Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods Quote:
Originally Posted by Samurai Those are more than enough reasons to avoid MS2Ginger. I was thinking CM7 was little un-stable. |
ha ha. Actually it is quite stable if you look beyond the pain points. the other mega pain point is that messaging (i have like 3500 at last count) takes easily 40-60s to open, which I completely hate. Quote:
Originally Posted by nilanjanray Thanks folks. My comments were made tongue in cheek.
Let's see what happens with the replacement piece.
My initial impression of the the SGS2 is that it rather big (to use e.g. type using one hand) and more fragile. I can't rough use it the way I used my E 72. Maybe I will get used to it... |
In which case, you should've bought the Defy. Its meant to be used one-handed unlike the similar screen sized HTC phones which are bigger overall and are more suited to one-handed operation! And its WAY more rugged too! Quote:
Originally Posted by S_U_N My Defy has got one significant problem - the camera application sometimes does not show up if the phone gets locked while the camera is on.
1. if I am ready to take a picture, I launch the camera application.
2. The camera is ON and ready to take a picture.
3. Now, the subject is not ready due to some reason (say someone comes in the background etc.)
4. The phone gets locked and the screen switches off
5. Now, I press the power button and the screen comes back (and it is locked)
6. I swipe across to unlock
7. Now in most cases the screen does not get unlocked. It just goes blank and the buttons at the bottom of the screen (Menu, Search, et. al.) continue glowing.
Very rarely does the camera come back in the active mode.
8. I need to wait for 5-10 minutes and try again, and I can access my camera. Till that time, the phone is unusable for me.
I am running on stock 2.2.2 (and just have a couple of applications (Maps). |
That is absolutely interesting. I've had times when I've taken calls/locked screen/started browsing etc and returned to the running camera app later without any lag, forget any freezing. I cannot replicate it thus cannot advise you.
BUT I have a different question - try using a different camera app - there are several ones. Let me know whether the same behavior is replicated. if yes, then possibly its a OSdriver/hardware issue. If not, then delete the OEM camera app and move on. Quote:
Originally Posted by addyhemmige Can someone suggest a good weather app on the android market? My only requirement is that it should be able to provide weather info for places other than the big cities. I currently hold a HTC Desire S and it has the default animated weather widget. Is there any way where we can enter the location co-ordinates and we get the weather details of that location?
btw, can someone tell me the difference between a widget and an app? I'm a total newbie here  |
App is an application (think weather or TOI or angry birds) - it can be made to act like a widget where it'll just sit on the screen and display its output in a constrained portion of the screen. Think of a TODO app - it can normally have 10 items and menus, but instead, as a widget, it occupies a smaller portion of the screen (4 col X 1 row instead of full screen) where it just displays the items due today. So a widget is essentially a customized view of an app's output. Most widgets only have views, not detailed controls to modify/edit information being displayed - that is typically done by launching the main app.
So what u get is that each app may or may not have a widget, and even the widget may or may not fit your desired size. Because some apps may only operate in 4x4 or 2x2 sizes while u may want just a 4x1 size. Here the launcher matters. ADW can resize any widget to fit the size you specify. The MIUI launcher will just display the widget in its predetermined sizing.
You cannot get random areas' weather data because you need a weather station to be present there. If you see some indian sites, u can get 5 sites within delhi for example. But if u look at foreign sites, they will typically relay meteorological information from the Delhi airport only. Heck, even for Gurgaon - a metro in its own right with 2mn people - situated 30km away, you get the Delhi Airport data. Fat chance u have of getting any actual local data by just entering GPS coords 
Last edited by phamilyman : 12th September 2011 at 14:48.