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Old 15th November 2012, 20:07   #12571
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
PM .anshuman - he has it. But honestly, in android, you should be happy with 1.5 days max Ideally, charging it once a day is a religious duty with us android folks. So should you.
I'm sorry but are you referring to the U or the Defy XT?

Originally Posted by nishantgandhi View Post
Better than Defy XT is Defy+. Lower price, higher internal memory and more options of custom ROMs for customization.

If you prefer to remain stock, look for Xperia Sola or HTC Desire V. ICS out of the box with a real possibility of JB in the near future.

Secondary camera is not really a feature to look forward to in mid-budget phones as it would most probably be a measly 0.3 MP one. And as regards battery backup, if you get 1-1.5 days you should be happy!
I would probably remain stock but I dont see the point of spending so much on a single core desire V. The sola is fine although a bit overpriced @ 20k. Isn't the Go a better alternative to that? I do like to travel and hike in odd terrains so the ruggedness of the Defy XT and Xperia Go(why the hell doesn't it have a front cam at such a high price) is definitely attractive for me. The secondary camera is simply because I do use skype on my laptop which has a pretty shitty front cam so my standards aren't too high on that.

I'm not big on the "must have latest android in my phone so that it doesn't get outdated!!!" scene considering Ive been using a Nokia e5 for the past 2 yrs which is amazing as a phone. I suppose I need a nice stable android device with good battery life(any iteration of the OS would do as long as its crisp, stable and functional) since I do dig some of the apps on it like Google sky, maps, synchroid and chordbot(although ios is the king in music software..I'm simply low on budget).

Are there any Defy XT users around? Other than the lack of dual core processor it does seem pretty good as a phone(the iphone 4 has similar specs right? 1ghz 512mb). Also I read a couple of reviews on flipkart saying that a bit of rain happened and there was water in the screen which resulted in the motherboard getting screwed. So I would love some opinions from real life users.
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Old 15th November 2012, 22:08   #12572
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Technocrat View Post
Thanks, my carrier has HTC One S which is really poor in specs & yes from whatever I have seen, i find the S3 screen good as well.

Looks like they have done away with the Pen-tile in Note 2.

In the meanwhile, Note 2 is definitely out due to its Ginormous size(Sigh). Nexus 4 is sold out & S3 seems to be the only good option out there for me as I continuously get impatient withe the upgrade bug

Btw has anyone observed the Dolphin browser to deteriorate over last few updates, watching videos has become somewhat painful compared to before?

Also, a request to all those who are posting about OS upgrades, it would be great if you also mention device name in your post for folks who are not very regular on this thread to know what device you have. Thanks
Yes I've read bad reviews about the One S screen.
Note 2 screen has a pentile arrangement AFAIK.
Wait a while and go for the Nexus 4,in the process buy me one too
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Old 15th November 2012, 22:40   #12573
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by clevermax View Post
Unlocked Bootloader, rooted os etc. Do not affect OTA. Asa matter of fact, mine was unlocked and rooted.
I have it rooted too but i am not able to update software OTA. It fails at 25% when updating. This is for S3. I don't know if there is anything else that is causing it to fail.
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Old 15th November 2012, 22:49   #12574
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by chevelle View Post
I have it rooted too but i am not able to update software OTA. It fails at 25% when updating. This is for S3. I don't know if there is anything else that is causing it to fail.
As far as I have heard, ota will work on a rooted device too but you will just lose root after the update. I lost root after 4.2 but it was a matter of flashing superuser again.
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Old 15th November 2012, 22:53   #12575
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by nigeltufnel View Post
I'm sorry but are you referring to the U or the Defy XT?

defy XT.

i have a defy. it was pretty much waterproof till the kid tossed it out of our 2nd floor balcony - the body is shattered on the side. else it has taken many a cycling trips, handled ginormous amounts of sweat and light showers (no dunking tried!). Many folks on XDA have dunked it (lots of pics taken with phone in a water glass.
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Old 15th November 2012, 22:58   #12576
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by KINI View Post
Yes I've read bad reviews about the One S screen.
Note 2 screen has a pentile arrangement AFAIK.
Wait a while and go for the Nexus 4,in the process buy me one too
Actually the screen is fine with One S, its just that the overall specs are outdated.

Note 2 does not have Pen tile, Read This Link you can search for more.

As for Nexus 4, I am going to wait for next few days & if its still not there then go for S3. I fail to understand why could Google not have enough inventory to last more than one hour, they have not released numbers but I am certain that it would be much less than what iPhone 5 sold.

Besides looks like I might get the S3 much cheaper than the Nexus 4
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Old 15th November 2012, 23:06   #12577
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by clevermax View Post
As far as I have heard, ota will work on a rooted device too but you will just lose root after the update. I lost root after 4.2 but it was a matter of flashing superuser again.
I don't mind losing the root, but first it should complete the update and not fail at 25%. I don't know what's wrong. May be i have to go back to factory settings and do it. Its just too much pain to do all the settings all over again.
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Old 15th November 2012, 23:30   #12578
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Technocrat View Post
As for Nexus 4, I am going to wait for next few days & if its still not there then go for S3. I fail to understand why could Google not have enough inventory to last more than one hour, they have not released numbers but I am certain that it would be much less than what iPhone 5 sold.
Looks like Google didn't anticipate such demand for Nexus 4. All previous Nexus phones have been sales dud, at least here in the US. Where they missed the trick was not allowing pre-orders as they didn't get any sense of the demand.

Also, surprisingly the play store is still not mature enough to handle such load. Even when I wanted to order a Nexus 7 a month back, it just wouldn't let me. I was getting all sorts of errors. Finally managed to order it through wife's google account. It's a mess.
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Old 15th November 2012, 23:57   #12579
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I just bought a galaxy s 4g, the google phone from 2011( is it?).

It got an OTA for JB,while my Ion has to wait till q1,2013!
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Old 16th November 2012, 08:36   #12580
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
defy XT.

i have a defy. it was pretty much waterproof till the kid tossed it out of our 2nd floor balcony - the body is shattered on the side. else it has taken many a cycling trips, handled ginormous amounts of sweat and light showers (no dunking tried!). Many folks on XDA have dunked it (lots of pics taken with phone in a water glass.
The MB525 that I have is over a year old and I religiously wash the phone atleast once a week . A complete water wash especially the screen areas which becomes greasy because of hard usage and heavy talking!

Truly waterproof phone and I'm impressed - Thank you Guruji
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Old 16th November 2012, 12:18   #12581
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by clevermax View Post
4.2 on my Nexus 7 so far -

- No lags
- Dolphin browser crashing all the time
- Nova launcher and Apex launcher has frozen dock panels
- Stock laucher feels more smoother
- MX player doesn't work - unsupported version

I am yet to find more surprises.
Nova Laucher fixed their issue.
MX Player update solved the incompatibility issue.
Google Voice update resolved the problem with voice.

The most awaited Dolphin browser update is still pending! I am forced to use Chrome as of now, which is much laggy than Dolphin!
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Old 16th November 2012, 12:28   #12582
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by clevermax View Post
Nova Laucher fixed their issue.
MX Player update solved the incompatibility issue.
Google Voice update resolved the problem with voice.

The most awaited Dolphin browser update is still pending! I am forced to use Chrome as of now, which is much laggy than Dolphin!
Please advise if I should move to 4.2 TAKJU. Would it be worth it ?

Did you move to 4.2 on your Gnex ?

Last edited by F150 : 16th November 2012 at 12:37.
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Old 16th November 2012, 12:29   #12583
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Ok, so my wife's S3 (not rooted, with JB 411) froze again during a call & she wasn't able to hang up. I had to wait for a minute before it became responsive again. She is obviously upset and I heard an earful. The phone has been downgraded to ICS 404 and she's temporarily back to her Nokia E72.

Strange thing is that when I checked for updates there were none. Samsung haven't officially released JB for the S3 in India even as of today. The phone was reset and is under test. Sorry, JB 411 sucks big time which I have read on this forum and others too. Is this why Sammy have not released S3 JB officially? No more bootlegged ROMS for her phone.
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Old 16th November 2012, 12:52   #12584
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by F150 View Post
Please advise if I should move to 4.2 TAKJU. Would it be worth it ?

Did you move to 4.2 on your Gnex ?
I haven't moved to 4.2 on my Galaxy Nexus yet. Meanwhile my Nexus 7 tab got 4.2 OTA update yesterday morning. These are the observations from that.

I guess I will wait a little while more with my 4.1 on Galaxy Nexus before even thinking about flashing 4.2. Nexus 7 with a better hardware feels laggy compared to my Galaxy Nexus now.

Originally Posted by R2D2 View Post
Sorry, JB 411 sucks big time which I have read on this forum and others too.
Stock JB 411 doesn't suck at all. It is running butter smooth without no issues at all, in my Gnex. May be it is the Samsung crap that makes it suck.

Last edited by clevermax : 16th November 2012 at 12:54.
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Old 16th November 2012, 13:07   #12585
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Hells_Fury View Post
- Next, I found that the email and exchange services apps were crazily draining my battery. I was losing around 10% in 15 minutes. I deleted my account, cleared the cache and data for both and then re-configured my account. Things seem stable for now and I hope it stays this way.
Deleting the account, clearing the cache and data and then adding the account again seems to have worked. Battery usage now is the same as before the update.
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