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Old 17th November 2018, 15:58   #28156
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Re: Call Recorder App?

Originally Posted by Miyata View Post
From what I understand, that is by design! Some legal hassles between various parties and google would rather play it safe. I guess you'll have to root the device - that should solve the issues!
afaik Rooting has one major issue, it is not possible to upgrade the ROM without losing the old data. I have become too lazy for that. At one time I was a regular on xda-developers. Now that Android allows you a near painless upgrade I have given up.
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Old 17th November 2018, 16:39   #28157
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Not sure if this is a solved problem or not.

I have many devices that connect to my phone via Bluetooth. What I'd like to do is to set some priority order for them. Eg:

* Calls get routed to my bluetooth speaker, if connected.
* Alarms/notifications to get routed to my watch.
* Music/youtube etc. should go to headset.

And so on. Any app that can do all this - rule-based bluetooth audio routing?

Right now somehow there is a default priority of Car > Watch > Speaker which I can't seem to change at all. Some reading I did suggested pairing with devices in the order I want them to, but that didn't seem to work (plus I'd like it to be different for different sources of audio).
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Old 17th November 2018, 17:30   #28158
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by binand View Post
Not sure if this is a solved problem or not.

I have many devices that connect to my phone via Bluetooth. What I'd like to do is to set some priority order for them. Eg:

* Calls get routed to my bluetooth speaker, if connected.
* Alarms/notifications to get routed to my watch.
* Music/Youtube etc. should go to headset.

And so on. Any app that can do all this - rule-based bluetooth audio routing?

Right now somehow there is a default priority of Car > Watch > Speaker which I can't seem to change at all. Some reading I did suggested pairing with devices in the order I want them to, but that didn't seem to work (plus I'd like it to be different for different sources of audio).
If you are using a samsung phone, then some customization can be done via the SoundAssistant app on the Galaxy apps store. For most other brands, i don't think this can be done.
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Old 18th November 2018, 10:10   #28159
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Are Short-circuited mobile phone motherboards repairable?

Hey all!

I had a Samsung Galaxy A8 2016, one day when I removed it from the charger, screen suddenly went black, phone switched off. I tried booting several times but to no avail. I didn't knew what happened. On the same day I took it to Samsung Authorized Shop, they disassembled it and checked some parts of motherboard with a multimeter. And told me the full motherboard was short and requires replacing and will cost about 12,000₹. As the phone's warranty got over 2 months ago I said them give it to me, I'll buy a new one. And got home puzzled. How can a samsung phone die like this? I used the box provided charger too. Now the phone is lying in my desk drawer. Should I try my luck giving to a nearby phone repair person? He is also charging me ₹5000, but agreeably lower than what the samsung guy quoted. Did it ever happened to you?
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Old 18th November 2018, 11:14   #28160
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Re: Are Short-circuited mobile phone motherboards repairable?

Originally Posted by DriverNo.420 View Post
I had a Samsung Galaxy A8 2016, one day when I removed it from the charger, screen suddenly went black, phone switched off.
I feel that you just got very unlucky. Samsung is about the best there is, so such failure is almost unheard of. But then a mobile is a commodity item so QC can go for a bit of a toss.
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Old 18th November 2018, 12:03   #28161
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Re: Are Short-circuited mobile phone motherboards repairable?

Originally Posted by DriverNo.420 View Post
when I removed it from the charger, screen suddenly went black, phone switched off. Did it ever happened to you?
Quite bizarre. You could try some basic diagnostics your self just to ascertain the issue is with the MB - just open up the the back and reach towards the PCB. See if you can turn it on from there. If you can, then the power switch could be causing the issue (had happened with my nexus 5).

While at it, you could check the battery voltage out too to see if that might be alright.

If the phone does manage to turn on and you are able to call on it, you could check the display connections to make sure they are fine before considering any parts replacement.

If the phone was not dropped anywhere (my older N5 had taken quite a beating that way from two infants); and if there's no reason to suspect water entry into it, I doubt anything serious could have happened to the phone.
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Old 18th November 2018, 12:16   #28162
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Re: Are Short-circuited mobile phone motherboards repairable?

Originally Posted by Miyata View Post
Quite bizarre. You could try some basic diagnostics your self just to ascertain the issue is with the MB - just open up the the back and reach towards the PCB. See if you can turn it on from there. If you can, then the power switch could be causing the issue (had happened with my nexus 5).

While at it, you could check the battery voltage out too to see if that might be alright.

If the phone does manage to turn on and you are able to call on it, you could check the display connections to make sure they are fine before considering any parts replacement.

If the phone was not dropped anywhere (my older N5 had taken quite a beating that way from two infants); and if there's no reason to suspect water entry into it, I doubt anything serious could have happened to the phone.
The phone was maintained meticulously with I taking care of not dropping it. But my phone is IP68 waterproof and dustproof certified so I have dipped it in water and nothing happened. As I'm not an expert in internal hardware of these phones, so I am resisting myself to open it. Thanks for your generous words. I thought the phone is gone forever with only 2 Years of life. I'll get it checked in my village repairperson as he's my very good friend and I hope he would not scam me. But I highly doubt I or he would be able to open it properly as the battery is non-removable and entire housing needs to be seperated which is a bit too tricky.

Last edited by DriverNo.420 : 18th November 2018 at 12:27.
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Old 18th November 2018, 16:21   #28163
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Its a phone after all. Happens to the best of electronic products out there. Get hold of a good independent repair shop and they should be able to sort it out for you or at least let you know if you have a paper weight or a potential phone.
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Old 18th November 2018, 16:46   #28164
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Re: Are Short-circuited mobile phone motherboards repairable?

Originally Posted by DriverNo.420 View Post
Hey all!

I had a Samsung Galaxy A8 2016, one day when I removed it from the charger, screen suddenly went black, phone switched off.
What I did when my mom's old Lenovo K4 Note took a holy dip in the washbasin, was that I repaired the phone to an repair shop for INR 1700. Then after 3 months, it went kaput again, and had to sold it on Cashify website, for INR 1500.

I asked the shop (not Cashify) their purpose of buying old phones, so they said they often use the parts which are not damaged for repairing other phones, whose users want "original brand parts".

A phone is a very essential commodity now, and you'd be cursing yourself if it fails again. Spending money to repair it, especially from an un-authorized shop (which provide no brand warranty) seems like a dead investment.

Phone money is like insurance premium, when it isn't there and you face a hardship, it'll cost you a pretty penny. - (personal opinion)

Last edited by sharktale : 18th November 2018 at 16:46. Reason: semantics
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Old 18th November 2018, 18:41   #28165
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Originally Posted by bigron View Post
Its a phone after all. Happens to the best of electronic products out there. Get hold of a good independent repair shop and they should be able to sort it out for you or at least let you know if you have a paper weight or a potential phone.
I've shown it to a pretty famous shop in my area, they say that the phone can work again, but will require a lot of time and hardwork to manually check every bit pf phone for shorting. And they charge ₹5000 for it. Which is only if phone starts working again. If the phone remains dead, no charges. So I think of giving it a shot and gift it to my friend. As I'm now using iOS fully and I can't shift back again.

Again, the repairsperson told me that such an incident with a samsung phone is rare. And these shorting problems were mostly on Nokia Lumia Windows Phones. I have a very old Samsung galaxy pocket which is still working. And this A8 costed me a ton as I purchased it shortly after launch.

Originally Posted by sharktale View Post
What I did when my mom's old Lenovo K4 Note took a holy dip in the washbasin, was that I repaired the phone to an repair shop for INR 1700. Then after 3 months, it went kaput again, and had to sold it on Cashify website, for INR 1500.

I asked the shop (not Cashify) their purpose of buying old phones, so they said they often use the parts which are not damaged for repairing other phones, whose users want "original brand parts".

A phone is a very essential commodity now, and you'd be cursing yourself if it fails again. Spending money to repair it, especially from an un-authorized shop (which provide no brand warranty) seems like a dead investment.

Phone money is like insurance premium, when it isn't there and you face a hardship, it'll cost you a pretty penny. - (personal opinion)
Thanks for telling me that why these unauthorised phone dealers keep a stock of old, sometimes not working phones

You are right on the point of phone like an insurance premium. But as this phone is lying to no use, which I can't see, I'm thinking of giving it a shot as those Samsung Guys want 12,000₹ for it. And for that much money, I can buy a new Realme 2 with 4GM RAM and 64GB storage and a 6.2"IPS screen.

Last edited by benbsb29 : 19th November 2018 at 05:26. Reason: Merged back-to-back posts. Please use the Multi-Quote button to reply to more than one post at a time. Thanks. + Typo fix
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Old 19th November 2018, 02:02   #28166
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Hi everybody,
Just come for some advice as usual. My mom is upgrading from her 3-year-old Moto G3. She wants a new phone <=15k INR.

Basic requirements:
1. 3.5 mm jack
2. Turbocharging
3. 64GB of storage
4. 4GB of RAM
5. A decent camera
6. Preferably a 5" display
7. Preferably stock android

What are her best options?
Thanks in advance.
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Old 19th November 2018, 03:24   #28167
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by landcruiser123 View Post
Hi everybody,
Just come for some advice as usual. My mom is upgrading from her 3-year-old Moto G3. She wants a new phone <=15k INR.

Basic requirements:
1. 3.5 mm jack
2. Turbocharging
3. 64GB of storage
4. 4GB of RAM
5. A decent camera
6. Preferably a 5" display
7. Preferably stock android

What are her best options?
Thanks in advance.
Check out the Moto X4 and Nokia 7 Plus.

If you want wide angle along with normal focal length then X4, if want 2X zoom along with normal focal length then go for Nokia 7Plus which comes with Zeis optics.
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Old 19th November 2018, 07:21   #28168
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Ok so I have a encountered a couple of issues with my LG G7+ ThinQ, which I wanted to share.

On a drive to Mysore over the weekend when my six year old brat insisted on playing a game called Subway Surfers on the phone, I tried to install it from the Google Playstore. It displayed an error saying "Your device isn't compatible with this version".

Now, I am not really too fussed about this since I bought this phone under the buyback offer from Flipkart only to experience a flagship, and I intend to get this exchanged 6 months down the line. But having said that, Subway Surfers works flawlessly on my wife's Honor 8 Pro and even on my good old Redmi Note 3 (which is running on Marshmallow), so I don't understand this version incompatibility error. How can a so called flagship phone running on the latest and the greatest processor and on a pretty up to date Android version fail to install a simple game from the playstore?

Also, I have not been able to experience the Quad DAC so far with my Sennheiser HD 180. Is there any specific headphone that I need to buy for this? Or are there any settings that I need to tweak?
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Old 19th November 2018, 09:31   #28169
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Oxy View Post
It displayed an error saying "Your device isn't compatible with this version".

How can a so called flagship phone running on the latest and the greatest processor and on a pretty up to date Android version fail to install a simple game from the playstore?
This is a choice made by the app's developer. Android allows developers to specify which devices can install their apps - either as an explicit allow list, or as an explicit deny list, or based on specific feature requirements (eg: I can specify say: only phones, or only devices with GPS, or only devices with physical keypad etc.).

In this case (based on what I see on gsmarena), I guess it is the not-so-standard aspect ratio of this phone (39:18) that is causing the problem for you.
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Old 19th November 2018, 09:38   #28170
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Oxy View Post
On a drive to Mysore over the weekend when my six year old brat insisted on playing a game called Subway Surfers on the phone, I tried to install it from the Google Playstore. It displayed an error saying "Your device isn't compatible with this version".
this is something specific to your phone I think. I have the G7+ ThinQ as well and I am able to see the option to install Subway Surfers. Can you try to clear the cache and data of Google Play store and check if that helps?

Last edited by praveen789 : 19th November 2018 at 09:39.
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