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Old 16th June 2015, 07:45   #21466
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
Ha! Of course, it isn't doing it how..

She says, no rebooting doesn't seem to help much.
You need to look at it while things are slow. Various ways to do that, I like this nifty app:

Basically you have to find out which part of system is stressed (CPU, RAM, Disk or something else).
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Old 16th June 2015, 08:29   #21467
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Any hand holding guide on how to install english MiUi on Mi3

I have a chinese MiUi installed on my Mi3 and want to change that.
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Old 16th June 2015, 09:19   #21468
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by sudev View Post
Any hand holding guide on how to install english MiUi on Mi3

I have a chinese MiUi installed on my Mi3 and want to change that.
I generally visit the download site for any updates on the new version of MIUI and then install it manually.

Take a look here, might help you.
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Old 16th June 2015, 10:46   #21469
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Updated wifey's Motorola G2 to 5.0.2. Very slight lag observed in some places and not something that will annoy. I was worried as previous releases of lollipop have killed the phone, making it almost useless. Small changes in the interface will require getting used to. This phone continues to be the most value for money deal out there. If only they could bundle a better charger.
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Old 16th June 2015, 14:22   #21470
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

I spent a while updating a lot of apps on Wife's tablet yesterday. Many of them were Asus apps, and it makes me wonder if she clicked a "yes" to a system update, but left other apps behind.

I cleared the cache, as recommended, and gained quite a lot of space. I also moved some stuff to SD card. I disabled some unwanted apps, and will do more, but needed her to approve first. Even if one can't remove them, Asus allows us to disable a lot of google stuff, which is nice.

The main user of battery seems to be "messenger" which is, apparently a facebook app. I guess she uses it: I don't like opening other people's "personal" data (not even the wife! Actually, perhaps especially not the wife ) but it certainly looked full of messages. If it uses the most battery, I'd guess it is using a lot of other resources as well, and must, by its nature, be data-networking heavy.

It seemed cleaner and sleeker at the end of session. Waiting reports!

By the way, here's some Android curiosity: Mobile Standby is something that seems to use a lot of power. For a phone, I guess it is 100% necessary, but a tablet that one never uses as a phone? Is it possible to disable it? Or would that mess with the whole SIM stuff including mobile data?

(I remember some Windows component, that looked like it was just for dial-up modems or something, but if disabled, all the networking functions stopped. eek.)

For my m4i, I have settled down with overlaying Apex on top of MIUI. Small features like being able to lock the desktop, not to mention having an app drawer, make it a winner. Now that I have got over the clock-not-updating-display problem I am happy.

There are what look like fairly straightforward instructions for rooting. I'm plucking up the courage, but do not want to screw up my phone just before my trip.
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Old 23rd June 2015, 13:33   #21471
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Looks like the Mi 4i is available for simple add-to-cart purchase on Flipkart just now.

I don't know if the Exchange offers really work out, or if it is another of those "up to 99% off!" marketing things, but, as advertised, an exchange deal brings the price very low indeed.

My Mi 4i is now rooted as per these instructions (for rooting from a Linux PC), and I have settled on Apex Launcher.

I'm happy
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Old 23rd June 2015, 14:18   #21472
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
I don't know if the Exchange offers really work out, or if it is another of those "up to 99% off!" marketing things, but, as advertised, an exchange deal brings the price very low indeed.
It a daylight robbery out at Flipkart if one is exchanging phones.

A brand new Samsung S5 costs 25k, and the exchange price is just 5k. And that is the maximum discount one can get on a phone from the list of Samsung phones. Sell it individually or OLX can fetch a cool 15k atleast !!

Bottomline, never exchange anything online, unless it is a Nokia 1100 ancient age phone

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Old 23rd June 2015, 17:18   #21473
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Soumyajit9 View Post
It a daylight robbery out at Flipkart if one is exchanging phones.

A brand new Samsung S5 costs 25k, and the exchange price is just 5k. And that is the maximum discount one can get on a phone from the list of Samsung phones. Sell it individually or OLX can fetch a cool 15k atleast !!
It's all a marketing gimmick to create headlines of "upto 15,000" on exchange. In reality the values quoted for these phones are very low.

I mean who in their right minds would exchange an iPhone 6 Plus or an S6 Edge for 15,000.
There are a number of phones with absolutely hilarious values: HTC M9+ for 9,000, OnePlus One for 5,000
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Old 23rd June 2015, 17:28   #21474
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Thanks for that feedback. Somehow, I didn't think it would be a great deal. I didn't think of clicking on the panel. Guess what? My old phone is not even on the list.

Exchange offers can be just another name for combining a bit more discount, with saving the trouble of disposal. Thus, I was very happy to accept one for an old-but-working AC machine, plus, it was a lot more than our local engineer offered.
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Old 24th June 2015, 13:00   #21475
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

I have a query for all the Motorola Defy users with experience of custom ROMs.

Before my toddler breaks any of my family's phones completely, I have decided to give her my old Defy to play with but it is just too slow. It is running Cyanogen ROM, based on android 2.3.7, I believe (been a long time).

Please recommend a ROM which runs the quickest on this phone. The only app she is interested in is Youtube.
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Old 24th June 2015, 13:33   #21476
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by 5hadow View Post
I have a query for all the Motorola Defy users with experience of custom ROMs.

Before my toddler breaks any of my family's phones completely, I have decided to give her my old Defy to play with but it is just too slow. It is running Cyanogen ROM, based on android 2.3.7, I believe (been a long time).

Please recommend a ROM which runs the quickest on this phone. The only app she is interested in is Youtube.
Have you tried CM Kitkat ROM? Its good. Though I feel stock ROM is best suited to this wonderful phone because that runs smoothly on it. My experience is limited with a relative's MB525 on which I played with flashing few custom ROMs.
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Old 24th June 2015, 13:56   #21477
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

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I have a query for all the Motorola Defy users with experience of custom ROMs.

Before my toddler breaks any of my family's phones completely, I have decided to give her my old Defy to play with but it is just too slow. It is running Cyanogen ROM, based on android 2.3.7, I believe (been a long time).

Please recommend a ROM which runs the quickest on this phone. The only app she is interested in is Youtube.
I still have my Defy on a September 2014 nightly (4.4.4 I think).
There are lags all over, especially when I compare my Droid Maxx with it.

The bigger problem for me though is to get a decent battery (all ebay ones seem to be fake - twice bitten).
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Old 24th June 2015, 22:48   #21478
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@tbppjpr - Thanks, I too was thinking of going back to stock. Before that I thought why not ask the community if there is any custom ROM which does the basic stuff, fast.

I will wait for others to comment before I flash stock ROM.

@S_U_N - That is the issue I have, we have let our toddler play with all our phones and compared to that Defy is just a bullock cart. On top of that, everyone knows how long is the attention span/patience of a toddler. :P

As regards to the battery, I just got a new one for this same Defy 15 days ago from Nehru Place, Delhi. I was told it is original but I really dont care as long as it lasts me a year or so.
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Old 25th June 2015, 01:28   #21479
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

The Defy+ is a nice little phone, but I don't think it is going to ever be fast compared to more recent stuff.

Mine, which is being retired/passed-on, was running CM (it battery is dead just now: can't check what version). I would never ever have gone back to Motorola stock.
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Old 25th June 2015, 22:52   #21480
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
The Defy+ is a nice little phone.....
My experience with CM on Defy has been quite bad, so many FCs and more lag than stock.

Anyone else with wisdom to share?
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