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Old 22nd November 2012, 02:56   #12691
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Hi, i have the at&t s3 and today screen rotation is not working. It doesn't work in any app like youtube or browser. it won't go into landscape mode at all.

i installed this app called android sensor box and in the orientation sensor, the bubble moves to extreme right when i put it on a flat surface.

is my sensor gone bad? the bubble doesn't move even after rotating phones at different angle.

i tried to switch on/off the auto rotation and also calibration gyroscope. But still no luck. The only option i have not tried is factory settings which will be my final options.

Would appreciate if anybody else has this problem

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Old 22nd November 2012, 09:39   #12692
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

A galaxy tab in our office test lab has the same issue. For that it is the sensor gone bad.

Since my N7's launcher doesn't have landscape rotation, use an app called ultimate rotation control to forcefully rotate the launcher.

Last edited by clevermax : 22nd November 2012 at 09:45.
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Old 22nd November 2012, 09:57   #12693
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

After a week of using 4.2, I do see an improvement in battery life. With my typical usage it used to last for a day MAX before switching off totally on 4.1.

With 4.2, after a day, its still able to get through the night at less than 14%.

Screen on time was roughly around 3hrs. 30-40 mins gaming, 30-40 mins or so of browsing/t-bhp, 15-20 mins video playback. About 2 hours music playback - screen wasn't on all the while.

6-8 calls max, total duration maybe less than 30 mins.

Name:  Screenshot_batt.png
Views: 888
Size:  30.1 KB

I will observe this for a few more days and update if I see any changes, for better or worse.

Last edited by Dry Ice : 22nd November 2012 at 09:58.
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Old 22nd November 2012, 10:01   #12694
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by fine69 View Post
Guess what was ordered through flipkart a few seconds back, Moto Defy Plus!

Hope it was a wise decision to cancel A110 and opt for this :P

Any pointers what are the first few things that I should do as soon as I get it?
1) Root it !!! You got one of the most dev supported phone on planet
2) Install a custom ROM, WajKIUI is my suggestion. Its as stable as that
3) Its android party time
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Old 22nd November 2012, 15:14   #12695
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Seems like the random restarts issue that I was facing on my GNex after updating to 4.2 has not been resolved by the factory reset. I was mid-call today when the phone just rebooted. Once it was back up I noticed that there was a missed call from another number. I'm beginning to suspect that LiteFlow is the culprit.
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Old 22nd November 2012, 15:55   #12696
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I just installed CM7.1 on a phone that costs less than Rs 4000/-.
And its holding up pretty good.

Bluetooth is the only thing not working.
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Old 22nd November 2012, 22:03   #12697
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by h@r$h@l View Post
Congrats. Acc to me cancellating A110 & opting for defy+ was a wise move. If you are comfortable / confident rooting; head to xda and understand the process and go ahead with it. Defy+ has various good roms out there to try out.

Originally Posted by bhp_maniac View Post
1) Root it !!! You got one of the most dev supported phone on planet
2) Install a custom ROM, WajKIUI is my suggestion. Its as stable as that
3) Its android party time
Thanks guys I really needed such responses, was not feeling very confident of my decision.

Will get back to you guys with more questions on rooting and stuff once I get my hands on the phone.
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Old 23rd November 2012, 14:45   #12698
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Note users,

Any one on custom ROM (JB) ? I just switched to paranoid android. The experience is not overwhelming. Response time seems to be more than it was on stock 4.0.4.
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Old 23rd November 2012, 16:33   #12699
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Guys, has the Nexus 4 made its way to India (grey market) ? I know its a stupid question considering it was on sale for probably an hour or something, but one can never say !
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Old 23rd November 2012, 20:57   #12700
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Few days back i updated my Samsung S3 to 4.1.1. Now i realized its making my phone slow and sometimes hanging. Now is there a way i can go back to 4.0.0? If so, how do i do it in S3? Please advice.
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Old 23rd November 2012, 23:06   #12701
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by deep_bang View Post
I dont know if you have rooted your phone yet, but i was able to root my phone, as well as install Cyanogen Mod on it.

First impressions:
1. Rooting was simple. The following link explains the exact procedure with a video.

2. CyanogenMod: You dont have to install CyanogenMod. I did because i wanted to try it out. My stock OS was 2.3.4 (GB) and the Cyanogen ROM is 2.3.7 (which is also GB).

The first thing i saw was the speed. With several apps installed, my stock phone was slow. Sometimes, i used to press a button and i used to take seconds to respond. I tried to figure out whether it was a memory leak or whatever, but could not. I could not even schedule a reboot every few hours because the stock phone does not allow you to do that.

However, with CyanogenMod, i have almost 100Meg more free memory. I used to have 50 to 70Meg free earlier, and now i have 200+ meg free. So, to me, going to Cyanogen, the biggest advantage was the memory (which consequently increased the speed and user experience).
Sorry for quoting late. Yes, I have rooted my OB with the help of NOOB's Guide in XDA.

I installed gabwerkz' KU5900 ICS rom (Korean). It has many bugs, Even after the SD Card Fix, I did not find it stable enough.
So, quickly moved to Zeus v7 Rom. I can say, this is quite stable and battery lasts for one full day inspite of moderate wi-fi usage.

Still, hoping for a stable CM10.

Which custom Rom are you using?
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Old 24th November 2012, 05:20   #12702
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Originally Posted by turbospool

Sorry for quoting late. Yes, I have rooted my OB with the help of NOOB's Guide in XDA.

I installed gabwerkz' KU5900 ICS rom (Korean). It has many bugs, Even after the SD Card Fix, I did not find it stable enough.
So, quickly moved to Zeus v7 Rom. I can say, this is quite stable and battery lasts for one full day inspite of moderate wi-fi usage.

Still, hoping for a stable CM10.

Which custom Rom are you using?
I was using cm7.2 initially but saw a few crashes like about one crash in 2 days. So, this was like a system hang and the only way to recover was to remove the battery. I almost considered moving back to the stock.

Then I tried Zeus and this worked well. The only pain was, I ha already got used to the wonderful cm7.2 which I is based on 2.3.7. There were several features In this that really helped me use this phone more effectively,

On some searches, I found boype's modified cm7 which was supposed to be very stable. This is what is running on my system now. This time I was very careful in installing applications and I also found that after installing Viber I used to get occasional hangs (which needed the battery to be removed and replaced).
Over time I also tried installing older versions of Viber and was able to get a version that works fine without any crash. Now the phone goes on for a week without any reboot, and I see no reason why it shouldn't go lfurther too...
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Old 24th November 2012, 09:26   #12703
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Originally Posted by deep_bang

I was using cm7.2 initially but saw a few crashes like about one crash in 2 days. So, this was like a system hang and the only way to recover was to remove the battery. I almost considered moving back to the stock.

Then I tried Zeus and this worked well. The only pain was, I ha already got used to the wonderful cm7.2 which I is based on 2.3.7. There were several features In this that really helped me use this phone more effectively,

On some searches, I found boype's modified cm7 which was supposed to be very stable. This is what is running on my system now. This time I was very careful in installing applications and I also found that after installing Viber I used to get occasional hangs (which needed the battery to be removed and replaced).
Over time I also tried installing older versions of Viber and was able to get a version that works fine without any crash. Now the phone goes on for a week without any reboot, and I see no reason why it shouldn't go lfurther too...
Oh. Even my OB hangs several times. And exactly the same solution I follow, removing the battery and inserting again.
The lack of physical button is really a pain.
I never thought it was because of Viber. Can you please tell me the exact version of Viber which is stable, I might find the backup in app monster pro.
And moreover, Have you not tried any ICS/JB based roms? It is such a sweet thing to kill the apps in ICS, just long press Home key and slide your fingers. But, with GB based Roms, it's not so friendly.
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Old 24th November 2012, 13:26   #12704
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Got Defy Plus delivered about an hour ago, everything looks ok as of now.

Any shortcut on transferring contacts from BB to Defy+?
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Old 24th November 2012, 15:59   #12705
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Originally Posted by fine69
Got Defy Plus delivered about an hour ago, everything looks ok as of now.

Any shortcut on transferring contacts from BB to Defy+?

You can sync your contacts with your gmail id and then use the same to log in on your defy+ and get your contacts there
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