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Old 20th September 2016, 13:07   #24481
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by harry10 View Post
My fiancee needs a new phone. The research I have done so far shortlisted 2 models. Oppo F1s and One plus 3. The difference is around 10k between the two. What do you guys suggest including any other models?
Requirements - Good camera , decent battery life and lag free experience. 3gb Ram at least.
My brother got the Oneplus 3 a month back and it gives stellar performance. Yes, it's expensive but phone with that kinda specs (6GB RAM) either are not there or more than double the cost. The only glitch there is the after sales service in case something goes, wrong but I guess that applies to the oppo as well. So my vote among these 2 is the 1+ 3.

P.S. 1+ is 5.5 inch and could be a problem for some ladies. SO do check with your fiancee on the size of the phone she is more comfortable with

Last edited by centaur : 20th September 2016 at 13:08.
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Old 20th September 2016, 13:41   #24482
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Re: Moto E3?

Originally Posted by amalji View Post
The Moto G Play which costs just 1000 INR extra would be what I would recommend.
Unfortunately, It is NOT available on flipkart (Where, one could xchange their old device).
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Old 20th September 2016, 14:31   #24483
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Originally Posted by JMaruru View Post
There is a full page ad in today's TOI on Moto E3.
Any opinion on the same?

Seems it is only a day's offer for exchange with our old device.
Sis wants to swap it for a new device, as she is tired of Windows.

Would this be a good replacement for aging Nokia Lumia 1320?
Redmi 3s prime would be an excellent choice. It costs the same as moto g4 play.
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Old 20th September 2016, 17:05   #24484
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I am.planning to buy a redmi 3s prime for my secondary usage. Now I am totally confused between redmi 3s and redmi note 3. Budget is not a constraint. Which one has the better camera of the both? Or is mi max better than the two?
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Old 20th September 2016, 17:31   #24485
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Re: Moto E3?

Originally Posted by JMaruru View Post
Unfortunately, It is NOT available on flipkart (Where, one could xchange their old device).
You can also sell the old device on sites like (renamed to cashify recently). The few times i checked, the prices there were much better than what flipkart offers for exchanging an old device.
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Old 20th September 2016, 23:33   #24486
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Help needed

I have been using the iPhone since some time now, 5s, 6 and 6s. I just sold my 6s in anticipation of the new 7. Now comes the real dilemma and may even sound crazy, but I suddenly want to experience the One Plus 3 (after reading a lot online) which is available on Amazon for INR 27,999.00. For clarity I would like to mention, budget is not a question in this equation at all, its all heart.

What do you guys think of the One Plus 3? Should I even consider it or give up the thought as lunacy
Considering I buy it and am not happy with it in a couple of months, how much do you think I would stand to lose if I sell it?
Would it be an easy sell like say the iPhone?

I have all my data backed up on my Windows 10 equipped laptop in iTunes, not on the cloud. How do I transfer that on the One Plus 3?

Please enlighten me asap.

Thank you.


Last edited by Cyborg : 20th September 2016 at 23:34.
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Old 21st September 2016, 07:52   #24487
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Gannu_1 View Post

I loved the Redmi 3S Prime (which was ordered for the missus) so much, I went ahead and placed another order for a dark grey 32 GB version last week during the flash sale and got through after a dozen tries! It will replace the Lumia 920. No gender inequality either!
Hi Gannu - hows the redmi 3s prime holding up? hows the camera? is it decent enough? I am planning to place an order if i get hold of one in today's flash sale. Any recommendation for colours?
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Old 21st September 2016, 09:28   #24488
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods


Any reference to a news radio app wherein we can hear the world news.

Have been a great fan of Fox, Sky, BBC etc. Instead of installing individual apps, is there a generic one which can capture all news radio channels into one.

Appreciate your efforts
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Old 21st September 2016, 09:40   #24489
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Originally Posted by Sherlocked View Post

The only problem is that Screen Mirroring is not working with our Sony KLV-32R512C smart TV which is a bummer for dad as he would have used this frequently to mirror YouTube videos to the television.
The TV just displays preparing screen mirroring....and then it says fails to register the device. I have tried selecting different bands on the television but still no luck.
That said, screen mirroring works flawlessly with MiPad on the very same TV.
This is what I found with my Sony KLV 40, forgot the rest of the model number...:

Screen mirroring does not work since I use Nexus 5x and cast from quick options is disabled.

However, the cast option in the top right of the you tube app connects to the TV and you tube plays up.

Even better option, get Chromecast and install Google Cast. No need to change your cell

Hope the first option works for you.
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Old 21st September 2016, 10:32   #24490
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by lambuhere1 View Post

Any reference to a news radio app wherein we can hear the world news.

Have been a great fan of Fox, Sky, BBC etc. Instead of installing individual apps, is there a generic one which can capture all news radio channels into one.

Appreciate your efforts
Do check out TuneIn radio. I use it to listen to various BBC shows. CNN and Sky should be on there too.
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Old 21st September 2016, 14:03   #24491
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

The flash sale mostly seems like a scam or a tactic for creating demand. I was able to add a 3S Prime at 11:59 AM successfully to my cart in Flipkart. On the payment page, it went out of stock. This looks like an outright scam to me.

How do people even manage to get their hands on the device ?
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Old 21st September 2016, 14:28   #24492
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by DaiusPitar View Post
This is what I found with my Sony KLV 40, forgot the rest of the model number...:

Screen mirroring does not work since I use Nexus 5x and cast from quick options is disabled.

However, the cast option in the top right of the you tube app connects to the TV and you tube plays up.

Even better option, get Chromecast and install Google Cast. No need to change your cell

Hope the first option works for you.
Thanks for the suggestion!
Yes i have tried the first option but the only con is we can't select the video quality and can't seek forward or backward with the mobile's YouTube app. For seeking we have to depend on TV's remote which is a pain!
But still if one can manage with this, it gets the work done.
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Old 21st September 2016, 15:19   #24493
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Cyborg View Post
Help needed

I have been using the iPhone since some time now, 5s, 6 and 6s. I just sold my 6s in anticipation of the new 7. Now comes the real dilemma and may even sound crazy, but I suddenly want to experience the One Plus 3 (after reading a lot online) which is available on Amazon for INR 27,999.00. For clarity I would like to mention, budget is not a question in this equation at all, its all heart.

What do you guys think of the One Plus 3? Should I even consider it or give up the thought as lunacy
Considering I buy it and am not happy with it in a couple of months, how much do you think I would stand to lose if I sell it?
Would it be an easy sell like say the iPhone?

I have all my data backed up on my Windows 10 equipped laptop in iTunes, not on the cloud. How do I transfer that on the One Plus 3?

Please enlighten me asap.

Thank you.

If you have used the iPhone for so long, an Android phone is probably going to be a disappoint for you. I suggest you go for the iPhone 7. But if you really want to experiment, add a secondary android phone if your pocket permits, than jumping altogether into the android bandwagon.
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Old 21st September 2016, 15:46   #24494
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Has anyone tried Google Allo? It is supposed to be a competitor to Whatsapp. Downloaded it from the Play Store and it is pretty much like Whatsapp. The only differentiating factor seems to be the Google search integration. Will it be able to dislodge Whatsapp as the preferred communication app?

Originally Posted by Cyborg View Post
Help needed

What do you guys think of the One Plus 3? Should I even consider it or give up the thought as lunacy
Considering I buy it and am not happy with it in a couple of months, how much do you think I would stand to lose if I sell it?
Would it be an easy sell like say the iPhone?

Although One Plus 3 is an awesome phone, I think you should stick to Iphone considering you have been using one for a long time. A few of my friends who are long time users of Iphone could not reconcile to an android phone.

Selling any android phone for a good price would not be easy, since android phones are available at all price points and many would prefer buying a new phone than going for a used one.

Last edited by Zappo : 21st September 2016 at 15:57. Reason: No back to back posts please. Use multiquote to respond to everyone at one go. Use Edit button in the first 30 minutes.
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Old 21st September 2016, 16:02   #24495
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Originally Posted by para_7k View Post
This looks like an outright scam to me.

How do people even manage to get their hands on the device ?
If you think it's a scam, get another phone in the same range which is not too much of a compromise. I've bought 4 phones online in the past 2 years for the family, none from a flash sale! Particularly because I didn't wanna go through the hassle of sitting in front of the comp from 11:50 till they told me it went out of stock! I never felt that I was compromising on my purchases even if the specs of the phones I got were marginally 'weaker' than the flash sale ones! Peace of mind was my priority.
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