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Old 26th December 2014, 13:52   #20191
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

The call waiting on my Nexus 5 running on 5.0.1 keeps switching it off on its own resulting in lot of abuses from friends and family since they are unable to reach me when I am talking to someone on the phone. Is there some issue in the latest upgrade?
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Old 26th December 2014, 20:05   #20192
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

As per LG service center Android 5 & 5.0.1 has problems with nexus phones and they have rolled back my Nexus 4 to kitkat.
All my apps had stopped syncing due to some storage issues. Even play store was not working. The problem did not get solved even with hard reset. I finally had to approach the service centre.

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Old 26th December 2014, 23:01   #20193
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Galaxy note users, I'd like to know how useful is the stylus and its associated features/software? How often do you see yourself reaching out to stylus during the day or is it something that just stays in its place? What softwares do you find useful that is used with stylus?
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Old 27th December 2014, 00:11   #20194
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

On a side note, the wife is generally happy with the OPO except for two things:
a. The camera is nice but nowhere near a Nexus 5. Basically its a bit better than MI but not much better. For kids - you can't beat a Nexus 5 with its OIS.
b. There was some initial call quality issues. Where the GNex would've given up on 3G and switched to 2G - her phone was still on 3G and hence had worse call quality. This was a bit annoying - we're still finding out workarounds.
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Old 27th December 2014, 00:20   #20195
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by shipnil View Post
I'd like to know how useful is the stylus and its associated features/software?
I use the stylus a lot, but not on Note 4. Stylus has replaced my notebook for meetings etc. Most useful aspect is the ability to search through your notes. I have a AT&T version of Note 4 for App tests. I found two issues with Note 4 stylus:

1. Screen seemed too small for "writing". I prefer larger size screen for writing.
2. Note 4 stylus is too thin, as compared to real pens.
3. Nib of the pen is slippery and not like real pen.

At the moment I am using Adonit jot touch stylus with Android as well as iPad. It has pressure sensitivity (2048 levels) + tilt sensor. These enable quite decent handwriting recognition.

It costs $100 and will work with most phones + tablets.
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Old 27th December 2014, 09:28   #20196
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by kiren View Post
As per LG service center Android 5 & 5.0.1 has problems with nexus phones and they have rolled back my Nexus 4 to kitkat.
That sounds scary. So far so good, for me on N4 with 5.0.1. I am updating all the apps to their newer versions. I see in the release description, fix for compatibility issues of lollipop.
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Old 27th December 2014, 18:24   #20197
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Need a quick advise guys. I am in Australia and I have to get a new handset for myself. I have to get one of those 24 months contracts.. Pls don't ask for reasons. I HAVE to. Now, I have 3 options to choose from,
1. Samsung Galaxy note 3 / 4
2. Samsung Galaxy S5

Which of the above is the reliable one? I need to use it for next 2 years. So the device has to be kinda future proof and also support the future updates.
The other 4th option is iPhone 6, which I am not a fan of so ruled it out right away.

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Old 27th December 2014, 18:40   #20198
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Originally Posted by h@r$h@l View Post
Need a quick advise guys. I am in Australia and I have to get a new handset for myself. I have to get one of those 24 months contracts.. Pls don't ask for reasons. I HAVE to. Now, I have 3 options to choose from,
1. Samsung Galaxy note 3 / 4
2. Samsung Galaxy S5

Which of the above is the reliable one? I need to use it for next 2 years. So the device has to be kinda future proof and also support the future updates.
The other 4th option is iPhone 6, which I am not a fan of so ruled it out right away.

I would say go for Note 4. I've S5 and the fingerprint reader is horrible. Read somewhere that the fingerprint reader is better in Note 4. There is no point in getting Note 3 since Note 4 is already there (every note series has some improvement than the earlier model). There is nothing so special about M8 except the camera and doesn't look VFM compared to S5/Note 4.

Last edited by Astonite : 27th December 2014 at 18:41.
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Old 27th December 2014, 18:55   #20199
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Hi All,

I bought a Nexus 5 two weeks back and was using Note 1 earlier. i am unable to figure out as to how to rearrange apps in the phone? is it not possible?
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Old 27th December 2014, 19:11   #20200
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Originally Posted by joshguy View Post
Hi All,

I bought a Nexus 5 two weeks back and was using Note 1 earlier. i am unable to figure out as to how to rearrange apps in the phone? is it not possible?
Re arrange apps in what sense? I think you can sort apps alphabetically or as per grid size or whatever extra options available in nexus 5. You can also create folders of related app by dragging one app onto another.
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Old 27th December 2014, 19:53   #20201
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by h@r$h@l View Post
Need a quick advise guys. I am in Australia and I have to get a new handset for myself. I have to get one of those 24 months contracts.. Pls don't ask for reasons. I HAVE to. Now, I have 3 options to choose from,
1. Samsung Galaxy note 3 / 4
2. Samsung Galaxy S5

Which of the above is the reliable one? I need to use it for next 2 years. So the device has to be kinda future proof and also support the future updates.
The other 4th option is iPhone 6, which I am not a fan of so ruled it out right away.

HTC ONE M8. Not one of the single users of the older HTC One have had their phones slow down.

As for S4 users (or S3 losers like me), the lesser said the better.

The note is another good option but that's too large from my POV IMHO.
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Old 27th December 2014, 21:00   #20202
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by h@r$h@l View Post
1. Samsung Galaxy note 3 / 4
2. Samsung Galaxy S5
4th option is iPhone 6
I am wondering why you haven't included the Moto X 32 GB? All of the above listed smartphones are almost similar in features but the Motox 2nd gen is something WOW and different compared to others, even better than Nexus 6 in my books. This is a device where its better to leave the specs-sheet behind (though specs match with other flagships you mentioned) and see how innovative it's features are and how the phone performs in the real world usage.

I Just got the phone few days back and left astonished by the Moto X features for which its famous.

I am so spoiled by the features that I haven't yet upgraded to the already available Android Lollipop firmware because of the horror stories running about the half baked Lollipop. I am running the stock Kitkat ROM till get fully assured that the Lollipop won't conflict with the Moto X features. And believe me, the features of Moto X aren't gimmicks, they are simple and very much useful.

For example, it automatically detects that you are driving and the voice reply feature gets activate. Now whenever a call or SMS comes, it asks you whether you want to reply or not and acts on your instruction. I found it pretty much useful feature, I don't have to look at the phone now and can ignore the call with a replying text message without touching the phone. Or I can reply the call if its emergency. No more phone distraction while driving.

I usually use my phone for navigation when I need that. I keep my phone on windshield dock in that situation. Now if I want to take some photo of the road ahead or want to take a selfie, I just need to talk with my Moto X and it just obeys my orders. No need to break concentration from the road.

Most importantly, it understands Indian English accents without a fuss. Moto display and other gesture based features are just great. It becomes hard to go back to other Android devices once you get used to of the MotoX.

Battery looks smaller on papers but its sufficient enough for a day even when all of the features including Google now and sync are active. Camera is nice in the daylight and average in the low light. There are few shortcomings like auofocus issue in the low during video shooting But the issue looks more of a software related which may get fixed in the future.

Nothing in this world is perfect and same applies for the Moto X as well but the positives of the Moto X are far greater compared to it's negative thus its at top position in the smartphone world for me right now.

On the top of all, its a very slim and gorgeous device. Thin bezels and Size of the phone don't give hint that it has got a 5.2" display.

Consider 2nd Gen Moto X 32 GB.

Last edited by Rudra Sen : 28th December 2014 at 07:35. Reason: Paragraph edit
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Old 28th December 2014, 05:00   #20203
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Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post

The note is another good option but that's too large from my POV IMHO.

Originally Posted by tbppjpr View Post
I am wondering why you haven't included the Moto X 32 GB?

Consider 2nd Gen Moto X 32 GB.
Hi guys,

Thanks a lot for your feedbacks.

I will consider the M8.
@tbppjpr I cannot consider the Moto X 2 as its not on the offered list. I have to pick from the above 3 (4) listed phones as thats what my employer has to offer.

I currently use the 1st Gen Moto G and I was probably the first owner of the same on Tbhp. And I adore this phone to the core. Been a year since I got it and its working flawless and lag is a thing of past when using this.

So have to pick from M8, S5, Note 3/4 or iPhone 6. I am not a fan of the iPhone and hence not considering it.
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Old 28th December 2014, 06:59   #20204
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Originally Posted by h@r$h@l View Post
Hi guys,

Thanks a lot for your feedbacks.

I will consider the M8.
@tbppjpr I cannot consider the Moto X 2 as its not on the offered list. I have to pick from the above 3 (4) listed phones as thats what my employer has to offer.

I currently use the 1st Gen Moto G and I was probably the first owner of the same on Tbhp. And I adore this phone to the core. Been a year since I got it and its working flawless and lag is a thing of past when using this.

So have to pick from M8, S5, Note 3/4 or iPhone 6. I am not a fan of the iPhone and hence not considering it.
Please do consider the one plus one. I got one from the US and I am in love with it!
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Old 28th December 2014, 07:54   #20205
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I think today OnePlus One not worth it. We bought it and it's excellent but at the current discounts the nexus 5 is much more value given the excellent camera.
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