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Old 2nd May 2012, 09:22   #8881
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by headers View Post
Wow, how does one reset this counter - Samsung would be surprised if they get to know my SG3 has been flashing roms like nobodys business
I also have sg3 as a spare phone and i was wondering i may flashed ROMs thousands of times. But galaxies from that generation like i9000, i5800 do not have the flash counter.

Originally Posted by F150 View Post
Well, looks like samsung has moved ahead.
But do the service center guys ever care to check this counter ?
A couple of friends took their rooted and then restored S2 back but samsung still did honor the warranty. But still i mentioned this fact because it can be a basis of rejection of warranty claim.
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Old 2nd May 2012, 09:26   #8882
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by pillainp View Post
Well, here I am, a confirmed Nokia user side-grading from a Nokia N8.

I just got a Samsung Galaxy Note GT-N7000 this evening (1st May 2012) as an early birthday gift.

5) Last but Most Important: 'Coz I can!!
May turn out to be the best technological decision you made (to choose android), but the phone you chose is slightly too big for a normal person (unless you are a Yeti); You ain't going back to Nokia/Symbian combo any time soon.

Many things in life. you can! but everything costlier is not always the best. Note has been topped by HTC One X all over the world and S3 may change the picture, again...

Enjoy and hope you get ICS soon on your Note. Signing into your Google Account lets you wirelessly sync and backup your contacts, photos, calendar, and more:

Last edited by dkaile : 2nd May 2012 at 09:28.
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Old 2nd May 2012, 09:39   #8883
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Klub Class View Post
pragya, may I humbly request you to rename the app from 'Vehicle mileage tracker' to 'Vehicle Mileage Tracker'? The small 'm' and 't' somehow looks odd to me

I'll let you know my inputs on the app down the timeline
Thanks for advice,
I have done the changes.

My new upcoming app is speedo.
It has some below features.
1. Tells the current vehicle speed.
2. If you enter the time at which you want to reach destination and destination distance it will tell you at what speed you need to drive.
3. It has alarming speed which if set will play a sound if your current speed crosses alarming speed.
4. if you enter the mileage that your vehicle gives and enter fuel filled in your vehicle it will give how much fuel is left and how much more kilometers you can drive.
5. it has a odo meter and a trip meter. you can synch odo meter time to time for exact data.
6 it can also tell max speed that you touched in complete journey.
7 I am also thinking of keeping the data of speed in Database so that you can view some fancy graphs later.

let me know if there are some more things that can be put?

Currently this will be digital version and i will make analogs version later.

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Attached Thumbnails
Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods-newspeedo.jpg  

Last edited by Rudra Sen : 2nd May 2012 at 10:28.
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Old 2nd May 2012, 09:40   #8884
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by pragya View Post
Hi all,
My app is now up and running.
Link to app
I am thinking of making one more app, for rally purpose mainly.
Now a days i am trying to collect some data.
Do give me feedback for the app
I have installed your app pragya and my best wishes for your success. We need more local developers like you. Thumbs Up!!
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Old 2nd May 2012, 09:53   #8885
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Originally Posted by pragya
My new upcoming app is speedo.
It has some below features.
1. Tells the current vehicle speed.
2. If you enter the time at which you want to reach destination and destination distance it will tell you at what speed you need to drive.
3. It has alarming speed which if set will play a sound if your current speed crosses alarming speed.
4. if you enter the mileage that your vehicle gives and enter fuel filled in your vehicle it will give how much fuel is left and how much more kilometers you can drive.
5. it has a odo meter and a trip meter. you can synch odo meter time to time for exact data.
6 it can also tell max speed that you touched in complete journey.
7 I am also thinking of keeping the data of speed in Database so that you can view some fancy graphs later.

let me know if there are some more things that can be put?

Currently this will be digital version and i will make analogs version later.
Looks very promising. Please release it and we can add features as we use it.
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Old 2nd May 2012, 19:28   #8886
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Hi guys, I am thinking of buying the Samsung Omnia W I8350. I would love to hear from current users of this phone. I am not too much into apps, so the limited choice i get using windows OS is not a problem for me. My primary requirements are fast net browsing. Also I looked around and the 2 main things that attract me to this phone are as follows:

1) 1.4Ghz processor
2) 14.4 Mbps HSDPA; 5.76 Mbps HSUPA.

These two things should be able to provide me fast surfing on my phone right?

Also any feedback on the battery longevity? Also what is the windows 7.5 OS like to use?

Any info would be of great help. This is going to be my first smart phone so i would like to be double sure before I spend Rs15,000+ on a phone. I plan to keep it for 2-2.5 yrs.
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Old 2nd May 2012, 19:36   #8887
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

^^^This has been discussed and explained very well a few weeks ago, but some WP using TBHPians. Just search in this and the WP thread.

As for your 2nd question, in short the throughput the phone supports won't help you unless its supported by your operator. You aren't going to get anything close to that in India. Battery will be significantly better than an Android phone. You won't be able to access USSD menus thru a WP. No idea if Omnia W would get an upgrade to Tango. If it doesn't I'm not sure you'll want to keep it for 2.5 years. If you are ok with all this, and are not high on apps., you will be getting hardware which you will not get on any other platform at this price.
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Old 2nd May 2012, 23:38   #8888
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
Index of /defy-cm7-releases/ It says a CM7.2 release is there. downloading it. let me see on weekend.
This is what I had in mind when I asked the question. But then I moved to 2.3.30 WIUI as you suggested.

The battery life is definitely longer, but some things bother me. The screen saver during locked state, switches off the screen too fast, even when the phone is ringing. If I get a call, and if I don't answer within 5 seconds, the screen switches off. Then I have to press power button to wake it up, which results in silencing the phone. So I have to press it couple more times before screen comes on. Then I can answer the call if the caller is still waiting. It is just getting on my nerves, any way to prolong this duration? Why the hell screen saver is active when the phone is ringing?

Secondly, I could put short-cuts on the screen for direct dialing in CM7. I don't see that option here.

While I like the improved battery performance, not happy with losing some features I like in CM7. I am ready to flee to CM7.2 RC1.
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Old 3rd May 2012, 03:31   #8889
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

I have a general question regarding Android Dialer

I have some options on android that use dialer.

- dialer
- skype
- viber

but only first 3 options show up when i dial a number. I also want Google voice to show up in option. But what should i set so i can see it and remove one of the other three - say viber. Please help. thanks
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Old 3rd May 2012, 06:05   #8890
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Samurai View Post
This is what I had in mind when I asked the question. But then I moved to 2.3.30 WIUI as you suggested.

The battery life is definitely longer, but some things bother me. The screen saver during locked state, switches off the screen too fast, even when the phone is ringing. If I get a call, and if I don't answer within 5 seconds, the screen switches off. Then I have to press power button to wake it up, which results in silencing the phone. So I have to press it couple more times before screen comes on. Then I can answer the call if the caller is still waiting. It is just getting on my nerves, any way to prolong this duration? Why the hell screen saver is active when the phone is ringing?

Secondly, I could put short-cuts on the screen for direct dialing in CM7. I don't see that option here.

While I like the improved battery performance, not happy with losing some features I like in CM7. I am ready to flee to CM7.2 RC1.
a. Just check if this helps - - most distributions have some weird logic for the proximity sensor. May just help.

b. Change the launcher to ADW or GO launcher. IIRC both have that feature. Just install from market.

Didn't you like the T9 dialer? Else in CM7.2 - install exdialer
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Old 3rd May 2012, 06:18   #8891
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Samurai View Post
The battery life is definitely longer, but some things bother me. The screen saver during locked state, switches off the screen too fast, even when the phone is ringing. If I get a call, and if I don't answer within 5 seconds, the screen switches off. Then I have to press power button to wake it up, which results in silencing the phone. So I have to press it couple more times before screen comes on. Then I can answer the call if the caller is still waiting. It is just getting on my nerves, any way to prolong this duration? Why the hell screen saver is active when the phone is ringing?
Go into call settings -> enforce proximity sensor -> off ..

This should solve the issue. It is peculiar to WIUI.

Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
a. Just check if this helps - most distributions have some weird logic for the proximity sensor. May just help.

b. Change the launcher to ADW or GO launcher. IIRC both have that feature. Just install from market.

Didn't you like the T9 dialer? Else in CM7.2 - install exdialer
Samurai's problem I hope is not the above sirji

Last edited by Rudra Sen : 3rd May 2012 at 08:18. Reason: removed link from the quote
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Old 3rd May 2012, 09:11   #8892
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Any guru's with experience with Cyanogenmod. I understand that it is the 'purest' form of Android. How stable, how good, how compatible? I am tempted.
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Old 3rd May 2012, 09:26   #8893
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by sgiitk View Post
Any guru's with experience with Cyanogenmod. I understand that it is the 'purest' form of Android. How stable, how good, how compatible? I am tempted.
Am no guru but, you will be in love with CM if you're keen on performance rather than just looks. I had CM running on Defy 3 months without a mandatory restart and still never lagged a bit. Its rock solid. CM is still the benchmark for performance
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Old 3rd May 2012, 09:27   #8894
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by D4d-maniac View Post
Samsung chaps are quite clever these days. Simply flashing the stock firmware wont do it. SGS2 comes with a Flash counter which keeps a record of how many times a kernel or firmware has been flashed be it through recovery or through odin. Only way to reset the flash counter is through a usb jig. So if you are prepared to kiss your warranty good bye then only flash a firmware/root.

I am presuming here that the Note also comes with the flash counter. Galaxy R has it too.
Or you use an app called Triangle Away to reset the counter and remove the yellow triangle

Available on XDA
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Old 3rd May 2012, 09:57   #8895
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
a. Just check if this helps - - most distributions have some weird logic for the proximity sensor. May just help.
That is strange...
Originally Posted by headers View Post
Go into call settings -> enforce proximity sensor -> off ..
Yesterday night I switched to CM7.2 RC1. Back to the battery draining ROM. I lost more battery juice in the last 8 hours (overnight without calls) compared to what I lost in 15 hours (day time with calls) in WIUI.

Originally Posted by sgiitk View Post
Any guru's with experience with Cyanogenmod. I understand that it is the 'purest' form of Android. How stable, how good, how compatible? I am tempted.
Sorry, not a guru. But I have used CM7 Cyanogenmod now for 8-9 months, since RC0. The most stable ROM I should say, I don't use nightlies. Battery drain is a little higher than I like.
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