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Old 4th October 2013, 18:59   #16471
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by OHCVtec View Post
I am still using the phone and got a new battery for it. I will flash 4.3 soon after your feedback. Only issue is, the screen of my Defy has developed few black spots and it is increasing gradually. Any clue where/how we can get the screen fixed/replaced.

A fellow Defy user here and I am loving it. Best VFM phone ever. I have a query and a possible solution for you.

Query - Is your OS stable? If yes, is it worth the effort? If yes, where to get it, xda?

Possible Solution -

1. Take off your battery, micro sd and sim card
2. put the phone in a plastic bag and seal.
2. Put it in Freezer for about 8 hours or more
3. Take out your defy from freezer
4. Put it in a rice bowl and leave it to dry for an hour or so.
5. Once dry, put itall back together and cross your fingers.
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Old 4th October 2013, 19:20   #16472
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Originally Posted by 5hadow View Post
Query - Is your OS stable? If yes, is it worth the effort? If yes, where to get it, xda?
I haven't tried 4.3,will be doing it soon, xda is the most reliable source for all your flashing needs

Originally Posted by 5hadow View Post
1. Take off your battery, micro sd and sim card
2. put the phone in a plastic bag and seal.
2. Put it in Freezer for about 8 hours or more
3. Take out your defy from freezer
4. Put it in a rice bowl and leave it to dry for an hour or so.
5. Once dry, put itall back together and cross your fingers.
I tried this overnight, did not help much. Will give a 24 hour treatment soon.
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Old 4th October 2013, 20:20   #16473
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
dear all folks who are well read/knowledgeable on the nexus 5 - please tell me - I am in USA till Oct 25th evening. What can I do to get it AS SOON AS it is released? Please guide me on this aspect.
No chance. All the reliable rumors quote Oct 31st as the announce date. Take a week or two as launch date from there and another week for shipping if you can order as soon as it launches.

Multiple rumors have put the blame of delay on 4.4 KitKat. They are running behind on that. That's why they're rolling out 4.3.1 to Nexus devices as I speak. So 4.4 and Nexus 5 are at least few weeks away.
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Old 5th October 2013, 05:45   #16474
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by OHCVtec View Post
I have been using Cynogenmod roms on my Defy however am a bit reluctant to flash it on my Note 2. Can you please provide me a feedback in terms of the battery life, bugs etc on Note 2.
Never seen anyone use it on Note 2 because many of them are still on warranty and doesn't want to void it. But, Since Note 2 is a very popular model, the cyanogen variant should be pretty stable. The stock Samsung UI sucks. But, be prepared to lose out on the S-Pen features when you make the switch to cyanogen.

PS: Once, while playing with ROM flashing, I corrupted the EFS partition, and caused my IMEI number to be corrupted. Since, it was in encrypted form, I had no option to put it back even though I knew my IMEI number. I just reverted it back to one of the Samsung ROMs, took it to the service center, and they restored the IMEI from their server. So, Samsung did repair it for me even though I have tried out custom ROMs. I guess, the only thing we need to make sure is to ensure that we get back to Samsung ROM somehow in case of an issue. Also need to ensure that the yellow triangle is removed. Also learnt the lesson that the first thing to back up on an android phone is the EFS ( encrypted file system ) partition for the simple reason that it's unique for every phone since it contains information like the IMEI, wifi mac id etc. No way to copy it from another phone, in case it gets corrupt.

Last edited by amalji : 5th October 2013 at 05:56.
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Old 5th October 2013, 08:25   #16475
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by null View Post
The volume rocker on my HTC Desire (A8181 - the old phone with Android 2.1/2.2) is broken. Basically, the volume down button is not working any more. It is needed to access the hboot menu (for any customizations).

Any idea where I can get it fixed for lower price (HTC service is uber expensive) in Bangalore?
Based on feedback on the internet, I opened up the phone last Wednesday myself and cleaned the volume button contacts with surgical spirit (@30rs from medical store). It was pretty straight forward and possibly saved me a few 100s (if not 1000s) of rupees.

I was quoted Rs. 2500 for the repair some time back. So, if any of these electronics stop working outside the warranty period, we should look up for options to fix it online before heading to the service centers.
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Old 5th October 2013, 09:33   #16476
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Motorola Defy run over by a truck - Need inputs for another phone.

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My two year old Moto Defy felll off my pocket while I was jogging this morning. By the time I realised and turned around the phone was run over by a vehicle and shattered to pieces.

I inserted the battery back and was surprised to see the phone was still working. The Defy definitely lived upto its reputation

I really loved this rugged phone and used it in all sorts of environment - heat, dust, sweat, rain, shock... and it survived everything I threw at it. Used it for logging my work out (Cardio Trainer - gem of an app), listening to music, reading news online, taking pix... Never felt the need to upgrade although it still ran Android 2.2.

Now I have three options

1. Repair the phone - with display and speaker smashed could be a tall order.

2. Buy another Moto Defy - available in flipkart for about 10K. While I am happy with the phone, I will not be able upgrade from Android 2.3.

3. Buy another Android phone - this is where I need inputs from anyone who loved the Moto Defy and upgraded. I want the same ruggedness, voice quality and practicality but am not looking for anything more fancy - least of all snob value. Budget limited to about INR 20K.

Any immediate inputs would be greatly appreciated.
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Old 5th October 2013, 12:10   #16477
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Hi Guys,

Recently got the Sony Xperia SP for my mother. This is her first mobile and I thought it is better to get her an Android. I bought it from Flipkart for Rs 20.9k. If anyone is looking for a good mid range phone, Xperia SP is a nice choice. This phone is a bit on the heavier side - this makes me appreciate Samsung phones more - even though they are plastic they are very light and durable. Build quality of the phone is good. Being used to AMOLED screens of Samsung, I simply cannot like the screen on Xperia SP but my mother is quite happy with it.

Note that most of the online reviews have criticized the camera of Xperia SP. It indeed is pretty average for a 8MP phone. But since this was to be used by my mother, it was not a deal breaker.

Let me know if you have any questions on Xperia SP.
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Old 5th October 2013, 15:01   #16478
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by rajcs View Post
2. Buy another Moto Defy - available in flipkart for about 10K. While I am happy with the phone, I will not be able upgrade from Android 2.3.
Sorry to hear about your phone. It's a sad accident leading to unwanted expense.

You would be able to upgrade, albeit probably voiding your warranty, using eg Cyanogenmod. It was this thread that encouraged me to do that, even though I waited for warranty expiry. I much prefer it to the Moto offering,
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Old 5th October 2013, 21:36   #16479
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I picked up a Sony Xperia Z1 recently, phone is awesome. However does not feel premium in hand and is too long!

Went and purchased a HTC One dual sim, this is one well designed phone...I must SAY! Very impressed with the phone.

Z1 would now go to my wife, as she is asking it.
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Old 6th October 2013, 10:25   #16480
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Flashed the leaked 4.3 rom on my Note 2. Everything works as expected, zero bugs till now. Battery life seems better than 4.1.2.
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Old 6th October 2013, 14:15   #16481
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Note 3 @ Rs. 44,454.00 on EBAY IN


How reliable is this ?

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Old 7th October 2013, 00:30   #16482
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Originally Posted by F150 View Post
It was genuine... Sale is over
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Old 7th October 2013, 11:18   #16483
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

hopefully people and companies do realize that anything bigger than 4.7" held in human hands look like people are holding pencil boxes to their ears. It looks very attention-seeking and kind of odd. Kudos to apple & Nokia under original management for restraining itself to under 4.5" till now.
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Old 7th October 2013, 12:02   #16484
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by lurker View Post
hopefully people and companies do realize that anything bigger than 4.7" held in human hands look like people are holding pencil boxes to their ears. It looks very attention-seeking and kind of odd. Kudos to apple & Nokia under original management for restraining itself to under 4.5" till now.
It doesn't matter what people other than those who are holding it think. Considering the huge sales of huge phones, the people who buy it obviously like it and that's all what matters. FWIW, I wouldn't buy one.
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Old 7th October 2013, 15:12   #16485
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by lurker View Post
hopefully people and companies do realize that anything bigger than 4.7" held in human hands look like people are holding pencil boxes to their ears. It looks very attention-seeking and kind of odd. Kudos to apple & Nokia under original management for restraining itself to under 4.5" till now.
Gone are days when mobiles were used solely/mainly for voice calls. People use these devices for multitude of tasks where voice call is "just one of them". I personally use a Note 2 and loving the big screen experience
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