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Old 10th December 2017, 15:41   #26761
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by pathik View Post
Do not buy Android tablets.
Now why do you say that? I have a Nexus 9 tablet that I bought 3 years ago and is still great to use. I use it for a lot of movie watching (usually Amazon, who does not support Chromecast yet), reading (both Kindle & Play Books, and also Feedly, Pocket etc.), video calling (Hangouts & Skype) and to work in certain specialized application for which the large screen is somewhat necessary. Never had a reason to regret the decision.

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
Wanted to buy my wife a Lenovo Tab 4 plus, with 64Gb internal storage, and phone calling (she uses the tab for Whatsapp).
Don't think WhatsApp has a Tablet version. Please check before committing. You might be stuck with the web version of WhatsApp.
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Old 10th December 2017, 16:02   #26762
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by binand View Post
Now why do you say that? I have a Nexus 9 tablet that I bought 3 years ago and is still great to use. I use it for a lot of movie watching (usually Amazon, who does not support Chromecast yet), reading (both Kindle & Play Books, and also Feedly, Pocket etc.), video calling (Hangouts & Skype) and to work in certain specialized application for which the large screen is somewhat necessary. Never had a reason to regret the decision.
3 years ago yes, a tablet was a good buy. And that too the nexus 9 was the best.

These days the tablets are really poorly speced and you don't get the good ones. Pixel c never even made it to India. Asus has one good one Zenpad 3S but even that is not sold here.

The only tablet option left is the iPad.
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Old 10th December 2017, 16:43   #26763
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
The need is a seven- to eight-inch tablet with reasonable performance, wifi and 4g mobile data and voice calling. The latter is because she uses it for Whatsapp, which she is determined to keep off her phone, and installation without it seems possible but dependent on hacks so not guaranteed. It should also have good internal storage.

Budget, 20k. recommendations?
I presently have the Nexus-9 which is around three years old.
My family of four share it for various activities.

I have been eyeing the 'Samsung Galaxy Tab S3', but that is too expensive at 48K. Maybe in the near future if the prices drop substantially, I may go for it.
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Old 10th December 2017, 18:18   #26764
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
The need is a seven- to eight-inch tablet with reasonable performance, wifi and 4g mobile data and voice calling. The latter is because she uses it for Whatsapp, which she is determined to keep off her phone, and installation without it seems possible but dependent on hacks so not guaranteed. It should also have good internal storage.

Budget, 20k. recommendations?
I have several old android tablets and phones which I can't use because of lack of support from manufacturers.

The latest trend is to buy devices with Project Treble: support from Google. Hence my latest purchase is a Pixel 2 phone.

For tablets, I've switched to Chromebooks. I've got the Asus c100.

Of course, all my old laptops run linux.

Last edited by proton : 10th December 2017 at 18:24.
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Old 11th December 2017, 00:17   #26765
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Sorry to post back to back, but this needs to be said. Project Treble isn't change in OS for the sake of change, the next greatest thing, akin to having a boost in already unusable horsepower, a 24 cylinder engine, a 48 core processor, but a very necessary improvement.

It must have already sunk in to some Android users that their phones become obsolete every two years or so. That is because of many reasons. The first is that every new version of Android requires better hardware. But isn't that the case with Apple IOS too? The difference is that Apple continues to support it's older hardware… longer.

Google gives the base OS to each phone manufacturer and updates, both for security and for performance, to that OS version. The problem is that the latter have to tweak the code to match their iteration of the hardware. Think of it. Why should they be so conscientious? Wouldn't it be better for their bottomline if they abandon the old hardware and concentrate instead in bringing out the software that runs on the next model of their phones? Explaining why some phones are still stuck in 'mallow. Forcing us to buy the next model, at least for security reasons.

That's great for the manufacturer, but not for Google. The whole idea of open source was to encourage innovation in hardware, but if the manufacturer adopted a policy that made it expensive for Android users to own phones, that would mean some users switching loyalty to Apple. After all, the latter’s phones could be used longer.

Project Treble will ensure that the OS will be updated by Google, by using a feature which makes it agnostic to what hardware it runs on. You don't have to be a sys op to know that that is what NT was. M’soft used a trick adopted by DEC on the Digital Alpha platform, so that the OS could run on i86, IBMrisc as well their own hardware by using a Hardware Abstraction Layer. In fact MS used the Digital team to create NT! That's why MS software can run on different hardware configurations no matter who the manufacturer.

TL;DR. Google will update each OS version through Playstore, taking away the job from the manufacturer. All phones launching with Android Oreo MUST provide hooks to these updating features, by implementing Project Treble in their version of Oreo.

Win win situation for us users. Expect to keep your phones for at least five years against the present two . Hope that was easy to grasp.

Last edited by proton : 11th December 2017 at 00:21.
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Old 11th December 2017, 00:22   #26766
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by pathik View Post
One piece of advise. Do not buy Android tablets. If you absolutely must get a tablet, get an iPad Mini (or normal iPad).
Cannot do. We have given Windows the boot, and are an Android and Linux household. Neither of us wants to take on a new operating system, and I have no wish for anything Apple. But thanks anyway!

Originally Posted by binand View Post
Now why do you say that? I have a Nexus 9 tablet that I bought 3 years ago and is still great to use. I use it for a lot of movie watching (usually Amazon, who does not support Chromecast yet), reading (both Kindle & Play Books, and also Feedly, Pocket etc.), video calling (Hangouts & Skype) and to work in certain specialized application for which the large screen is somewhat necessary. Never had a reason to regret the decision.
Me neither, and I mess with my phones, rooting and all, which is just asking for trouble.

Mrs G asks for trouble in another way: she considers her phone and tablet to be diversions for grandchildren, so I have limited sympathy when she complains that they are slowing down. But... we have two Asus 7" tablets for nearly three years. "Hers" has a hardware complaint, which I think is fixable, but I gave her "mine" anyway, as, 5.5 inch was, for me, the phone size that meant I no longer needed a tablet when away from the PC. She uses hers now far more often than she uses her laptop. She even prefers to watch a movie in a cosy chair on the 7-inch screen to sitting in front of the laptop. So I figure that, having limited budget, 8-inch would be good.

But... enough about me! (and my wife)
Don't think WhatsApp has a Tablet version. Please check before committing. You might be stuck with the web version of WhatsApp.
Strictly, no. Its network relies on phone numbers, and its authentication on installation relies on an SMS OTP. So, for a tablet to run Whatsapp, it needs to be a big-phone type of tablet, with a phone sim in it. But if does 4G mobile networking...
Originally Posted by manim View Post
I have been eyeing the 'Samsung Galaxy Tab S3', but that is too expensive at 48K. Maybe in the near future if the prices drop substantially, I may go for it.
Yes, substantially too expensive. If the price drops to half!

And does anyone know why the Lenovo Tab 4 series seems to have disappeared from Amazon? I think Flipkart, too, but I'm not so keen on FK these days anyway.
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Old 11th December 2017, 00:33   #26767
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by proton View Post
Sorry to post back to back, but this needs to be said. Project Treble isn't change in OS for the sake of change, the next greatest thing, akin to having a boost in already unusable horsepower, a 24 cylinder engine, a 48 core processor, but a very necessary improvement.

TL;DR. Google will update each OS version through Playstore, taking away the job from the manufacturer. All phones launching with Android Oreo MUST provide hooks to these updating features, by implementing Project Treble in their version of Oreo.

Win win situation for us users. Expect to keep your phones for at least five years against the present two . Hope that was easy to grasp.
Seems like a lot of the OEM's like Nokia and Oneplus are not signing up to Project Treble.

Nokia probably has the right reason that current devices will not be on Project Treble but future ones might.

But the sheer number of hardware configs, I'm sure this will have plenty of issues till it is defined from the start.

On another note. Your point on the Chromebooks replacing the Android tablets was so true. These chromebooks do make more sense than Android tablets and work as well if you want to stick to Google ecosystem but need a tablet sized device.

Earlier this year I got the LG G6 which is a brilliant device in Hardware but is still stuck to Android 7.0. They haven't even been releasing security updates regularly. When Oreo will be announced is unknown.

The sad part is my 2 year old Nexus 5X which I am using as backup is running 8.0 with November update. 8.1 developer preview is already out as well!

I almost got the Pixel 2 in the Flipkart sale last week but since my dad lost his iPhone 6, I had to buy an iPhone SE to replace that so held off on getting the Pixel 2 for myself.

I was also thinking of spending more for the 2XL but have now realised the way we change phones and new ones come, get the lower storage and smaller one since apart from screen the experience will be the same stock google one. So looks like by the next sale I will have Pixel 2. We're all suckers for this.
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Old 11th December 2017, 00:43   #26768
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Vid6639 View Post
Seems like a lot of the OEM's like Nokia and Oneplus are not signing up to Project Treble.

Nokia probably has the right reason that current devices will not be on Project Treble but future ones might.

I almost got the Pixel 2 in the Flipkart sale last week but since my dad lost his iPhone 6, I had to buy an iPhone SE to replace that so held off on getting the Pixel 2 for myself.

I was also thinking of spending more for the 2XL but have now realised the way we change phones and new ones come, get the lower storage and smaller one since apart from screen the experience will be the same stock google one. So looks like by the next sale I will have Pixel 2. We're all suckers for this.
Too right. Apparently OnePlus intends to milk it's customers a little longer. The OP6 is AVOIDING Oreo, launching instead with Nougat, followed, a month later, with an OREO upgrade!
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Old 11th December 2017, 01:17   #26769
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Originally Posted by proton View Post
Too right. Apparently OnePlus intends to milk it's customers a little longer. The OP6 is AVOIDING Oreo, launching instead with Nougat, followed, a month later, with an OREO upgrade!
Yes I didn't understand this either. They could/should have provided Android O off factory. But it's good to see they rolled out the update fast. Even my OP3 (not 3T) got the update sometime back. This however, maybe the last update for my phone.
My Asus Zenfone on the other hand got just one update from 4.4 to 5.0 in 2 years.

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Old 11th December 2017, 06:58   #26770
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Traded in the wife's iPhone 7+ and got her a Note 8. Considering how delicate Samsung is, got a Clear View standing cover as well. First impressions are ready good and the camera is just brilliant!
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Old 11th December 2017, 08:28   #26771
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Has anyone tried the Vodafone provided Red Shield theft and damage insurance schemes? It's by Servify, the same brand that provides insurance for OnePlus. Mine came with my Vodafone plan; otherwise it is 60 bucks a month which is very reasonable. It insures from screen damage and theft.
Wanted to know if anyone has a first hand experience with them.
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Old 11th December 2017, 08:59   #26772
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by vb-san View Post
Traded in the wife's iPhone 7+ and got her a Note 8. Considering how delicate Samsung is, got a Clear View standing cover as well. First impressions are ready good and the camera is just brilliant!
Did you get any good deals?

Another Apple to Android switch over. Me too moved to Android after using iPhones (4, 5s and 6s) for almost 7 years. Abysmal battery life was the main reason and also the reason is that Apple has completely stopped innovating now.

Last edited by hyper-VTEC : 11th December 2017 at 09:01.
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Old 11th December 2017, 10:05   #26773
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by hyper-VTEC View Post
Rumor has it - it will come for 47990. Not sure though.
Well we will know in a couple of days. Hope it does launch at that price. I can upgrade to it after giving up my V20 which is showing bad ghosting now.

Originally Posted by abhinav.s View Post
If this rumor turns out to be true and the "+" version comes at the rumored price, then it will be a very good pricing for the specs. I might even consider getting one to go along with the Iphone SE! Hope LG prices it sensibly!
Hope so too
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Old 11th December 2017, 11:26   #26774
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by proton View Post
I have several old android tablets and phones which I can't use because of lack of support from manufacturers.
I just upgraded from a working HTC Sensation to Pixel 2 XL for similar reasons.

The latest trend is to buy devices with Project Treble: support from Google. Hence my latest purchase is a Pixel 2 phone.

Originally Posted by proton View Post
Win win situation for us users. Expect to keep your phones for at least five years against the present two . Hope that was easy to grasp.
Amen to that!

I would be happy to answer any specific questions from BHPians about Pixel 2 XL which you can't find in reviews.

Edit: Information on why some devices may not get Oreo soon enough. Link

Last edited by sidhu_hs : 11th December 2017 at 11:35.
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Old 11th December 2017, 11:43   #26775
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by deathwalkr View Post
Well we will know in a couple of days. Hope it does launch at that price. I can upgrade to it after giving up my V20 which is showing bad ghosting now.
I had a detailed look at the V30 yesterday - not fully convinced as an upgrade to the V20; other than the audiophile credentials, nothing much there. I was thinking of the V30 as the next change in April 2018, but the Pixel 2XL looks like a better option. Another problem with LG is the poor resale/trade-in value. Yesterday got around 500 SGD for iPhone 7+ 32GB with a couple of small knocks/dents whereas my V20’s quoted rate was just 200 SGD.

On a separate note, good this headphone (AKG) as a freebie with my wife’s Samsung Note 8. Not opened the package yet, are these any good?
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