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Old 9th July 2012, 21:44   #10021
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

I have ordered a Motorola Atrix 2 from homeshop18 with a Sandisk Class6 16 gig memory card. The shipment for the phone and memory card are from different vendors and the memory card landed up today, the phone has not. They sent me a Class10 variant of the card and this class of card is not advisable on a majority of forums for this phone. What do I do? Do I try it which means ripping open the blister pack for the card or just ask for replacement? I have paid for a Class6 card.
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Old 9th July 2012, 23:07   #10022
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Google maps India does not have navigation support for India.

You should try sygic. Paid one or cracked one. Both work fine an they are a step better than Google for India maps and navigation.
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Old 10th July 2012, 01:21   #10023
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by sandeepmohan View Post
I have ordered a Motorola Atrix 2 from homeshop18 with a Sandisk Class6 16 gig memory card. The shipment for the phone and memory card are from different vendors and the memory card landed up today, the phone has not. They sent me a Class10 variant of the card and this class of card is not advisable on a majority of forums for this phone. What do I do? Do I try it which means ripping open the blister pack for the card or just ask for replacement? I have paid for a Class6 card.
Is there a reason why a Class 10 is contraindicated for the Atrix 2? Are you sure they don't mean that a class 10 card would be a waste because the phone will not be able to utilize the high throughput?

Speaking of navigation, Sony is getting on my nerves. Their ICS update has screwed up many things, the most important being navigation. Magnetometer of all updated phones do not work, making navigation useless. And navigation is often very important for me.

Even the WiFi policy does not function as it should. Most of the time it never sleeps after the screen goes off. And if it does go off after a VERY long time, it won't reconnect. Wastes a load of battery. Tried to install 2 apps which take over the WiFi toggling automatically, but neither of them worked properly. Does anybody know of a working app for ICS that can make the WiFi turn off with the screen? Sony seems to be in no hurry to address these issues, if at all.

Last edited by Raccoon : 10th July 2012 at 01:22.
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Old 10th July 2012, 07:31   #10024
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post
Google maps India does not have navigation support for India.
Navigation as in house to house or city to city? The latter works and gives you turn by turn directions. Used this on my recent cross country drive to go through many towns that do not have bypass.

Or am I missing something?

Edit: Ahhhh case of jumping in without reading through - voice assist navigation as per OP. Sorry Not available on GMaps.

Last edited by sudev : 10th July 2012 at 07:35.
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Old 10th July 2012, 08:36   #10025
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Got hold of something different today... It was running a very pre-release OS and the fonts looked so small. Eye fatigue was too much after 10 minutes of usage :(

Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods-_dsc6482.jpg

Last edited by clevermax : 10th July 2012 at 08:49.
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Old 10th July 2012, 08:47   #10026
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by sudev View Post
Navigation as in house to house or city to city? The latter works and gives you turn by turn directions. Used this on my recent cross country drive to go through many towns that do not have bypass.

Or am I missing something?

Edit: Ahhhh case of jumping in without reading through - voice assist navigation as per OP. Sorry Not available on GMaps.
I would recommend to try out NavFree app. It is onetime map download with voice turnbyturn navigation. Best is it has many POIs which can be searched and navigated to.

Also it has many countries maps. Hence can be a global navigation tool.

I used it in Bangalore, pretty accurate. I think it uses same map source as Nokia. Not sure.
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Old 10th July 2012, 09:28   #10027
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by joshguy View Post
Hi all,how do we get voice assisted navigation in galaxy note?i searched all setting in maps and navigation but unable to figure it out
There are several options
(1) Use brute maps which enables Google navigation . You can find them in XDA forums. Remember to update your maps to latest version, and then use the same version brute maps.
(2) Buy sygic app with map my India navigation. You can also try 7 days free trial of this app but the maps would be not from MMI.
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Old 10th July 2012, 09:40   #10028
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Raccoon View Post
Even the WiFi policy does not function as it should. Most of the time it never sleeps after the screen goes off. And if it does go off after a VERY long time, it won't reconnect. Wastes a load of battery. Tried to install 2 apps which take over the WiFi toggling automatically, but neither of them worked properly. Does anybody know of a working app for ICS that can make the WiFi turn off with the screen? Sony seems to be in no hurry to address these issues, if at all.
Try Battery Defender, which is a free app and one of the best ones for controlling wifi/ Data access. You can configure it to switch of connectivity when the screen is off and it works even with ICS.
Alternatively, you can also go for Juice Defender Ultimate (the paid version), which is also very good at managing interfaces and saves a good amount of battery.
Just one suggestion, with either of these apps, switch off the power saver functionality of android, as I have found it to conflict with these and actually ending up wasting more battery.
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Old 10th July 2012, 10:42   #10029
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

For all ATRIX 2 users, I tried the hack for Webtop by which we do not need to buy expensive HD Dock to enter WebTop mode.

I connected powered USB hub and attached Mouse, Keyboard and Thumb Drive.

I was able to browse internet and control phone! Was Great Experience

I also played movie in phone window and browse in firefox together.

here is link to official video:

I do not know of any phone in this price which can do such a thing!

Also I have seen people installing full ubuntu linux in WebTop mode.

FYI...For People with AT&T Atrix 2 there is way to enable Only 2G network and save loads of battery:
[How to] Enable selection of 2G or 3G (NEED HELP) - xda-developers
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Old 10th July 2012, 10:51   #10030
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by devrajman View Post
FYI...For People with AT&T Atrix 2 there is way to enable Only 2G network and save loads of battery:
[How to] Enable selection of 2G or 3G (NEED HELP) - xda-developers
This can done easily in many phones. There is a checkbox in CM7 which is "Use only 2G networks". If you place a shortcut to "Testing" you can get a whole list of network types to select from, like WCDMA only, WCDMA preferred, GSM only, GSM Auto, CDMA only, EvDO only, GSM/CDMA Auto etc. Selecting "WCDMA only" forces the phone to use 3G network and not EDGE if you are subscribed to 3G.

Last edited by clevermax : 10th July 2012 at 10:52.
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Old 10th July 2012, 11:00   #10031
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by clevermax View Post
This can done easily in many phones. There is a checkbox in CM7 which is "Use only 2G networks". If you place a shortcut to "Testing" you can get a whole list of network types to select from, like WCDMA only, WCDMA preferred, GSM only, GSM Auto, CDMA only, EvDO only, GSM/CDMA Auto etc. Selecting "WCDMA only" forces the phone to use 3G network and not EDGE if you are subscribed to 3G.
I own samsung galaxt spica too and I know about this. However I mentioned specifically AT&T Atrix 2, as AT&T locks this operator menu selection.

Also the mod below doesn't require any custom ROM, it can be done on stock.

FYI, AT&T also locks *#*#4636#*#* & hence Testing mode doesn't work.
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Old 10th July 2012, 11:43   #10032
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Due to major broadband difficulties for five days (connectivity for an hour or so just every so often) throught of trying both tethering and mobile-hot-spot with Defy+. Tried on both WinXP and Ubuntu machines with zero success :(
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Old 10th July 2012, 11:54   #10033
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Motorola Razr/Razr Maxx

ICS 4.04 was finally released late last night/early today for the Motorola Razr and Razr Maxx handsets.

I installed the OTA - battery life seems to be better than GB 2.3.6. The tweaks to the UI are good but I can't say the same for the skin. Too dark and dreary. IMO GB was easier on the eyes..
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Old 10th July 2012, 12:48   #10034
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Hi all,how do we get voice assisted navigation in galaxy note?i searched all setting in maps and navigation but unable to figure it out
Hi Joshguy,

The only way you can get Voice assited navigation is to use some third party applications like Sygic or something similar.

The voice activated navigation is nothing but an application based function and any application that offers this function your note is good to go.

As such Galaxy note do not havfe navigation built it.

The google navigation does not work in India.
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Old 10th July 2012, 12:54   #10035
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post
Hi Joshguy,
The google navigation does not work in India.
Yes it does.
When did you last check?
It worked for me as recently as last week.
pronunciation issues aside...
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