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Old 23rd August 2010, 12:35   #211
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Guys, is this Galaxy S the same as Samsung Captivate?

I meant, are they both the same hardware and software wise?

How does it compare to Iphone4?

I have an upgrade coming up and i have these two options.

No iOS vs Android war please. just some negative and positive points of the OS and Hardware.

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Old 23rd August 2010, 13:08   #212
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Yep, Galaxy S and Captivate are the same hardware and software wise (to some extent). The build might be different, I am not sure about that.

TBH, I won't be able to comment on the hardware comparisons between iPhone 4 and Galaxy S as I have not seen an iPhone 4 yet. The screen on Galaxy S is SAMOLED and possibly the best around. On the other comparisons, android is a modder's delight. More so in the case of Galaxy S, as the software has some issues, but can be easily fixed. iPhone 4 might be a better choice for you, if you don't want to tinker around and just want it to work perfectly out of the box. But android OS is very powerful and the kind of stuff that is happening on android, haven't seen that on an iOS. Also, the GPU is better on Galaxy S (if you like to play games), it can shoot 720p videos, out of the box DIVX/FLAC support. Umm, others might add more to the list.
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Old 23rd August 2010, 13:57   #213
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Originally Posted by HellwratH View Post
Did some research and found this,
Thanks, though i'm hoping to get something that ties in with winamp (and its dynamic playlists/views) -- though i guess thats a bit unlikely.

I guess i should just use one of these solutions for syncing media directories via wifi.

Originally Posted by HellwratH View Post
Awesome drop, it's simple and very very nice.
Neat. iPhone has one called "Discover (wifi)" that works similarly, but it allows transfers from phone to pc as well.

Originally Posted by HellwratH View Post
Rooting didn't make my phone faster actually. Some developers at XDA realized...
Aah k thanks! Am in 2 minds about doing this, but i am quite tempted.

Originally Posted by kaushik_s View Post
...But one thing I've to admit that my friend's nokia E62 was able to connect much faster...
If its the first time you used your GPS, it takes a little longer (ie cold start).
Also make sure MS mode is the one youre using (from what i know).

Turning skyhook OFF could perhaps make it faster too!

Originally Posted by chevelle View Post
I meant, are they both the same hardware and software wise?
One of these engadget type sites had a nice side by side chart comparison of the epic 4g, fascinate, captivate, vibrant (they are all the galaxy S family).

There are some hardware differences, like front-facing camera, QWERTY, etc -- as well as a few software (pre-bundled) differences. But overall its the same phone.

Originally Posted by HellwratH View Post
How does it compare to Iphone4?
If you just want things to WORK plain and simple, and dont enjoy fiddling and tweaking -- the iphone is probably better suited for you at the moment.

If you like playing around, tons of settings, potential for something more, freedom (*cough*), then android. Alternatively, if you leave it stock its not bad either, and SWYPE etc might make it an attractive proposition over the iPhone4. EDIT: and FLASH!!


Last edited by Rehaan : 23rd August 2010 at 13:58.
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Old 23rd August 2010, 15:31   #214
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Originally Posted by HellwratH View Post
Umm, I have used the app by Ryanza. Have posted the link in my previous post. Somehow I was too lazy to do the partitioning etc., so just installed the app and followed the instructions . I am more than happy with what I am getting right now, the phone is uber fast.
Hell, thanks a lot. it was a tense moments the app was running. But now after a score of 2186... it is .

Now, I am seriously doubting the ability of samsung to write sw. I have had occasional lag of about 4,5 secs before mod. will take a day or 2 to access if those are gone.
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Old 23rd August 2010, 16:18   #215
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Originally Posted by gkrishn View Post
Hell, thanks a lot. it was a tense moments the app was running. But now after a score of 2186... it is .

Now, I am seriously doubting the ability of samsung to write sw. I have had occasional lag of about 4,5 secs before mod. will take a day or 2 to access if those are gone.
WOW! That's impressive. May be I will get a similar speed if I update the firmware, but I haven't found a strong enough reason to update it yet . And I seriously doubt the competency of QA which let something like KIES pass the test .
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Old 23rd August 2010, 16:50   #216
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usb mass storage or chaos is just not working under launcher pro. I have to switch back to TW to get it working. Is this expected?
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Old 23rd August 2010, 17:46   #217
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Originally Posted by HellwratH View Post
iPhone 4 might be a better choice for you, if you don't want to tinker around and just want it to work perfectly out of the box.
Originally Posted by Rehaan View Post
If you just want things to WORK plain and simple, and dont enjoy fiddling and tweaking -- the iphone is probably better suited for you at the moment.

If you like playing around, tons of settings, potential for something more, freedom (*cough*), then android. Alternatively, if you leave it stock its not bad either, and SWYPE etc might make it an attractive proposition over the iPhone4. EDIT: and FLASH!!
Thanks for your opinion.

I am surely not gonna play with the phone. Will be bone stock, just like out of box thing. So i also think it makes sense to go for iphone 4. But will still check it out in stores to see which one is better.
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Old 23rd August 2010, 19:32   #218
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Originally Posted by gkrishn View Post
usb mass storage or chaos is just not working under launcher pro. I have to switch back to TW to get it working. Is this expected?
Mass storage works for me (on Mac) with LPro, and yes, I have read that chaos needs TW3.0 to connect and may not connect with Lpro on. Just download Home Switcher and make TW as default. When you are done, just set Lpro as the default. That's how I manage.
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Old 24th August 2010, 14:30   #219
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About the GPS: Both the phones were doing cold start. Forgot to add, even one Nexus One also was there that day. But the E71 (sorry for the wrong model no in the first post) was faster to catch the signal than the Nexus one too.

BTW, my mobile going to unreachable mode problem is seemed to be solved now after the firmware upgrade.
Liked the A Online Radio app. This is an online radio application and there are thousands of them. Played few channels over Wi-Fi at home and it seems good.

About the USB Mass Storage usage, I'm not sure if other made the same mistake as I did. You need to go to the notification drop down once the device is connected as Mass Storage mode. And then click on the notification and it'll open an dialog to Mount the memory card. Once you select that option you'll be able to use the memory as a normal drive through your PC's explorer.
BTW, any idea if this device will support NTFS formatted cards? As with FAT32 we'll be limited to 4GB max file size. But being a linux kernel it might never support NTFS or am I totally wrong with that assumption?
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Old 24th August 2010, 14:40   #220
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Originally Posted by kaushik_s View Post
About the USB Mass Storage usage, I'm not sure if other made the same mistake as I did. You need to go to the notification drop down once the device is connected as Mass Storage mode. And then click on the notification and it'll open an dialog to Mount the memory card. Once you select that option you'll be able to use the memory as a normal drive through your PC's explorer.
On Mac, we also need to have checked the "USB debugging mode", otheriwse it won't show up.
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Old 24th August 2010, 16:02   #221
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Originally Posted by kaushik_s View Post
BTW, my mobile going to unreachable mode problem is seemed to be solved now after the firmware upgrade.
Heres another tip -- if your SIM card is very old, replacing it could help this problem. (Perhaps something to do with newer lower voltage sim cards or such??). This is what i was told by a phone guy. My SIM is probably 8 yrs old!!

@HellW - I've seriously been toying with the idea of the lag-fix. But then i figured that samsung must mean to fix that before Froyo happens, and therefore we should perhaps expect a samsung update in the next month or so (i hope). So held off.

Another thing im concerned about is whether WE will get these promised updates on time, since now the focus will be on the USA market a lot.

Lastly - i used GPS Test outdoors yesterday. It found between 3-8 satellites but did not "USE" a single one. I think i've botched up the settings somewhere (since ive fiddled with everything )


PS - If you're interested in RDP - check out WYSE, seems promising (still BETA).

TIP - Sliding your finger (left <> right) on the notification bar at the top adjusts the screens brightness (might only work with launcher pro?).

Last edited by Rehaan : 24th August 2010 at 16:04.
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Old 24th August 2010, 16:18   #222
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Originally Posted by Rehaan View Post
@HellW - I've seriously been toying with the idea of the lag-fix. But then i figured that samsung must mean to fix that before Froyo happens, and therefore we should perhaps expect a samsung update in the next month or so (i hope). So held off.

Another thing im concerned about is whether WE will get these promised updates on time, since now the focus will be on the USA market a lot.

Lastly - i used GPS Test outdoors yesterday. It found between 3-8 satellites but did not "USE" a single one. I think i've botched up the settings somewhere (since ive fiddled with everything )


PS - If you're interested in RDP - check out WYSE, seems promising (still BETA).

TIP - Sliding your finger (left <> right) on the notification bar at the top adjusts the screens brightness (might only work with launcher pro?).
The thing is, even if they release firmware upgrades for phones like Captivate etc., someone on XDA will make the necessary changes to be run it on Galaxy S . Also, Cyanogen is working on his ROM, that's like the ultimate ROM for an android phone, so am waiting for that as well.

Umm, how do you know the number of satellites available and how do you turn off skyhook? And what's RDP?
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Old 24th August 2010, 16:44   #223
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Originally Posted by Rehaan View Post
Heres another tip -- if your SIM card is very old, replacing it could help this problem. (Perhaps something to do with newer lower voltage sim cards or such??). This is what i was told by a phone guy. My SIM is probably 8 yrs old!!
Problem is still there it seems . The phone is showing full signal but it's unreachable. Even my SIM is 8 years old. Will ask Airtel to change the SIM card and see. Thought that the issue was solved after the firmware upgrade but doesn't seem like.

Originally Posted by Rehaan View Post
TIP - Sliding your finger (left <> right) on the notification bar at the top adjusts the screens brightness (might only work with launcher pro?).
This works with TouchWiz also.
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Old 24th August 2010, 17:10   #224
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Originally Posted by kaushik_s View Post
Problem is still there it seems . The phone is showing full signal but it's unreachable. Even my SIM is 8 years old. Will ask Airtel to change the SIM card and see. Thought that the issue was solved after the firmware upgrade but doesn't seem like.

This works with TouchWiz also.
I do not think SIM being old is an issue.

Install a free task killer application such as advanced task killer from Android store. When your phone is unreachable but you see full signal check what all applications are running.

If you kill all running applications does it make the phone reachable ?

A lot of background applications keep on running in Android and that is a generic issue , You should check if it is in any way affecting your phones status like I observed that phone used to go to Airplane mode mysteriously .

Last edited by amitk26 : 24th August 2010 at 17:15.
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Old 24th August 2010, 17:28   #225
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Originally Posted by amitk26 View Post
I do not think SIM being old is an issue.

Install a free task killer application such as advanced task killer from Android store. When your phone is unreachable but you see full signal check what all applications are running.

If you kill all running applications does it make the phone reachable ?

A lot of background applications keep on running in Android and that is a generic issue , You should check if it is in any way affecting your phones status like I observed that phone used to go to Airplane mode mysteriously .
Just now tried that. I have Advanced Task Killer and using that I killed the applications that are running. But still the phone is unreachable :(. And seems like it's getting worse now, the phone is getting out of reach with 10 mins of making an outgoing call itself. Initially I thought it happens only inside my office building but the same thing happens even at my home too. But last few days after the firmware upgrade the phone was reachable while at home almost all the time( I made some calls at random times from my landline to mobile). But today now at office the phone is just going to unreachable mode all the time. Might be also the case that the problem at office(which is still there) and problem at home were two different issues. I just don't know what's going on. My hunch is that there is some problem with the protocol stack on the phone which is not sending the periodic location update signal to the mobile network and hence the phone is going unreachable after being idle. Just an wild guess though. Why this is happening is beyond my comprehension. Lodged two complaints, one with Airtel and one with Samsung, let's see what they come up with. Airtel guy is telling me to try changing the SIM to another handset and test and according to them it might be SIM compatibility issue. Mine is actually more then 8 years (Feb 2002 according to Airtel's database).
I just pray that this stupid issue gets solved soon.
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