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Old 17th June 2021, 11:29   #30616
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by 14000rpm View Post
Thanks. This is really useful. I did look at the S21 Ultra but thought it was an overkill. Let me look at the Specs on S20 FE. Price-wise S21 5G and S20 FE 5G are the here in Finland.
So, I got myself a S21 5G 256 GB. didn't really need a 256 GB but then, the telco operator didn't have a 128 GB black color.

The very first day of usage, it threw tantrums. I have been using a One plus 6 for a while and at times, it is in 'Power' mode when I run my Video and have screen share being used. No problems. Yesterday, I ran a similar meeting ,although without my video, and the phone overheated and closed all applications. didn't let me restart application. I was booted out of a customer meeting and I had to wait for 10 mins for the phone to cool down before I was able to join meeting again. No apps were allowed to open..couldn't even message and tell that I had this issue. This is a big concern now. Guess I need to carry and backup phone all the time.

Anybody faced this?
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Old 17th June 2021, 11:40   #30617
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

My charging cable for the Oneplus 7T is breaking and I need to purchase a new one. The official cable on the Oneplus site is out of stock, anyone here who knows of reputable ones to buy from Amazon? I cannot figure out which ones would be compatible with the fast charging.

any help would be appreciated
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Old 17th June 2021, 14:16   #30618
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Shiftlock View Post
My charging cable for the Oneplus 7T is breaking and I need to purchase a new one. The official cable on the Oneplus site is out of stock, anyone here who knows of reputable ones to buy from Amazon? I cannot figure out which ones would be compatible with the fast charging.

any help would be appreciated
You are in luck. I had just fished out my official Oneplus cable & Dash chargers from my Oneplus 3T today morning do to giveaway on the "Giveaway Thread".

Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods-photo_20210617_141318.jpg

If you cover the courier costs from Bangalore, I will send them out to you.
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Old 17th June 2021, 15:19   #30619
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Shiftlock View Post
My charging cable for the Oneplus 7T is breaking and I need to purchase a new one. The official cable on the Oneplus site is out of stock, anyone here who knows of reputable ones to buy from Amazon? I cannot figure out which ones would be compatible with the fast charging.

any help would be appreciated

If anyone needs a good alternative cable for the OnePlus dash cables, you can also use the Realme Usb C cables from the realme website.

They cost only 399 and work perfectly well with all OnePlus phones for data as well as charging. Basically they are part of the same company but positioned separately for pricing.

Last edited by Behemoth : 17th June 2021 at 15:23.
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Old 17th June 2021, 20:05   #30620
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Behemoth View Post
If anyone needs a good alternative cable for the OnePlus dash cables, you can also use the Realme Usb C cables from the realme website.

They cost only 399 and work perfectly well with all OnePlus phones for data as well as charging. Basically they are part of the same company but positioned separately for pricing.
Yes , I use the same cable and it's a steal deal
Android auto works absolutely flawlessly.
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Old 17th June 2021, 22:57   #30621
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by sukhoi View Post
With the assumption that you keep your phones for long period, ..........
Some fellow members have purchased the A52 and are quite happy with the device, as mentioned few pages back.
I would recommend waiting for the 5A instead of going for the 4A, since you do not need a new mobile immediately.
Originally Posted by Akshay6988 View Post
Go for pixel 4a, camera is the best in that price range. It's stock Android so no bloatware, and you'll like it's compact design. My sister has one, bought last year, her usage is same as you she's very happy with it.
Originally Posted by abhinav.s View Post
Have been using a Pixel 4a for the past 6 months. ....... Else I would say Pixel 4a is a no-nonsense, everything you need and nothing you dont kind of phone.
Thanks a ton everyone!
While I assumed that the phone had died, my wife gave a CPR and revived it Looks like the phone was in a deep-Coma.

However, I've decided that it is time for an upgrade now. As @sukhoi mentioned, I am planning to wait for a month or two for the 5A to launch - and check it out. If, unfortunately, my phone decides to give up on me prior to that, will decide between 4a (tilting towards this) and A52.

Thanks again folks!
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Old 17th June 2021, 23:06   #30622
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

The USB cable I got with my drone broke and need to replace it. Problem is, it doesn't work with normal cables and needs a thicker one. Probably something to do with power ratings. Any suggestions how I can find a replacement cable?
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Old 21st June 2021, 12:25   #30623
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

I have a few questions about mirroring:
  1. Does it require hardware support?
  2. Is MHL a requirement?
  3. Can it be done via a cable? (instead of Wi-Fi)
  4. My older phones don't seem to have MHL capability, can a ROM or software utility help?
  5. Seems like the receiver matters, my S10 works great with the Firestick, but cannot see the TCL TV
  6. Any recommended HDMI splitter on Amazon India to bypass HDCP issues?
  7. Can I install apps on both ends (sender, receiver) to use something other than Miracast and will it play nice with the DRM in Netflix?
  8. Strangely my S10 does not need any Wi-Fi network or Bluetooth to find and mirror to the Firestick, but casting from Windows 10 or an Android 7 phone requires the sending and receiving device to be on the same network! Even an OP5 with the latest update has the same requirements (but both of these phones don't connect). Windows 10 is iffy about Netflix.
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Old 21st June 2021, 12:35   #30624
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by 14000rpm View Post
So, I got myself a S21 5G 256 GB. didn't really need a 256 GB but then, the telco operator didn't have a 128 GB black color.
Please update on this. Though I have S21 gifted by a dear one, I have not opened it yet as I was thinking of buying 21FE or Iphone 12. Your update would be helpful for me to decide.
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Old 21st June 2021, 13:18   #30625
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by aadya View Post
Please update on this.....
I haven't heard from anybody on this thread and I haven't replicated the issue again too. Status quo as of now but I remain cautious.
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Old 21st June 2021, 18:59   #30626
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods


Have this weird issue on my Galaxy S9 Plus. There's this yellow tinge or pixelated lines when I adjust the brightness. It's fine if the brightness is set to either minimum or maximum but the screen shudders when kept at nominal level. Heard that this is a common issue in the galaxy range. Tried remote support and the dude confirmed it's a chip issue.

Tried wiping the cache, restarted the phone and few other common remedies mentioned on various problems, but no luck. Don't want to visit the service center and get a shock. Can definitely live with this. It's just that the display looks like an ordinary budget smartphone.

Any suggestions?
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Old 21st June 2021, 20:29   #30627
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Originally Posted by naveen.raju View Post
...Have this weird issue on my Galaxy S9 Plus. There's this yellow tinge or pixelated lines when I adjust the brightness. It's fine if the brightness is set to either minimum or maximum but the screen shudders when kept at nominal level. Heard that this is a common issue in the galaxy range. Tried remote support and the dude confirmed it's a chip issue.
I too have the same issue on my S9 plus. My phone is more than 3 years old. The yellow tinge is quite pronounced with a white background and looks pretty bad, plus it hurts the eyes a bit. It can be lived with though considering the cost of the replacement screen.

It seems to be a global issue and Samsung should rectify it at its own cost. It was their 2018 flagship after all. Issues like these doesn't really bring about confidence in the long term usage and reliability of the products.

Last edited by Chetan_Rao : 21st June 2021 at 22:31. Reason: fixed quotes.
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Old 21st June 2021, 22:28   #30628
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by naveen.raju View Post

Have this weird issue on my Galaxy S9 Plus. There's this yellow tinge or pixelated lines when I adjust the brightness. It's fine if the brightness is set to either minimum or maximum but the screen shudders when kept at nominal level. Heard that this is a common issue in the galaxy range. Tried remote support and the dude confirmed it's a chip issue.

Tried wiping the cache, restarted the phone and few other common remedies mentioned on various problems, but no luck. Don't want to visit the service center and get a shock. Can definitely live with this. It's just that the display looks like an ordinary budget smartphone.

Any suggestions?
I too had the same issue with my Samsung Note 9 and did all the possible things that you mentioned above, I even did factory reset to restore the screen back to normal but it was a wasted attempt. So used the phone for 2 to 3 months either keeping the brightness at lowest or to the full. In the third month of the screen issue got an security update and after restart the screen was back to normal again and till now its working fine. If your phone is still eligible for any security updates from Samsung I think the screen will be back to normal with a security update.

Last edited by Venkatesh : 21st June 2021 at 22:31.
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Old 22nd June 2021, 10:30   #30629
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Venkatesh View Post
. In the third month of the screen issue got an security update and after restart the screen was back to normal again and till now its working fine. If your phone is still eligible for any security updates from Samsung I think the screen will be back to normal with a security update.
My phone is running on the latest update (1st May - security patch). Hoping that the next update would solve this.

We haven't really had a good run with Samsung. Me, my BIL and sister have had some of their flagship phones, the latest being S10+. Except for the S8, all had some issue. Should have stayed with One Plus. My One Plus 5 is still going strong.
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Old 22nd June 2021, 12:54   #30630
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by civic-sense View Post
I have been eagerly waiting for the MI 11 Lite ever since it was launched in China. I use a Oneplus 7 whose 183g itself feels "heavy" for me. MI 11 Lite would be just what I wanted except that they are getting the 4G version here and not the 5G.
The 4G version has just been announced at a price of Rs 22k, with an additional 1.5k early bird discount thrown in (for the 128gb variant). Considering the Redmi Note 10 Pro 128gb that comes with the same SD732 chipset costs 17.5k, this commands a good 3k premium over it. The Moto G40 Fusion also has the same chipset and costs 16.5k, but is considerably heavier at 225g.

Not sure if I should spend this much for ergonomics alone, it just doesn't feel value for money though I believe it's a huge achievement to create a phone this slim and lightweight.
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