Rant Warning On:
[Rant] I'd bet on a company that's profitable as it is more likely to stay alive for longer than one in financial problems.
Both Canon and Nikon are in that category as of now..but for how long given their attitude, plans and the economic scenario is the question.
I would hesitate to sink money for on camera/lens system, that is made by a company on shaky ground.
I've always been aware of Oly's issues but what set the alarm bells ringing is the feedback from the dealer and my own experience whilst buying the lenses. I am yet to meet even a single dealer who recommends buying an Olympus product. I spoke to 4, all major dealers of camera equipment in Pune, all authorised Oly retailers, one of whom actually did not want to acknowledge that he was authorised and smiled when I told him he was listed on Oly's website. Panny's products are difficult to find.
So a bitter past as in Oly's case is one thing but what bothers me is are they doing enough to dig themselves out of the morass they are in? I don't know. Both Samurai and Veeresh have heard the same feedback on Oly or experienced their attitudes in person.
Feedback from the dealers - It is either the issue with the company that comes to the foreground or the lack of support in Pune where I stay. Nikon & Canon are miles ahead of these bozos. Trust me, there are times when I have ordered something and it is sent by flight and I receive it in <48 hours all the way from Gurgaon, or sent via courier from Mumbai overnight where Nikon has set up a warehouse to serve this area of the country.
Oly? That dealer called Oly's office in Mumbai and had to impress upon them that the customer (me) was standing in front of him and insisted on a price and delivery date. It was only then that they provided the information.
I am not saying Nikon or Canon are perfect..far from it. But at least their sales guys have their brains in gear ready for action while Oly's staff was asleep
But as you rightly say others are joining up the m4/3rd format as it is like an open system. As for Kodak..well, another dead or brink of death organisation with very limited resources at hand struggling for survival. Given a choice between Oly, Panny and Kodak it would be the first 2 that would be the makers of choice for me. Kodak needs to stand up and show it has the wherewithal to survive.
As for customers shifting from DX to FX - there aren't too many much to the chagrin of the Canikon combine.

Which is precisely why I feel killing DX without a firm alternative revenue stream from a DX MLC or equivalent will be like shooting itself in the foot. IMHO MLC and DX DSLR will co exist till one day they pull the plug on the DX DSLR range.
Originally Posted by amitk26 Seeing financial position , overall market share , Share of revanues from high end flagship products versus low end and number of patents granted ( which in turn shows total R&D budget) I see this probability quite low compared to both Panasonic and Olympus folding Camera business. Do not ask to cite any sources they are available on net.
where APS-C is being written off the two biggest players on Horizon that is Sony and Samsung are being overlooked. Samsung is catching up fast and the releases from them are more frequent and impressive compared to lets say from Olympus. In mirrorless market they are where they were in TV or Mobiles in 2007. Overall market share in Camera ( not just EVIL) is around 10% for Samsung so critical mass is there.
Seeing the frequency of releases , updates , marketing muscles and track record in other segments Sony and Samung seem to have better future then Olympus.
So if these 4 ( Sony , Canon , Nikon , Samsung) do even little better they will rob the market share at expense of Olympus and Panasonic. Fan following or retro look of one product can not save a finencially troubled company hit by corporate scandles. |
Sony and especially Samsung could walk all over Panny and Oly in the camera business given time, money, the right products and of course the right attitude. Samsung may be a late comer to the show but boy have they shown their mettle in the mobile industry. If they can replicate that here in the camera business it would be a tough fight.