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Old 21st March 2016, 16:34   #23056
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After upgrading to Marshmallow, does the K3 delete any user data or is everything in place as is, after the update? Pls comment guys
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Old 21st March 2016, 19:42   #23057
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by pixantz View Post
After upgrading to Marshmallow, does the K3 delete any user data or is everything in place as is, after the update? Pls comment guys
Nothing will be deleted when performing an OTA update. Even your wallpaper will be the same.

That said, its better to take a backup, just in case.

Been hearing very good reviews about the Marshmallow update for the K3 Note.

Last edited by Speed.Demon : 21st March 2016 at 19:43.
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Old 21st March 2016, 20:36   #23058
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Originally Posted by Speed.Demon View Post
Nothing will be deleted when performing an OTA update. Even your wallpaper will be the same.

That said, its better to take a backup, just in case.

Been hearing very good reviews about the Marshmallow update for the K3 Note.
That's mighty nice to hear. I'll go ahead then. Thanks for the reassurance speed demon. Actually I was not sure how Lenovo mobiles handle OTA updates. The most awesome experience I know was iOS.

Last edited by pixantz : 21st March 2016 at 20:37.
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Old 21st March 2016, 22:13   #23059
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A question to anybody who might have used 'Secure Zone' in Lenovo UI, is it working for you? 'Cause it isn't for me. After selecting some apps to work in secure zone, they are visible and completely operable in open zone too. Am I missing something here?
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Old 22nd March 2016, 12:57   #23060
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Hi Friends,

I need to buy a good 4G Mobile with good Front and Rear Camera for my daughter for her birthday gift.

Budget is less than 10K.

Should have removable battery. Suggest me some models.
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Old 22nd March 2016, 13:02   #23061
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Originally Posted by micrographics View Post
Hi Friends,

I need to buy a good 4G Mobile with good Front and Rear Camera for my daughter for her birthday gift.

Budget is less than 10K.

Should have removable battery. Suggest me some models.
The lenovo k5 note ticks all the boxes but it is launching tomorrow on Flipkart and no one has actually tested the cameras. It would be an open sale so grab it while you can.

Why the necessity for removable battery, if I may ask?
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Old 22nd March 2016, 16:25   #23062
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by sunsetorange View Post
The lenovo k5 note ticks all the boxes but it is launching tomorrow on Flipkart and no one has actually tested the cameras. It would be an open sale so grab it while you can.

Why the necessity for removable battery, if I may ask?
The reason for removable battery because in past I'd two Samsung Mobile and battery went kaput and no option to remove the battery without dismantling the whole unit.

In case of removable battery, if battery fails we can buy a new one and change it.
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Old 22nd March 2016, 16:35   #23063
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by micrographics View Post
The reason for removable battery because in past I'd two Samsung Mobile and battery went kaput and no option to remove the battery without dismantling the whole unit.

In case of removable battery, if battery fails we can buy a new one and change it.
There is a reason why all manufacturers are moving towards non-user-removable batteries. People seldom need to change it. Most batteries last for the usable lifetime of the phone. More often than not, the phone will be obsolete before the battery goes kaput. Now the fact that your batteries have gone kaput faster points to a problem somewhere else. Better you find that and fix it.
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Old 22nd March 2016, 16:53   #23064
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by civic-sense View Post
There is a reason why all manufacturers are moving towards non-user-removable batteries. People seldom need to change it. Most batteries last for the usable lifetime of the phone. More often than not, the phone will be obsolete before the battery goes kaput. Now the fact that your batteries have gone kaput faster points to a problem somewhere else. Better you find that and fix it.
It's probably the exact opposite. Given the choice between swapping out a (relatively) cheap battery DIY in 2 mins vs. paying for an expensive replacement/repair at A.S.S., most companies hope the majority will just discard their phone or trade it in for a newer model. Good business for them either way, compared to removable batteries that probably don't earn them much.

P.S. Not everyone changes phones every couple years. I know plenty of people (myself included) who hold onto their phone for their usable life, not style obsolescence. Sucks to throw away a decent phone just because the battery conked off and the A.S.S. wants to charge an arm & a leg for it.

Last edited by Chetan_Rao : 22nd March 2016 at 16:56.
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Old 22nd March 2016, 17:35   #23065
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Anyone using the marshmallow 6.0 on galaxy S6? Will it be better to upgrade from lollipop to above? Do I have to take the backup before doing the upgrade?
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Old 22nd March 2016, 19:10   #23066
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Originally Posted by micrographics View Post
The reason for removable battery because in past I'd two Samsung Mobile and battery went kaput and no option to remove the batte8iry without dismantling the whole unit.

In case of removable battery, if battery fails we can buy a new one and change it.
But the non user replaceable batteries can be changed at the authorised service centre.

Most of the phone batteries last longer nowadays compared to the previous years, especially the lithium polymer ones.
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Old 22nd March 2016, 19:14   #23067
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Chetan_Rao View Post
It's probably the exact opposite. Given the choice between swapping out a (relatively) cheap battery DIY in 2 mins vs. paying for an expensive replacement/repair at A.S.S., most companies hope the majority will just discard their phone or trade it in for a newer model. Good business for them either way, compared to removable batteries that probably don't earn them much.

P.S. Not everyone changes phones every couple years. I know plenty of people (myself included) who hold onto their phone for their usable life, not style obsolescence. Sucks to throw away a decent phone just because the battery conked off and the A.S.S. wants to charge an arm & a leg for it.
A phone is no longer a utilitarian device. It is a style statement. Congrats if you are not in that pool yet.

I have a 3.5 year S3 and a 2.5 year Lumia both batteries still going strong. And the S3 is long obsolete. Lumia will be there soon.

As I said, if your battery is not lasting that long, there is something you are doing wrong with it.
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Old 22nd March 2016, 20:03   #23068
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by civic-sense View Post
A phone is no longer a utilitarian device.....
For a lot of people, it still is. The short ownership cycle of expensive gadgets is primarily fueled by urban youth and middle-aged folk with high disposable incomes. It's their money and they're free to buy whatever they please with it, but there's still a sizable population whose life doesn't revolve around their gadgets.

A removable battery is more than just a convenience or quirk, it's an absolute necessity for some. To this day, there are very few devices that can last a whole day under heavy use, and it isn't always possible to stay plugged into a wall outlet or power bank while on the move.

I don't mind the market shifting to the majority dynamic, I just hope the practical choices aren't taken away.

P.S. I too had an S3 for a long while (~ 3 yrs) until recently, and the batteries were as good as new when I let it go.

Last edited by Chetan_Rao : 22nd March 2016 at 20:05.
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Old 22nd March 2016, 20:23   #23069
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by pixantz View Post
After upgrading to Marshmallow, does the K3 delete any user data or is everything in place as is, after the update?
I have not lost any data after upgrading to Android 6.0 Marshmallow. The major difference that I found was, earlier Facebook app could not be uninstalled. Now, it could be. I immediately uninstalled Facebook. Now, the available RAM has increased appreciably.
Old 22nd March 2016, 21:55   #23070
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Chetan_Rao View Post
For a lot of people, it still is. The short ownership cycle of expensive gadgets is primarily fueled by urban youth and middle-aged folk with high disposable incomes. It's their money and they're free to buy whatever they please with it, but there's still a sizable population whose life doesn't revolve around their gadgets.
There is another major contributor to phones being seen as devices that only need to last a year or two, and that is the contract system in use with telecoms companies in some (many?) other countries. The phone is not a large personal investment, it is supplied free, or at a hugely subsidised price as part of an agreement to spend a regular monthly sum for a fixed period of years --- and "upgrades" are all part of the deal.
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