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Old 28th September 2017, 08:42   #26401
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Oxy View Post
If I may ask, who is selling the V20 for 23k?
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Old 28th September 2017, 09:58   #26402
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by civic-sense View Post
Between the LG G6 with quad dac at 32K and LG V20 at 23K, what would be a better buy? I want the quad DAC, and everything else is negotiable. Although I like the narrower G6, I think the V20 looks better. Whose camera is better? Would the 5.7" V20 be unwieldy? That said, I'd sleep better if I spent 23K on a phone than 32K.
I have the V20 and for a 9k difference you get waterproofing, amazing display with dolby vision hdr and thanks to the narrow bezels it becomes more easy to handle.

Though people have said the v20 looks big i have been ok with it. Slapped on a Urban Armor Gear case and my mind is at peace.

Both have the quadDAC.

Originally Posted by HydroFuel View Post
How is the quality of audio in V20? Because it has DAC in built. Is it far better than any flagship? If it is worth then I am waiting for launch of V30 in India and its pricing. Currently using SGNote 4.
the quadDACs are amazing when paired with a high impedance headphone and if you have some high quality 24bit flacs. It just blows your mind. even with regular flacs i end up hearing notes i have not heard before in often heard songs. Right now the v20 is my audio source in car also.

Just remember the quadDACs are utilized only through the native LG music app. Every other music app utilizes the snapdragon audio chip.

The new poweramp beta is supposed to support it but it's getting delayed and delayed.
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Old 28th September 2017, 10:35   #26403
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Sheel View Post
Why not a Pixel then?
Pixel still costs more than 40 K and the XL still higher. If one really has to buy a Pixel or for that matter any other mobile which has stock android it’s better to buy the latest one which enables updates at least into third year.

With Oreo already available Pixel will be useful only for another 2 years. With the amount of info we have on phones it’s better to stay protected. Other than using Moto or stock android I have a multi license McAfee subscription and all our laptops and phones have an added layer of security.

Waiting for a no frills stock android phone with latest hardware specs around 30 K. Will buy one in a blink. Any costlier I will give it a miss.

This is where I miss the Nexus range.

Hoping Google would revive it now after taking HTC under its wings.
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Old 28th September 2017, 11:50   #26404
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by nibedk View Post
This is where I miss the Nexus range.

Hoping Google would revive it now after taking HTC under its wings.
Would be good. Android ones at the low end, Nexus at the mid and Pixels at the top. Hope it happens.
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Old 28th September 2017, 14:48   #26405
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Alright guys, thanks for the suggestions a few pages ago.

I've been looking into my next possible Android handset, but it seems the current crop of multi core Android devices aren't really that powerful compared to the A11 bionic chip Apple has put into the iPhone 8 & X. Plenty of benchmarks and videos online to substantiate that.

So here's my question. Are the Android devices really as smooth & lag-free these days when compared with iOS? I can't stand lag and stutter. Have never witnessed or suffered any lag to speak of with any Apple iPhone i've owned in the past. But the screen on my iPhone 7 plus has shattered. Replacing it is gonna cost nearly 15K, if I go for a genuine Apple screen. I'm waiting for the launch of the Pixel 2 on 4th October to take a final decision.

What do the Android guru's here suggest? Looking for some advice from folks who've moved from iOS to Android recently, and are using a high-end device.

A request: please let's not get into the debate about whether Android is laggy & less optimized or not. Because it is. Always was. Always has been compared to iOS. That's why the need to dump so many cores and so much RAM into each device. If you feel Android is better, feel free to ignore my post and move on. Sorry for the inconvenience. I'm not debating on pro's & con's about iOS & Android, nor do I wish to start a thread on it. No use . Just want to know how a high end Android device feels , and compare it with iOS and understand how it fares in the long term. Because iOS never lags or slows down, even after filling up the device to the brim.
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Old 28th September 2017, 16:43   #26406
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by sourav9385 View Post
What do the Android guru's here suggest? Looking for some advice from folks who've moved from iOS to Android recently, and are using a high-end device.
In short, Yes, high end devices these days are smooth, the OS works great but this depends from phone to phone since every manufacturer has a different UI/Skin layer on top of Android OS. Most are sticking to stock android but HTC, LG and Samsung use their own UI on top of it. Samsung skins are heavy and some have reported slight stutter on the S8/S8 Plus and the Note 8 but nothing that would spoil your whole experience.

If you check reviews online, the Pixel is still very smooth and runs on the latest Oreo update.

I was using an IPhone 6 which was slow so I am not even going to compare it with my current device - HTC U11
But I have used the IPhone 7 as well and the U11 will easily match and even surpass it's performance/smoothness. So even though you were using the 7 Plus, if you do pick up the next Pixel, I doubt you'll be complaining. Any specific models you have in mind?
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Old 28th September 2017, 17:19   #26407
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Aston Singh View Post
...I was using an IPhone 6 which was slow so I am not even going to compare it with my current device - HTC U11
But I have used the IPhone 7 as well and the U11 will easily match and even surpass it's performance/smoothness. So even though you were using the 7 Plus, if you do pick up the next Pixel, I doubt you'll be complaining. Any specific models you have in mind?
Thanks for the reply mate. Yes I do have a few models in mind.

My wife uses the OnePlus 5, and it is a good phone, apart from missing OIS & a not-so-great screen that appears to be mounted inverted, deliberately. If I was on a budget, I'd pick it up. But I can splurge a little at this time. So I was looking at the Samsung Galaxy S8/S8 Plus. Both are within the budget, even without exchanging my otherwise perfectly working iPhone 7 Plus with a shattered screen.

Considering the Pixel 2 is launching on 4th October, I'll hold on to the purchase for a few days. I'm not at all keen about owning an HTC or a Motorola. So wondering if it makes sense to get a Galaxy S8/S8 Plus or just get an iPhone X in case the Pixel 2 doesn't float my boat. One thing is clear though, that A11 chip is a beast
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Old 28th September 2017, 18:55   #26408
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by sourav9385 View Post
So here's my question. Are the Android devices really as smooth & lag-free these days when compared with iOS? Because it is. Always was. Always has been compared to iOS.
Honestly i guess you would be happy to stick with Apple. You might find lag where there is no lag and feel bad about ditching ios for android.
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Old 28th September 2017, 20:58   #26409
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by nibedk View Post
Hoping Google would revive it now after taking HTC under its wings.
Have you looked at Nokia 8? It comes to 38K but has the 835 processor and dual camera setup with stock Android. Also promises fast updates as well.

I am interested as well if I was not stuck with a month old G5 Plus.

For a mid range phone, it is surprisingly a very good performer.
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Old 29th September 2017, 10:59   #26410
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by deathwalkr View Post
Would be good. Android ones at the low end, Nexus at the mid and Pixels at the top. Hope it happens.
Butter and Sugar in your mouth

But I do hope manufacturers start optimizing phones better. So much of bloat ware and each trying to outdo each other. So many assistants Amazon, Bixby and many more. For the same functionality we have different apps. One provided by Google and the other by the manufacturer. I keep splitting my hair figuring out what is the need to do it. There are apps which one cannot delete even if they want to. At the very least they should allow deleting apps.

The only reason I like Moto is the hardware and software optimization is just brilliant. The more I use my Mi A1 the more convinced I am that it’s not only the pure Android build but how does the manufacturer optimizes to use the hardware underneath. The performance is getting worse by the day. Even the Google app freezes now. I would still want to reserve my opinion till I uninstall Real Racing 3 and do a fresh install, but let me tell you this phone freezes like hell and the graphics heavy game frame drops are just too much not to be bothersome.

In my 2 months with Moto G5 Plus I never had to think about these things once. I never bothered to clean up processes running in the back ground. With the Mi A1 even a left swipe to open the Google App from home screen freezes the screen. The experience with other phones from Moto has also been pretty awesome at least till the point they get OTA updates.

Besides the add-on provided by Moto are really useful like chop to power on the torch or twist the phone to open camera.

I would do a clean install of the apps creating issues and see if there is any improvement else these would be my last phone from any manufacturer other than the big ones.

Originally Posted by SchumiFan View Post
Have you looked at Nokia 8? It comes to 38K but has the 835 processor and dual camera setup with stock Android. Also promises fast updates as well.

I am interested as well if I was not stuck with a month old G5 Plus.

For a mid-range phone, it is surprisingly a very good performer.
Yep I did and other than top notch specs most reviews do point out that it falls well short of being a great phone. I do understand that for the price range it may be a good phone but for a company trying to resurrect an iconic brand there is nothing special about its flagship. It’s more of a flagship killer than a flagship.

Brilliant screen but not an AMOLED phone. In this era of bezel less flagship design the design looks at least 2 years old. The redeeming factor being the 5.3 inches screen which stops the phone from being unyielding. Zeiss optics but focusing is just mediocre.

Other than the pure Android build there is nothing special with the hardware as well. In the era of 6/8 GB RAM it falls short in the hardware department as well. It ships with Nougat instead of Oreo especially when it’s already out. With no change to the build to be done they should have shipped it with Oreo. This would have at least that upgrades would have been till P and Q releases thus ensuring a longer ownership time.

Basically a very good phone falling well short of being a great one. May be a price range of 28-30 K would have helped. But at 37 K it’s not even a VFM anymore. I will give it a skip. Anyway I do not think I am ever buying a phone more than 30 K unless I can use it for more than 3-4 years.
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Old 29th September 2017, 11:29   #26411
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by nibedk View Post
Pixel still costs more than 40 K and the XL still higher. If one really has to buy a Pixel or for that matter any other mobile which has stock android it’s better to buy the latest one which enables updates at least into third year.

With Oreo already available Pixel will be useful only for another 2 years. With the amount of info we have on phones it’s better to stay protected. Other than using Moto or stock android I have a multi license McAfee subscription and all our laptops and phones have an added layer of security.

Waiting for a no frills stock android phone with latest hardware specs around 30 K. Will buy one in a blink. Any costlier I will give it a miss.

This is where I miss the Nexus range.

Hoping Google would revive it now after taking HTC under its wings.
Maybe you can look at the Moto X4 when it launches in India. Have to see how they price it here.
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Old 29th September 2017, 14:52   #26412
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by nibedk View Post
The only reason I like Moto is the hardware and software optimization is just brilliant. The more I use my Mi A1 the more convinced I am that it’s not only the pure Android build but how does the manufacturer optimizes to use the hardware underneath. The performance is getting worse by the day. Even the Google app freezes now. I would still want to reserve my opinion till I uninstall Real Racing 3

With the Mi A1 even a left swipe to open the Google App from home screen freezes the screen. The experience with other phones from Moto has also been pretty awesome at least till the point they get OTA.

Couldn't you have posted this last week when I had asked for feedback on the MI A1 ??

I'm now awaiting delivery. Is it bad enough for me to cancel my order.

Note that I do not play any games on the phone. Calls, whatsapp, a few apps and as my car's ICE, with torque.
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Old 29th September 2017, 16:31   #26413
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@samaspire - I am using the MI A1 for couple of weeks. I am not facing any lag issues. In fact it has been a smooth experience. The only difficulty I am facing is with network connectivity. It fluctuates often. However I am able to live with it.
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Old 29th September 2017, 17:32   #26414
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by vinit.merchant View Post

Saw the Redmi Note 4 at good discount on Flipkart

Now lets see how well it fares.

FK already had approx 4.5 lakh reviews of this phone, before the sale began
Originally Posted by Sherlocked View Post
I ordered one too and got it delivered yesterday.
Got the phone delivered today. Initial feedback is good but the biggest issue I am facing is the compatibility issue wth Vodafone 4g. Apparently Vodafone operates on 2100 mhz in some states, and this band is not supported by Redmi Note 4. I did not read this in any reviews before buying the phone.

And since this is a hardware issue, it cannot be fixed with software update. And I do not think Vodafone will be changing its frequency band.

Currently I am back to using 3g and I do not like it anymore after getting used to the 4g experience.

Having been through all other mobiles in my budget, I could not find a better piece than the Redmi Note 4 4gb/64gb (10k).

Now the only option left for me is to switch operators, but I am quite satisfied with Vodafone and having seen Idea and Airtel, I do not want to ditch Voda.

In a soup right now.
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Old 29th September 2017, 18:25   #26415
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by vinit.merchant View Post

And since this is a hardware issue, it cannot be fixed with software update. And I do not think Vodafone will be changing its frequency band.

Currently I am back to using 3g and I do not like it anymore after getting used to the 4g experience.

In a soup right now.
I can feel you as I was in the same boat with a Redmi 3S prime. It was actually a lesson for me to check the bands before buying a phone.

I am not sure if that is a chipset restriction or a manufacturer restriction. Redmi Note 3 and Redmi 4 support Vodafone 4G in 2100 Band.

I now use JIO which is fairly addressing my 4G needs.

I just saw that they mentioned that in their website where it supports only B3/B5 FDD bands. Vodafone uses B1 in some circles.

Edit: Just checked that Moto G5+ and Lenovo P2 using the same SD625 supports Band 1. I am not sure why Xiaomi had to do this.

Last edited by para_7k : 29th September 2017 at 18:29.
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