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Old 26th June 2011, 11:59   #4246
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

One of the main battery eater in android is it always wants to stay connected, kill the data if you dont really need it is one best way to reduce power consumption. Almost every app tries to pull info from the net and notify you, turn on the notifications that you really need and increse the sync times if you dont really need them so fast. what is better is you can use some app to turnoff the Internet connection when screen is locked and restores it when unlocked. you could save a lot of battery, Again it depends on you and your usage.

The fact is the thing is fun to use, so we are using it more and more than our previous phones ( as the batteries are getting better we are using it more)
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Old 26th June 2011, 12:20   #4247
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by madbullram View Post
Never thought its so difficult to decide, with a budget of 15k I am stuck on Spice, Defy and Desire. Features apart, Defy is very interesting as I can use it rough (too used to Nokia build quality).

My needs:
1. Browsing and email
2. Camera (have a 9 month old and many moments were captured more on phone than my camera, the N8 rocks in this. N8 given to my wife now so the new phone need)
3. Games

Can stretch by 2-3k max if its really worth the stretch (Civic needs new rubber so PLC's are also in budget so tight now )
Stretch by Rs.3700 and get yourself The Nexus S from Letsbuy. Yes, its really worth to be a little future proof . Browsing and Mail: Top Class, Camera: Good-OK (notice no digital zoom), Games: Top Class(wait till you play Modern combat or Nova-3 on it .
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Old 26th June 2011, 14:01   #4248
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by bijeeshvs View Post
One of the main battery eater in android is it always wants to stay connected, kill the data if you dont really need it is one best way to reduce power consumption. Almost every app tries to pull info from the net and notify you, turn on the notifications that you really need and increse the sync times if you dont really need them so fast. what is better is you can use some app to turnoff the Internet connection when screen is locked and restores it when unlocked. you could save a lot of battery, Again it depends on you and your usage.

The fact is the thing is fun to use, so we are using it more and more than our previous phones ( as the batteries are getting better we are using it more)
wats the point of having a smartphone then? If battery life is so important then its better to buy a feature phone.

The good thing with most smartphones is they'll still last the day under heavy use. You can always charge the phone overnight. Or you can connect it to your laptop/PC while at work for charging. I'd hate to convert my Android into an 1100 just to save battery!
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Old 26th June 2011, 14:50   #4249
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by joslicx View Post
wats the point of having a smartphone then? If battery life is so important then its better to buy a feature phone.
User does not have to choose between features and battery backup.

For example, Nokia N900 with Nokia's version of Linux. Battery lasts 2 -3 days on this phone.

And since the same phone runs android as well, you can compare performance on the same hardware. Both systems are based on same Kernel in this case.
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Old 26th June 2011, 17:09   #4250
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

How is this HTC Wildfire S ?? I assume it runs on Android 2.3. Any idea about its pricing in Mumbai ?
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Old 26th June 2011, 17:14   #4251
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by NetfreakBombay View Post
User does not have to choose between features and battery backup.

For example, Nokia N900 with Nokia's version of Linux. Battery lasts 2 -3 days on this phone.

And since the same phone runs android as well, you can compare performance on the same hardware. Both systems are based on same Kernel in this case.

2-3 days any modern phone can do if you disable for data features, set screen to low brightness, use power saving features etc etc. Lot of people report that on xda forums. So its not important in my view.

Last edited by joslicx : 26th June 2011 at 17:16.
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Old 26th June 2011, 17:20   #4252
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Originally Posted by joslicx

What phone is Nokia N900? As far as I know it was never released and will never be, as per Nokia itself! Maybe you mean N9. It is still not available so cannot comment on batte.
Is N9 out? It is supposed to be a JV with Intel running on meego os ... correct me if I am wrong.
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Old 26th June 2011, 18:20   #4253
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by joslicx View Post
2-3 days any modern phone can do if you disable for data features, set screen to low brightness, use power saving features etc etc. Lot of people report that on xda forums. So its not important in my view.
The power hungry HTC Desire lasts about 7 days with this battery! It will give the phone a strange shape. I instantly thought about Airbus Beluga after seeing the picture of the phone with this giant battery!

Last edited by clevermax : 26th June 2011 at 18:25.
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Old 26th June 2011, 19:36   #4254
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Nice video and good customization.

Please let me know the ROM you have used and softwares, I would like to try it in my HD2.

Originally Posted by bijeeshvs View Post
Hello guys i have been using android Gingerbread on my HTC HD2 for a while, and its great!!!!!!!!!!!
here is a video i made on it!!

YouTube - ‪Android Gingerbread Running on HD2‬‏

It (HD2) can also run Ubuntu Linux on it.........

YouTube - ‪Mobile with Keyboard and Mouse‬‏
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Old 26th June 2011, 19:37   #4255
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post

I had pretty much the same doubts. Then, my homework at Wikipedia revealed:

In 2006 a large Danish study about the connection between mobile phone use and cancer incidence was published. It followed over 420,000 Danish citizens for 20 years and showed no increased risk of cancer.[17] The German Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) considers this report inconclusive.[18]
The following studies of long time exposure have been published:
  • The 13 nation INTERPHONE project – the largest study of its kind ever undertaken – has now been published and did not find a solid link between mobile phones and brain tumours
So clearly, if EU says anything below 1.6W/kg is safe - I'll bite. Of course, less is always good. The defy is otherwise an excellent package and has excellent reception. Honestly, for SAR - I'd say I would personally have gone only for the SGSL for its really low SAR. Desire is 1.06-1.12 across markets and hence is not that much lower.
Dont want to hijack the thread, here is little more later info(LANCET Oncology press - june 22nd 2011).

To give two quotes from the article:

"The conclusion of the IARC working group that RF-EMF is possibly
carcinogenic to humans is based on several studies. In the INTERPHONE
study (published in 2010), researchers found that overall, those
having ever used a mobile phone appeared to be at a slightly lower
risk of developing glioma (a brain tumour) than those who never had.
However, when the top 10% of mobile phone users in terms of call time
were analysed (total exposure 1640 hours and over), that group was
found to have a 40% increased risk of glioma compared with
never-users. There also a suggestion of increased risk for ipsilateral
exposure (where mobile phone use was on the same side of the head as
the tumour) and for tumours in the temporal lobe, where RF exposure is

Second quote:

"The authors say: “Although both the INTERPHONE study and the Swedish
pooled analysis are susceptible to bias—due to recall error and
selection for participation— the Working Group concluded that the
findings could not be dismissed as reflecting bias alone, and that a
causal interpretation between mobile phone RF-EMF exposure and glioma
is possible.”

Also the Desire is about 50% less radiation emitting than the Defy. I feel all the manufactures should start highlighting the SAR on their handsets as a marketing gimmick atleast.
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Old 26th June 2011, 20:18   #4256
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by gopinathann View Post
Nice video and good customization.

Please let me know the ROM you have used and softwares, I would like to try it in my HD2.
All the info you need is in the video page of youtube,in description and comments . Thank you for the support...
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Old 26th June 2011, 20:24   #4257
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by NetfreakBombay View Post
User does not have to choose between features and battery backup.

For example, Nokia N900 with Nokia's version of Linux. Battery lasts 2 -3 days on this phone.

And since the same phone runs android as well, you can compare performance on the same hardware. Both systems are based on same Kernel in this case.
+1. My Wave lasts full 3 days with Edge ON ALL the time. Wi-fi is on during office hours on weekdays. Office mails sync by push and gmail (2 accounts) sync every hour. Plus daily about half n hour browsing and moderate amount of calls.

Heavy battery consumption is more of an Android issue.
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Old 26th June 2011, 20:45   #4258
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by joslicx View Post
wats the point of having a smartphone then? If battery life is so important then its better to buy a feature phone.

The good thing with most smartphones is they'll still last the day under heavy use. You can always charge the phone overnight. Or you can connect it to your laptop/PC while at work for charging. I'd hate to convert my Android into an 1100 just to save battery!
i was talking about saving the battery upto midnight (not for 2-3 days ) and using it heavily on calls and every other stuff.
A smart phone does not need to update contacts, mail, facebook, orkut,weather, market,news and everything else in every five minutes, atleast for everyone. we have to prioritise things. That was my point

i was talking about saving battery for our use( my screen is 4.3", eats battery quickly )....and not for people hardly use phone for calls ( I am using 3-4 hours in calls, uses FB, Mail, Waze,browser, camera,maps, live wallpaper, and a few other apps.)
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Old 26th June 2011, 21:23   #4259
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my Galaxy S lasts just over 12 hours with extensive messaging and a few calls and browsing for half hour.My friends wave easily lasts 2 days with similar usage even though it also has a SLCD.I think its more of a android issue which consumes more juice!
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Old 26th June 2011, 21:42   #4260
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by TOR View Post
Also the Desire is about 50% less radiation emitting than the Defy. I feel all the manufactures should start highlighting the SAR on their handsets as a marketing gimmick atleast.
They highlight it or not, the models with lower SAR rating will fail in the market - people will start complaining that the phone is 'not getting range' and all that
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