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Old 31st December 2015, 23:26   #22591
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post

I can vouch for moto x pure already running stock marshmallow. Stunning device. Excellent camera, SD card support, great battery and most importantly stock. Very clean and easy to use. Just gifted it to my dad and he is actually seeing huge difference from nexus 7 and note 2.
Oh So Tempting!

The head banging against wall is because I just bought a new washing machine, and told myself I had to economise on the phone.
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Old 31st December 2015, 23:49   #22592
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by mukul32 View Post
It most likely seems like a third party app that's the culprit. Installed any third party apps lately that you're unsure about? Or, one of the preloaded apps got updated which didn't go too well with the system. I would suggest check the apps out. Booting into safe mode and rebooting to normal again just might help. Or, a far more effective option is a factory reset, if you can do it right now.
However, if I were in your place, and since it is also a 16 month old device, I would just get rid of the entire ugly LG UI altogether and install the amazing Resurrection Remix official to enjoy the beast to its fullest.
Thanks Mukul, I restarted the phone in the safe mode and the g3 is not shutting down now. Not only that, it is not getting heated intermittently and the battery life also seems to better in the safe mode.

The options seem to be either do the factory reset it go for custom ROM as suggested by you.

Anything specific I need to be careful of (any pitfalls?) while installing custom ROM. Planning to use services of my son who has some experience with these things.
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Old 1st January 2016, 01:25   #22593
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by civic-dk View Post
Anything specific I need to be careful of (any pitfalls?) while installing custom ROM. Planning to use services of my son who has some experience with these things.
Well, the official ROM's do have it smooth and there's usually almost no chance of going wrong. However, do see that you have the bootloader unlocked, and latest version of a compatible recovery installed. The G3 is a king device with developers, and surely, both Philz and TWRP recoveries must be available for it. I found something interesting on XDA that could help you unlock the bootloader and install a custom recovery (Philz touch or TWRP). Or, there could be separate guides for the same on YouTube as well.
(The guy mentions a third-party app just to boot into recovery at very end of the video. However, CM12.1 has an 'Advanced Reboot' option in developer options in the settings, that asks you whether you want to reboot normally, or into the recovery, or into the bootloader every time you choose to reboot. So a separate third party app isn't needed for such a basic functionality.)

And yeah, once the recovery is installed, the G3 is an amazing package to rock AOSP. It has a powerful Snapdragon chip that's popular with developers, on-screen buttons for the authentic 'stock' experience, and no stupid hardware like styluses or hardware buttons to get into the way. It'll be a completely different experience. Also, popular as the G3 is, it already has official Resurrection Remix Marshmallow up, as well as CM13 nightlies, but that's still in early development stage, and most probably not fully stable, so for a month or two at least, it's best to stick with 5.1.1 Lollipop.

It's good you have your son who knows around this stuff, with you. It's usually not a job for newbies to experiment with alone. I remember, the first time I had tried it on my tablet being bored of Touchwiz, I was stuck into recovery for almost two weeks! The reason? I was using an outdated version, not compatible with KitKat, and was getting a 'Status 7' error!
Anyways, any help or problems, feel free to drop a PM or reply here. Would be happy to try and help out.
In the meanwhile, here's a nice little mouth watering something:

And that's still just CM12.1. Resurrection Remix official is based on that itself, and gets better on multiple levels! Trust me, I've seen how awesome it gets. My Mom's phone runs the same ROM too.

PS: Do really use either Google Now launcher or Nova prime, especially the former, to take it a notch even higher, and eerily close to the Nexus experience. The stock Trebuchet launcher has a few neat tricks like hiding apps by default, but it looks quite plain and old, and the animations though customisable, aren't as snappy as that of Now launcher. Google Now launcher has the new vertical app drawer from Marshmallow, the neat Google Now homescreen on the left (the ONLY thing Nova prime doesn't have), and the best part, the "Okay Google" hotword enabled by default on homescreens.
Here's the XDA thread for the RR based 5.1.1. And it's completely stable too.

Last edited by mukul32 : 1st January 2016 at 01:52.
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Old 1st January 2016, 02:05   #22594
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Oops! That was the wrong link. That XDA thread is of the Korean version, which has a different model number. The download link for the latest 5.1.1 for the international device is here:
( Keep this ROM and the GApps zip files into the SD card while flashing and not in the internal storage. Also, do a full factory reset before flashing the recovery itself, to remove all the cached data and other files the system keeps creating with usage. The wipe option from the custom recovery only wipes the system storage, and not the internal storage of the device.

Last edited by mukul32 : 1st January 2016 at 02:11.
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Old 4th January 2016, 17:05   #22595
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post

I can vouch for moto x pure already running stock marshmallow. Stunning device. Excellent camera, SD card support, great battery and most importantly stock. Very clean and easy to use. Just gifted it to my dad and he is actually seeing huge difference from nexus 7 and note 2.
Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
Oh So Tempting!
I ordered a Moto X Play. Due Thursday.

I'm interested to get this in my hand: it has a bigger screen than the m4i, but, from my paper cut-out, the case size is not that much bigger. I guess its fatter. In a curvy sort of way. Hmmm, there should be a smiley for that!

Wife said, yes, fine to spend 20K. I wouldn't allow myself to go above that, at this time.

Last edited by Thad E Ginathom : 4th January 2016 at 17:07.
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Old 4th January 2016, 17:57   #22596
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Any Nexus 6P users on the forum ? I am looking to replace my dying Moto X 1st Gen and am leaning towards this after reading all the great reviews.
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Old 4th January 2016, 18:26   #22597
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Fantastic phone, the 6P. Has AMOLED, stereo speakers, fingerprint scanner, etc, and a top of the line camera. However, it is too huge even for a 5.7" device, (taller than even the whale Nexus 6!) and has USB-C, so you'll have to carry ONLY the supplied charger around. And NO fast charging even if you manage to find another separate USB-C cable. Also, for all the premiumness and feel in the hand, you will have to put on a case immediately to feel convenient and secure holding that giant slab of posh aluminum. However, the updates and custom developer support is unparalleled for the Nexus series. So if you are into modding and stuff, that's the best way to go.

The online reviews which are mostly American have their reasons to favour that device. Not that it is bad at all, in fact, all things considered it may be the best Android device at the moment. But the situation in the USA is a lot different from here. The non-expandable storage still works in the USA, where internet speeds are in a different league, and a lot of content is online and cloud based. And the price situation for the 6P also is much better over there. The 32 GB model costs $500, ie about 33k INR as compared to the 39k here, and the 128 GB one costs $650, ie 43k as compared to 48k here. And for the US prices, it is a complete winner. However here, things get a little harder with the current prices.

However, since you are coming from a Moto X, I'd still recxommend a Moto X Style to you. Has an equally sharp and in fact brighter screen (no AMOLED though, it's an IPS LCD), equally good performance, already rocks Marshmallow, has faster charging, around the same amazing battery life, a regular micro-USB charging slot, SD-card slot (unbeatable convenience), the cool Motorola software features which I need not tell you about, and better grip in the hand due to a textured back panel. It has proper metal bezels too, no cheap feel in the hand here. The updates though may be a couple of weeks slower (still faster than any other OEM), and much better video recording. No fingerprint scanner, but that is not exactly an essential at the moment. And it is approximately 9 grand cheaper than the 6P.

Here's a quote from VW2010:
I can vouch for moto x pure already running stock marshmallow. Stunning device. Excellent camera, SD card support, great battery and most importantly stock. Very clean and easy to use. Just gifted it to my dad and he is actually seeing huge difference from nexus 7 and note 2.

Last edited by mukul32 : 4th January 2016 at 18:45.
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Old 4th January 2016, 18:55   #22598
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post

I can vouch for moto x pure already running stock marshmallow. Stunning device. Excellent camera, SD card support, great battery and most importantly stock. Very clean and easy to use. Just gifted it to my dad and he is actually seeing huge difference from nexus 7 and note 2.
Yes, I returned from Gurgaon on December 3, and had got the update quite a few days earlier. I have a Style and love it. Only I am still to fully grow out of my htc Sense addiction!
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Old 4th January 2016, 23:44   #22599
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by fiat_tarun View Post
Any Nexus 6P users on the forum ? I am looking to replace my dying Moto X 1st Gen and am leaning towards this after reading all the great reviews.
The battery is outstanding. My friend used only 80% in 3.5 days despite decent family new year usage !
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Old 5th January 2016, 09:28   #22600
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by fiat_tarun View Post
Any Nexus 6P users on the forum ?
I have a nexus 6P 64GB version. It's a great phone & super smooth. Being a nexus, the developer support is great if you are into flashing new roms & stuff. I am currently on cataclysm rom.

On the negative side, it is a huge phone & slightly on the heavier side, although its quite thin.
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Old 5th January 2016, 09:54   #22601
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Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
The battery is outstanding. My friend used only 80% in 3.5 days despite decent family new year usage !
I too am a nexus 6P user and get outstanding battery support from the stock ROM. UI is super smooth and functional. It's a huge phone so do experience it before deciding.
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Old 5th January 2016, 10:20   #22602
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by mukul32 View Post
Fantastic phone, the 6P. Has AMOLED, stereo speakers, fingerprint scanner, etc, and a top of the line camera. However, it is too huge even for a 5.7" device, ....
Thanks a lot for your detailed reply. I kind of bit the bullet last night though and ordered the 6P for 37999 (2k off on FK). The choice was between the Nexus 5X, Moto X Style and the Nexus 6P.

The 5X was there only for its compact size, but I think the 32gb version is way overpriced and the plastic build put me off. The Moto X Style was a little too similar to my current Moto X and I probably wanted something a little different (not that I didn't like the Moto X experience - I loved it!) and the 6P being a Nexus with a full aluminium body, fingerprint scanner, better low light camera, etc. kinda swayed me . The only thing that was making me think was the size which I hope I can get used to quickly.

Thanks everyone else for your replies
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Old 5th January 2016, 10:25   #22603
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Got a Nexus 6P from Croma 2 days back. One of the best phones I have ever had. Love the metal finish, the fingerprint sensor and the front dual speakers. Amazing hardware Huwaei has provided.
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Old 5th January 2016, 12:34   #22604
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by kap04 View Post
Got a Nexus 6P from Croma 2 days back. One of the best phones I have ever had. Love the metal finish, the fingerprint sensor and the front dual speakers. Amazing hardware Huwaei has provided.
Congrats! Congrats to fiat_tarun as well. And so is it available from brick-and-mortar stores too? Oh! that's really interesting to hear. Am now tempted to head to the nearby Croma and get a nice hands-on with that one. Let's see how big is B-I-G and how posh is P-O-S-H.
And yeah I agree the hardware is absolutely amazing, but yet that thing is more about the software still. Wait and watch till the next Google I/O where Sundar Pichai announces Android N and the update turns up day 1 from release. You guys will have the widest smile in the town!

Last edited by mukul32 : 5th January 2016 at 12:39.
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Old 5th January 2016, 13:37   #22605
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Nexus 6P is a good phone but it is H-U-G-E. It is bigger than the Nexus 6 and comparable to the iphone 6S. Once I picked up both I knew, there was no way I could practically use them as my daily driver. It is super thin and metal, implying it is very easy to drop them (without a cover)
However, if people are okay with the size, I would totally recommend it.

I on the other hand bought a One Plus X. It's decent with typical Android quirks. Was tempted to go for the iphone 6s but lack of OIS and fast charging made it impossible for me to spend a good 64k on it.

The one problem that I immediately saw in OP X was the bluish white tinge? Any way to fix it. My eyes hurt if you are looking at Youtube. The blacks though are absolutely fabulous.

Another Question : Where can I get my screen replaced for Moto G2? Totoodo quoted me 4200.
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