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Old 7th July 2011, 14:33   #4606
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

I find that at present the Incredible 2 is virtually impossible to root. There is a Chinese device which puts some stuff on the SD Card (presumably blocks the lock), or there is Alpharev version X still be Beta. So I have to wait for a root app (maybe a new unrevoked!) to show up. I need it for nothing more than a screen capture (apparently impossible without root). Backup and Bloat Removal will be a bonus.
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Old 7th July 2011, 14:35   #4607
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Got my HDTV adapter and Vehicle dock kit for my SGS2!!

Vehicle dock kit has a car charger bundled!
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Old 7th July 2011, 14:48   #4608
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by mrohit17 View Post
Thanks! Some really cool items listed in the site.

But they dont have the USB to micro usb adapter i was looking for. (This is needed to connect USB devices directly to the phone. Hence should have a female USB port on one side, and a male micro usb on the other).
Originally Posted by vvrchandra View Post
Does using Team-BHP android application on SGS2 consume more resources(system-battery, data) or accessing Team-BHP over the browser with mobile mode option consume more resources? Which is better to use? Thanks.
Not sure about resources, but its noticeably faster and convenient to use compared to the browser!
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Old 7th July 2011, 15:09   #4609
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by vvrchandra View Post
Does using Team-BHP android application on SGS2 consume more resources(system-battery, data) or accessing Team-BHP over the browser with mobile mode option consume more resources? Which is better to use? Thanks.
Negligible overhead imho. Either ways, not worth your peace of mind.

However, the app does feel faster, atleast to me on a regular GPRS.

Don't sweat this small stuff
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Old 7th July 2011, 16:34   #4610
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Just upgraded the SGS2 with the new firmware. Tried using Kies for the upgrade but no luck. Through Kies before the download would begin the connection to SGS2 would drop.
The only other alternative was to use ODIN for upgrading the firmware and it did the upgrade flawlessly.
Went back and connected the phone to Kies just to check if shows the new firmware and its says you have the latest firmware.
Anyone having issues with upgrading through Kies can look out to upgrade through ODIN.

Last edited by Invinsible : 7th July 2011 at 16:35.
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Old 7th July 2011, 17:22   #4611
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Invinsible View Post
Just upgraded the SGS2 with the new firmware. Tried using Kies for the upgrade but no luck. Through Kies before the download would begin the connection to SGS2 would drop.
The only other alternative was to use ODIN for upgrading the firmware and it did the upgrade flawlessly.
Went back and connected the phone to Kies just to check if shows the new firmware and its says you have the latest firmware.
Anyone having issues with upgrading through Kies can look out to upgrade through ODIN.
My God, this Post couldn't have a better timing.. I've been trying since 2 days but something or the other goes wrong :( Can you post some steps or links for ODIN procedure? Did it wipe out the phone ?

I got the HDMI adapter as a part of the Pre-book offer and its worth it. It will come handy to anyone who would use the camera like I do (shooting impromptu pic/vids) and pretty much everything else as the TV can become your extended Monitor (Loved 'Angry Birds' on the TV).

@Sohail: Could you please tell us where you got the dock from and for how much?

Also a word of caution for fellow SGS2 users who intend to use the Micro USB to USB adapter. I have tried getting it from abroad and seen complaints from people who bought any ordinary Micro USB to USB adapter with respect to Storage device usage. They were not able to get their Flash Drives detected on the phone. The reason found by a few Savvy folks was that the ordinary adapters have a different Pin layout from the adapter Samsung is selling. In short, that we need is a OTG Host adapter (Micro USb to USB) which is slightly different in internal circuitry than the ordinary adapters. Hence I would wait for the Samsung adapter shown on the Flipkart site to become available. Hope this helps.

Last edited by Zenster : 7th July 2011 at 17:35.
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Old 7th July 2011, 17:41   #4612
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
Do remember to check the sealing everytime u do that.

I know a certain someone whose son bought one - and boys being boys, used to show it off by dunking it almost every time. And one day the sealing wasn't done rightand glug glug glug ...
yeah i checked the sealing rigorously the first time i did it. To be fair, it was just the bottom half of the phone that was dunked in the glass of water lol. Oh is there a good task manager/task killer app for this phone. I kinda miss the nice one the Galaxy SL came with. I downloaded advanced task killer from the market, but for some reason im not really impressed with it.
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Old 7th July 2011, 18:34   #4613
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

hi everyone,

i need suggestions for an android phone. have to decide in a day or two.

os-android 2.3
display-4 inch min
cpu-1GHz min
ram-higher the better
storage-8 or 16Gb

Have sold my iphone 3gs and need one with a bigger screen. email and accessing web are most important tasks with kids playing angrybirds at times, video pkayback not so importatnt, but would not object if there is good grphics hardware.

as always would like to keep budget the lowest, but do not mind increasing a bit.

Among the ones i have checked, liked google nexus s, htc sensation (cant think why it is priced almost as s2), liked capabilities of the defy, but screen is smaller.

please provide me your inputs.

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Old 7th July 2011, 18:39   #4614
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Invinsible View Post
Just upgraded the SGS2 with the new firmware. Tried using Kies for the upgrade but no luck. Through Kies before the download would begin the connection to SGS2 would drop.
The only other alternative was to use ODIN for upgrading the firmware and it did the upgrade flawlessly.
Went back and connected the phone to Kies just to check if shows the new firmware and its says you have the latest firmware.
Anyone having issues with upgrading through Kies can look out to upgrade through ODIN.
I've upgraded my SGS2 firmware today morning. I connected my PC with SGS2 via the usb cable given in the box. I did not face any issues at all.
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Old 7th July 2011, 19:08   #4615
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by vijuvarghese View Post
hi everyone,

i need suggestions for an android phone. have to decide in a day or two.

os-android 2.3
display-4 inch min
cpu-1GHz min
ram-higher the better
storage-8 or 16Gb

Have sold my iphone 3gs and need one with a bigger screen. email and accessing web are most important tasks with kids playing angrybirds at times, video pkayback not so importatnt, but would not object if there is good grphics hardware.

as always would like to keep budget the lowest, but do not mind increasing a bit.

Among the ones i have checked, liked google nexus s, htc sensation (cant think why it is priced almost as s2), liked capabilities of the defy, but screen is smaller.

please provide me your inputs.

Viju I believe it has to be the Nexus S. I got it from Letsbuy recently for 18.7K. Extremely satisfied. The firmware got updated to 2.3.4 from 2.3.3 as soon as I connected to Wi-Fi and this will be true for future update too. Plus no bloatware and clean android interface. Have been playing some high demanding games like Modern Combat, Nova2, Ahphalt6 etc comfortably. Battery lasts for 2 days (just) with daily 1 hour of Wi-Fi usage, 1 hour of Games and regular personal calls (have a separate office BB). Two shortcomings noted till now:

1). No native video calling over carrier (Possible with MIUI ROM flash/not useful in Indian scenario as of now)
2). No digital zoom in camera (You can always zoom in PC)

I believe both the shortcomings to be plugged in next update. The curved screen although not a functional addition is a delightful feature and is nice to hold onto and beautiful to look to .
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Old 7th July 2011, 19:11   #4616
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Zenster View Post
My God, this Post couldn't have a better timing.. I've been trying since 2 days but something or the other goes wrong :( Can you post some steps or links for ODIN procedure? Did it wipe out the phone ?
I have been facing issues with Kies since last 4 days but had to look for an alternate. Here's the link with all the instruction that would be helpful. [ROM + Guide]Official i9100 KE7/KE8/KF1/KF3/KF4/KF2/KF3 download and Root Guide. - xda-developers

Upgrade through ODIN takes about 5 mins after you download the files.
Go on to the above and select KF3 (INU) file and follow rest of the procedure.
All settings and downloaded application stays the same.
However it is recommended to do the factory reset, it's speculated that it may improve battery life.
The changes observed
better connectivity : My 3g signal stays more stable than before.
Screen Lock : one can choose different for screen lock now or revert back to default screen.
Swype : More setting on swype now.
Brightness : Auto brightness is more stable compared to before, works better.
Game Hub : some addition of games on game hub, it connects seamlessly.
Battery : Android OS uses 2% less battery power along with the display. I am observing slight improvement in Battery power. Can comment on this after couple of days usage on 3G.

Will update on more changes.

Originally Posted by vvrchandra View Post
I've upgraded my SGS2 firmware today morning. I connected my PC with SGS2 via the usb cable given in the box. I did not face any issues at all.
Most issues with connectivity are found with using windows 7 starter edition.
Some are lucky to find no issues.

Last edited by Invinsible : 7th July 2011 at 19:27.
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Old 7th July 2011, 19:20   #4617
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Invinsible View Post
..Most issues with connectivity are found with using windows 7 starter edition.
Some are lucky to find no issues.
Wll my laptop is still on Windows Vista. By doing a factory reset, do we loose any data or appliactions?
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Old 7th July 2011, 19:33   #4618
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Originally Posted by vvrchandra View Post
Wll my laptop is still on Windows Vista. By doing a factory reset, do we loose any data or appliactions?
I suppose Kies is not perfectly compatible with Windows 7.
Oh yes contacts, messages, Logs, email setup, music, 3rd party apps and settings are lost. You could choose to take the back up before you do the factory reset.

I did take the back up through Kies however everytime I went to restore it would crash. Luckily din't have many application stored. Could download them using the wifi connection.
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Old 7th July 2011, 19:34   #4619
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Most issues with connectivity are found with using windows 7 starter edition.
Some are lucky to find no issues.
I suppose Kies is not perfectly compatible with Windows 7.
Most of the issues are due to the cable and also the humans using the phone. The moment you press the home button on the phone the KIES is disconnected. I use KIES with windows 7 starter edition and i face no issues. I restore close to 5 GB of data that includes videos and songs.

Another tip is to remove the memory card while doing a back up and restore.

I still have a 5GB back up file in the system that can be restored anytime.

The best way i follow is connect the phone to the mother board USB and not the front panel USB.

Also if you have screen lock, please remove them while upgrade. Sometime when the screen locks the connection is lost for security purpose.

Can someone tell me if you guys upgraded to the latest firmware XWKEY that is just out in UK? (Android Gingerbread XWKEY bump)

Last edited by VW2010 : 7th July 2011 at 19:39.
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Old 7th July 2011, 19:46   #4620
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post
..Can someone tell me if you guys upgraded to the latest firmware XWKEY that is just out in UK? (Android Gingerbread XWKEY bump)
My SGS2's info. after firmware upgrade is given below:

Android Version - 2.3.3
Baseband version - I9100DDKE4
Kernel version -;
Build number - GINGERBREAD.XWKF3;
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