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Old 13th October 2012, 08:16   #11881
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by mayankk View Post
You can sync sms and phone calls to google too.
Look for sms backup+ on the market.
Thanks for responding. Phone calls would be voice call conversations or call logs? And does this get done through an app or is there some other way of doing it by settings in the linked Google account.

Originally Posted by h@r$h@l View Post
not sure about screen shots as my defy+ is rooted. but for sms back up i use "sms backup & restore" by Ritesh Sahu. very handyper your requirements.

Thanks, found an app by the name Super Backup. Works fine for my needs.
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Old 13th October 2012, 08:53   #11882
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by RS_DEL View Post
Thanks for responding. Phone calls would be voice call conversations or call logs? And does this get done through an app or is there some other way of doing it by settings in the linked Google account.

Thanks, found an app by the name Super Backup. Works fine for my needs.

You can also try Mobile backup II app. This takes care of all Calender entries, Contacts, SMS /MMS and call logs. very easy to use too.
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Old 13th October 2012, 09:02   #11883
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Originally Posted by RS_DEL

Thanks for responding. Phone calls would be voice call conversations or call logs? And does this get done through an app or is there some other way of doing it by settings in the linked Google account.

Thanks, found an app by the name Super Backup. Works fine for my needs.
It is an app, but it links to your google account. All sync happens in the background automatically,like your phonebook backup.
As for calls, the backup is for log.
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Old 13th October 2012, 12:53   #11884
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Originally Posted by Desmosedici View Post
Strange Issue with the Gnex.

While being on call, i sometimes talk using the wired handsfree and also used to surf the internet on my earlier Nokia however the same cannot be done in the Gnex. It say no internet connection when i try to surf while being on a call. Moment the call ends the internet connection is alive again.

Gurus, any specific setting that needs to be enabled???
EDGE ain't a multi tasker. It'll disable data when voice is active. However, you can simultaneously use both in 3G/HSUDPA or WiFi. This is not Android specific but actually a data issue. Happens in a BB as well.
Originally Posted by h@r$h@l View Post
At that price point, on a personal note i would suggest you get a Motorola Defy Plus. I know a lot of people will fire me from every possible direction but at that price it sure is the best phone out there. Has a decent battery life, Fantastic dev support on xda if you are a person who enjoys rooting and trying custom roms. AND all the 6 points you have listed above are taken care of here with many more such as scratch resistance, water proof etc. There are quite a few Defy / Defy+ users here and i can safely assume that most are satisfied.

Just a few Key Features of Defy +

Android v2.3 (Gingerbread) OS
5 MP Primary Camera
3.7-inch Touchscreen
1 GHz Processor
Expandable Storage Capacity of 32 GB
2G and 3G Network Support
FM Radio

FK is selling Defy+ at 12999/-.

Source :

Actually, the best online price is Rs 12,350 at Infibeam (use coupon GREEN2012). Here's the link:
Originally Posted by StrangeWizard View Post
Thanks for the reply guys. The defy plus sounds good. I couldn't find it at any store (croma, alfa) so I still have to see and feel it properly. If I like it then i'll get it. Till that time i'll check out some reviews on Youtube.

I almost bought a Curve 9220 but then I thought it wouldn't be a real change, bcoz the 9220 would do the same things that my 8520 does (email, bbm, internet).

Unfortunately the physical stores that you mentioned are no longer stocking Defy+. You might find it at a few local mobile shops, but they'll quote high prices by citing reasons such as 'phased out' etc. I found the best price to be Rs 14,600 at physical stores. Here's the link:
Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
so for what its worth, the chacha's screen is going for a toss again. my thumb hurts from multiple attempts to unlock it. Hence this piece of trash is going where its company stock has gone .. into the trash. Will try and dispose it off at a decent price and move to a blackberry sometime during next week.

These qwerty blackberries are NO good. Such a terrible step down from my defy its not funny.
You sir, are a true consultant. Advised the whole forum on which phone to buy but ended up with the stupidest Android ever. IIRC, I too told you to stay away from Droid+QWERTY combo. Its a non-starter really. Play safe and go with BB 9220 this time. Ghar pe waise bhi Defy hai na? And now S3 in coming too!

Originally Posted by Dry Ice View Post
Got it today. Bought off e-bay for 21k. After considering Ace's resale the Nex costed me a mere 15k!

Coming from the Ace, screen is the most obvious difference. Very crisp pics and videos.

Updated it to the factory image of JB using fastboot method.

A question to Nex users here - using any screen guard?
Yes why not? It ain't a Gorilla Glass anyway. A screen guard is always recommended. I got a one for around 300 bucks and its quite good.
Originally Posted by RS_DEL View Post

Any recommendations for apps for Defy+ for (a) screenshots and (b) saving/taking backups of text messages ?

My phone is not rooted and I am not competent enough to go down the root & custom rom(?) alley. So will be content with whatever is possible in an non-rooted scenario.
Try Screenshot UX Trial. Works on both rooted and non-rooted phones.

For calls and/or SMS backup, nothing beats the app by Ritesh Sahu. Search the Play Store.
Originally Posted by GearOn View Post
Got delivery of my S2 yesterday which is my first android. Looks amazing and UI is very smooth. It I9100 model.

Service of Homeshop18 was superb and got delivery in 6 days

What are the must have apps that I should download now as am new to android?

Also any tips on transferring data from Nokia E63 to S2?
You can only transfer contacts and calendar items. Forget the SMS.

Connect your phone to PC via PC Suite and export contacts in CSV format. Then import this file into your Google account which you plan to link with your Android phone. Simple.

Originally Posted by Gadgetfreak View Post
You can also try Mobile backup II app. This takes care of all Calender entries, Contacts, SMS /MMS and call logs. very easy to use too.
MyBackUp is another worthy app.
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Old 13th October 2012, 13:23   #11885
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Re: W

Originally Posted by nishantgandhi View Post
Yes why not? It ain't a Gorilla Glass anyway. A screen guard is always recommended. I got a one for around 300 bucks and its quite good.
I ordered one from infibeam, and a Amzer case too.

Do all of you use your main gmail account with the android or have a separate one? I created a separate one for the phone sometime back and am very happy now. Contact list is clean and so are the calender events. While using the main account, I used to get the several helpdesk email ids in my contact list too! Had to always change the display settings and then many a times needed to merge the contacts.

Also, how about the contact picture quality? I have assigned pics to some of my frequent contacts. But everytime I flash a new rom and sync them from google, the pics become low-res and grainy. Same happened when I now synced my contact list on the Nex. I am wondering if we can upload HD quality pics? On a screen like Nex's the low res pics look horrible!
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Old 13th October 2012, 13:37   #11886
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Re: W

Originally Posted by GearOn View Post
Also any tips on transferring data from Nokia E63 to S2?
Originally Posted by nishantgandhi View Post
Connect your phone to PC via PC Suite and export contacts in CSV format. Then import this file into your Google account which you plan to link with your Android phone. Simple.
Are you sure the PC Suite allows you to export the contacts in CSV format? Last time I did this 2/3 weeks back when I migrated to the XPeria Pro I found no option in the PC Suite to do that. I was using a Nokia N97 Mini. By the way I had assumed it was possible and was thinking all this would be a 10 minute job. I was shocked to find no CSV export option on the Nokia PC Suite and it only allowed me to export each contact as a .VCF file recognizable by only Outlook or Outlook Express.

So here is what I did. I first exported all my contacts from my Nokia phone through PC suite. Guess what, it created one .VCF file for each of my contacts . I then used a dummy Gmail account to configure a new MS Outlook account. So this new MS Outlook account (configured with the dummy Gmail account) had no contacts stored in it. Next comes the fun part. How do I get those .VCF files into the new MS Outlook account because to get them into Outlook I had to do them one by one (damn you MS too, no wonder MS and Nokia have decided on marriage, as they say Ram banaye jodi, ek andhaa ek kodhi). I had 585 contacts (separate .VCF files) and in no way I was going to import them into Outlook one by one. Enter MS killer, Google baba. Searched and found a VB (Visual Basic) macro that could be run in Outlook. What it did was it looked into the directory where all the .VCF files were exported into (from PC Suite) and then loaded them into Outlook at one go. This VB Macro just needed some tweaking to point to the right directory. Once I had imported all my contacts into the Outlook account I then exported the contacts from Outlook in a CSV format. I then used the CSV file to import the contacts into my actual Gmail account which I would be using with my XPeria Pro. A 10 minute job took at least 30 minutes.

Here is the low down.
1. Sync Nokia phone with PC Suite and export contacts as .VCF files.
2. Use dummy Gmail account to create new MS Outlook/Outlook Express account.
3. Use VB Macro script to load al .VCF files in new MS Outlook/Outlook Express account.
4. Export contacts in .CSV file from new MS Outlook/Outlook Express account.
5. Import contacts from .CSV file into Gmail account to be used with Android phone.

PM me if you need any other help/clarification or the VB Macro.
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Old 13th October 2012, 14:33   #11887
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Re: W

Originally Posted by samarjitdhar View Post
Are you sure the PC Suite allows you to export the contacts in CSV format? Last time I did this 2/3 weeks back when I migrated to the XPeria Pro I found no option in the PC Suite to do that. I was using a Nokia N97 Mini. By the way I had assumed it was possible and was thinking all this would be a 10 minute job. I was shocked to find no CSV export option on the Nokia PC Suite and it only allowed me to export each contact as a .VCF file recognizable by only Outlook or Outlook Express.

PM me if you need any other help/clarification or the VB Macro.
Managed a much easier workaround. Exported all the contacts to my memory card, inserted memory card in S2 and imported all the contacts from memory card in one go. Much faster and easier as compared to exporting to google and syncing the same.
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Old 13th October 2012, 14:41   #11888
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Re: W

Originally Posted by GearOn View Post
Managed a much easier workaround. Exported all the contacts to my memory card, inserted memory card in S2 and imported all the contacts from memory card in one go. Much faster and easier as compared to exporting to google and syncing the same.
So a Symbian App to export the contacts to the memory card? Which one is it? I was so tired of my N97 I had stopped experimenting with it long back.
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Old 13th October 2012, 14:44   #11889
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Re: W

Originally Posted by samarjitdhar View Post
So a Symbian App to export the contacts to the memory card? Which one is it? I was so tired of my N97 I had stopped experimenting with it long back.
No separate App is required if you are on S60 phone. Just Copy all contacts to memory card by selecting all and copy to memory card. Insert memory card in new phone and in contacts, there is an option to import contacts from memory card and voila, all your memory will be imported in one go.
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Old 13th October 2012, 17:11   #11890
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Is there any good app for Android Phones that can read/edit Open Office documents? Thanks
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Old 13th October 2012, 18:16   #11891
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by vvrchandra View Post
Is there any good app for Android Phones that can read/edit Open Office documents? Thanks
Check this out
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Old 13th October 2012, 19:57   #11892
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Query on DualSIM phone

My quest for a dual SIM phone continues and am considering Sony Tipo dual now. However, I have a general query on the dual SIM phones:

I will be using my office SIM for most voice calls (SIM2 in the phone) and my personal SIM for data (2G for now and may be 3G going forward) and a few voice calls - this will be SIM1 in the phone.

I am wondering if SIM1 is connected to the internet on 2G (say, refreshing gmail), will SIM2 be off? If anybody calls me on SIM2, will they get a "not reachable" message while SIM1 is downloading? Or will data on SIM1 be interrupted and SIM2 gets connected with the voice call? I would expect the following to happen:
a) SIM1 is active for data (2G)
b) XYZ calls me on SIM2
c) SIM1 data connection is suspended/disconnected
d) Phone rings with voice call on SIM2
e) Once the call on SIM2 is done with, data connectivity on SIM1 resumes.

I do understand only one SIM will be active at any time for voice calls, but am hoping data connectivity is treated differently? Thanks for your help.

Last edited by skumare : 13th October 2012 at 20:06. Reason: Rephrased
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Old 13th October 2012, 20:34   #11893
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Originally Posted by Warwithwheels
This application is unable to open 'Open Office' documents with file extension '.ods', etc. Any help guys. Thanks
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Old 13th October 2012, 22:11   #11894
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

I just picked up the Sony Ion, and although the android environment is not unfamiliar, the responsiveness and speed , coming from my X10 is fantastic.
Camera, 10 on 10, for the speed it comes up with, and the quick capture.
Video quality and playback is almost as good as my tablet s.

The screen size is phenomenal, but the power button on the right side, instead of the top is going to take some getting used to.
The hdmi out is going to exploited to its full extent!!
16GB internal means I don't need a microsd immediately.

I did not know that apps were also linked to the google account.
It automatically downloaded all apps from the market.
Never happened with the X10 when I was changing roms.
Although good, but I felt it was unnecessary, as I am rooting it and retrieving my backups.

Came with a car charger and cable, regular charger and cord cum data cable, headset.
Jumbo was pitching it for 33k, but didn't have any stock which they told me after a full half hour spent by me deciding between the S and the Ion.
Sony world gave a choice between red and black, red taken, for 32 k.

In other news, I have an immaculate X10 available, rooted and custom rommed, if anyone is interested...
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Old 14th October 2012, 06:16   #11895
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Re: Handsfree earbud mic on P500?

I bought a hands-free ear-buds (LG SGEY0003744) from amazon for my LG P500. But, the mic does not to work on it. I am able to hear the other side speaking, but they cannot hear me out.

I even tried with the iPhone ear-buds, still the same. The mic does not pick up the voice. Is there any setting on android to enable the same?

Please advise.

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