Cost-cutting is present and there is no justification to it. Peace!!

Mods: Sorry if this is
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Old 13th July 2015, 22:57   #134
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

Perhaps the biggest reason BHPians are of the impression that Honda is losing its premium image, is because they simply do not triumph over everything else in each segment like they used to. Quality is no longer the best, they are still sticking to extremely thin flimsy sheet metal, tyres are just getting unreasonably skinny, as crazydriver pointed out, cost cutting measures are becoming more prominent, their quirky interesting looking interiors with infinite elements all serving a distinct practical, functional and ergonomic purpose are replaced by boring ones with a large slab of glossy black plastic touch screens and capacitive controls that lack any form of design language. As for the Jazz in particular, the lack of CVT in the top-end and Magic Seats in all but the top-end variant is just the heights of silliness
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Old 14th July 2015, 09:57   #135
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Re: Honda Jazz vs Hyundai Elite i20

Originally Posted by Vigkey View Post
If we go by your logic of longer antenna = better signal then the shorter antenna in i20 Active should be bad, the shark-fin antenna in Creta should be worse and the glass antenna in high-end cars should be the worst. Correct?

I can also use a faux-carbon fiber sticker to cover the panel for Push-button start. Also get the fuel cap painted from Honda or outside. And use good quality glue to stick the fake dead pedal (We are not even sure if the delivery car will have this issue) - In fact all these combined will cost me less than a new stub antenna? What say??
You too have a wonderful logic! If A is better than B, then B should be bad/worse as per you! Where have I said that the shark-fin & glass antenna are bad & worse? I just said that even if the i20 has a long antenna for cost-cutting, there is nothing to feel embarrassed by it unlike the dummy space, fake dead pedal which moves, etc on the Jazz.

Sticking a shorter antenna is one thing & sticking a faux sticker, getting fuel cap painted, using good quality glue is another thing. I agree that cost-cutting is present everywhere but it should be done in a smart way. Peace

Last edited by CarNerd : 14th July 2015 at 10:00.
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