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Old 21st September 2020, 09:04   #29986
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by aarnav_b View Post
Anyone here has bought the Nord. Just booked the 8/128 version, needed some feedback on the plastic body and overall phone as I'm coming from the 3T.
How is your experience with the Nord thus far? All good?

Also, so you know if the USB-C to 3.5 mm headphone jack adapter which generally works on my 6T would work smoothly on the Nord? The description on the website for this jack does not specifically name the Nord as one of the compatible devices and hence the question.
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Old 21st September 2020, 09:31   #29987
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by arindambasu13 View Post
How is your experience with the Nord thus far? All good?

Also, so you know if the USB-C to 3.5 mm headphone jack adapter which generally works on my 6T would work smoothly on the Nord? The description on the website for this jack does not specifically name the Nord as one of the compatible devices and hence the question.
After about a week of use, the experience has been very good, and what I expected from OnePlus. I had been using the 3T so not much difference, smooth and clean software, nice display, good camera, all day battery life and the very awesome warp charge, which much faster than my dad's OP7 as well l. The downsides that I felt were the camera during low light tends to soften the details too much, the front camera cutout is a little big and I miss the 3.5mm jack very much, I have bought the connector but the I don't know why, but j feel, that in every other aspect they have progressed, but in such a simple area they have regressed.
As for the connector, I got the OP one itself and it's been working fine so far, no issues, just that I'm very wary of losing that thing, and it was expensive for 500rs ( got from a reseller as it's out of stock).
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Old 21st September 2020, 09:34   #29988
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by aarnav_b View Post
As for the connector, I got the OP one itself and it's been working fine so far, no issues, just that I'm very wary of losing that thing, and it was expensive for 500rs ( got from a reseller as it's out of stock).
Yes, its expensive for what it it is, but its also fairly hardly. I have been using mine on the OP6T heavily for over a year, and it has held up pretty well.

Anyways, good to know that your experience with the phone itself is smooth
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Old 21st September 2020, 09:42   #29989
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by arindambasu13 View Post
Yes, its expensive for what it it is, but its also fairly hardly. I have been using mine on the OP6T heavily for over a year, and it has held up pretty well.

Anyways, good to know that your experience with the phone itself is smooth
Yes sir, this and samsung are the only options I would consider in the 25k-30k bracket, very reliable and backed by good service network and good software support. You can go for this eyes closed if you're looking to buy it.
Now just looking for a good case, Spigen is offering just the two options so sticking with the in box one for now.
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Old 23rd September 2020, 15:34   #29990
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by dailydriver View Post
With phones getting increasingly curvy on the edges, a good tempered glass needs to cover the surface fully

The ubiquitous 50-100 rupee pieces generally do not envelope the screen till its edges.
Precisely - which is why folks need to invest in either a bumper (popular in ASEAN but not here) or a decently rubberised case with edge to edge protection because the energy / pain / post-repair lack of reliability after a fall is simply not worth it.
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Old 23rd September 2020, 16:48   #29991
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

My Pixel 2XL is 2 years old. Before Android 11, I used to get around 4 hours to 4.5 hours of SoT with 30-40% screen brightness. Since my phone got updated to Android 11, the battery backup has been excellent. I get close to 6.5 hours of SoT with 50-60% screen brightness.

So, I was curious to know if they changed any workings related to battery since I couldn't find anything online and mostly everyone felt Android 11 was a minor update. Did Android 11 revamp the workings of the battery? The battery backup of my Pixel 2XL went from decent to excellent.
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Old 1st October 2020, 22:32   #29992
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Pixel 4a coming to India on 17th Oct.

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Old 5th October 2020, 13:50   #29993
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

I don't know why Samsung is so stupid. This year, with every update, I've noticed my S9 getting slower & slower. What was a perfectly fast phone in Jan 2020 is annoyingly sluggish in Oct 2020. I'm thinking of doing a factory reset and switching the updates off. Stupid idiots.
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Old 5th October 2020, 15:26   #29994
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by GTO View Post
I don't know why Samsung is so stupid. This year, with every update, I've noticed my S9 getting slower & slower. What was a perfectly fast phone in Jan 2020 is annoyingly sluggish in Oct 2020. I'm thinking of doing a factory reset and switching the updates off. Stupid idiots.
In my experience with Samsung flagships (S/Note), two years is what I have seen the devices perform almost flawlessly, and then it’s a downhill from there. So maybe its time to get rid of the S9 and move to a S20.

Or if you are going for MacBook Pro, maybe it will be good to think of a move into the Apple ecosystem. MacBook, the upcoming iPhone 12 pro, Apple Watch 6/SE, and maybe a pair of AirPods Pro, and you’re set for the next few years
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Old 5th October 2020, 15:41   #29995
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by GTO View Post
I don't know why Samsung is so stupid. This year, with every update, I've noticed my S9 getting slower & slower. What was a perfectly fast phone in Jan 2020 is annoyingly sluggish in Oct 2020. I'm thinking of doing a factory reset and switching the updates off. Stupid idiots.
Ah! The dreaded Samsung Flagship strikes again.
Save yourself such horrors and get an iPhone 12 pro this coming Diwali. It'll be buttery smooth, will work like a charm and you'll get continuous updates for the next 5 years, at least.
If you wish to change your phone every two years, Apple India now has a trade in program too
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Old 5th October 2020, 15:51   #29996
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by GTO View Post
I don't know why Samsung is so stupid. This year, with every update, I've noticed my S9 getting slower & slower. What was a perfectly fast phone in Jan 2020 is annoyingly sluggish in Oct 2020. I'm thinking of doing a factory reset and switching the updates off. Stupid idiots.
Strongly recommend you to try the OP. Great performance, great product, highly reliable and doesnt get slow.
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Old 5th October 2020, 18:03   #29997
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Originally Posted by 2000rpm View Post
Strongly recommend you to try the OP. Great performance, great product, highly reliable and doesnt get slow.
And what if India says "ghar wapsi" to the brand, just like what most of West did to Huawei? I dont support West on Huawei, but considering Ladakh, Arunachal, Nepal, Bhutan, etc., I dont want to wake up one fine morning and look up time on a virtual brick.
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Old 5th October 2020, 18:14   #29998
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by 2000rpm View Post
Strongly recommend you to try the OP. Great performance, great product, highly reliable and doesnt get slow.
I second that... Been using a OP 6T from Jan 2018 and it is still as fast as on day one. OP has been consistent with updates and AFAIK, none of the updates have been mess-ups.
I had also forced my sister to get a OP 5T in I think, September 2017 which she is still using and it has also not slowed down, in fact, she has been trying to find excuses to upgrade.
One more thing, both us have been using our phones without any screen protection and except for some minor scratches the glass feels good, no problems with screens turned on. In comparison, my brother's Iphone 7 plus of similar vintage is full of scratches despite him being a much more careful user than both of us.
The value that these OP phones provided in the 32-37k range was tremendous and even today, their phones are very VFM as the prices have rised overall across the manufacturers.
The reasons why one should pay more and get a Samsung or apple flagship is:
1. You need the best of the best and don't mind paying through you nose.
2. You are well into the Apple ecosystem with lots of ios devices or are a Samsung fan
3. BETTER CAMERA - though OP fones have decent cameras and OP 8 pro is almost up there with the best
4. Keep the fone till eternity (like 4-5 years) but seriously, I think my sis's 5T can easily last one year more and also, one tends to get bored, yearn for the latest tech in the market....
5. Bragging rights
6. The Chinese sentiment attached with OnePlus
7. Well, credit wheres' due apple devices run more smoother, there have small glitches with 6T as well, part of android experience I guess.

One more thing, always try to get the T version of OP phones, they are usually more refined than their non-T versions.
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Old 5th October 2020, 19:21   #29999
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Candy$Cars View Post
I second that... Been using a OP 6T from Jan 2018 and it is still as fast as on day one. OP has been consistent with updates and AFAIK, none of the updates have been mess-ups.
I had also forced my sister to get a OP 5T in I think, September 2017 which she is still using and it has also not slowed down, in fact, she has been trying to find excuses to upgrade.
Agree, I have been using a One Plus 6 from Oct 2018 and it still performs as new.

Candycars, I suppose you meant Jan 2019?
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Old 5th October 2020, 19:43   #30000
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by prasathlr View Post
So, I was curious to know if they changed any workings related to battery since I couldn't find anything online and mostly everyone felt Android 11 was a minor update. Did Android 11 revamp the workings of the battery? The battery backup of my Pixel 2XL went from decent to excellent.
The battery life after the Android 11 update has seen a big jump. I see that the battery consumption when the phone is idle has reduced drastically e.g. Overnight the phone would earlier lose around 15% of charge, now its down to around 4-5%.

My Pixel 3A phone anyways had a decent battery life - 1 day and 3 or 4 hours. Now its up to almost 2 days. I am not a heavy mobile phone user, and am on my laptop all the time. Use the laptop for Whatsapp Web, Netflix or YouTube for majority of my usage. Do not prefer to watch or browse on my phone unless am outdoors.
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