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Old 26th August 2011, 22:53   #5641
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Originally Posted by dvprasad

I find that my yahoo mail id is hacked into & spam messages are sent to all contacts in my list.

I doubt if it is the PC since the time stamp on these messages coincides with the time my pc is switched off.

I think it is my defy that is hacked into since i have configured yahoo mail access in & it is always connected to the internet.

i run default 2.2 rooted and limited apps (teambhp, talking tom, setcpu & lookout security antivirus).

will a change in operating system put an end to this, it is embarrassing to have spam mails sent out to all contacts in my list, some of whom are professionally related.
Don't think this relates to the phone.
I faced this even when I didn't have a mobile.
Over the years,this has happened repeatedly with yahoo not just with me but people who have sent me viagra ads: ),so now I just use it for inane registrations.
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Old 26th August 2011, 22:55   #5642
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post
Have you heard of any complaint from actual users on the rear cover. Till date from the date of purchase the rear cover is not even a eyesore and rather never opened unless i am doing a rom update.

Litening rom with Ninphetamine kernal and KG6 is what some of us are using.

The next XXKH3, Litening rom 6 and Ninph are already out. Litening 6 has NInph pre-loaded if i am right. Very stable rom that gives 1.5tiume better battery
Thanks. I will check it out.

Originally Posted by Invinsible View Post
Yes its litening V6.1 that comes with Ninphetamine 2.0.5 but the battery sucks on it. Upload ninphetamine 2.1.1 or 2.1.2 kernal with it or even better get Speedmod T27 kernal that gives out better battery life. Currently testing V6.1 with Nin.2.0.2, already tried it with Speedmod T27. However T27 does not gives the option of under volting just allows underclocking.
Overall V.6.1 is much smoother than the V.5 or V.6.0
In the end don't forget to load the CSC file for India that is KF3 for better network reception.

The other ROMs that one can opt for are MIUI, Leomar75-Revolution 2.6, sensation, CriskeloromV14, Cynogenmod7 however it is has few bugs running with bluetooth, wifi and other and is still under development.

Thanks for the suggestions. Is there a step by step procedure for rooting and loading the ROMs? Can you point me to the right thread in xda-developers? I see so many threads that i am having a hard time finding the right thread.
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Old 27th August 2011, 00:55   #5643
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by naveenvenkatesh View Post
Thanks for the suggestions. Is there a step by step procedure for rooting and loading the ROMs? Can you point me to the right thread in xda-developers? I see so many threads that i am having a hard time finding the right thread.
please go through this post if you need more info on the ROM feel free to ask or check on the xda forum, please read the 1st page of every ROM thread to understand it better.
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Old 27th August 2011, 08:09   #5644
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by traveloholic View Post
I had a very small query. I have an LG Optimus One, running on Android 2.2. I am planning to upgrade it to the official 2.3 GingerBread release. I was confused would I lose all my applications i've installed on my phone? I have NDrive installed, which was provided as a default application by LG. If I upgrade my version, will my applications get erased and I have to reinstall each and every application individually again?
A ROM consists of the phone's "Operating system" and all the required applications. Each ROM wil / may consist of different set of built in apps.

When you flash a new ROM, you obviously will lose what you already have,a nd will have to use what is available on the new ROM. This applies even to "stock" ROMs provided by manufacturers.

Consider using some backup application (eg - Titanium Backup) to move such apps to the SD card and then restore from SD card if the app is compatible with new ROM. Have not tried this myself so far.
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Old 27th August 2011, 09:14   #5645
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by BaCkSeAtDrIVeR View Post
A ROM consists of the phone's "Operating system" and all the required applications. Each ROM wil / may consist of different set of built in apps.

When you flash a new ROM, you obviously will lose what you already have,a nd will have to use what is available on the new ROM. This applies even to "stock" ROMs provided by manufacturers.

Consider using some backup application (eg - Titanium Backup) to move such apps to the SD card and then restore from SD card if the app is compatible with new ROM. Have not tried this myself so far.
He will have to root the phone first, install Titanium Backup - then back up all apps + data on the sd card , install the new ROM and restore whatever apps + data he wants back.

Gingerbread will solve all issues on the optimus one and if you apply a few tweaks on it - the battery life increases dramatically.

Mine is running on Gingerbread v 2.3.5. The CM7 ROM.
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Old 27th August 2011, 09:47   #5646
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by normally_crazy View Post
Mine is running on Gingerbread v 2.3.5. The CM7 ROM.
Are you running this on LG Optimus One? If so, could you please provide the links for this ROM?
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Old 27th August 2011, 12:33   #5647
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Originally Posted by naveenvenkatesh

I have ordered this:


It came highly recommended. But the Molife cover came bundled with the phone.It also have a case and holster. So i will end up with 2 covers!

Well the need to change the ROM is for 2 reasons. The touch Wiz 4 sucks in my opinion. I have been using HTC Desire HD in the office for few months. It has HTC Sense 2.x running 2.3.3 Ginger bread. I just love the clutter free and very BRIGHT interface. The touch wiz, in my opinion, is very dull and uninspiring. Also, i see lot of bloatware eating up valuable space and network bandwidth. Plus, what use is an Android phone if you are not going to root it? I will tinker with the ROMs and check out which one works for me.
Oh no, please dont think i am against tinkering of your device. I am all for flashing, been flashing all my device since the early 2006 from the WinMo days!

And offcourse i did not know your background of already owning an android before. Usually to newbies my advice is to use the device as it is,then find out what extra you need from it and then lookup for the best ROM which will get your stuff done. Smartphones are like tools to get your job done efficiently and quickly, and its very easy to loose that sight, where you are so keen on improving the tool that you forget why you got the tool in the first place for!

With that said, just my perspective - i found the SGS2 to be so good out of the box, that i did not find the need to flash it (yet!). All i did was to root the device first day (so that i could get my TiBu runnin'), install LauncherPro plus (yes i hate the TW too!) and a few tools and off we go! No issues with touch for me (which would require ninph kernel) and no issues with any radios or performance!

That said, head over to XDA and lookup Chainfire's excellent thread, then use Hellcat's method to remove the yellow triangle! :-). This will get you rooted and ready to flash away!
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Old 27th August 2011, 14:17   #5648
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by sids911 View Post
Oh no, please dont think i am against tinkering of your device. I am all for flashing, been flashing all my device since the early 2006 from the WinMo days!

And offcourse i did not know your background of already owning an android before. Usually to newbies my advice is to use the device as it is,then find out what extra you need from it and then lookup for the best ROM which will get your stuff done. Smartphones are like tools to get your job done efficiently and quickly, and its very easy to loose that sight, where you are so keen on improving the tool that you forget why you got the tool in the first place for!

With that said, just my perspective - i found the SGS2 to be so good out of the box, that i did not find the need to flash it (yet!). All i did was to root the device first day (so that i could get my TiBu runnin'), install LauncherPro plus (yes i hate the TW too!) and a few tools and off we go! No issues with touch for me (which would require ninph kernel) and no issues with any radios or performance!

That said, head over to XDA and lookup Chainfire's excellent thread, then use Hellcat's method to remove the yellow triangle! :-). This will get you rooted and ready to flash away!
Thanks. I actually did not own any android devices till i bought the S2. Although i was using quite a few of them in office. So, in your words, i am a bit of a newbie. I have not rooted any devices and/or flash ROMs in any of the devices yet. So wanted to know the exact procedure.

I totally agree with what you say. I will use this stock ROM for a while and see where it lacks for me. But i would like to root the device and get all those things mentioned by you.
Are the instructions given in XDA forums? I am yet to explore them.

Edit: Could you point me to the relevant threads?

Last edited by naveenvenkatesh : 27th August 2011 at 14:41.
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Old 27th August 2011, 19:01   #5649
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by naveenvenkatesh View Post
I have not rooted any devices and/or flash ROMs in any of the devices yet. So wanted to know the exact procedure.

Edit: Could you point me to the relevant threads?
Ok, here you go;

1. First is to root your phone - CF-Root is the method to follow.

2. After rooting, you will have a pesky yellow triangle that you will want to get rid of. There are two ways, one way is to pay for a USB Jig (unless you are inclined to make it yourself) another way is to follow Chainfire's or Hellcats method of getting rid of yellow triangle.

Chainfire's method is the second post of the OP here

And Hellcats method is here. It is easier to follow than Chainfire's method IMO.

After you are done rooting, head over to the XDA forums for nightly sessions of reading about ROMs and flashing away to glory! And they also have a XDA Anonymous if you find yourself addicted to that thing. Here.

And remember, I am not responsible for your spouse or your boss complaining and you having dark circles around your eyes.
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Old 27th August 2011, 22:30   #5650
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

That is quite crazy. Do let us know what you finally decipher.

Personally, I don't think it has anything to do with the phone. Unless your phone has been infected with some cutting edge uber stealth malware!

I would suggest the following:
a. Ask your friends to look up the header of the emails and trace the IPs from where the email is originating.
b. Delete all traces of your yahoo account from the phone, if you still suspect the phone. Then see if any such behavior is seen in the future anytime.

What else have u experienced? Frequency?

Originally Posted by dvprasad View Post

I find that my yahoo mail id is hacked into & spam messages are sent to all contacts in my list.

I doubt if it is the PC since the time stamp on these messages coincides with the time my pc is switched off.

I think it is my defy that is hacked into since i have configured yahoo mail access in & it is always connected to the internet.

i run default 2.2 rooted and limited apps (teambhp, talking tom, setcpu & lookout security antivirus).

will a change in operating system put an end to this, it is embarrassing to have spam mails sent out to all contacts in my list, some of whom are professionally related.
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Old 27th August 2011, 23:17   #5651
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

es its litening V6.1 that comes with Ninphetamine 2.0.5 but the battery sucks on it. Upload ninphetamine 2.1.1 or 2.1.2 kernal with it or even better get Speedmod T27 kernal that gives out better battery life. Currently testing V6.1 with Nin.2.0.2, already tried it with Speedmod T27. However T27 does not gives the option of under volting just allows underclocking.
Overall V.6.1 is much smoother than the V.5 or V.6.0

I am thinking of loading the 6.1 with Ninphetamine. Any performance improvement or issues that you see now?

I may try the Speedmod 27 kernal.

My friend just upgraded to Litening 6.1 and he is getting close to 2 days of battery life now. Even after decent usage the battery stays around 70% at 10PM which almost contradicts what you are facing.

Do let me know how the new Litening is. I love the litening wall paper.
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Old 28th August 2011, 00:16   #5652
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by dvprasad View Post

I find that my yahoo mail id is hacked into & spam messages are sent to all contacts in my list.

I doubt if it is the PC since the time stamp on these messages coincides with the time my pc is switched off.

I think it is my defy that is hacked into since i have configured yahoo mail access in & it is always connected to the internet.

i run default 2.2 rooted and limited apps (teambhp, talking tom, setcpu & lookout security antivirus).

will a change in operating system put an end to this, it is embarrassing to have spam mails sent out to all contacts in my list, some of whom are professionally related.
2 primary reasons for such hacks.
your password might be based on dictionary word or is easy to brute force.
eg of weak password, delhi123, yourname123, abc2011
while adding a special character can minimize chances of hack.
eg: deLhi+123 or y0ur=name@007a

always use complex password and use any password manager like keepass and generate passwords like "y=l9Pr#R*q+AI" they can be saved using a master password in your keypass database.

second reason can be your browser/computer may be leaking passwords, this can be due to poor anti-virus, infected browser, installation of cracked softwares, installation of softwares from un-reliable sources.

you must lock down your system by running a proper and updated virus scanner, I would not trust my system if such things happen, but i always refuse external pendrives, or installation of software i don't trust.

Also you must report this to Yahoo so spamming stops and they start procedure for password reset.
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Old 28th August 2011, 00:22   #5653
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post

I am thinking of loading the 6.1 with Ninphetamine. Any performance improvement or issues that you see now?

I may try the Speedmod 27 kernal.

My friend just upgraded to Litening 6.1 and he is getting close to 2 days of battery life now. Even after decent usage the battery stays around 70% at 10PM which almost contradicts what you are facing.

Do let me know how the new Litening is. I love the litening wall paper.
Most out there are facing issues with 6.1 that comes with Ninphetamine 2.0.5. After the release of 6.1, there have been update on Ninphetamine kernal with latest being 2.1.2
The issue with 2.0.5 kernal is high. It may take 2 -3 full charge after calibration to see the results. Some have been reporting it's good and with some facing drop of 10% battery every hour.
I have tried 6.1 with 2.0.2, (which I feel was the best since it din't come with BLN support) with Speedmod T27, currently testing with Ragemod v2 T27 which is slightly modified version of T27 where you can also undervolt.

I have done few test with 100% display on with full brightness, 2 account sync, wifi on and Nin.2.0.2 and Speedmod T27 where quite close in result. With Speedmod T27 got 6 hr 20 mins with display on and still had 45% battery left out.
I am currently testing Ragemod T27 and latter will test the Nin.2.1.2 just to see which one suits the best in terms of performance and battery life.

2 days is easily managable with any of the kernal that I mentioned with moderate usage on 2G.

The best battery life I have seen was with Litening 4.2 that came with Ninphetamine 2.0.2. With the help of setcpu I could set profiles, Undervolt it and set the freq on CPU. The best I saw was loss of 2% during 8 hours of sleep time and battery lasted 1 day 40 hours with moderate-high usage.
However I noticed Litening 6.1 is a bit smoother compared to 4.2 so sticking to 6.1 but trying out different kernals that could give me results close to what I got on 4.2.

There also seems to be a bug with OS which keeps the phone awake while its in sleep mode. 2 bugs that have no solution so far are GTALK_ASYNC_CONN & RILJ dialer which comes the battery in sleep mode.

I also ordered for 3500mah extended battery that could give 2 days usage from heavy usage while travelling.

P.S> You could also download Y.E.S Ltd lightning Live wallpaper that goes very well with the Litening ROM.

Last edited by Invinsible : 28th August 2011 at 00:28.
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Old 28th August 2011, 13:24   #5654
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I'm going to buy a Motorola defy from letsbuy. What code should I enter to get maximum discount?
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Old 28th August 2011, 16:58   #5655
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Bluengel180 View Post
I'm going to buy a Motorola defy from letsbuy. What code should I enter to get maximum discount?
Last known to me was rcomlb1 which gave 1000rs off for purchase above 6k.
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