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Old 8th October 2020, 12:14   #30031
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by tbppjpr View Post
Higher number is not always better. I have experience with much older devices, even 5-7 years old devices with glass 3 have far less scratches compared to the 5 which gets scratched easily. Whereas the 5 being more softer composite, can tolerate bit more drop abuse. 6 is even better in drop tolerance but more prone to scratches.
That's true. But, I would prefer Gorilla glass 5 or 6 which offer good drop resistance and use a good quality Tempered glass for scratch protection than having a good scratch protection built-in, but keep worrying about the screen going kaput!

I've had fair share of accidental drops and multiple screen replacements.
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Old 8th October 2020, 15:55   #30032
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods


I am using iPhone 7 since 4 years and its time to upgrade; weighing multiple options including the switch to Android.

The one phone that caught my attention was Mi 10 Ultra, but since its china-only release, next best seems to be Mi 10 Pro. This has everything I am looking for (excellent camera and fast charging), but a real-world feedback would help.

Can someone help, Thanks.
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Old 8th October 2020, 16:07   #30033
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by ashvek3141 View Post
Also, a thing to note here is that the Pixel 4a is launched $50 cheaper internationally then the last year’s 3a. So probably we can expect google to price it well here too.
Yes they have to price it competitively to gain some traction. I for one am closely following it since last few months as my 2 year old nokia 6.1plus charging port has totally gone for a toss. Using an old iPhone 6s for now to check out the apple ecosystem. Must say the 4 year old phone performs way better than any android that’s as old. My allegiance is slowly drifting towards apple

Ultimately will pick up either the iPhone SE or the Pixel 4a. I need a compact phone ONLY, so choices are very very few for me

Last edited by SoumenD : 8th October 2020 at 16:08.
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Old 8th October 2020, 20:19   #30034
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How will the 31xx mAH battery in the Pixel 4a affect errr ... your BP? I expect a phone which is either on wi-fi or GPRS data full time to have at least 35% battery by 8 PM with about 2 - 3 hrs SoT and may be atleast 15% at sunrise next day. Else I'll get tense. Right. Now with Galaxy A8+, I get comparable battery, except now with bluetooth on for 9-10 hrs for Arogya Setu.

How are OP 7T or Nord in this department?
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Old 8th October 2020, 20:33   #30035
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by SoumenD View Post
Using an old iPhone 6s for now to check out the apple ecosystem. Must say the 4 year old phone performs way better than any android that’s as old. My allegiance is slowly drifting towards apple

Ultimately will pick up either the iPhone SE or the Pixel 4a. I need a compact phone ONLY, so choices are very very few for me
Why don’t you look at the soon to be launched iPhone 12 Mini? That phone is a size smaller then the SE, yet packs a bigger & better screen, advanced chipset, better camera & overall much superior to the SE.
It definitely does come at a cost and I am expecting it too be priced 55k ballpark.

A definite price difference of approx 20k, but if one retains his phone for 3-4 yrs (which is easy for iPhones); then I think it’s worth a jump.

I am too eyeing the iPhone 12 to replace my 3.5 yrs old iPhone 7. Hope Apple prices them well.
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Old 9th October 2020, 12:19   #30036
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The pixel 4a is ₹ 29,999.

Google Pixel 4a (Just Black, 128 GB)
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Old 9th October 2020, 15:14   #30037
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by BaCkSeAtDrIVeR View Post
The pixel 4a is ₹ 29,999.

Google Pixel 4a (Just Black, 128 GB)
I was just curious to know if at all there are any Pixel repair centres in India? As I remember reading it somewhere, that there aren’t many in India.
I also checked on the google store and found that they have only ONE authorised repair centre for thr Pixel in the whole of India.

Pixel owners can shed some light on this please?
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Old 9th October 2020, 15:37   #30038
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by ashvek3141 View Post
Why don’t you look at the soon to be launched iPhone 12 Mini?
Will be getting that for wife who would be upgrading from iPhone 6. I just restored the 6s spending 4k(3.5k on battery and 500 for screen guard and case). Will use it for sometime to see if I am comfortable with apple ecosystem
Originally Posted by BaCkSeAtDrIVeR View Post
The pixel 4a is ₹ 29,999.

Google Pixel 4a (Just Black, 128 GB)
Originally Posted by SoumenD View Post

Pixel 3a was launched at 35k and costs 30,999 INR currently. Even if they reduce its price further , I doubt 4a would be cheaper than 31k.
I was off by 1k. This is a good price.
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Old 10th October 2020, 13:59   #30039
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by BaCkSeAtDrIVeR View Post
How will the 31xx mAH battery in the Pixel 4a affect errr ... your BP? I expect a phone which is either on wi-fi or GPRS data full time to have at least 35% battery by 8 PM with about 2 - 3 hrs SoT and may be atleast 15% at sunrise next day. Else I'll get tense. Right. Now with Galaxy A8+, I get comparable battery, except now with bluetooth on for 9-10 hrs for Arogya Setu.

How are OP 7T or Nord in this department?
Pixel series is know to have great battery backup. My two year told Pixel 2XL gives me an average 6 hours of SOT with Bluetooth, GPS and Wifi/Mobile Data turned on 24x7. If a 2 year old phone with a flagship 835 processor can last for 6 hours on average, I am pretty the 730G processor will definitely provide at least 5 hours of SoT. I did see a lot reviews praising the battery backup of Pixel 4a.

Just an anecdotal evidence, I have strictly followed the process of not charging the phone overnight since I got Pixel 2XL. All the my previous phones would be charged overnight and the battery would degrade within 1 year but when I bought Pixel 2XL I decided not to charge to overnight and the battery in my phone is going excellent. Again, this is my personal experience and I don't have data to prove it.
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Old 10th October 2020, 21:09   #30040
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by prasathlr View Post
Pixel series is know to have great battery backup. My two year told Pixel 2XL gives me an average 6 hours of SOT with Bluetooth, GPS and Wifi/Mobile Data turned on 24x7. If a 2 year old phone with a flagship 835 processor can last for 6 hours on average, I am pretty the 730G processor will definitely provide at least 5 hours of SoT. I did see a lot reviews praising the battery backup of Pixel 4a.
Hi Prashant,
Since you own a Pixel device, I am curious to know if there are any service centers for the Pixel devices in India. I tried searching for one on their official website and I couldn't find one.

I am really looking at purchasing the Pixel 4a device, but the lack of a proper service center is what worries me to go ahead.

Any inputs on this and your experience would greatly help here.

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Old 10th October 2020, 21:59   #30041
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I also have a Pixel 2XL since launch and i have only good things to say about it except perhaps the oversized bezels. As for service in case required the phone menu has option to connect with Google team who will align a visit at home for check up and collecting device. The service is centrally done at Mumbai as I recall.
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Old 12th October 2020, 04:23   #30042
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Rocky_Balboa View Post
but a real-world feedback would help.
I can't speak to the Mi 10 Pro or Ultra. I use a Mi 9 (Not/never sold in India). This phone has changed my view of Android and Xiaomi. I too migrated from a iOS platform and I have no regrets. I've had a Mi 9 for a year now. This was their previous generation flagship device. In one word, the device remains just as good as the day I bought it. Operation is flawless and there is no slow down which you would normally associate with from cheaper Android devices. It is super fast to use. Applications load up faster than my wife's iphone 11! The display is not color accurate (if you care about such things) but the panel used it top notch. Do keep in mind that Xiaomi do not talk about any kind of water resistance for their devices so if you see yourself splashing a lot of water on them, I'd stay away. Otherwise, device build is top notch. The camera sensors used are among the best out there but are more suitable for daylight photography. If low light photography is high on priority, the camera/software they use isn't a patch to Samsung, One Plus or Apple. Low light photography has been the Achilles heels for Xiaomi and I don't think they have come around it. Battery back up is good and charging the phone is super fast with the high watt charger.

Xiaomi build over Android with a custom version and its pretty good. It could be a different experience in India. There is a system optimizer tool that keeps reminding you to optimize device resources. This can irritate you every now and then. What I noticed was that once you ignore these prompts, it tends to stop reminding you. There will also be some local advertising that pops up along with this system optimizer application. I don't find it a problem. Just putting it out there so you are aware.

There is a little bit of learning curve needed with Android. Some operations that work flawlessly on iOS aren't quite there yet with Android so that will take some getting used to.

Alternatively you should look at the One Plus 8 series. For the same or a little more than Mi 10 money, you can get your hands on one of these and they generally are better phones.

Last edited by sandeepmohan : 12th October 2020 at 04:25.
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Old 12th October 2020, 16:17   #30043
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by sandeepmohan View Post
I can't speak to the Mi 10 Pro or Ultra. I use a Mi 9 (Not/never sold in India). This phone has changed my view of Android and Xiaomi. I too migrated from a iOS platform and I have no regrets.
Thank You very much sandeepmohan.

About low-light photography or IP68 cert, my iPhone7 doesn't have them either and am pretty comfortable with it. For me the charging speed, battery capacity, day-light photography and the stability matters more than anything else.

Having used OnePlus before iPhone7, I am not too keen on the brand; but will nevertheless take a look at the 8 series.

Thanks again
Your inputs give me faith on the Mi mobile; am sure 10 will function as good as 9 if not more.

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Old 13th October 2020, 02:53   #30044
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Rocky_Balboa View Post
Having used OnePlus before iPhone7, I am not too keen on the brand; but will nevertheless take a look at the 8 series.
The more established brands have better implementation of Qualcomm chips, as you will read in the review below. That combined with better camera deployment and less intruding software is the only reason I pick the One Plus series over Xiaomi. Otherwise the phone is superb. I purchased a Mi 9 purely on hardware spec and it was working out a lot cheaper than a upgrade to another iOS device.

The upgrade bug has already hit me :-). I want to get the Mi Poco F2 Pro. No Mi 10 Pro for New Zealand. During a sale, it was going for $1000 for the 8gb ram/256gb model! Question to myself, what is wrong with your current phone? Nothing, so don't buy.

Last edited by sandeepmohan : 13th October 2020 at 03:04.
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Old 13th October 2020, 06:01   #30045
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Does anyone use the Samsung S6 Lite Tab?

I am keen to get it for my classes and notes.
Don't want to get into Apple's territory even though I use an iPhone and Mac and my last device was an iPad 2 :P.

I can live with the Exynos Processor, but the combination of tablet, stylus, LTE, voice calling is what is gravitating me towards the tab. I used a demo in a showroom and found it to be adequate for my basic needs.
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